
Saturday, October 3, 2020

Edward Norton Is Suing Over Movie Set Fire That Killed A Firefighter

Edward Norton Is Suing Over Movie Set Fire That Killed A Firefighter
Collateral Beauty Edward Norton looking glum

Around this time last year, filming on writer/director/actor Edward Norton’s film Motherless Brooklyn suffered an accidental fire, which claimed the life of New York firefighter Michael Davidson as he responded to the scene. Up until now, the legal ramifications of this fatality had been filed against Norton and his Class 5 production company, but a recent update has shown that Edward Norton is now filing a suit of his own.

In this latest turn of events, a lawsuit against the owner of the building Motherless Brooklyn was filming in, Vincent Sollazzo, claims that he is at fault for the fatal incident which occurred last March. Specifically, the suit alleges the following points of supposed negligence:

…failing to maintain the building’s boiler, maintain an operational sprinkler system, install or maintain smoke detectors or carbon monoxide detectors and address exposed wiring and other electrical hazards.

Class 5’s lawsuit also claims that the production company, and Edward Norton, had followed all protocols involving fire safety, throughout the production of Motherless Brooklyn. It was also inferred that Norton and his crew had the proper permits from the FDNY, and were not warned of any “unsafe or problematic” conditions at their shooting site.

The Blast has been a frequent source for reporting such developments during the production of Motherless Brooklyn, with the story becoming more complicated and saddening with each turn. Previously, the publication had reported on several additional lawsuits against Edward Norton’s Class 5 production company, with the most recent being filed earlier this month from a pair of tenants who literally claimed that this tragic incident ruined their lives.

Two additional suits were also reported from last year, as one was from tenants of the apartment building that claimed the company had informed them erroneously that the blaze was extinguished. The other was from Michael Davidson’s widow, who claimed that Class 5 actually removed fire prevention systems from the building.

This is the latest obstacle that’s befallen Motherless Brooklyn, as it’s a project that’s already taken over a decade to get into production. A project very near and dear to Norton, the film is an adaptation of the novel of the same name by author Jonathan Lethem, which tells the story of a man with Tourette’s Syndrome trying to solve the murder of a local mobster.

It’s up to the law to determine whether the loss of life on Motherless Brooklyn is a case of gross negligence on any person’s part, or if this was merely an accident that took the life of a brave firefighter answering the call of service. However this ends up, at the very least, we should hope that the victims of this event can find peace and that measures are taken to make sure that accidents such as these happen less frequently during any future film productions.

Motherless Brooklyn has been set for a November 1 release date, but should that change for any reason we’ll provide the updated information as it breaks.

Even Disneyland Cast Members Will Have Trouble Getting Into Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge When It Opens

Even Disneyland Cast Members Will Have Trouble Getting Into Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge When It Opens
Star Wars Galaxy's Edge crowd around Millennium Falcon

Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge is going to be the hottest ticket Disneyland has ever seen when it opens next month. Simply getting into the land is going to require guests make a reservation for the first three weeks. Those who book rooms at Disneyland Resort hotels during the reservation period will receive a reservation automatically.

Once that period is over things may get even more crowded as everybody in the park tries to make their way to Black Spire Outpost. Normally, being an employee has its privileges, but it appears that being a Disneyland cast member won't help you get onto Batuu, as cast member passes are apparently blacked out for most or all of this summer at least.

Normally, when a Disneyland cast member isn't working, they can enter the park almost at their leisure, and they can even bring a limited number of friends with them, by simply requesting a pass. However, as Disney theme park YouTuber Disney Dan revealed yesterday, if a Disney cast member attempts to request a pass right now, they are subject to serious blackout restrictions. Every date between May 16 (according to ThrillGeek) and August 31 is currently blacked out. That's as far out as the calendar currently runs, so the daily blackout may run even longer.

Star Wars; Galaxy's Edge is set to open at Disneyland on May 31 so the blackout begins two weeks prior to opening and runs through at least the next three months. If an employee at Disneyland wants to try and get into Galaxy's Edge any sooner, they'll have to buy a ticket like everybody else, though they will have normal access to the Disneyland Resort's other park, Disney California Adventure.

Disneyland is doing everything that it can to manage the massive crowds that are expected to swarm the Disneyland Resort when Galaxy's Edge opens. Early estimates were that the resort could see 150,000-200,000 people on opening day, far more than the park can actually hold. With the announcement of the reservation system those numbers will likely be greatly reduced, but obviously, Disney Parks want to get as many paying guests into the park as possible, which means the cast members that don't need to buy tickets will have to wait until things die down.

One assumes that similar restrictions will impact cast members looking to get into Disney's Hollywood Studios starting in August, when that resort's version of Galaxy's Edge opens. Although, the fact that it will opening near the end of the busy summer season might mean the restrictions won't last quite as long. That park will not be subject to the early reservation system that Disneyland is seeing.

The good news is that Disneyland cast members won't be left entirely out in the cold. They were recently informed that there will be a special cast member-only event at Galaxy's Edge before the new land opens to the public. This is nice to hear. It's one thing to be a regular guest and have to put off making a trip because the crowds will just be too much. It's another thing to have to work right next to the place every day and not be able to see what's there.

Avengers: Endgame’s Pre-Sales Are Breaking Records

Avengers: Endgame’s Pre-Sales Are Breaking Records
Avengers: Endgame poster

Tickets for Avengers: Endgame only went on sale this morning, but this is one of the most anticipated movies in years. You can be sure that means that a lot of people jumped online immediately to make sure they had their tickets for opening night. Atom Tickets says that the first hour of ticket sales for Endgame is the biggest single hour the site has ever seen, selling three times more tickets in that time than Avengers: Infinity War did last year.

In addition, Fandango is reporting that Avengers:Endgame has already set the record for most ticket pre-sales in a single day, a feat which it accomplished in only six hours. It took the top spot away from previous record holder, Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

While breaking the record for the first hour might not seem like a lot, it shows just how many people aren't simply planning on being there when Endgame opens, but want to make absolutely sure they are. There are going to be so many screenings of the movie at so many theaters that getting a ticket to the movie isn't going to be a problem, but if you want to be sure you're at a particular showing at a particular theater, or that you get the best seat, assuming you're looking at a reserved seat theater, then you're not going to wait around.

The new record is that much more impressive when you take into consideration a couple of factors. Tickets went on sale so early in the morning that a decent part of the west coast was probably still asleep, or at least not at their computers, meaning that the massive increase in sales came largely from only certain areas. Those on the west coast almost certainly jumped on buying tickets as soon as they realized they were available, but they likely missed the record setting first hour.

On top of that, several of the ticket purchasing websites had, and even now are still having, some significant issues due to the influx of people trying to buy tickets all at the same time. Ticket sales likely would have been even greater if everybody who wanted to buy tickets had been able to do so more easily. That's one area where the west coast likely benefited, since they weren't necessarily trying to buy when the rest of the country was.

If these pre-sale numbers are predictive of the film's overall success, and they likely are, then we could be getting ready for one of the biggest opening weekends in movie history. The entire Marvel Cinematic Universe has been building up to Avengers: Endgame and that means even if you haven't been there opening night for every entry, you'll want to be there for this one to see how it ends.

Avengers: Infinity War made over $2 billion around the world already, just how much better could Endgame actually do? Only three films have ever done better at the box office (in non-inflation adjusted dollars). Overcoming Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Titanic seems quite possible, but if the movie that's currently tracking three times better than Infinity War can do even 30% more total business, it could become the highest grossing movie ever made.

Why James Gunn's Rehiring Is A Truly Great Thing For Comic Book Movies

Why James Gunn's Rehiring Is A Truly Great Thing For Comic Book Movies
James Gunn and Michael Rooker on the set of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

In the last year, few stories rocked the superhero movie world harder than the firing of Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 writer/director James Gunn. It was revealed that the filmmaker had posted some extremely inappropriate jokes on social media earlier in his career, and given how they clashed with the larger reputation of the Walt Disney Company it was decided by the studio to let Gunn go.

It was a situation where the consequences for the industry were immediately understood – and they were bad. For starters there was the fact that the move would certainly delay Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, which was a big deal just because it disrupted the tightly organized release schedule for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and therefore put the whole thing in flux. The worse side, however, was the stain that was left on Marvel Studios’ reputation when it came to filmmaker relationships. Not only was it instantly clear how challenging it would be to replace Gunn on the space opera sequel, but it created a question of whether or not Marvel really had the backs of the writers and directors it employed.

Those were talking points that lasted for months, but disappeared in a puff of smoke late last week when it was revealed that the whole ordeal had been resolved, and that James Gunn would be returning to make Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3. This was news rightly met with wide-spread celebration, primarily because the filmmaker will have the opportunity to complete his vision for the blockbuster trilogy – but the positives actually go far beyond that. Because of extenuating circumstances in the matter, including other projects that are currently in the works, the move is actually far more significant for the world of superhero movies than it appears on the surface, and it could lead to a tremendously bright future.

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 Gets Made As It Was Intended

To start with the obvious, there is the fact that James Gunn’s rehiring turns Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 back into a viable project. While it’s true that Gunn’s influence on the film was always going to be present, as firm plans were made to continue using the script he wrote, that was never going to be enough. Not only did the cast write and sign an open letter requesting the writer/director’s return, but it was made very clear that many filmmakers were not going to “cross the picket line” by taking the job (with individuals like Edgar Wright, Chris Miller, and Taika Waititi all publicly expressing their support of Gunn). While not technically impossible, movies generally don’t get made without having directors attached, and it was clear that finding a replacement was going to be a herculean task.

Now, of course, that entire situation is resolved. Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 clearly won’t happen on its original schedule (it was initially set up as a 2020 release), but it will still be a tentpole release put out as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Phase Four plans. Twenty years from now we won’t look back on the film primarily because of all the behind-the-scenes issues, but instead see it as one of the surprisingly rare cases of a filmmaker getting to orchestrate an entire comic book movie trilogy. In one swift move, the ultimate legacy of the film changed (assuming everything goes swimmingly from here on out, of course).

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 isn’t the only project directly affected by these developments, however, as James Gunn chose to keep busy during his months away from Marvel. But that just adds to the positives here…

James Gunn Still Gets To Make His Vision Of The Suicide Squad

After losing his job, James Gunn opted not to stay unemployed very long, and that brought him across town to what many recognize as Marvel’s biggest competitor: Warner Bros.’ DC Extended Universe. In October 2018 it was revealed that Gunn had entered talks with the studio to help them make The Suicide Squad, to which he was originally attached only as a writer, before taking the director gig as well a few months later. It was actually a major coup for Warners, as they had successfully lured one of Marvel’s most popular writer/directors to their fold, and what makes the situation even greater is that the deal seems to be totally unaffected by the most recent Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 news.

Despite the fact that James Gunn is now back working as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, his deal to make The Suicide Squad is still intact, and plans are moving forward to have the blockbuster in theaters August 6, 2021. And this is a wonderful thing. Weird as it is, Gunn has been talking about making this kind of comic book film for years, and it’s a project that is right up his alley when you consider his sensibilities (as seen in movies like Super and Slither). It should obviously be very different than Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3, but that by itself is actually part of what makes its development so exciting.

While he’s written and produced other material in the time since he’s been working with Marvel, James Gunn has been mostly living and breathing Guardians of the Galaxy for the majority of the last six years, and part of what makes The Suicide Squad so exciting is the way in which it will allow the writer/director to really stretch his muscles in other arenas. Characters like Harley Quinn and Deadshot are quite different than the likes of Star-Lord and Drax, and orchestrating their crazy/criminal behavior while executing deadly black ops missions for the government could be a perfect creative outlet for him that also happens to give him a bit of distance and perspective on his Marvel work. So not only might we get Gunn’s unique vision of what a Suicide Squad movie could be, but making it before the trilogy capper could lead the latter film to be that much better.

We’re now getting two potentially awesome blockbusters instead of just one, and that by itself is an exciting prospect. But also not to be ignored is the way that it can influence the competition between the two biggest comic book movie brands in the world.

The Marvel Vs. DC Divide Can Mend A Bit

The rivalry that perpetuates between Marvel and DC has been around basically as long as the two companies have both existed – notably not only affecting things behind the scenes from a creative perspective, but also regularly inflaming their respective devoted fan bases. This, naturally, has very much continued into the big screen age, as aficionados can debate for hours the superiority of the Captain America trilogy over Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight movies, and vice versa. Logic would dictate that comic book fans should equally enjoy both brands and the different storytelling they are delivering (and, like myself, many do), but still it stands as a famed pop culture point of contention.

Nothing will ever stop individuals comparing and debating the merits of the Marvel Cinematic Universe versus the DC Extended Universe, but the current situation with James Gunn weirdly offers a situation that fans have never experienced before – and it could wind up having some fascinating results. It’s a bit more long term, but there is some excellent potential that exists behind the idea of fans uniting behind the work of a filmmaker who can make positive contributions to both franchises (especially if The Suicide Squad and Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 are as different films as we expect them to be). People will always have preferences, but it’s nice to think of the peace that could come from movie-goers everywhere uniting in support of Gunn’s talents.

It should be recognized that this isn’t the first time in recent history that a Marvel filmmaker has worked on a DC project, but given the extremely different circumstances we can probably assume that things will go better this time around than what ended up happening with Joss Whedon’s attempt to save Justice League. They kind of have to, right?

But it’s not just the big brands that are being benefited by these turn of events, as another smaller superhero feature could wind up getting a nice boost from the situation as well.

Brightburn Isn’t Surrounded By Distraction

In the immediate wake of last year’s James Gunn controversy, one film that got unfortunately shafted was David Yarovesky's Brightburn. Produced by Gunn and written by his brother, Brian, and cousin, Mark, the movie had a big Hall H panel at San Diego Comic-Con scheduled mere hours after the Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 news, and not only was the presentation cancelled, but the film was delayed. For the longest time it looked like it was going to be a victim of circumstance beyond its purview, but that’s totally changed now that the whole matter has been resolved.

Brightburn, which is basically the Superman origin story with a horror twist, is scheduled to be released on May 24th, and the environment in which it will now be released is completely different than how it appeared it would be just a few days ago. As things initially stood, the Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 firing would have been a huge distraction from the release of the film, but now all of that talk has been neutralized. Sure, there will likely still be tons of Guardians and The Suicide Squad quotes floating around, especially if James Gunn winds up doing a fair amount of press for the release, but the context of it all will be totally different, and potentially beneficial.

It was never obvious how the whole situation with James Gunn and Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 was going to play out, but now that the dust is settling we can see that things have worked out quite spectacularly. There is a lot to be excited about following these developments, and it could mean a lot of great things to come in the future of comic book and superhero big screen storytelling.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Dan Aykroyd Wants A Ghostbusters Prequel To Happen

Dan Aykroyd Wants A Ghostbusters Prequel To Happen
Dan Aykroyd in Ghostbusters

Fans of the Ghostbusters movies are certainly looking forward to the upcoming sequel that will return the franchise to the world of the first two films, being directed by the son of Ivan Reitman. There have clearly been plans to bring the Ghostbusters brand back as a major franchise, and it seem Dan Aykroyd already has a host of ideas for follow ups to the new film, including a prequel series that would take the characters Venkman, Stantz, and Spengler, back to high school.

Yes, in case you were curious, it seems that the three original Ghostbusters first met in high school. While the idea for the project is still several years away, Dan Aykroyd has apparently written a treatment for the concept which could apparently work as either a feature film or a television project. According to Aykroyd...

I’ve written Ghostbusters High, where they meet in New Jersey in 1969 and we’re looking to do that as probably a glorified feature or pilot within the next maybe five years.

It's not exactly clear what Ghostbusters High would actually be all about. Assuming that it is supposed to act as a direct prequel to the original 1984 Ghostbusters, that film makes it clear that the trio had never come that close to an actual ghost before the opening scenes of the film, so the series wouldn't actually follow the three characters actually fighting ghosts, would it?

Still, for fans of Venkmen, Stantz, and Spengler, the concept probably sounds like a lot of fun. The new Ghostbusters film is expected to include much of the original cast, but it won't actually be about them, so fans who want another story that actually focuses on the original characters, this could be their best bet.

It seems the idea for Ghostbusters High would be to ultimately become a television series. Dan Aykroyd apparently gave the idea to Jason Reitman even before the current Ghostbusters movie idea became a reality. Aykroyd is clear that this idea is part of a long term plan so we shouldn't expect to see it anytime soon, but he's clearly excited by the concept...

And it would lead to a television project and I thought of [Jason Reitman] immediately for that. It’s on his desk but that’s years away from the current project. But it’s a neat idea for a prequel. Imagine casting the three characters as teenagers!

Dan Aykroyd tells 660 News that he actually envisions this series as a sort of finale on the current Ghostbusters plans. After the current film, the actor/writer/vodka entrepreneur says there are one or two other film projects that are planned, and he sees Ghostbusters High coming after those films, as a sort of finale. Of course, that also means that if the new Ghostbusters movie doesn't hit, it could scuttle the entire plan.

Do you want to see the Ghostbusters as teenagers? Let us know in the poll below.

Should Robert Downey Jr. Get An Oscar Nomination For Avengers: Endgame?

Should Robert Downey Jr. Get An Oscar Nomination For Avengers: Endgame?

Mild spoilers ahead.

The name "Stark" was synonymous with "hero" last week, from Avengers: Endgame to Game of Thrones. For Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark, Endgame marked his crowning achievement in the Marvel Cinematic Universe he helped found with Iron Man back in 2008. RDJ's performance, and career as a whole, have led some to push his name forward for very early Oscars 2020 consideration.

Robert Downey Jr., now 54, has had a fascinating career with major highs and extreme lows. He does have two previous Oscar nominations under his belt -- Best Actor for Chaplin in 1993 and Best Supporting Actor for Tropic Thunder in 2009 -- but no wins so far.

After Marvel's Black Panther was nominated for Best Picture last year, the door seems open for serious consideration of a superhero star for an acting award. If that's going to happen for someone (after Heath Ledger's posthumous win for The Dark Knight), why not RDJ?

It's early to be putting Robert Downey Jr.'s name out there for Oscars consideration without knowing the rest of the potential competition in 2019, but several fans are already on board.

Some fans are already pushing for Robert Downey Jr. to not just be nominated for an Oscar, but to definitely win:

Marvel is busy promoting Avengers: Endgame -- as if it needs any marketing to sell tickets -- and highlighting praise for the performances:

The Russo Brothers, who directed both Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, also seem down with a Downey Oscar win. Joe Russo didn't specify any moments from Endgame in particular when talking to the Washington Post, but he praised RDJ's entire career:

His cumulative body of work from these movies is staggering. If you look at the work over just even the last four [Marvel] films he’s done, it’s phenomenal. ... He deserves an Oscar perhaps more than anyone in the last 40 years because of the way that he has motivated popular culture.

That sounds dangerously close to the dreaded popular movie Oscar, so let's just stick to the idea of awarding Robert Downey Jr. for his performance. The man has a presence! He has carried this multi-billion-dollar franchise on his charismatic back. He has also shown he can believably carry Tony Stark from one-liners to deep emotion -- making us laugh, cry, or both depending on what he wants to deliver with a snap of his fingers.

Anthony Russo recently said Robert Downey Jr. had mixed emotions about Tony Stark's storyline in Endgame, but ultimately accepted it. It doesn't require spoilers to say Tony was just one of many characters to face massive changes in Endgame. We knew going in that Avengers 4 would shake up the MCU, and that certainly happened.

Right now, Avengers: Endgame is busy taking everyone's money. It is set to pass $2 billion this weekend, possibly on the way to beating Avatar. But even if it doesn't, it's still one of the biggest pop culture events of our lifetimes.

We just have to see if the buzz can carry through to the end of 2019, when the Oscar talk really heats up. Usually major movies open in late fall, with more dramatic thespian roles getting eyed for Academy Awards. But Black Panther stayed on the radar until Oscar night, so there's no reason why RDJ's fans can't at least hope that he is remembered by the Academy when nominations are announced in early 2020.

Do you think RDJ deserves an Oscar nomination for Avengers: Endgame? Vote in the poll below.

Captain Marvel Reviews Are Up, See What Critics Are Saying

Captain Marvel Reviews Are Up, See What Critics Are Saying
Brie Larson as Captain Marvel

It's not exactly a shock or a surprise to say that people are excited for the newest entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Whenever another movie comes out, it's an event. And with Captain Marvel being the last chapter before the long awaited Avengers: Endgame, you get bet a lot of eyes will be on this one. The good news for fans, is that the response to Captain Marvel has been positive, for the most part. CinemaBlend's own Eric Eiserberg gave the movie four out of five stars and says that, while it doesn't rank among Marvel's best, it's still a standout film, mostly, thanks to lead Brie Larson. According to Eric's review...

Between its modified structure, period storytelling, and spoiler-y Marvel Cinematic Universe connections, there is a lot going on in Captain Marvel, but its key mission is always advancing its titular hero, and it's particularly successful thanks to the awesome performance from Brie Larson.

Similarly, i09 gives Captain Marvel solid marks, though admits the film has some issues. The comic book origin story movie has been a big part of the subgenre to this point, and while there have been better and worse examples, getting that part of the story just right has been a tough nut to crack. Captain Marvel has some problems in this regard as well.

All that being said, Captain Marvel still doesn’t solve the origin story issue that has plagued every superhero film thus far, whether they be from the DCEU or Marvel. There are several lulls, especially in the first act.

The reason that origin story's can be complicated to handle is that there's frequently a lot of backstory that needs to be explained, which can be difficult within the limited confines of a feature film. IGN indicates that's part of the issue with Captain Marvel, but the problems aren't enough to detract from the overall success.

It can be a bit on-the-nose at times, and occasionally has to fast-track its exposition in ways that can feel slightly clunky, but what it lacks in grace it makes up for in charm.

Having said that, at least one review compliments the Captain Marvel origin story. Variety feels that the film does take the origin story in a fresh direction, one that separates Captain Marvel in a way that makes it superior to its other female-led superhero movie.

Captain Marvel is only the second major Hollywood movie to have a female superhero at its center, but it’s a savvier and more high-flying fantasy than Wonder Woman, because it’s the origin story as head game.

While the general consensus does seem to be strongly positive, that's not to say there are some that were less impressed by Carol Danvers. Indiewire feels that many of the choices the film makes ultimately do a disservice to the character of Captain Marvel and the story as a whole. While many have been looking forward to Marvel's first female hero, the feeling is the story tries too hard.

Neither a blast from the past, nor an inspiring glimpse into the future, at the end of the day it’s just another Marvel movie. And not a particularly good one, at that.

The film struck a similar note for THR, which felt that Captain Marvel just fails to do anything imaginative or interesting with the elements at its disposal.

The picture is not dull, exactly, just mundane, marked by unimaginative plotting, cut-rate villains, a bland visual style and a lack of elan in every department.

While there are some who don't feel Captain Marvel was quite everything it could have been, the general view is still looking pretty good. We'll have to wait and see just what audiences think when they vote with their money this Friday.


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