
Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Rocky IV's Final Fight Apparently Had An Entirely Separate Script

Rocky IV's Final Fight Apparently Had An Entirely Separate Script
Rocky and Ivan Drago fighting in Rocky IV

While Rocky IV may not be the greatest of Rocky movies, it's a film that a lot of people are fans of. The cold war battle between Rocky Balboa and Ivan Drago was an iconic moment for the Rocky franchise. Part of the reason the film may be so well remembered may be because Sylvester Stallone apparently put an amazing amount of effort into the final boxing match. According to co-star Dolph Lundgren, Sly had the entire fight scene, and its music, worked out in advance...

When I showed up to start training with Sly for Rocky IV, he handed me a script. And it wasn't a script of the movie, it was a script of the fight. It was about 30 pages of just, 'Round 1, Left, Left, Left, Left, Right, Right, Left Hook,' and I had to memorize that on the page. And, he had the music already written for the fight, so we kind of choreographed the fight to the music. So, it was quite clever the way he did that

Fight scenes can be difficult sequences to film and for something like a boxing movie, where the final fight sequence is the culmination of the entire story, they're all the more important. It seems that in order to be sure that the Rocky IV fight scene worked as well as it could, Sylvester Stallone choreographed the entire thing before hand. Every punch, every step, even how those punches and steps woulds work to the music that was going to play. Because it's not a Rocky movie without a solid montage.

A separate 30 page script just to lay out the fight scene is sort of insane, but that what Dolph Lundgren says he received in one of the special features attached to Creed II. There's attention to detail and then there's whatever that is. At the same time, there's little argument that it didn't work. The final fight between Drago and Rocky feels incredibly epic and in a franchise that has a lot of great fight sequences, the one in Rocky IV may be the best. If you don't believe me, check it out.

If there's one thing that the Rocky movies were always great at, it was putting some great music up along with the matches. The music waits a few minutes for the audience to get invested in the fight, then comes in and makes the battle feel that much bigger. It's easy to assume the music was written to match the fight, and that's true, but the music wasn't created after the fight was over. The actors could actually time their swings to match the fight.

Rocky IV was a huge part of the franchise, so big that it brought Dolph Lundgren back for Creed II which you can find on Blu-ray and Digital HD now.

6 Things The Sonic The Hedgehog Movie Needs To Include From The Video Games

6 Things The Sonic The Hedgehog Movie Needs To Include From The Video Games
Sonic The Hedgehog

Sega’s mascot Sonic The Hedgehog is finally getting his own movie, and it’s safe to say there are quite a few folks worried about it. Granted, it sounds like things are on the right track with Ben Schwartz voicing Sonic and Jim Carrey portraying Dr. Robotnik, but it takes more than great casting to make a good video game movie. If it didn’t, Doom may be remembered as a masterpiece, and it’s almost universally not.

So what makes a great video game movie? There’s no explicit formula, but it’s fair to say sticking to the source material more often than not will make people happy. That’s a bit complicated considering the Sonic franchise has changed quite a bit since its first game, and not always in ways consumers have appreciated. In spite of that, should the movie contain these types of references to the franchise, Sonic The Hedgehog fans will be satisfied.

Music From The Sega Genesis Era

The early Sonic The Hedgehog games feature some of the best videogame music of the '90s. Green Hill Zone, Emerald Hill Zone, basically all the "Zones" from the first and second games have iconic songs the movie should include. Whether it’s a phone ringtone, a song on the radio or an orchestral track doesn’t matter. We may get something even better as the prolific Junkie XL could craft quite the homage to Sonic's tracks.

Of all the things the Sonic The Hedgehog movie should include from the video games, this is definitely the most important. It’s fair to assume many ticket holders will show up for the nostalgia factor, and what better way than to hit them with the ear-worms they jammed out to while playing their Sega Genesis and blasting through bottles of Kool-aid Jammers? Did we get older, or was there always never enough juice in those things?

Sonic's Friends

Sonic The Hedgehog may be the most important character of the franchise, but he's not the only one folks love. There's his sidekick Tails, who's been with Sonic since Sonic The Hedgehog 2, and other iconic characters like Knuckles and Amy. That just scratches the surface of this universe really, and doesn't even get into the Chao, Blaze or the gun-wielding anti-hero Shadow The Hedgehog. If Shadow doesn't get introduced, how can we have a gritty spin off?

I kid, mainly, although it will be a bit weird if Sonic The Hedgehog only has Sonic as the sole speedy thing rushing around. So far, there's been no mention of any other of Sonic's friends, so this may just be a solo adventure where friends could come into the picture in latter installments. Or, this could be a case where the film pulls a Super Mario Bros. and make bastardizations of the iconic characters. We just don't know yet!

Smart-Ass Dialogue

Sonic didn't speak in his first set of video game adventures, but his television show and games that followed have made him out to be a bit of a smart-ass. Not so much that he's some massive douchebag, but kind of in a way that feels very reminiscent of Bart Simpson. If Sonic The Hedgehog wants to stay true to Sonic's character, there needs to be some overconfidence and smart-ass behavior incorporated.

It appears there will be some of that, at least if one interprets comments by Jim Carrey about the film that way. He assured there will be some edgy moments that appeal to all audiences, although was speaking primarily to his character. He also mentioned the family group the movie is catered to, which speaks to the PG rating. Honestly, that's a good wheelhouse for the character, and he can have that "edge" without it being too cringe-inducing.

Massive And Elaborate Robots

Dr. Ivo Robotnik is known for robots and fights Sonic with them throughout the franchise. The creations he pilots may not be the best quality, but they're certainly big, elaborate and fun to look at. Typically Sonic can destroy these with a handful of jumps, or via some weak spot on the robot. He has the design methods of Star Wars: Rogue One's Galen Erso, except he's not secretly wishing Sonic destroys his evil machines.

The ideal creation is some robot that has Robotnik chilling in a glass dome and some form of retractable drills. Robotnik really loves the massive drills, almost as much as he loves loading up every machine with an escape pod that always keeps him out of Sonic's clutches once the fight is over. If one mega robot shows up with either or both of these attributes, I know I'll be a happy camper.

Gold Rings

Gold rings are perhaps the only thing as synonymous with Sonic The Hedgehog than the character himself. They're the game's form of health, and Sonic collects them throughout levels in order to stay alive after being hit. Should he be hit without any rings on him, he loses a life. Will Sonic The Hedgehog pay homage to this vital game mechanic in some way?

If it does, I'm reasonably certain it won't be shown in a way in which Sonic is collecting a bunch of rings randomly floating around. Perhaps rings are the currency of this world, and we'll see them in some micro form being exchanged for goods. If that were the case, it'd be cool to see Sonic obsessively collect these and then lose them all when he takes a big hit.

Cute And Furry Animals

The casual video gamer may not have known or cared why there were so many cute and furry little animals locked away at the end of each classic Sonic The Hedgehog game, but knowing why explains a lot of the tension between Sonic and Dr. Robotnik. Dr. Robotnik uses the little animals to fuel his robots he creates, which is why they also pop out of enemies when Sonic smashes them.

We have no idea of whether or not that plot thread will be used in Sonic The Hedgehog, but it would be the traditional way to establish Dr. Robotnik as a villain in the movie. After all, who is going to side with a guy enslaving adorable animals within machines for energy? It's actually way more twisted than the games led on the longer one thinks about it, so hopefully the movie uses this plot point in some way.

Sonic The Hedgehog is due to release Friday, November 8. Those interested in the movie can feel free to share their suggestions for what should be in the movie below, or chime in on how they think this movie will be received by audiences.

Pirates Of The Caribbean Fans Petition For Johnny Depp's Return

Pirates Of The Caribbean Fans Petition For Johnny Depp's Return
Johnny Depp Captain Jack Sparrow Pirates of the Caribbean

The world has gone petition mad lately, but the point just seems to be like-minded people gathering to join their voices in one loud chorus: We want THIS. Now thousands of Pirates of the Caribbean fans have joined their voices for the reinstatement of Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow.

Game of Thrones fans shook the ground with their viral petition, saying they want (but won't get) a new final Season 8. Robert Pattinson critics want (but won't get) a different Batman. Star Wars fans want (but won't get) new filmmakers, but they can't agree on which filmmakers because that fandom is a whole other galaxy of mess.

Will these petitions go anywhere? Probably not. Or if they are successful -- like the one for James Gunn -- it probably wouldn't be due to a petition. For every petitioner, there's probably someone who disagrees, they just don't need a petition to make the point because they are likely already getting their way.

There are petitions out there for almost anything, and more than one for Johnny Depp to return to the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise -- which has stalled out after the fifth movie, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, and whatever is or is not now happening with the reboot.

Bounding Into Comics recently found a couple of petitions in Johnny Depp's favor, including one that kept things simple with "KEEP JOHNNY DEPP AS JACK SPARROW!!!!" That one has more than 13,400 signatures as of June 1. There's also another petition with a longer message on why Depp should return; that one has under 5,000 signatures at this point.

In terms of the Johnny Depp petitions, there are conflicting reports about what happened in Depp's marriage to Amber Heard. That may not sound like it should be relevant, but it might be. His legal team claims Heard's op-ed piece alleging abuse cost Depp his job as Captain Jack Sparrow. Disney hasn't officially said anything about Pirates of the Caribbean 6, with or without Depp, the whole franchise just seems to be in limbo after the relative disappointment of Dead Men Tell No Tales.

The petitions don't openly take sides in the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard battle that is still playing out through multiple lawsuits, although one of the petitions does note "personal issues" as a reason for Depp appearing to be out as Jack Sparrow. The petitions just note that they can't imagine anyone else leading the franchise, threatening "They have to bring him back to rule the seas again or we will never watch any Pirates of the Caribbean movie without our Captain."

Pirates of the Caribbean is a hugely lucrative franchise for Disney, and it's amazing to think this all started with the theme park ride. (Speaking of theme parks, apparently Jack Sparrow was key to building Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge too.) Johnny Depp was quite rightly given a lot of credit for the franchise's success, but it's very expensive to make the movies and the last one didn't seem to please too many people. It only came out two years ago in 2017, so it's understandable if everyone just wants a break. Besides, Johnny Depp still has the Fantastic Beasts franchise (as far as we know) and smaller films like Minamata.

Where would you like to see the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise go from here, with or without Johnny Depp? A sixth movie? A reboot? Should it die off? Just take a long break?

Will Goose The Cat Be In Avengers: Endgame? Captain Marvel Hero Is Everywhere Else

Will Goose The Cat Be In Avengers: Endgame? Captain Marvel Hero Is Everywhere Else
Goose the cat in Captain Marvel

We have tons of burning questions in anticipation of Avengers: Endgame next month, but an unexpected one has recently been considered by fans of the MCU. Will Captain Marvel scene-stealer Goose the cat make a comeback in the upcoming film? The adorable Flerken did prove himself to have a "high threat level" in the recent release, and the universe could probably use all the help it can get after Thanos' snap.

Goose was already stealing hearts prior to the Captain Marvel release, as he showed his star power on massive character posters in movie theaters and billboards just about everywhere. Since the movie opened, the Flerken has been the talk of the film and Twitter town too, as the character received infectious smiles and "awws" during showings.

Goose turned out to be quite important to Captain Marvel as well. SPOILER ALERT Not only is the Flerken feline responsible for Nick Fury donning his iconic eyepatch in the future, but Goose also kept the Tesseract safe from harm in his mouth in the final act of the movie, before coughing it up on Fury’s desk during the end credits scene.

Goose has led fans to place the cat in Endgame themselves. Take a look at this marvelous piece of Photoshop work from Twitter user @andyvenom which has gone viral:

There he is looking cute as ever, replacing all the faces of the Avengers stars in the most recent Endgame poster. Cats have quite the track record of playing well on the internet, so Goose being the star of memes following his introduction to the MCU isn't too surprising. But following Nick Fury's hilarious eye reveal, fans aren’t discounting the Flerken’s potential impact in Endgame if he does return.

Will he take on Thanos in Endgame? Maybe…. Here’s an idea from Twitter user @209Andres_:

This is some startling evidence, Marvel fans. Could it be? Do Thanos and Goose have a history? It would certainly be hilarious if Marvel decided to give Goose a larger role or backstory like this in the established universe. Since Captain Marvel is set to lead the MCU moving forward, why wouldn’t her Flerken friend also make some big moves? Here’s another gem from Twitter concerning Goose and Endgame:

Marvel Studios is even highlighting Goose in their marketing for the movie, still in theaters. Check it out:

What could be telling is the studio’s decision to use the quote "Goose deserves a franchise." Will they cash in on giving audiences what they are publicizing that the cat deserves? Hopefully the character will at least get a spinoff (animated?) series in the future, perhaps on the upcoming Disney+ streaming service.

Goose is a character from the Captain Marvel comics named Chewie, though the filmmakers decided to change it to feel more distinctly from the ‘90s era. Flerkens can devour prey with their tentacle-like open mouths, which also contain pocket dimensions.

Do you think Goose will have a role in Avengers: Endgame to meet the rest of the team? Tell us in the comments below.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Why Horror Directors Make Great Superhero Films, According To David Sandberg

Why Horror Directors Make Great Superhero Films, According To David Sandberg
Shazam Zachary Levi looking confused in the mist

There’s a pattern that seems to be forming in the DC Comics film canon, and it’s something that stretches all the way back to Superman: The Movie. As it turns out, some of their biggest ticket directors in the comic realm have backgrounds in horror filmmaking, with Richard Donner and Tim Burton putting in strong efforts in earlier ages, and now Aquaman’s James Wan and Shazam! director David Sandberg getting to continue the precedent in the modern age. All of this builds a case for one pretty awesome conclusion: horror directors are fantastic hires when you want to make a superhero movie.

It’s something that feels right to say after seeing Shazam!, as the mix of superpowered mythos, a heartwarming foster family, and some pretty creepy stuff involving the Seven Deadly Sins all come into frame. While the film is more than likely ok for your kids to see, there’s still some material that might creep them out, as part of the character’s underlying story is the fight of virtue versus evil, with seven figures representing each side of the fight.

While sitting down with CinemaBlend, David F. Sandberg, half of the pair behind the redemption of the Annabelle series with Annabelle: Creation, talked about how the hypothesis of horror directors being particularly adept at the superhero genre could be supported because of the following reason:

Maybe, I mean it takes a lot of work to get horror right. Like a lot of filmmaking skills that all needs to sort of come together. That, I guess, prepares you for other genres as well.

Consider all of the effort that goes into a film like Annabelle: Creation: there’s a lot of effects work, maintenance of the balance of tone and scale, and most importantly, the efforts to make sure the personal story of the characters don’t get lost in the more fantastical pieces of the film’s story. Those are all of the same factors that apply with any comic book movie you can think of.

Spinning all of those plates isn’t easy, and it’s certainly not impossible for a director or writer to pick up on. But if you’re someone like David F. Sandberg, or the many other horror professionals who have jumped from scares to super powers, having experience with the latter helps immensely when you try to tackle the former.

It’s even more amazing when you think about how Sandberg’s previous film, the first sequel in the Annabelle series, operates on a very similar track as Shazam! Both films, at their heart, are tales of orphans who bond through a series of extraordinary events, with one eventually being embued with a special connection to powers greater than themselves. Except while Annabelle: Creation progressed with a more insidious aim at its core and resulted in quite a few fatalities, Shazam! opts for a more friendly and much less scary way of doing things.

Another person who could appreciate the parallels between David F. Sandberg’s theory of why horror directors work particularly well in a superhero project is producer Peter Safran, another teammate from the Annabelle: Creation side of things. Adding some further praise to the efforts that Sandberg had made with Shazam!, Safran said the following:

I think horror filmmakers don’t really get the due that they deserve, in terms of the quality of filmmakers that they actually are. And we’ve found with James Wan, and now with [David F.] Sandberg that these guys can make the jump into the superhero genre really, really well.

Though the deeper historical context of horror directors in the world of superhero films certainly wasn’t lost on David F. Sandberg or Peter Safran, as you’ll be able to see below in the clip from our sitdown at the Shazam! junket.

There’s a lot of moving pieces that go together to make a film like Shazam! work, and thanks to the expertise of Mr. Sandberg, the finished product works as beautifully as it does.

Shazam! is in theaters now. Just say the magic word and use your favorite ticketing app, and you’re there! But if you’ve already seen the film, take a look at our discussion about the end credits scene, and what it means for the series. Also, don’t forget to listen to our ReelBlend interview with Sandberg and Safran, if you’re curious to hear more from the pair. It looks like there’s plenty more fun where this came from.

Universal Studios Hollywood Unveils New Details For Jurassic World: The Ride

Universal Studios Hollywood Unveils New Details For Jurassic World: The Ride
Justice Smith and Bryce Dallas Howard screaming in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

Universal Studios Hollywood opened its Jurassic Park attraction back in 1996. Nearly 25 years is a good long run for an attraction, but the franchise, much like the dinosaurs in the original film, has come back from the dead in recent years thanks to the Jurassic World films. So it was little surprise when we learned last year that Jurassic Park - The Ride was being shut down to make way for a new attraction. Get ready for Jurassic World - The Ride, set to open this summer.

Universal Studios Hollywood today confirmed that Jurassic World - The Ride will open sometime later this summer. No specific date was given but a number of new details about the upcoming refresh to the classic theme park attraction were unveiled. For the most part, those familiar with the classic Jurassic Park ride will likely find the new experience familiar. It will still put guests aboard rafts that will take you through a jungle like environment, inhabited by numerous dinosaurs. However, everything about the specifics of that has been redesigned and re-imagined. Newly created dinosaurs, new scenery and an all new storyline exclusive to the park have been created. The attraction will also boast an all new entrance for the rafts to pass through, including a new Jurassic World logo supported by new stone work pillars topped with flames, just like you see when entering the famous park in the movies. Likely looking something like this...

The new attraction will still sport the major high point of the previous iteration, an 84-foot waterfall drop that will bring guests splashing down to ground level. However, it will be part of an all-new sequence where a Tyrannosaurus Rex goes up against. what's being called one of the attractions "new behemoth dinosaurs." It doesn't say you'll see an Indominous Rex, but it certainly sounds like it.

In addition to the ride itself, the attraction will also include a couple of brand new areas. The Raptor Encounter will allow guests to get face-to-face with Blue and the other raptors from the Jurassic World films. Universal Studios has brought out free roaming "dinosaurs" for guests to interact with in the past and this sounds like a way to add that option permanently to the park. There will also be a Dino Play area that will give kids a chance to hunt for their own dinosaur fossils. Again, this part of the attraction seems to take strong inspiration from a segment of the films.

The new ride was developed by the likes of Industrial Light & Magic as well as franchise producer Steven Spielberg and Frank Marshall as well as director Colin Trevorrow. One certainly has to wonder if some bits of ideas from the upcoming Jurassic World 3 might make their way into the attraction.

The original Jurassic Park ride was a lot of fun so seeing it get refreshed for the current franchise, with a lot of new cool stuff to go along with it, looks pretty awesome. While no specific opening date has been given, expect to see it hit as soon as possible in order to bring in as many summer tourists as it can. There's nothing quite like a good splash down for a hot Southern California day, and this should be just what the doctor ordered.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Will Avengers: Endgame Dethrone Avatar As The Highest-Grossing Movie Of All Time?

Will Avengers: Endgame Dethrone Avatar As The Highest-Grossing Movie Of All Time?

We knew Avengers: Endgame would do well. But this well already? Some folks scoffed at the idea of a $800 million worldwide opening weekend. Instead, Endgame scoffed at a $1 billion global opening and did even better than that.

Since Avengers: Endgame opened to a worldwide weekend gross of $1,209,000,000, does it stand a chance of topping Avatar as the highest-grossing movie of all time (not adjusting for inflation)? There's a poll below, after a bunch of number-crunching, so feel free to skip right to your answer if you already have a yes/no prediction ready.

Here are the domestic, foreign, and total box office numbers for Avatar, which came out 10 years ago:


Domestic: $760,507,625

Foreign: $2,027,457,462

Worldwide: $2,787,965,087

That worldwide total of $2,787,965,087 is the biggest number to beat. For Endgame. For anyone.

Here are the domestic, foreign, and total box office numbers so far for Avengers: Endgame as of April 28, after first opening in some markets (including China) April 24, and officially in the U.S. on April 26.:

Avengers: Endgame

Domestic: $350,000,000

Foreign: $859,000,000

Worldwide: $1,209,000,000

As you can see for Avatar, it was the foreign box office that really elevated the film to great heights with more than $2 million alone from international markets. Based on Box Office Mojo's numbers, it looks like China gave Avatar its biggest boost with $204,129,854. China has already passed that for Avengers: Endgame in less than a week. But since the movie is already out in China, you can't say we're building up to a big China release. So how much further can it go from here?

There are voices of caution who don't think Avengers: Endgame will pass Avatar. More than doubling this opening weekend will not be an easy feat. And, as some have pointed out, if you look at the current list of the top grossing movies of all time, the top three were all released in December:

1. Avatar (December 18, 2009) - Worldwide: $2,787,965,087

2. Titanic (December 19, 1997) - $2,187,463,944

3. Star Wars: The Force Awakens (December 18, 2015) - $2,068,223,624

Is December the magic month? I don't think Avengers: Endgame's April release is going to hurt it too much on that front, but time will tell. The #4 movie of all time is Avengers: Infinity War, which opened last April and just missed the worldwide cut to top Star Wars with its $2,048,359,754 worldwide gross. And yet ... Avatar made $740 million more than that, and that's not nuthin.

After that top four, the top-grossing movies include other spring/summer releases -- Jurassic World, Marvel's The Avengers, Furious 7, and Avengers: Age of Ultron. Then there's Black Panther, which opened in February, formerly considered a box office dead zone, and it made $1.3 billion.

There's a lot of competition heading to the box office this summer, from Godzilla: King of the Monsters to Toy Story 4 and beyond. But I think it's safe to expect Avengers: Endgame to pass $2 billion worldwide, at least, and if that happens it would automatically make it the #5 highest-grossing movie of all time, above Jurassic World.

I do think Endgame will top Avengers: Infinity War's $2,048,359,754 total -- it's as close to an apples to apples comparison as we can get, and there's even more hype for Endgame. Some fans have already seen the movie multiple times, thanks to movie theaters basically running Endgame 24/7, or close enough, to make the coin. It feels like one of the biggest cinematic events of our lives and many people will be honoring that with multiple trips to the theater, perhaps even specifically to help it pass Avatar.

That said, Avengers: Endgame is a bit longer than Infinity War, and that might mean slightly fewer runtimes as we move forward and it dominates fewer screens. After all, Detective Pikachu and John Wick 3 are going to need to play on some screens very soon.

Everyone is throwing numbers around right now, but according to Box Office Mojo's early projections, Avengers: Endgame could make as much as $920 million domestically if it follows the pattern of Infinity War.

Infinity War had a total domestic gross of $678.8 million, so $920M would be much higher. However it would also be just shy of Star Wars: The Force Awakens' current record domestic gross of $936.6 million. Where The Force Awakens lost the overall total game to Avatar was at the foreign box office, since the Star Wars movie "only" made $1.1 billion there. Titanic made $659.3 million at the domestic box office and $1.5 billion worldwide to take second to Avatar. (Pause to marvel once again at James Cameron for his double win.)

CinemaBlend's own Cody Beck decided to quickly crunch the Box Office Mojo numbers for his own projections, and here's what he came up with:

Okay so this is obviously flawed for many reasons, but some quick back of the envelope calculations. Infinity War did 37.96% of its total domestic box office and 27.95% of its total foreign box office in its first 3 days. IF that were to hold true for Endgame, which I understand is different, that would give it a total of $3,995,368,441.69 when all is said and done. Which seems....ridiculous.

Yeah, I don't think we're looking at a $4 billion movie! But you can see how everyone is doing their own calculations and coming up with different projections, based on different metrics. So now it's your turn. Whether you have crunched any numbers or are taking a wild guess, there are two main options -- Endgame will pass Avatar, or it will not. If we were adjusting for inflation, the question might be about Gone with the Wind, but tomorrow is another day on that front. Now vote:


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