
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Arnold Schwarzenegger Reveals How James Cameron Worked On Terminator 6 And The Avatar Sequels At Once

Arnold Schwarzenegger Reveals How James Cameron Worked On Terminator 6 And The Avatar Sequels At Once
Arnold Schwarzenegger in full Terminator mode

For the first time since 1991’s Terminator 2: Judgment Day, James Cameron will have a hands-on role in a new Terminator movie with November’s Terminator: Dark Fate, where he serves as producer and creative consultant. But James Cameron is a busy guy, and he is also still working on his long-awaited Avatar sequels. The Terminator himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger, explained how James Cameron worked on Terminator 6 and Avatar at once, saying:

It was a very interesting film to do with Tim, the dynamic, between him and with Jim Cameron producing. So Jim Cameron is right now directing Avatar films so he’s taken on this enormous challenge and he’s very busy with that BUT he’s a control freak and as you know, Terminator is kind of his baby so he does get involved in the filming so there were interesting discussions about which direction to go with a certain scene or how the dialogue should finish or what the certain look should be of an individual and all that stuff so there was a big collaboration between Jim and Tim Miller. I feel it was in good hands with both of them.

You often hear the names of big Hollywood directors attached to certain movies as producers, but that title doesn’t always mean that person had an active creative role with the film itself. That isn’t the case here. As Arnold Schwarzenegger told TheArnoldFans, James Cameron is a control freak, and the Terminator characters and story are ones he co-created and is attached to. So despite having a lot on his plate filming Avatar 2 and Avatar 3, he still made time for Terminator: Dark Fate.

He didn’t just give a couple of notes either; by the sound of it, James Cameron had an active enough role that Arnold Schwarzenegger actually took note of his influence and collaboration with director Tim Miller. The director and producer had a creative back and forth on this sixth Terminator film, with the franchise’s creator giving his input on its latest entry.

James Cameron discussed big picture stuff like the direction of a scene, down to specific bits of dialogue and the actual design and look of the characters. He and director Tim Miller had a collaborative relationship where they both worked together to form what this film will be and deliver the best possible product.

Arnold Schwarzenegger said that he felt the film was in good hands with Tim Miller and James Cameron, and that pairing is certainly encouraging. Tim Miller’s Deadpool was a smash hit, and the last time this franchise was exceptional (minus the brilliant and cancelled-too-soon Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles TV series, of course) was when James Cameron was last involved with Terminator 2: Judgment Day. He knows this world and these characters, and is two for two in delivering great movies in this universe, so his return is exciting.

How exactly James Cameron made time for his work on Terminator: Dark Fate, while also working on the Avatar sequels in terms of logistics is unclear. But somehow he was directing the Avatar sequels while being a producer on Dark Fate. Perhaps we can just chalk it up to efficiency, excellent time management and that James Cameron is James Cameron. Or some Terminator-esque time travel shenanigans.

The plot for Terminator: Dark Fate is still being kept under wraps, but it is expected to retcon some of the continuity and act as a continuation of the first two films. As such, it will see the return of Linda Hamilton's iconic Sarah Connor and, of course, Arnold Schwarzenegger's Terminator. The film also stars Mackenzie Davis, Natalia Reyes, Diego Boneta and Gabriel Luna.

Terminator: Dark Fate opens in theaters on November 1 and James Cameron’s Avatar 2 is set to hit theaters on December 18, 2020. Check out our 2019 release schedule to keep track of all the biggest movies fighting for your attention this year.

Why Airlines And Studios Should Allow First Run Movies On Flights

Why Airlines And Studios Should Allow First Run Movies On Flights
Captain Marvel in the airplane 2019

When it comes to flying, there can be a lot to complain about. Leg room is always an issue, the food is subpar at best, and somehow there's never enough room for luggage. For all the complaints one can find with flying on a commercial flight, however, the television and film selections are usually pretty solid. Most new Digital releases can be found on flights, and sometimes you don't always have to pay to see them!

As good as movie options on airlines typically are, they could always be better. In fact, it would really be the best if studios would collaborate with big companies to allow first run movies to play on flights. Like some in-flight services, it could be offered as a luxury to passengers for an added fee. It doesn't seem like it would be all that hard to implement and could be something that could be mutually beneficial to studios and airlines.

Why Is This A Good Idea?

For airlines, the pros behind providing first run films on flights is obvious. Movies may not be the deciding factor in someone's airline choice, although it's more than fair to say the right movie could potentially factor into choosing an airline. For example, if I were choosing a flight the Friday Avengers: Endgame opens and I saw one provider had it available on my flight, I'd likely choose them provided my flight was as long as its runtime. Plus, there's potential for happier customers who are watching first run movies instead of no movies or content they've already caught before.

Of course, there would probably be some on the flight who wouldn't care about the film or might choose a different flight if it were cheaper or had better times, for example. That's unfortunate, but not a deal breaker as airlines already have a system in place for those to pay for additional content. As long as the price for a film is left off of the plane ticket, folks shouldn't complain.

Of course, theater chains might be less pumped, as many are already scrambling to bring audiences back to movie theaters with various ideas. Giving airlines first run rights likely wouldn't sit well with some at first, especially those with theaters already in some airports. Granted, that's an experience only a select few airports offer worldwide, and it's more than fair to say this an arrangement shouldn't hurt the average theater's bottom line.

After all, it's not like someone is going to book a flight cross-country every time a movie they want to see premieres. Additionally, folks flying to and from locations probably aren't planning to go to a theater that day anyway, although I suppose an argument could be made this might inhibit an eventual trip to a theater. With that in mind, perhaps this is why this plan has not happened yet. But I say theater chains should really get involved!

How Theaters Should Get Involved

This is why it's a good thing theaters can get in on this action as well, and make the allure of watching first run movies on flights even more attractive. Sure a new movie on a flight is awesome, but imagine being able to watch the latest and greatest movies during those crushingly long layovers at airports? Suddenly, six hours sitting in a random terminal sounds a lot more bearable.

There are some logistical issues with this of course, seeing as people would be flying in and out of airports at varying times, and choosing any combination of movies to view. The bottom line is that simply building a movie theater to accommodate this experience is impractical, and would be the wrong way to approach this.

With that said, if a theater chain had a row of kiosks available to travelers getting off flights to resume their movie, that would be great. A kiosk prevents multiple people from crowding in (comfortably anyway) to piggy back on one purchased film, and would allow another person a reasonable amount of privacy to relax and enjoy the rest of their film and possibly another while waiting on a connection.

So How Would This Work? 

Presumably, a person's progress on a film would be linked to their plane ticket and could be scanned at a kiosk, or they could be given a QR code to photograph with their smartphone to pull the film back up at the airport. Either way, a method like this would be necessary, as buying the rights to view a film twice when the first viewing was interrupted would be something most consumers wouldn't tolerate.

Additionally, a way of tracking one's progress in a film and transferring it would be handy for those with connecting flights. Pausing a film and then being able to seamlessly resume it on the next flight would be remarkably simple, which quite frankly, would be a godsend considering how stressful making a connecting flight can be. Of course, there'd probably be instances where airlines wouldn't honor each others purchases, so this plan isn't full proof.

A third party were to do the legwork on making this a thing. That would at least encourage mass adoption across airlines, and resolve the headache of them having to directly interact with each other. It's a niche market, but surely there's enough demand for one company to do it well and usher in a brave new movie experience? I don't have a business degree, I just have ideas.

I also have a mild anxiety of flying that would be severely lessened by the fact I'd get a chance to see a new movie. As mentioned, the options on flights are sometimes pretty solid, so a move like this would merely be an upgrade to one of the nicest parts of a flying experience. That is, until VR on planes becomes a thing and I can simulate any other type of experience that isn't flying high in the sky.

Readers, would you pay the extra money on a flight for a first run film? Sound off in our poll, and hop down to the comments for any additional thoughts you may have. For more on things happening with theaters, check out one form of transportation that may be getting a unique viewing experience in the future.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Shazam! Star Zachary Levi Doesn’t Know What’s Next For The DC Hero

Shazam! Star Zachary Levi Doesn’t Know What’s Next For The DC Hero
Zachary Levi is Shazam

What the hell did you guys do to Shazam!? Despite David F. Sandberg turning in a winning origin story for the teenage DC hero, one that mixed humor and horror with the right dash of family heart, Shazam! stalled out at the box office with $137 million domestically. I think Avengers: Endgame earned that much in a single day last week.

Shazam! didn’t exactly catch fire with audiences, which explains why the movie’s star, Zachary Levi, is unsure about the fate of a possible sequel. During a fan panel at Fan Expo Dallas, Levi was asked about a next chapter for Shazam, and he told the audience (via

I see him wherever my bosses tell me to take him. That's above my pay grade, bro. Like, literally, I ... And I'm totally fine with that, too. You know, I'm still being introduced to the character that I played and to the world that he inhabits. You know, there are Geoff Johns and Walter Hamada, and all the people at DC, who are very smart and very talented. And they are putting together, I think, some very cool things and journeys for all of these characters, Shazam included, Captain Marvel included.

That sounds like a textbook answer when an actor is asked a question about a sequel that might be in doubt. Shazam! isn’t posting the types of numbers that guarantee a follow-up story. Sure, it’s going better overseas, posting a grand total of $358 million. But it’s the lowest grossing film in the DCEU to date, sitting far below the disaster that is Justice League, so that’s not a vote of confidence in a Shazam! sequel, no matter how good the reviews were.

Which is disappointing, because almost everything in the DCEU is getting a sequel at this point. Jason Momoa recently proclaimed that the story for Aquaman 2 is locked. We’re waiting patiently for Patty Jenkins and Gal Gadot to deliver Wonder Woman 1984. And James Gunn is about to deliver a second Suicide Squad.

There are even some very cool places that another Shazam! movie could go. The post-credits scene teased the arrival of Mister Mind and the Monster Society of Evil. And there have been plans to bring The Rock’s villain Black Adam into the fold for some time now. But if there isn’t a sequel, none of this will happen.

Maybe DC and Warner Bros. look at Shazam! as a successful soft launch for a character who didn’t exactly have household name recognition? The reviews were solid for the movie – it sits at 90% Fresh with critics on Rotten Tomatoes, with an 87% Fresh from audiences. And Levi largely got raves for his portrayal of the titular character.

We’ll see if a second Shazam! ever gets added to DC’s release slate, but for the time being, Levi himself seems to be in the dark. To stay up to date on all of the happenings in the DCEU, bookmark CinemaBlend’s DC Portal Page for this cinematic universe, and visit it often.

Yes, Disneyland Will Hand Out Bathroom Passes For People In Long Galaxy's Edge Lines

Yes, Disneyland Will Hand Out Bathroom Passes For People In Long Galaxy's Edge Lines
Star Wars Galaxy's Edge concept art

Disneyland is a place where we love in indulge ourselves. While buying food at Disneyland tends to get expensive, it's also incredibly good, and so whether you schedule reservations for dinner at the Napa Rose or just eat your weight in churros, food is as much a part of the Disneyland experience as anything. However, with Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge about to open, and insane lines expected from day one, guests might have been afraid to drink gallons of blue milk, so as not to have to worry about bathroom runs while standing in line for Millennium Falcon: Smuggler's Run. However, you won't need to choose because Disneyland will be providing bathroom passes for those in line at the new land.

It's also all the more important as Disneyland will apparently make snacks and drinks available for purchase to people standing in line. The queues for both new E-ticket attractions will also be designed with interesting things for guests to look at and interact with to keep guests' attention as a way to make the prolonged waits a little easier to deal with. Although, Disney has yet to reveal much about exactly what the queues will include. A collection of app based games that are only available while inside Galaxy's Edge will also be playable for guests to keep them busy while in line.

In actuality, according to People, hopping out of line to use the bathroom has always been an option at Disney Parks, though it's not something that the parks have made much a point to publicize. Still, it's good to know for sure that the option will be available when Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge opens, as it's likely to be even more important. Galaxy's Edge will be the first place the public can purchase alcohol at Disneyland, so the restrooms will probably be getting more a workout than ever before.

Star Wars; Galaxy's Edge is set to open at Disneyland in less than two months. The crowds might not be quite as insane on opening day as anticipated, because for the first three weeks after opening the land will require reservations to enter. Still, one certainly expects that nearly everybody who can get into the land will be making their way to the Millennium Falcon attraction first. The Rise of the Resistance attraction won't be available on opening day, which means the crowds won't even be broken up between the two attractions and the line for Smuggler's Run will be even longer than expected until the second attraction opens. That will happen later this year, though an exact date is unknown.

So the good news is you can drink as much blue or green milk as you want an you won't need to worry about losing your place in line. Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge opens at Disneyland May 31  and at Disney's Hollywood Studios at Walt Disney World August 29.

Pet Sematary’s Director Says The Cats Were A ‘Pack Of Divas’

Pet Sematary’s Director Says The Cats Were A ‘Pack Of Divas’
Pet Sematary cat Church

There's an old adage in Hollywood that you should never work with kids or animals. However, sometimes that's simply unavoidable. If you're making a movie called Pet Sematary, you're going to have an awfully hard time making it work without including a few pets. In the story, a cat called Church has a major role, and in the new remake of the Stephen King story, it turns out that, shockingly, the eight cats that were needed to fill the role were something of a pain to work with. Different cats were needed depending on exactly what director Dennis Widmyer needed the cat to do, and every time, the cat needed to go through its "process" before performing like it was some kind of diva. According to Widmyer...

But these cats, they were able to train them and every cat had a different specialty. There was the cat that could hiss, the cat that could jump, the cat that could stare… They were like this pack of divas on set. You know, the cat would get on set and have to get acclimated, so all the actors would have to shut up and just kind of let the cat sniff everything for like ten minutes. So, we just sat there, and watched the cat.

Cats are not exactly known for their ability to be trained, and if you've ever owned one, you probably know exactly what that's like. It turns out that it is possible to train a cat, though apparently you can't train them to do more than one thing. Pet Sematary had to find eight identical cats in order to get Church to do everything he needed to do in the movie.

However, just because these cats were trained, doesn't mean they weren't normal cats. Put a cat in a new environment and they're going to explore, sniff, and rub up against anything it can get near. This is especially true if it's a place where other cats have been. One can imagine the crew bringing in one cat for a scene, waiting for it to rub up against every piece of furniture, filming the shot, then switching cats because another ability is needed, and the entire process repeats itself.

Of course, while it can be incredibly frustrating to put up with "diva" behavior from people, for some reason most of us are perfectly ok with it coming from our pets. As Dennis Widmyer describes this behavior to EW, none of this was beyond what all of us who have cats deal with on a daily basis. Most of us get to just ignore them. When you need them to stop marking the sofa and get on their mark, I suppose that can be a lot more annoying.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

John Wick 3: Is There More To That Ending Twist Than Meets The Eye?

John Wick 3: Is There More To That Ending Twist Than Meets The Eye?
Keanu Reeves in John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum

It goes without saying, but there are SPOILERS for John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum ahead!

Following immediately after the events of John Wick: Chapter 2, John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum saw Keanu Reeves’ character without access to nearly all of his underworld resources and on the run from assassins after the $14 million bounty on his head. John had few opportunities to catch his breath during the movie, and as per usual, whether he was in New York or Morocco, he left a trail of bodies in his wake. He even chopped off his ring finger to prove his commitment to The Elder, although that didn’t last long.

But arguably the biggest shock in John Wick: Chapter 3 was after the shootout at the New York Continental had concluded and manager Winston, played by Ian McShane, offered penance to The High Table. In order to stay in the organization’s good graces, Winston shot John until he fell off the roof of The Continental. Luckily for John, he was retrieved by The Tick Tock Man and delivered to The Bowery King underground, and both of them are pretty “pissed off” at The High Table now.

This laid the groundwork for what’s to come in 2021’s John Wick: Chapter 4, but one thing isn’t fully resolved when John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum ends is Winston’s true allegiances. Did he really screw over John or did he merely pretend to in order to secure John’s safety? That’s what we’re here to hash out.

Did Winston Truly Betray John Wick?

The world of John Wick is a dangerous place, and only the toughest and most ruthless end up on top. Clearly Winston fits that criteria and has done well for himself if he’s mangling the New York branch of The Continental.

It’s highly unlikely that The High Table would give that job to just anyone, and Winston mentions he’s been of loyal service for over 40 years. Clearly looking after this “kingdom,” as he refers to it to Santino D’Antonio in John Wick: Chapter 2, means a lot to him.

Winston has been John Wick’s most frequent ally since the first movie, whether it’s by offering simple guidance, passing along important information or even labeling John as excommunicado rather than having him executed. However, regarding that latter one and the following battle at the Continental, Winston declared that this had all been a show of strength, indicating that he wasn’t so much interested in helping John, but wanted to show The High Table he’s still not to be trifled with.

Even if Winston is more fond of John Wick than most people in this colorful underworld, he might not be willing to risk this friendship if it means losing The Continental. So when it came down to choosing one or the other, he chose keeping control of his hotel, and that meant John had to go. And even though Winston, Charon and The Adjudicator know that John’s body is now gone, with The High Table backing him, Winston should have plenty of backup if/when John comes back to his doorstep.

Now for the alternative theory.

Did Winston Actually Help John Wick?

We’ve already been over how Winston is fond of John Wick, so there’s no need to explore that again as evidence that he didn’t truly want John to die. Fortunately, there are a few other tidbits of information that support this idea.

For one thing, Winston could easily eliminated John by shooting him in the head, but instead he shot him several times where he was protected by his bulletproof suit. Of course, then John fell off a building, and in the real world, all that would result in immediate death. But this is John Wick we’re talking about; the man can survive anything that would put any mere mortal down for good.

Let’s also not forget that after John Wick fell off the roof, Charon looked down and uttered “Well played.” He could be referring to how Winston suddenly betrayed John to cover his ass, or he might have been referring to how Winston cleverly (and violently) got John out of that messiness.

Plus, when The Adjudicator came back into The Continental to inform Winston that John’s body was missing, Winston was remarkably unfazed. With how well he knows John, if Winston had truly betrayed John, you’d think he’d at least a little visibly worried about him showing back up to exact vengeance.

Finally, one of the first official John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum pictures that was released showed Winston and The Bowery King together atop the latter’s roof, as seen above. Those two never shared screen time in the movie, so clearly this was part of a cut scene.

Considering that both Winston and The Bowery King were both being targeted by The High Table for helping John in Chapter 2, it’s plausible that before Bowery King was cut up, he and Winston met and formulated a plan to get John out of trouble when the time came that The High Table wanted him gone once and for all, hence why Tick Tock Man was on site to retrieve John after he fell of the building.

The Verdict

The ending of John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum is reminiscent of the Thor: Ragnarok scene when Loki passes by the Tesseract in the Asgardian vault on his way to retrieve the Crown of Surtur. We didn’t see the God of Mischief take the cube-encased Space Stone, but we logically assumed that he did, and sure enough, it was confirmed at the beginning of Avengers: Infinity War he had snatched it. I suspect we’re dealing with a similar situation regarding Winston and what he did to John.

Going off the evidence available so far, it appears more likely that Winston was trying to help John rather than betray him, but because they were being closely watched, he couldn’t clue John in on what was going to happen. As things stand now, John is under the impression that Winston is no longer on his side, and since he’s pretty angry, you can easily imagine him coming for Winston’s head when the opportunity arises.

Given The Bowery King’s his flair for theatricality, you can bet this is a man who thrives on drama. But hopefully, if Bowery King and Winston are in cahoots, he’ll table that love and form John about this secret alliance as soon as possible.

That said, even though Winston has, at least on the surface, buried the hatchet with The High Table, you can bet those crime lords will still be watching him closely. So when the time comes that John, Bowery King and their allies finally wage open war against The High Table, it’ll be incredibly difficult, if not just impossible, for Winston to assist them.

It’s also worth mentioning that whether Winston really screwed over John or not, it might not matter either way. At the end of John Wick: Chapter 2, Winston gave John a marker for “down the road,” and along with not conducting business on Continental grounds (unless it’s been deconsecrated), the other main rule among these criminals is that a Marker must always be honored.

Winston may find himself in a position in Chapter 4 where he and John are face to face with each other again, and John gives the Marker back to him, meaning that no matter what, Winston will have to go along with whatever John asks of him or face the consequences. Fortunately, if Winston is still on John’s side, he’ll almost certainly be willing to fulfill this request purely out of respect.

We’ll find out for sure what’s going on when John Wick: Chapter 4 is released in theaters on May 21, 2021. For now, find out what’s arriving in theaters later this year with our 2019 release schedule.

Aquaman 2: What We Know So Far

Aquaman 2: What We Know So Far
Aquaman in his costume in Aquaman 2018 Jason Momoa

In 2018, James Wan’s Aquaman became a remarkably surprising smash hit. Nobody really knew what to expect from it for multiple reasons, given that it was following the disappointing release of Justice League; centered on a character who had never had his own live-action solo movie; and was facing stiff competition at the box office in the form of Mary Poppins Returns, Bumblebee, and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. To everyone’s shock, however, the film not only became a billion dollar hit, but now stands as the biggest worldwide earner in the history of DC Comics adaptations.

Naturally, the excitement that the project generated immediately led Warner Bros. to solidify a future for the franchise, and within a few weeks of Aquaman’s release we learned about their plans to develop an Aquaman 2. But what will the project be about? Who will be making it? When will we actually get to see it? These are all major questions that we’re here to discuss.

In this latest edition of our What We Know So Far guides, we’re going to break down all of the information that’s currently available about Aquaman 2, and provide you with all of the most recent news that we’ve heard about the project. So, without further ado, let’s dive in!

What Is The Aquaman 2 Release Date?

It’s typical for Hollywood studios to try and produce sequels as quickly as they possibly can. After all, they don’t want to let the heat of a burgeoning franchise die down, and the more time that passes means there’s more opportunities for audiences to be distracted by other big properties. That being said, Aquaman 2 is taking an extra minute to find its way to theaters, as Warner Bros. has announced that the blockbuster follow-up is currently scheduled to be released on December 22, 2022.

So, why is Aquaman 2 coming out about four years after its predecessor? For starters, producer Peter Safran has noted that the filmmakers behind the movie don’t feel the need to rush the project, believing that giving the sequel the most development time possible will ultimately be beneficial for the final product. But that’s not the only reason. Not only is the film going to need some legitimate time to actually get made from a logistics standpoint (it’s not super easy creating those underwater environments), but there are also many other DC Extended Universe titles in the works that the studio is developing between now and December 2022.

Arguably, the biggest of these is Wonder Woman 1984, which will be coming out in summer 2020, but they are also in the midst of making Cathy Yan’s Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn), Matt Reeves’ The Batman, and James Gunn’s Suicide Squad 2. All of those blockbusters are set to come out between now and December 2022, and will deserve their own special attention from WB.

What Is The Aquaman 2 Rating?

The world of comic book movies has changed a great deal over the years. For the longest time, the concept of an R-rated superhero blockbuster seemed absolutely insane, as just by the nature of the rating a project would presumably be dismissing what was seen as a massively important demographic: teenagers. Then Tim Miller’s Deadpool came along and completely shattered that notion forever by making nearly $800 million worldwide. After that, the entire concept became much more acceptable, and we have seen multiple examples since.

That being said, audiences shouldn’t expect Aquaman 2 to receive any rating other than a PG-13 when it finally hits theaters.

Admittedly, final decisions in this arena aren’t typically made until the film is near completion and the MPAA gets a look at the product that’s heading to theaters, but it’s basically impossible to believe at this point that Aquaman 2 will be made with anything other than a PG-13 rating in mind. After all, it’s not really a character who is known for R-rated behavior in the comics, and the first movie functioned perfectly fine without any kind of extreme violence, overt sexuality, or adult language. So while there isn’t really any kind of official word available in this arena, it’s still pretty obvious what direction the project will go in.

Who Is Writing And Directing Aquaman 2?

Since breaking out in 2004, director James Wan has become one of the industry’s most significant franchise masterminds. After all, his career not only started with the launching of the Saw movies, but since then he has also brought to life the terror featured in the worlds of Insidious and The Conjuring (not to mention the fact that he also directed Furious 7). The filmmaker is no stranger to sequels at this point, and is definitely going to be involved with Aquaman 2 as a producer at the very least, but what’s not 100% clear yet is if he’s also going to be working on the film as a director.

While James Wan may be great at starting new series, he typically doesn’t stick around for too long in the director’s chair, as he’s only actually helmed two direct sequels to his movies: Insidious: Chapter 2 and The Conjuring 2. To his credit, he seems to prefer creating new worlds over repeatedly revisiting them. That being said, the idea of him directing Aquaman 2 isn’t off the table yet, and one can imagine that Warner Bros. is doing everything in their power to bring him back.

We’re still waiting for final decisions on the director front, but at the very least Aquaman 2 does have a writer set who's working on the script. David Leslie Johnson-McGoldrick, who was a co-writer on the first Aquaman, has been hired to pen the script for the sequel. The filmmaker has a bit of sequel experience on his resume already, having written Wrath Of The Titans, The Conjuring 2, and the upcoming The Conjuring 3, and it seems that Warner Bros. trusts him with the responsibility of structuring a proper follow-up to the biggest DC Comics adaptation ever.

Arthur Curry a.k.a. Aquaman

Jason Momoa has had many ups and downs over the course of his career – from playing Khal Drogo on Game of Thrones to his disastrous Conan The Barbarian remake – but now he’s found some real stability courtesy of the DC Extended Universe. He first won a lot of people over with his charismatic turn as Arthur Curry a.k.a. Aquaman in Justice League, but the solo movie was really his show, and now the actor is a bona fide blockbuster star.

Aquaman, of course, went through some major changes in the 2018 movie, and it will be fascinating to see how he develops as a character through the events that play out in Aquaman 2. Initially the guy was seriously rough around the edges, being a part of two very different worlds, but belonging to neither of them, but he became a very different hero by the end of the debut solo movie.

Not only did he finally begin understanding his place in the world, but he also found himself declared as the king of the seven underwater kingdoms – including Atlantis. But what kind of ruler will he actually be? Will he have what it takes to make the hard decisions that are required in the job? Will he be able to forge peace during threats of war? These are all big, lingering questions that will surely be addressed in the upcoming follow-up.


One could make a very strong argument that Arthur Curry would never have been able to ascend to the throne of Atlantis without the assistance of Mera in Aquaman, as she was there to support him every step of the way. She was the one who first got him involved in the fight against Orm in order to save the world; she saved his life multiple times; and all throughout the story provided crucial information that allowed Arthur to find the Trident of Neptune and solidify his claim. She was absolutely vital to the events of the blockbuster, and one can imagine that won’t change in the slightest when it comes to the sequel.

While there hasn’t been official word just yet, Amber Heard is expected to reprise her role as Mera in Aquaman 2, presumably working closely with the new king of Atlantis and making sure that he makes not only the right calls, but operates as a just and righteous leader. Exactly what her story will entail beyond the relationship is currently a mystery, but, hopefully, we’ll get more information on that front as more details come out about the development of the project.

Black Manta

One of the biggest question marks going into the making of the first Aquaman was in regard to how the film would treat one of the heroes’ most iconic villains: Black Manta. After all, while comic book fans have loved the look of the undersea antagonist for decades, it was unknown if the character would actually properly translate to the big screen (particularly his large, wide helmet). As it turned out, however, Black Manta, as played by the awesome Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, was one of the best parts of James Wan’s 2018 blockbuster. And, while his role was ultimately fairly limited in terms of screen time, that should change a lot in the upcoming Aquaman 2.

Obviously the first movie was primarily dedicated to establishing the “origin story” of its titular superhero, but fans also got to see how Black Manta became Black Manta in the DC Extended Universe. Initially we meet him as a mercenary pirate pulling jobs with his father (Michael Beach), but he sees his life get turned upside down during a job gone wrong. Aquaman not only manages to stop a hijacking mission that he’s on, but also watches his dad die as the Atlantian refuses to help him. He swears vengeance against Arthur Curry, and we expect to see a lot more of that vendetta in Aquaman 2, especially because he’s getting help from a key ally…

Dr. Stephen Shin

Only being added to the film during reshoots, Randall Park’s Dr. Stephen Shin didn’t exactly have an extensive role in the first Aquaman, but he definitely made an impression – living up to the expectations of his comic book counterpart. Dr. Shin is a scientist who is obsessed with the existence of Atlantis, and while he has a tremendously hard time convincing anybody that he is right, he also never wavers in his commitment to his theory. Unfortunately, his passion may take him to some pretty dark places in Aquaman 2, as he will, apparently, be teaming up with Black Manta as part of the movie’s plot.

We know about this team-up courtesy of the end credits scene in Aquaman, which primarily centered on Dr. Shin and Black Manta. Beginning in the follow-up to the battle in Sicily, Italy, Shin rescues the laser-shooting antagonist as he is injured and floating in the ocean, and brings him back to his private lab. After healing Manta, Shin proffers a deal: if the former promises to help prove the existence of Atlantis, the latter will do what he can to support the mission of vengeance against Aquaman.


Played by Willem Dafoe, Vulko was introduced to audiences as one of the most influential people in the life of Arthur Curry, as he was the one who taught the future Aquaman about Atlantis when he was a kid, and even went as far as to actually train him to use his abilities. They were estranged for many years afterward, but through all that time Vulko remained loyal to the heir to the throne, and even when it potentially would cost him everything, he did what he could to support Arthur through the events of Aquaman.

It’s not currently known if Willem Dafoe will return to reprise his role as Vulko in Aquaman 2, but it’s probably a safe bet. After all, he not only survived the events of the 2018 blockbuster, but he will also likely be a key advisor to Arthur as he tries to figure out what kind of king he is going to be. Hopefully we’ll get more specifics as we get closer to the film getting made.


James Wan and Patrick Wilson clearly enjoy working together, as Aquaman was actually their fifth collaboration as director and actor – with the star playing the movie’s principal antagonist, Orm. It was perhaps because of this relationship that the blockbuster made the decision to not kill off the former king of Atlantis, also known as Ocean Master, and instead have him imprisoned for his actions. Obviously this means that he’s still alive in the DC Extended Universe, and could potentially be back for Aquaman 2, but exactly what his role would be is unclear at this point.

Based on the information mentioned above, it definitely seems like Black Manta and Dr. Stephen Shin are being set up as the primary villains in the sequel, but that doesn’t mean that Orm won’t have some kind of role to play in the action. Patrick Wilson has gone on the record saying that he doesn’t expect that he will be the big bad of Aquaman 2, but also noted that he’d be happy to reprise the role should James Wan make the request. We’ll just have to wait and see as more information about the blockbuster comes to light.

We’ll keep updating this feature as we get closer and closer to Aquaman 2, so be sure to occasionally come back, and stay tuned for all of the latest updates about the production here on CinemaBlend!


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