
Saturday, September 19, 2020

Star Wars: Episode IX Is Really Aiming To Please Fans Of The Original Trilogy, And It's Working

Star Wars: Episode IX Is Really Aiming To Please Fans Of The Original Trilogy, And It's Working
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Luke kisses Leia on the forehead

Say what you will about most other entries in the Star Wars saga, but that original trilogy of films is still the strongest bedrock that the franchise has ever had to call its base. While the series needs to appeal to the fans it’s won in the more recent years, there’s always going to be that fanbase that came to the dance starting with 1977’s initial offering.

I became a Star Wars fan while growing up through the Original Trilogy and a smattering of now de-canonized Expanded Universe material. But I’d always heard that story of that fabled first and third trilogy to round off the saga, and longed for the day they’d exist.

Now, we see the close of the third trilogy coming with Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, and it looks like director J.J. Abrams and all involved are looking to please those dyed-in-the-wool fans. Here some reasons why that not only feels like the approach that’s being executed, but also why I think it’s working out rather well.

It Promises The End Of The Skywalker Saga

As I mentioned before, one of the biggest sticking points in Star Wars lore was the fact that George Lucas has allegedly planned out three trilogies in the Skywalker Saga. The prequel trilogy scratched the itch fans had for seeing Anakin Skywalker’s origins as Darth Vader, and for a little while, it felt like the last three episodes of the entire nine-part saga would never come.

Even with Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ big reveal, it wasn’t certain that we’d see the end of the line, as George Lucas was out of the process altogether, and episode numbers were eventually dropped.

Why It Works: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker being the definitive end of the Skywalker clan's story frees the series for new ideas to take root. But more importantly, it brings that storied end to the legacy of the very family that started the Star Wars franchise, fulfilling a promise from long ago.

Leia Will Finish Out Her Role In The Star Wars Universe

Due to the untimely passing of Carrie Fisher, another big question was whether or not General Leia Organa would be brought back in some shape or form to close out her own story. After a period of long thought and deliberation, it was confirmed that Fisher’s General Leia would return in previously filmed outtakes from the last two Star Wars films, The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi.

The context of her place in the story, and how much shooting around the footage that was available will affect that is yet to be seen, but this decision is just as important as the one that allowed Luke Skywalker to return.

Why It Works: Seeing our first look at Leia’s return in this final film is pretty convincing stuff. While how the pre-existing story will work with what specific footage they have of Carrie Fisher’s previous performance is definitely a bit of a challenge, it’s good to see the General back for one last adventure. And if the Skywalker Saga is about to end, both of Anakin and Padme’s twins deserve proper closure.

It Looks Like We’re Going Back To A Familiar Desert

The trailer for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker shows a lot of one particular element that’s always been important to the saga’s storytelling environment: sand. With Rey’s big lightsaber flip and some action between Finn and Poe being showcased in the recent teaser, there’s a lot of the rough stuff primed and ready for action.

Which means we’re probably going back to one of two places. Either Jakku or Tatooine are in the mix for the ninth episode of the Skywalker Saga, but either way, this is a pretty big deal when it comes to wrapping up the story started in the Original Trilogy.

Why It Works: Much like the Original Trilogy’s story, bringing our heroes back to where the action started is a classic move of resolution. Anakin and Luke had to return to Tatooine before becoming the men they set off to be, and Rey will more than likely be heading back to Jakku in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. More powerful than when she left, this new Force user will more than likely learn some important knowledge about her origins, before setting off on whatever big battle she’s marching towards.

Lando Calrissian Is Back And Flying The Millennium Falcon Again

One of the most criminally underused characters in the Star Wars galaxy has to be Lando Calrissian. A dashing charmer with a criminal past, Billy Dee Williams’ iconic supporting player is one of those figures that has always been brought up when questioning what moves the next Star Wars films would take to connect the future of the franchise to its historical past.

With so much room for his character to be expanded and enhanced upon in the brand new canon, especially after the discarding of the now-reclassified Legends line of Expanded Universe material, it was a pleasant given that the decision to reinstate Lando would be made.

Why It Works: If there’s a character whose legacy has positively loomed larger than his actual screen time in the Star Wars saga, it’s Mr. Calrissian. While the return of some characters seems more like an exercise in fan service than in storytelling (C-3PO, we’re looking in your direction), having Lando return is a smart way to close the story in the absence of Han Solo. Not to mention, there’s always a spot reserved for a roguish smuggler in the Star Wars universe.

The Series Is About To Go On Hiatus After The Rise Of Skywalker

Some Original Trilogy fans have been worried that the Star Wars franchise of films has overextended its reach a little bit. While Rogue One: A Star Wars Story was a hit and seemed to do pretty well overall, the reaction to Solo was way more tepid than usual. Even Disney CEO Bob Iger realized that the pace of the series was unsustainable, which lead him to announce that the series would go into hibernation after Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

Why It Works: Fans are always going to show up for the Skywalker Saga entries in Star Wars’ cinematic universe. That said, it’s going to take some time and tweaking to realize just what the fans will want out of the series outside of that now-ending run. It’s nice to see the studio management to realize that, and learn the lesson if you want to keep your fanbase happy, sometimes absence makes the Force grow stronger.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker will define the legacy and its storytelling approach for some, while proving whether it adheres to the rules that the Original Trilogy played by for so long. As long as the rest of the decisions made in telling this story match up to the quality of those listed above, there should be a good chance that fans of the Original Trilogy will be very pleased with the finished product.

That’s an investment that should pay off long after Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker hits theaters on December 20. Though, that doesn’t mean the Star Wars fun has to end, as Disney+ will undoubtedly keep the fires stoked as The Mandalorian debuts on the platform’s launch date of November 12.

Despite Lawsuit, Amazon Says Termination Of Woody Allen Was 'Justified'

Despite Lawsuit, Amazon Says Termination Of Woody Allen Was 'Justified'
Woody Allen

Amazon is firing back with its first big move as it stares down a massive $68 million lawsuit by Woody Allen for a breach of contract. The company claims that it was justified in terminating the remainder of its multi-film contract with the director, and is using the events and controversial comments made by Allen to fuel the claim.

Specifically, Amazon has taking aim at Woody Allen's controversial comments made at the time news broke on the Harvey Weinstein controversy, in which Allen publicly warned the news could create a "witch hunt atmosphere" in Hollywood. THR reported Amazon added that Allen's dismissal of Dylan Farrow's memories of sexual abuse as an excuse to use the #MeToo movement for attention added to the controversy and made further work with him impossible.

Amazon's argument is that Woody Allen made the comments with a failure to recognize the gravity of the situation, or the implication that it would have on his career despite the increasing number of top talents who announced they wouldn't work with him. This is what the company is saying justifies the termination of the contract, and why the case should be dismissed.

Amazon's argument will have some issues, as some believe the evidence presented can be argued as a legitimate risk the company knew it was taking on when it initially signed the deal with Woody Allen. For example, while the claims of Allen's abuse against Dylan Farrow were re-ignited by the #MeToo movement, the claim against him has been public knowledge for decades. Amazon continued on with the deal knowing that news was out there, albeit before the Weinstein comments.

As for Woody Allen's side of the argument, Amazon cannot drop its contract with him on the grounds of a longstanding allegation that is "baseless," in the words of a statement from his legal complaint. This means that, whether Amazon wants to show Allen's future work or not, he's still owed the money from the deal. That is likely where the $68 million amount comes from.

The court case is being looked on by interested parties throughout Hollywood, who wish to see whether or not courts will uphold grounds of dismissing high-profile contracts due to the events of the #MeToo movement. If the courts end up ruling in favor of Amazon, it may encourage other companies that were on the line with actors caught in controversy to try and sever any expensive contracts they had.

CinemaBlend will keep an eye on the ongoing legal proceedings between Woody Allen and Amazon, as well as keep readers up to date on the latest and greatest entertainment news. As an example, hop on over to our latest news on Pet Sematary to see what critics have to say about the latest Stephen King adaptation.

Why The Intruder Also Doubles As A Comedy Between Its Thrills

Why The Intruder Also Doubles As A Comedy Between Its Thrills
Michael Ealy, Meagan Good in The Intruder

The horror genre isn’t what it once was. While there were boxes it may have needed to check before, when you walk into the theater for thrills, you can expect the unexpected. Get Out offered audiences frights about race relations and Happy Death Day 2U was a Back To the Future-esque ride.

Deon Taylor’s The Intruder may offer moviegoers more comedic beats then one might expect from a creepy tale about a couple who becomes entangled in the grip Dennis Quaid’s Charlie Peck has on his longtime home shortly after selling it to them. Audiences might be a shocked at how much humor can be found amidst the chills and jump-scares.

During a recent Los Angeles press day for The Intruder, I asked director Deon Taylor about how these comedic moments found a place in the movie. Here’s what he said:

I think it has a lot to do with my DNA as a filmmaker. I really like laughing, I love funny things, I love humor and I think a lot of times when there is a lot of pain, there’s also a lot of humor. When we were making the movie, I think the humanity of it: flawed characters, argumentative moments, playing the fun side of Charlie Peck in the first two acts. Because you don’t really take him serious until you start going ‘wait a minute, he’s actually really scary. He’s a creepy dude.’ It gives you a really good playing field for fun and (the cast) takes advantage of it.

The director has tackled a balance between comedy and horror before in his 2016 film Meet the Blacks, so it makes sense he’d want to move some of the fun over to his latest project. Warming up the film with humor in the beginning to break the tension before bringing on the intense chills is a smart move, and it looks like it came naturally for the filmmaker.

It also helped that he had Michael Ealy and Meagan Good on board, who had previously starred together in Think Like a Man. Ealy told CinemaBlend about how their ties infused some humor on set:

I think our relationship prior to this movie enabled me to actually feel comfortable to improvise certain jokes and throw out certain things and to be snarky, vulnerable and be the actual Scott character. That was key for me and Meagan was helpful because she’s silly and off camera we were constantly clowning each other.

Take a look at the exclusive interview below:

The Intruder premiered Thursday night in theaters alongside Long Shot and UglyDolls and topped numbers among the newcomers, per Variety. The title is a contender to fight for the top spot at the box office this weekend under the reigning success Avengers: Endgame will certainly find in its second weekend in theaters. Stay tuned with CinemaBlend to see how it all goes down.

Friday, September 18, 2020

J.J. Abrams Reflects On Surreal Challenge Of Figuring Out How To Use Real Footage Of Carrie Fisher

J.J. Abrams Reflects On Surreal Challenge Of Figuring Out How To Use Real Footage Of Carrie Fisher
Carrie Fisher and Daisy Ridley in Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker

If you keep tabs on the highly secretive making of original Star Wars movies, you may already know that when Star Wars Episode IX – now illustriously titled Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker – hits theaters it will come with Carrie Fisher intact. It won’t be CGI the new film is using either.

Previously, Disney made the fanbase aware that the studio had enough unused footage from Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens to bring Carrie Fisher back to the big screen in a very real and completely unfaked capacity. At Star Wars Celebration, director J.J. Abrams reflected on the surreal challenge of figuring out how to use the real footage. He said:

As I’ve said we couldn’t [fill the void left by Carrie.] Chris Terrio, the co-writer and Kathy [Kennedy]… as we all talked about how to move on. I mean she was the best. She was glorious. She was amazing. We all just loved her. I knew her from many years before as well. In Episode VII she was the greatest. It was impossible, no way, what are you going to do? You don’t recast that part or certainly have her disappear.

So, he went back to the drawing board. At the 2019 Star Wars Celebration in the Windy City, J.J. Abrams was on hand to explain how the conversations got started about Carrie Fisher and about how there was one singular moment when he and the creative team realized the “real” footage from the cutting room floor would and could work. He also said:

The weird moment of having had a number of scenes from Force Awakens that had gone unused. Looking at those scenes and starting to understand that there was actually a way to use those scenes to continue the story so that it would be her.

Still, when you look at the challenge of using footage that was for all intents and purposes recycled, it couldn't have been easy. J.J. Abrams also told the audience attending the Star Wars Episode IX panel at Celebration there was never any thought of bringing Carrie Fisher back with CGI, however.

The idea of having a CG character was off the table. We never even wanted to try. The idea of saying, ‘What if we could actually write scenes around her?’ So, it would be her performance—she’s the movie. The crazy thing is, when I say this, emotionally it’s every day it hits me that she’s not here. But it’s so surreal because we’re working with her still, if that makes sense. She’s so alive in scenes and the craziest part is how not crazy it feels.

The final result was an experience that was "sureal" for the producer, writer and director. After seeing stills and footage today, it's a little bit surreal for me too. We actually got a first good look at Carrie Fisher in the upcoming film during the panel, as well.

We’ve known for some time now there would be real footage of Carrie Fisher used in Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker. J.J. Abrams mentions footage from The Force Awakens. Previously, word on the street was the flick will also use some footage from Star Wars: The Last Jedi to flesh out additional scenes.

J.J. Abrams did mention that Carrie Fisher will get some scenes with her real-life daughter Billie Lourd, in the upcoming movie, calling the way that Princess Leia lives on “mind-blowing.” Even Mark Hamill has given his stamp of approval for Leia’s return, also noting she’d “get a real kick” out of the idea. He said:

I’m glad they found a way to do that, and something tells me that she’d get a real kick out of the fact that she had a hit movie years after she left us, because that was just her. I like to think that would please her, but nothing would be better than having her here.

Hopefully, her appearances will pan out in ways that will resonate with fans and fit suitably into the puzzle of this final movie that was 40+ years in the making. If you haven’t taken a look at the first teaser trailer for the movie, you can do so below.

Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker arrives in theaters on December 20, 2019. Take a look at what we know about the upcoming project or check out what else is heading into theaters this year.

Netflix New Releases: Movies And TV Shows Coming To Netflix Streaming In June 2019

Netflix New Releases: Movies And TV Shows Coming To Netflix Streaming In June 2019
Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse Miles swingings through traffic in New York

The world of streaming content continues to get more segmented and more populated as time goes on. Which only means the monthly drops that a service like Netflix engages in tend to be more and more exciting.

Part of the fun is not knowing what is going to be headed our way in the month to come until the streaming service drops the official list. Looking at June's incoming line-up, there is some heavy-hitting material subscribers can look forward to seeing added to the platform in the coming month.

If you're a little behind on what came into town through the month of May, you can check that lineup out in the right corner of our galaxy. For now, it's time to take those two steps into the future, and see what's headed to Netflix in June.

Week of June 1

Arthdal Chronicles - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/1/19

Oh, Ramona! - NETFLIX FILM – 6/1/19

50/50 – 6/1/19

A.I. Artificial Intelligence – 6/1/19

Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day – 6/1/19

Batman Begins – 6/1/19

Cabaret – 6/1/19

Carrie – 6/1/19

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof – 6/1/19

Dynasty: Season 2 – 6/1/19

Good Night, and Good Luck – 6/1/19

Gran Torino – 6/1/19

Life in the Doghouse – 6/1/19

Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa – 6/1/19

Magic Mike – 6/1/19

Network – 6/1/19

Platoon – 6/1/19

Prosecuting Evil: The Extraordinary World Of Ben Ferencz – 6/1/19

Satan & Adam – 6/1/19

Small Soldiers – 6/1/19

The Dark Knight – 6/1/19

The Phantom of the Opera – 6/1/19

The Space Between Us – 6/1/19

What a Girl Wants – 6/1/19

Week of June 2

Documentary Now!: Season 3 – 6/3/19

Malibu Rescue: The Series - NETFLIX FAMILY – 6/3/19

Miranda Sings Live…Your Welcome - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/4/19

A Silent Voice – 6/5/19

Black Mirror: Season 5 - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/5/19

Dr. Seuss' The Grinch – 6/5/19

Alles ist gut - NETFLIX FILM – 6/6/19

Todos lo saben – 6/6/19

3%: Season 3 - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/7/19

Belmonte – 6/7/19

The Black Godfather - NETFLIX FILM – 6/7/19

The Chef Show - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/7/19

Designated Survivor: Season 3 - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/7/19

Elisa & Marcela - NETFLIX FILM – 6/7/19

I Am Mother - NETFLIX FILM – 6/7/19

Pachamama - NETFLIX FAMILY – 6/7/19

Rock My Heart - NETFLIX FILM – 6/7/19

Super Monsters Monster Pets - NETFLIX FAMILY – 6/7/19

Tales of the City - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/7/19

Berlin, I Love You – 6/8/19

Week of June 9

Disney’s Ralph Breaks the Internet – 6/11/19

Jo Koy: Comin' In Hot - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/12/19

Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story by Martin Scorsese - NETFLIX FILM – 6/12/19

The 3rd Eye 2 - NETFLIX FILM – 6/13/19

Jinn - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/13/19

Kakegurui xx - NETFLIX ANIME – 6/13/19

Aggretsuko: Season 2 - NETFLIX ANIME – 6/14/19

The Alcàsser Murders - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/14/19

Awake: The Million Dollar Game - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/14/19

Charité at War - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/14/19

Cinderella Pop - NETFLIX FILM – 6/14/19

Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce: Season 5 – 6/14/19

Leila - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/14/19

Life Overtakes Me - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/14/19

Marlon: Season 2 – 6/14/19

Murder Mystery - NETFLIX FILM – 6/14/19

Unité 42 - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/14/19

Grey's Anatomy: Season 15 – 6/15/19

Week of June 16

Cop Car – 6/16/19

The Missing: Season 3 - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/17/19

Adam Devine: Best Time of Our Lives - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/18/19

Big Kill – 6/18/19

Beats - NETFLIX FILM – 6/19/19

The Edge of Democracy - NETFLIX FILM – 6/19/19

Le Chant du Loup - NETFLIX FILM – 6/20/19

Ad Vitam - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/21/19

Bolívar - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/21/19

The Casketeers: Season 2 - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/21/19

The Confession Tapes: Season 2 - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/21/19

Dark: Season 2 - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/21/19

The End of Evangelion – 6/21/19


Girls Incarcerated: Season 2 - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/21/19

GO! Live Your Way: Season 2 - NETFLIX FAMILY – 6/21/19

Jaoon Kahan Bata Ae Dil - NETFLIX FILM – 6/21/19

La misma sangre - NETFLIX FILM – 6/21/19

Mr. Iglesias - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/21/19

Neon Genesis Evangelion – 6/21/19

Shooter: Season 3 – 6/21/19

Week of June 23

Forest of Piano: Season 2 - NETFLIX ANIME – 6/24/19

Mike Epps: Only One Mike - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/25/19

The Golem – 6/26/19

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse – 6/26/19

The Zookeeper – 6/26/19

Answer for Heaven - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/27/19

20th Century Women – 6/28/19


Dope: Season 3 - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/28/19

Exhibit A - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/28/19

Instant Hotel: Season 2 - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/28/19

Motown Magic: Season 2 - NETFLIX FAMILY – 6/28/19

Paquita Salas: Season 3 - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/28/19

The Chosen One - NETFLIX ORIGINAL – 6/28/19

Scare Tactics: Seasons 4 & 5 – 6/29/19

Week of June 30

Madam Secretary: Season 5 – 6/30/19

June TBD

Marvel's Jessica Jones: Season 3 - NETFLIX ORIGINAL


In terms of the movies headed to Netflix in June, there are some new originals and old favorites that dovetail rather nicely. Case in point: Steven Spielberg's underrated tribute to friend and mentor Stanley Kubrick, A.I.: Artificial Intelligence, is making an appearance on Netflix in the coming month.

This looks like it'd make for an interesting double feature with Netflix's own original film about the future of humanity and robotics comingling, I Am Mother. Though judging by that first trailer for the platform's sci-fi original starring Hilary Swank, it doesn't look like the robots are as adorable and trustworthy as Haley Joel Osment or Jude Law ever were.

Another interesting original coming to Netflix is the Adam Sandler/Jennifer Aniston comedy Murder Mystery, which sees the two teaming up once again in the name of laughs. This time, Aniston and Sandler play a married couple who, after being invited to a random getaway with some of the world's richest people, have to figure out who murdered their gracious host.

Of course, if you're interested in hanging out with a not-so-old favorite, Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse is hopping into our dimension of the streaming world towards the end of June. Though if you haven't seen the film already, that's just one more reason to climb aboard and experience the Academy Award-winning wonder.

If you're wondering if the rumors about Marvel's Jessica Jones are true, you are correct: June will see the series finale of the Netflix original debuting at some point in the month of June. Though it's not all darkness on the TV front, as the newly-minted original series Designated Survivor heads into Season 3 with President Tom Kirkman fighting to keep his job, and his integrity in the process.

Should politics be your thing, then you'll love that CBS's Madam Secretary will be debuting Season 5 on the Netflix platform later in June's calendar. So if you really want to jump from President Kirkman to Secretary McCord in one fell swoop, you'll have to wait. But if you're looking for some Stranger Things vibes, and can't wait until Season 3's July 4th debut, you can always check out the German language original Dark, which is entering its second mystery laden season on air.

Keep in mind as you browse the Netflix catalog in the month of June that all titles are subject to change. So if something hasn't debuted as listed, or if a title was removed entirely, you may want to check back here for further updates. With that in mind, happy streaming to you all, and we'll see you back here when July's mysterious lineup is unveiled in its due time.

Disney Theme Parks Are Snuffing Out Their Smoking Areas

Disney Theme Parks Are Snuffing Out Their Smoking Areas
Pinocchio smoking a cigar at Pleasure Island

A lot of things are changing as both U.S. Disney Parks get ready to open the highly anticipated Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge. Before that happens, Disney Parks have instituted a handful of new rules. The most important of which is that as of May 1, smoking areas are being removed Disneyland Resort, the four theme parks of Walt Disney World, the ESPN Wide World of Sports complex in Florida, and Downtown Disney in California, making all those areas completely smoke free.

When Disneyland first opened in 1955, smoking was permitted throughout the park. However, as information and education regarding the dangers of smoking became more widespread, this shifted to the creation of designated smoking areas, where people who wanted to smoke had to stand if they wanted to indulge.

While I can't speak about Walt Disney World as well, as somebody who has visited Disneyland with a smoker on several occasions over the last few years, I can say that the number of designated smoking areas has been steadily on the decline (my friend's favorite smoking spot over by the Matterhorn disappeared a few years back), but this morning the Disney Parks Blog announced that in just over a month those few remaining smoking areas will be gone as well.

Those who smoke won't be completely out of luck when they go on their next Disney vacation. Smoking areas will be set up outside the entrance of all the newly smoke free areas. Since there's no problem with re-entry to any Disney park, all tickets allow it, you can always leave the park to smoke and then go back in if you absolutely need to do so. Disney Springs will apparently be keeping its designed smoking areas and will not be going completely smoke free.

A few other minor rule changes were announced alongside the end of smoking that will also go into effect May 1. While Disney Parks have always been surprisingly open in allowing guests to bring their own food and drinks into the park, loose ice, and also dry ice, have now been banned. Reusable ice packs are still permitted so if you need to keep something cold, that's the way to go.

Disney Parks are also changing the rules on what strollers will be allowed inside the parks. The new limits on size are 31" wide and 52" long. This should still allow for most standard and even double strollers to be admitted, but those that transport their kids in wagons or strollers that look like small villages will need to make other plans.

Seeing smoking banned in the parks was certainly a move that was going to come sooner rather than later. It was already largely restricted and considering how smoking is gone in most other public places, it's not a surprise. No Walt Disney World or Disneyland Resort hotels even have smoking rooms anymore.

At the same time, it probably wasn't looking out for people's health that led to this change. Both the smoking ban and the stroller restrictions are likely being put in place to simply make movement through the parks easier for everybody. Smoking areas are now places everybody can be and nobody will be holding up traffic with strollers that are too big. This, combined with reports that Disneyland has actually been removing benches to make space, would likely indicate this is all being done as a way to help with guest traffic ahead of the opening of Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge. Disneyland and Disney's Hollywood Studios especially are about to become very crowded, and every bit of real estate is going to matter.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Ryan Reynolds Rick Rolls Pokemon Fans With 'Leaked' Version Of Detective Pikachu

Ryan Reynolds Rick Rolls Pokemon Fans With 'Leaked' Version Of Detective Pikachu
Detective Pikachu

Pokemon is a massive global franchise with a huge fan base. You can be sure that a lot of people are going to be quite excited to see the first live-action adaptation of the franchise Detective Pikachu, when it arrives in theaters on Friday.

People are so excited that they might be tempted to view a pirated version of the film that seemed to hit YouTube recently. Luckily, Ryan Reynolds himself tracked down the illegal file and made the powers that be aware of it. Of course, in doing so he also drew attention to it. I wonder if that was on purpose?

The file is titled Pokemon Detective Pikachu full picture and if you look at it, as I did only for research purposes, you see that it's an hour and 42 minutes long, which makes it long enough to be a feature film.

As you begin to view it you get the opening logos of Warner Bros. and the other companies involved in producing the film as well as a scene that includes Justice Smith which certainly looks to be from the finished film. Everything looks legit, (well, not legit) and in remarkably good quality.

The most interesting thing might be the R. Reynolds watermark in the corner, which would seem to be indicating that this was the actor's copy of the movie that somehow got out.

Of course, we know, there's a punchline coming and if you watch past about the one minute and nine second mark, you see what it is. Pikachu jazzercising, for an hour and 40 minutes. Check it out.

For the record, as somebody who has already seen Detective Pikachu, legally, the brief bit of the actual movie you get isn't even the actual opening scene, but it is from the movie.

My favorite bit has to be the distortion that's been added to the video to make it look like Pikachu dancing is actually from an old VHS tape from the 1980s.

This is pretty much prime Ryan Reynolds. Whether he's promoting a Deadpool movie or a Pikachu movie, he's clearly having a lot of fun with it/ Of course, since Pikachu's voice never appears, it doesn't seem Reynolds had all that much to do with actually creating this video, so praise also goes to the digital artists who created it.

While the dance moves get repeated, there's no obvious looping of the video, which just makes everything here that much more impressive. Some significant work went into a video of making Pikachu dance for over an hour and a half. I have no idea why this exists, but I sort of love that it does.

It's more than a little mesmerizing and the digital music is also hypnotic. Is anybody else watching more of this video than is probably healthy?

While movie piracy is certainly an issue, and Detective Pikachu will probably be no different, most serious fans are probably going to want to check this one out on the big screen anyway.

Detective Pikachu hits theaters Friday.


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