
Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Spider-Man: Far From Home May Be Hiding A Classic Villain In Plain Sight

Spider-Man: Far From Home May Be Hiding A Classic Villain In Plain Sight
Jon Favreau and Tom Holland

Spider-Man has one of the deepest Rogues Galleries next to maybe only Batman on screen. There are so many different places that new Spider-Man movies can go with villains, that we can now see enemies like The Vulture (Michael Keaton) and Mysterio (Jake Gyllenhaal) in the MCU for the first time because the previous Sony films already have exhausted classic comic characters like Green Goblin or Doctor Octopus.

But the Sony/Marvel Spider-Man movies also have the ability to seed the backgrounds with potential villain possibilities. Michael Mando played Mac Gargan, aka Scorpion, in Spider-Man: Homecoming. And there is a character named Dimitri in the upcoming Spider-Man: Far From Home who may or may not be set up to eventually become The Chameleon.

We asked Far From Home director Jon Watts specifically about the rumor that actor Numan Acar, who plays Dimitri, was being set up to be The Chameleon on screen, and the director revealed:

Well, Dmitri in the film works for Nick Fury and I think anyone who works for Nick Fury, they certainly have a mysterious past. We're not specifically saying that he's [Chameleon]... but we're not not saying.

The character of Dimitri shows up in a blink-and-you-miss-it moment in the trailer. He works for Nick Fury, and he can be seen to the left of Peter in this shot:

But when CinemaBlend visited the set of Spider-Man: Far From Home last year, we learned even more about how Dimitri will be used in the story.

As it turns out, Nick Fury really will hijack Peter Parker’s European vacation. After Fury recruits Spidey in Venice, he plans to place Dimitri on the class bus, taking the place of the driver, so he can drive Peter to locations where the Elementals are showing up. Executive Producer Eric Carroll walked us through the bulk of the plot for Far From Home, and told us this about Dimitri:

One of the guys on Nick's team is played by Numan Acar. He's a fantastic actor. And he's got this really great thing where he looks super imposing. He looks like the sort of guy you'd expect to be a mercenary. But he's hilarious. Just one of the funniest actors. … So now you've got this really scary-looking mercenary driving these kids around Europe. So, they get rerouted [by Fury]. They drive through the Alps, and there's a fun character set piece here where Peter, who now has access to some technology in the wake of having met up with Nick Fury, tries to use that technology for iffy purposes…. and almost blows up his bus by launching some weaponized drones that this spy team has access to.

It sounds almost like Jon Watts is asking Numan Acar to disguise himself as the school bus driver to stay near Peter Parker on this trip, and bring him to the places Nick Fury needs Spider-Man to be. Could he be… a chameleon, working for Fury?

For those who might not be aware, The Chameleon is Spider-Man’s earliest foe, appearing in issue No. 1 of The Amazing Spider-Man comics, dating back to 1963. He’s a master of disguise, a villain whose face is featureless and can basically pretend to be anyone. He’s also related to Kraven the Hunter, and damn if Numan Acar doesn’t look like he’d make an amazing Kraven, as well.

But we can’t get too far ahead of ourselves here. Spider-Man: Far From Home already has Mysterio (Jake Gyllenhaal), and four Elemental creatures who are meant to represent MCU versions of Hydro-Man, Sandman, Molten Man and more.

We’ll see if the Chameleon really is in the cards when Spider-Man: Far From Home opens in theaters on July 2.

Hellboy Reportedly Had Some Serious Behind The Scenes Drama

Hellboy Reportedly Had Some Serious Behind The Scenes Drama
Sasha Lane, David Harbour and Daniel Dae Kim in Hellboy

The Hellboy reboot finally arrives in theaters tomorrow, and thus far the early reception to it has not been stellar. It’s received a lot of negative reviews from critics and ranks (at the time of this writing) at a measly 12% on Rotten Tomatoes. Now word has come in that Hellboy reportedly dealt with a lot of behind-the-scenes drama during the production process, namely between director Neil Marshall and producers Lawrence Gordon and Lloyd Levin.

According to The Wrap, Neil Marshall had a series of disagreements with Lawrence Gordon and Lloyd Levin that “boiled over” when the producers replaced Marshall’s cinematographer, Sam McCurdy, with Lorenzo Senatore. Two people familiar with the situation who spoke to the outlet allege that McCurdy was fired because Gordon and Levin were trying to send a message to Marshall that even though he was Hellboy’s director, he was not truly in charge. While he wouldn’t comment on the reasoning behind McCurdy’s firing, Levin’s attorney, Martin Singer, responded that it was a “group decision” that wasn’t about sending a message, and accused Marshall of encouraging this story.

But this is just one clash that supposedly occurred during the making of Hellboy. Other issues reportedly included Lloyd Levin repeatedly interrupting Neil Marshall as he was rehearsing the actors to give different directions; David Harbour walking off set several times and refusing to deliver the extra takes Marshall wanted; and the script being rewritten throughout production, with one rewrite being handled by Harbour and co-star Ian McShane, among others.

However, perhaps the most bizarre issue that reportedly popped up during the making of Hellboy was a disagreement over a “surreal tree” that appears in the movie. Neil Marshall wanted the tree to be asymmetrical and “realistic-looking,” but Lloyd Levin ignored that request and had the tree be symmetrical, though the tree ultimately became asymmetrical as originally intended during postproduction.

Furthermore, after Neil Marshall handed in his cut of Hellboy, the producers allegedly took over and applied their own changes to the movie. Martin Singer claims that Marshall had never been promised the final cut on Hellboy.

It’s hard to say just how much of this information is accurate and who is truly responsible for what, but it sounds like the Hellboy journey was a long and difficult one. Unfortunately, it’s not like this story is anything new in the Hollywood sphere. There’s no shortage of reports about behind-the-scenes difficulties during the making of a major motion picture, like the 2015 Fantastic Four reboot.

It’d be one thing if despite all these disagreements, Hellboy still managed to come together as an exceptional product, but evidently that’s not the case going off the overall critical reception. It’s safe to say that this will not go down in the film history books as one of the more beloved comic book movies, but as far as this behind-the-scenes drama goes, it’s possible this isn’t the last we’ve heard about it, and that more details will be revealed in the near future.

You can judge Hellboy for yourself starting this weekend, but if you’re interested about what other movies are opening this year, look through our 2019 release schedule.

4 Great Frozen Songs That Aren't 'Let It Go'

4 Great Frozen Songs That Aren't 'Let It Go'
Frozen 2 brings back Elsa

Listen, everyone knows "Let It Go." Chances are, if you have lived through the year 2013, or especially if you have young children running around the house, you have heard the popular, Oscar-winning Disney single from the hit animated film, Frozen. Then, you've probably heard it again. And again. And again, and again, and again, and again.

The invigorating, wondrous and captivating song has been a persistent fixture of pop culture ever since it was first belted by the great Idina Menzel (also known as "Adele Dazeem" by certain Oscar presenters). But even though it's the most famous song from the movie, the other songs from the hit album shouldn't be dismissed in the process. There is enough love to go around when it comes to the Frozen soundtrack.

There is no denying that "Let It Go" is a great song. But we want to make a case for the rest of the songs from Frozen's soundtrack. Therefore, here are some other Frozen songs that you've certainly heard before but should be given a second thought before you put "Let It Go" for the 400th time today.

"Frozen Heart"

Before we meet Elsa, Anna, Olaf, Kristoff and all our main characters, and before we even heart the opening notes of "Let It Go," we're introduced to the world of Frozen through the thunderous, nordic village song, "Frozen Heart." An intensive, pulsating working tune is our worldbuilding song, the track that puts us into the world of our animated characters and invites us into their wintry terrain. As a result, while it is gruffer and more action-intensive than the other songs on this soundtrack, it's a great way into get yourself immersed in the frosty story.

The rhythmic slashing of the pickaxes trudging into the frozen ground sets the mood for the introductory song, letting us see the beauty in the mundane world and capturing the icy energy of the hardworking singers. It's a pulsating, hard and fast song with an excellent hook and yet a somber mood. It's also a nice way of letting us understand the mood of the film, which can be as warm as it can be cold in equal turns.

"Do You Want To Build A Snowman?"

Arguably the second most famous song in Frozen, to be clear, "Do You Want To Build A Snowman?" is, nevertheless, a sweet-hearted, instantly catchy and heart-tugging tune. It's filled with childhood whimsy, copious bouts of heart and an underlying melancholy at the dysfunction that can often arise between siblings. A literal hot-and-cold relationship, as it were.

Performed by Agatha Lee Monn & Katie Lopez, along with Kristen Bell, "Do You Want To Build A Snowman?" is intentionally simple, relying on its warm innocence and cold sadness, mixed lovingly by its compassionate singers, to sell the emotional crux of the song. Particularly since it serves as one of our introductory tracks, it knows that it is important to keep the song straightforward and character-focused, along us — the viewer and the listener — to understand the broken dynamic between these distant sisters, and one sister's sincere, earnest effort to reconnect with her cold-shouldered sibling.

It's a song both loving and lovely, capturing the vulnerability and inner desires of our young characters with gentle and resonating impact. It's not quite a powerhouse the way "Let It Go" is, but "Do You Want To Build A Snowman?" does have a lot of emotional impact. No matter how many times you hear it, it always packs a punch.

"In Summer"

A jazzy, frothy and appropriate warm upbeat diddy that's given a great deal of character and personality by singer and performer Josh Gad, "In Summer" is a cute and humorous ode to the impending summertime sung by a clueless Olaf. As we all know, Olaf the Scene-Stealing Snowman believes the warm summer season will bring bright and sunny days for him, unaware of what happens to snow when the temperature peaks. As a result, the song finds Olaf singing sweet praises to the hot season that will eventually bring his demise, falsely thinking the future will be more joyful.

Therefore, "In Summer" mirrors the snowman's ironically warm demeanor. It captures the misguided belief of the singing supporting character that sunny days are ahead, in more ways than one, and that it won't be long before a permanent smile will be placed on his carrot-nosed snow-based face. Obviously, everyone else — including the other characters in the scene — know that Olaf is delusional, to say the least. But the rousing and passionate song is great at capturing Olaf's aloof mindset and helping us to understand his misguided belief that the beaming sun will bring peace and happiness.

"Fixer Upper"

With its upbeat tempo, high energy and charming array of characters, it's surprising that "Fixer Upper" isn't a bigger hit. The song, which plays prominently in the middle of the movie, can sort of feel a bit out of place in the scheme of the story. It kinda comes out of nowhere, and it's sung through a variety of characters who were only introduced a brief moment before. Nevertheless, in terms of sheer entertainment, it's hard to beat.

Featuring the voice talents of Maia Wilson, along with the prominent cast and several other talented musicians, "Fixer Upper" is a spontaneous and silly number compared to the rest of the film. With its assortment of bathroom gags and different off-beat comic touches, it can feel a little jarring compared to the tone of the rest of the film. Nevertheless, what's fun is fun. And this song has a great heart and a ton of energy to boot. And much like the title would suggest, it comes into the film just when it could use a pep in its story.

Of course, if you own the Frozen soundtrack, there is a good chance that you have already heard these songs several times before, in a continual loop. While "Let It Go" is still — and will remain — the most famous song on the soundtrack, and the one that will forever continue to get the most plays, the rest of the soundtrack shouldn't be disparaged in the process.

Therefore, the next time you, or your kids, decides to put on the Frozen soundtrack, it might be best to try one of these popular (and less-than-popular) songs instead. And remember, there is a whole new batch of Frozen songs in the future when Frozen 2 storms its way into theaters on November 22nd.

Monday, July 6, 2020

How The Avatar Crew Feels About Fox Selling To Disney

How The Avatar Crew Feels About Fox Selling To Disney
Avatar 20th Century Fox

Avatar is the highest-grossing movie of all time, which also makes it 20th Century Fox's highest-grossing movie. It's certainly something the studio had a right to brag about. But now Disney owns Fox, and James Cameron can no longer lean on his tight relationship with Rupert Murdoch and family. That relationship started with Aliens back in 1986 and was meant to continue through the upcoming Avatar sequels.

So how does the Avatar team feel about Fox now being owned by Disney? Bittersweet is one word to describe it. Here's what Titanic and Avatar producer Jon Landau had to say:

We're very sad the Murdochs chose to sell the company. But if they're going to sell the company, there's nobody better than Disney to sell it to. They get Avatar in terms of what its potential is, not just as a movie but as a franchise.

And Disney has enough money to fund it all, so that helps.

Jon Landau is James Cameron's producer at Lightstorm Entertainment, and he stayed positive and hopeful in his quote to The Hollywood Reporter. As THR noted, James Cameron had an unusually strong bond with Fox's Murdochs -- in one example, they gave him the extra time he needed for the much-delayed Titanic, which certainly paid off -- and now he's working for Disney. Disney is a place where IP like Marvel and Star Wars are the real stars and he's not likely to have any kind of special relationship like he enjoyed with the Murdochs.

However, the Avatar team has already worked with Disney on past projects, including theme parks, so it's not like they are all strangers starting from scratch.

There are four planned sequels to Avatar, which made $2,787,965,087 worldwide after its December 2009 release. A couple of months ago, producer Jon Landau said each movie would be a standalone movie, and you won't have had to see Avatar to enjoy Avatar 2. (But is there anyone left who hasn't seen Avatar?)

In 2016, James Cameron said the storyline of the sequels would follow Jake (Sam Worthington) and Neytiri (Zoe Saldana) and their children, as more of a family saga about the struggle with the humans.

In January 2019, Disney CEO Bob Iger referenced two Avatar sequels on the way, but noted Disney hadn't given Avatar 4 and 5 the green light at that point. However, Jon Landau followed that by saying Iger's quotes may have been misinterpreted --- telling HeyUGuys not only were Avatar 4 and 5 greenlit, they had already filmed part of Avatar 4.

In February, Jon Landau told Collider the performance-capture parts of Avatar 2 and Avatar 3 -- and part of Avatar 4 -- were complete. He said they would be filming the live-action portions in New Zealand this spring, aka right about now.

Just recently in late March, Jon Landau told THR they were moving forward on production the same way they were before the Disney/Fox deal officially closed last week.

Way back in 2006, James Cameron had said if Avatar was successful, he wanted to make two sequels. Well, it did pretty well. Sequels were originally scheduled for 2014 and 2015. Obviously that didn't happen, and future dates also didn't pan out.

James Cameron is no stranger to delays, and no stranger to gigantic blockbusters. The good news is that technology has advanced so much in the past decade that the sequels should be more impressive than ever.

As of now, Avatar 2 is scheduled for release on December 18, 2020, which would be exactly 11 years after Avatar opened. Avatar 2 is currently scheduled for December 17, 2021. The next films are expected in 2024 and 2025.

By the way, Jon Landau and James Cameron also produced Alita: Battle Angel for Fox. There are question marks on whether that film made enough to justify sequels, but it sounds like the ball might be in Disney's court for that decision.

Stop Asking O'Shea Jackson About Space Jam 2, People

Stop Asking O'Shea Jackson About Space Jam 2, People

Reporting on casting rumors in Hollywood can be a tricky business. While it’s true that stuff leaks all the time and winds up being true, there are many instances when false information makes its way around town despite not actually holding any water. This article is about a case of the latter – specifically involving actor O’Shea Jackson Jr. and the developing Space Jam 2. See what I mean by clicking play on the video below:

I recently attended the Los Angeles press junket for the new Jonathan Levine comedy Long Shot, and while sitting down with O’Shea Jackson Jr. I took the opportunity to ask him about projects that he has in the works… or at least a project that I thought he had in the works. While preparing for the interview, I noticed on the actor’s IMDb page that he was listed as a co-star in Space Jam 2, and given the heat that project has I was curious about what kind of significance it had for him.

As it turns out, though, the Straight Outta Compton star actually has no relationship with the production at this current time, and had a rather funny reaction when I brought the movie up in conversation.

I was clearly not the first person to bring up Space Jam 2 that day, and the confusion that the fake casting rumor evoked from O’Shea Jackson Jr. was rather entertaining. While he did note it’s a project of which he’d like to be a part, at this time it is definitely not something with which he is currently involved. And this is despite the fact that the project is STILL listed on his IMDb page as one of his upcoming movies alongside Michael Dougherty’s Godzilla: King Of The Monsters and Destin Daniel Cretton’s Just Mercy:

So what is going on with Space Jam 2? The long-awaited sequel, which has been developing for many years, is set to star LeBron James as himself, essentially taking over the role that Michael Jordan played in the 1996 original, and will see him on a special adventure featuring the familiar Looney Tunes stars. With Ryan Coogler on board as a producer, director Terence Nance is attached to make the movie as his second feature after the 2012 animated An Oversimplification of Her Beauty. There have been reports that the movie will co-star Star Trek: Discovery’s Sonequa Martin-Green, who will apparently be playing James’ wife, but given the situation with O’Shea Jackson Jr., it almost feels appropriate to throw that out there with a grain of salt until she personally confirms the casting.

I guess we’ll just have to wait and see if O’Shea Jackson Jr.-in-Space Jam 2 is a thing that really comes together, but the good news is that fans won’t have to wait until July 2021 to hypothetically see the actor back up on the big screen. Long Shot, which stars Jackson, Seth Rogen, Charlize Theron, June Diane Raphael, Ravi Patel, and Andy Serkis, will be in theaters this Friday – and we’ll have more from my interviews with the cast and director coming very soon, so stay tuned here on CinemaBlend!

Everything You Need To Know About Black Panther Going Into Phase 4

Everything You Need To Know About Black Panther Going Into Phase 4
T'Challa in his Black Panther suit back from the dead for the first time

If it was not already obvious, the Black Panther movie is getting a sequel we can expect to see in Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which mean's we'll be spending plenty of time with T'Challa post Avengers: Endgame.

Originally, Chadwick Boseman’s portrayal of the King of Wakanda made his first appearance in 2016’s Captain America: Civil War, before returning in his solo Black Panther movie in 2018, which grossed over $1 billion worldwide and became an Oscar-nominee for Best Picture. Now that we have seen him fight alongside the Avengers in two movies over the past year, we are anxious to see what is next in store for T’Challa in his homeland.

Speaking of, as of now, there is still very little known in regards to what we can expect. Will we see Heart Shaped Herb regrow? Will Wakanda be equipped with extra security measures meant to keep out large, purple men? Could we see Michael B. Jordan reprise his role as a resurrected Erik Killmonger?

Let's take a peek behind the scenes and between the pages of Marvel comics and see what else we could see from the titular Black Panther and the rest of the Wakandan key figures moving forward. As always, there are some minor spoilers from recent Marvel movies that can be found throughout this piece. Only keep reading on if you are caught up!

Ryan Coogler Directing Black Panther 2

We would proudly make the claim the Black Panther movies are destined for a bright future as long as Ryan Coogler is there to guide them. Thankfully, he is not going away anytime soon.

The young, yet illustrious, movie-making wizard is returning to the Marvel Cinematic Universe to direct his first sequel, a chance he actually opted out of previously, choosing Black Panther over the follow-up to his acclaimed 2015 Rocky spin-off, Creed.

Ryan Coogler has a lot to expand on with the next chapter of his most successful venture yet, following the rise, fall, and rise of T’Challa in battle against Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame. There are very few plot details available yet to see what RyanCoogler’s vision will give us in the next film.

Fortunately, as we tend to do as fans, we have come up with a few ideas for him in mind.

T’Challa Is Still The Ruler Of Wakanda

T’Challa never yielded and, as we could see in the conclusion of Avengers: Endgame, he is not dead.

Yes, Chadwick Boseman’s T’Challa returned to Wakanda after Hulk snapped him back to life with the Avengers’ homemade Infinity Gauntlet to continue his reign as the country's leader and protector. Of course, based on the first post-credits scene in Black Panther, the African nation is due for some big changes.

T’Challa announced to the United Nations that Wakanda would be going public with its super advanced technology and plentiful resources, which has us curious about what sort of sociopolitical commentary Ryan Coogler will use as a jumping-off point in the Black Panther sequel.

My biggest questions regard how T’Challa plans to move forward following the Decimation. The king has five years of absence to make up for and we imagine the newly resurrected Wakandans have a lot of questions about the state of their country in a post-Thanos world. What sort of issues are there left to solve and what changes is Wakanda destined to go through?

Regardless, we are just as excited to see more of T’Challa the leader as we are to see more of T’Challa the Black Panther. However...

T’Challa Is Not The Only Black Panther In The Marvel Universe

Shuri, T’Challa’s sister and princess of Wakanda brought to life by Letitia Wright, has proven herself to be one of the best Black Panther characters as a heroine on the battlefield and in the lab. A brilliant scientist, she has designed many of Wakanda’s most innovative creations, improved her brother’s Black Panther suit with nano technology, and came closer to saving Vision from death by Mind Stone removal in Avengers: Infinity War than Bruce Banner did.

As we have seen in Black Panther and Avengers: Endgame, she can kick butt just as well as her brother. Her comic book persona is no exception, given that Shuri would eventually inherit his title.

When T’Challa suffers critical injuries from battle, Shuri must assume the role of Wakanda’s leader and as the Black Panther, as her brains and brawn have proven her worthy. Currently, we have no way of knowing that such a situation will occur with the Black Panther characters in the sequel, but we would love to see at least a hint about this heading into Phase Four.

Furthermore, given that we have seen a rise in more female-centric films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe with the success Captain Marvel and the anticipation for Scarlett Johansson’s solo Black Widow movie, we would not be surprised to see Shuri get her own moment in the spotlight.

A Fun Idea For The Next Black Panther Villain

There has been much speculation over who T’Challa will face off against in the Black Panther movies moving forward, particularly in Black Panther 2.

Rumors say Michael B. Jordan might reprise his role as Black Panther villain Kilmonger (somehow). There have been reports that Ryan Koogler has spoken to Donald Glover about appearing in the film, perhaps as his Spider-Man: Homecoming character if we don’t want to mess with continuity. There is even support for Black Panther soundtrack producer Kendrick Lamar to be the bad guy.

I may have a better idea.

Black Panther has fought many adversaries throughout the Marvel universe in the comics, among them is the ruthless Latverian leader Victor Von Doom. Not only does that concept give us the perfect set up for a battle between two warriors of royal authority, but also paves way for another group of superhero favorites to finally make an introduction into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Since Doctor Doom is the archenemy of the Fantastic Four, why not see a team-up between Black Panther and Marvel’s first superhero family? Given the Black Panther character's first appearance was in a Fantastic Four comic, we cannot think of a better way to introduce them into this world now that Disney holds the keys to serve them justice. Still, given rights are still a complicated issue and it may be years before Fox's Marvel characters are shuffled into continuity, this may just be wishful thinking on my part.

Speaking of the Disney taking control of Fox characters…

Could A Future Black Panther Movie See Wakanda Getting A New Queen?

The end of the first Black Panther movie hinted that T’Challa would not rule Wakanda alone, taking Nakia (Lupita N’Yongo) as his wife and queen. Yet, the Wakandan covert operative was absent from both Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame.

So, either she has just been carrying out her royal responsibilities behind the scenes and has yet to return in the Black Panther sequel, or maybe she and T’Challa broke up. While we would love to see the great Lupita Nyong'o reprise her role, if she were to exit the franchise, this would also leave room for another Marvel character to accept the throne.

In the comics, T’Challa befriends and eventually marries Ororo Munroe, better known under her X-Men alias, Storm. The Avenger and the mutant rule hand-in-hand and fight alongside in battle. What better way to kick off the X-Men’s role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe following the Disney-Fox merger but with Storm as Queen of Wakanda?

While it may seem like overkill in passing to have the Black Panther sequel as a jumping off point for this many characters to become a part of the MCU (and Dark Phoenix’s Storm actress Alexandra Shipp has already voiced against this idea), to many fans, this would a sweet trip to Nerdvana if at some point during Phase Four the Black Panther universe got a storyline of this ilk.

What would you like to see from Wakanda in future Marvel movies? Let us know in the comments below and be sure check back for more updates here on CinemaBlend. Oh, and Wakanda forever!

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Sounds Like Avengers: Endgame Was Always Going To Be The Movie’s Title

Sounds Like Avengers: Endgame Was Always Going To Be The Movie’s Title
The Avengers: Endgame poster

When it was first announced, many years ago, it was known as Avengers: Infinity War - Part 2. In time, that vague subtitle was dropped, and the legitimate title reveal was left a mystery. But eventually, the conclusion to the cliffhanger left at the end of Avengers: Infinity War became known as Avengers: Endgame, lifted (in part) from Doctor Stephen Strange’s hint to Tony Stark that he is “in the endgame now.” When CinemaBlend got a chance to interview Endgame co-director Anthony Russo, we asked him flat out if he and his brother, Joe, ever considered any other subtitles for the upcoming Marvel movie, and he confirmed:

Yeah, you know, look, you might get different answers from different people about this. But, my brother and I, we've been very focused on Endgame ever since, you know what I mean? Ever since we started writing those scripts with [Christopher] Markus and [Stephen] McFeely. So yeah, we've been very focused on that. There was never another title.

The subtitle Endgame doesn’t only have to refer to the line spoken by Benedict Cumberbatch before he turns to dust. Tony (Robert Downey Jr.) actually spoke it in this pivotal scene in Avengers: Age of Ultron.

The Avengers can deal with small threats on Earth all day long. Tony knew that the real battle had to be taken to the skies – to the galaxies – if our planet ever was going to feel real peace. So, is that what we are going to see in Avengers: Endgame?

There are subplots that need to play out in this upcoming movie. The Avengers need to avenge the fallen, and make Thanos pay for his crimes. But what if that’s only half of Endgame? In the recent Captain Marvel, we met two significant alien life forms in the Kree and the Skrulls. Could there be a lot more space stuff coming up in Endgame than what we anticipate? Could the team encounter even stranger stuff in the Quantum Realm?

We’re so close to finding out. Joe and Anthony Russo’s pending blockbuster will be the culmination of a journey that began way back in Iron Man, and has powered through the past 11 years with one overarching story, broken in numerous parts. We, personally, can’t wait to see how it ends on April 26. And as of today, tickets for Avengers: Endgame are currently on sale, so be sure to hurry and grab seats at your favorite local theater, before they are all gone.


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