
Saturday, April 18, 2020

Superman Vs. Thanos: How the Justice League Characters Would Handle Thanos

Superman Vs. Thanos: How the Justice League Characters Would Handle Thanos
Justice League Commissioner Gordon standing with Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Batman and The Flash on a roo

With The Avengers doing battle with Thanos in theaters at this very moment, Avengers: Endgame is answering a lot of the questions about just how Earth’s mightiest heroes would defeat a mad Titan with all of the power in the universe. More than likely you’ve seen that fight take place for yourself, but even if you haven’t, you’re probably thinking, “What would it be like to see the Justice League take on Thanos in a battle for the universe?”

It’s a scenario so awesome and so fun to think out that we just had to tackle it. Using the line-up from the recent Justice League movie, we’ve come up with a scenario in which the team members you saw in DC’s big team-up film will challenge the greatest threat in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Using their powers and abilities, we’re about to see if the greatest team in DC Comics history can take down Thanos in their own way. But before we get to the main event, let’s take a look at what sort of scenario would lead to this all out conflict.

Why Would The Justice League Ever Challenge Thanos?

As we’ve learned in the new Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer, there’s a really good chance The Snap has torn the fabric of the multiverse, allowing all sorts of stuff to bleed through the edges of reality. So let’s just say that the actions of Thanos have not only opened a gate between worlds in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but also the worlds of DC and Marvel.

This would, hypothetically, see this third version of Thanos, still crazy and mad for power as always, crossing over onto DC Comics’ home turf. With the full power of the Infinity Gauntlet in his grasp once more, he’s ready to conquer a new world that’s not so familiar with his ways. Which leaves the Justice League with a hell of a puzzle to solve.

Given their collective skill set, and the potential battleground of Metropolis/Gotham at their usage, the playing field just might be level enough for the Justice League to take on Thanos in an effective fashion. Which means it’s time to run through the team’s individual profiles, and how they fit into the fight.

How Batman Would Fight Thanos

On the ground level, Batman would be the best hero to start out with in terms of the Justice League’s roster. Not only is Bruce Wayne’s alter ego not super-powered, and thus the most physically vulnerable, he’s also the best person to get the ball rolling.

Batman’s greatest resource is the fact that he’s the world’s best detective. He researches the hell of out a subject, finds it weaknesses, and uses them for his own gain. So much like he’s done with the Justice League itself in the past, Batman can dig deep into Thanos’s legend and origins, as well as the abilities of the Infinity Gauntlet and its individual stones.

Once he found the relevant information in this new world, Batman would then be able to provide strategic analysis to his team, possibly dream up some new gadgets (including a substitute gauntlet to put the stones into, should the original be destroyed) to help the team with their efforts, and help formulate the exact plan to back Thanos into a corner. And he could even use the help of a very valuable team member to create his strategy.

How Cyborg Would Fight Thanos

Victor Stone, also known as Cyborg to his Justice League teammates, is a genius of unparalleled ability. With a high IQ, and all the cybernetic enhancements one could require to use such an IQ to their advantage, Cyborg has an arsenal of weapons that could stand up against Thanos’s efforts, and he even has an ace up his robotic sleeve.

As far as Cyborg’s robotic arsenal goes, he has various gadgets that could slow down Thanos and whatever else he can throw at the Justice League. With a whole bunch of weapons built into his cybernetic body, most famously including a sonic canon, Cyborg could help clear the way for the rest of the team by using sonic waves to break apart objects that Thanos or his children might hurl at the group.

With his incredible smarts, as well as the cybernetic enhancements that Cybog has built into his person, he is also a very valuable tool in determining the strategy needed to take down Thanos. Team his cybernetic analysis abilities with Batman’s detective work, and you’ve got two pretty big brains looking to take out a Mad Titan. Of course, a lot of brawn is going to be needed to take down Thanos, which is where the next member of our team comes in.

How Aquaman Would Fight Thanos

There’s one particular scene in Avengers: Endgame that probably would make anyone, Avenger and audience member alike, wish that Arthur Curry was present to use his powers as Aquaman. While Doctor Strange did a pretty good job controlling the waters that threatened to flood the battle in the remains of the Avengers compound, one could imagine Aquaman doing even better, as controlling water is kind of his sweet spot.

But should this fight in the DC Universe take place in the waters between Metropolis and Gotham, as shown in Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, all it would take is the Trident of Poseidon for Arthur to very easily change the state of play. Not only would he be able to control the waters, but he’d also be able to summon various sea creatures that could give Thanos a hard time in his efforts to stump the Justice League.

Of course, this would also mean that should he be able to summon them, and should they be agree to join the cause, Arthur Curry could summon the armies of his Atlantean kingdom to come to the surface and spank Thanos raw. Which has us thinking of another member of royalty in the Justice League that could bring their own army, as well as special skills, to help things along.

How Wonder Woman Would Fight Thanos

Now let’s say that between Batman and Cyborg’s intellect, there are still some questions that the Justice League needs answered regarding how to defeat Thanos. Even with the best laid plans, there’s bound to be something that goes wrong. Should there be any further questions that need to be answered in the heat of battle, Wonder Woman could help get those answers very easily.

Using her Lasso of Truth, Diana can rope Thanos or a compatriot into a position where they have to chill out and answer her questions truthfully. Through interrogation, Wonder Woman could question Thanos about his strategy to sack the universe, and see if there were any other weaknesses the team could use against him. Plus, much like Mantis in Avengers: Infinity War, this could provide a moment to try and remove that pesky Infinity Gauntlet from his hands.

If all else failed, there are two other things that Wonder Woman could provide in the fight against Thanos. With an Invisible Jet at her command, she could easily launch a sneak attack on ground forces, or even Thanos’s gigantic ship, and take some key pieces off the board. Finally, if all else failed, the Amazonian princess in the Justice League’s ranks could try to raise an army of her compatriots from Themyscira, ready to flood the field with rage and combat against Thanos’ own army.

How The Flash Would Fight Thanos

The Flash is probably one of the best heroes to have in the case of the Justice League fighting Thanos, as he has a key ability that also came in handy in the Marvel Cinematic Universe: time travel. With his usage of speed, and his ability to travel back and forth through time, Barry Allen would have two very different ways to help out his fellow Justice League teammates.

Should things go according to whatever plans Batman and Cyborg have cooked up, or if the strategies added by Wonder Woman also pan out, then Barry could just use his abilities as The Flash to be incredibly fast on the battlefield, taking out as many of Thanos’s forces as he could through agility and extreme velocity. He could even sneak up on Thanos if he’s lassoed up by Wonder Woman, in an effort to remove the Gauntlet by force. But should things not go according to plan, there’s always Plan B.

While it’s obviously not something to count on as a major strategy, should the plans drawn up by the Justice League team fail, Barry can always use his speedster ability to go back in time and warn the team of what works and what doesn’t. Though he’ll want to take some really good notes as to just how exactly the team gets their asses handed to them, as that sort of option takes a lot of energy and effort.

How Superman Would Fight Thanos

Here it is: the moment you’ve all been waiting for. With all of the other core Justice League members plying their trades, and bringing the fight to Thanos, it’s time to talk about what Superman’s role would be in defeating the mad titan. Besides, of course, Superman’s ability to smash and bash Thanos around quite a bit, which still leaves him pretty ready to bring Thanos to his knees, and quite possibly finish him.

With both his heat vision and freezing breath, the last son of Krypton could do quite a number on Thanos to get the Infinity Gauntlet off of his hand. Weakening the gauntlet, there’s a chance that Superman could get it off of Thanos, either intact or by destroying the vessel holding the Infinity Stones and scooping them up.

With a suitable vessel, Superman could easily use any sort of Infinity Gauntlet to snap Thanos and his armies out of existence. As a Kryptonian, there’s a good chance that the Gamma radiation that the usage of the gauntlet puts out won’t affect him in an adverse way. He might get banged up, and he just might take a lot of damage when using the Infinity Gauntlet, but Superman would be able that gauntlet no problem and not have to die in the process.

Could The Justice League Handle Thanos Better Than The Avengers?

So with all of their collective abilities, one final query slips into the minds of audiences all over: Could the Justice League handle Thanos better than The Avengers did in Avengers: Endgame? Quite frankly, to me the answer feels like a resounding yes, and it’s because of the approaches of DC Heroes versus Marvel Heroes. Boiling it all down to the fact that the world of DC Comics has a lot of Gods or godlike creatures involved, you can see how the Justice League would have the upper hand in fighting Thanos.

With a super team that includes Wonder Woman and Superman amongst its ranks, that’s a huge part of the battle fought right there. But with the extraordinary abilities of Flash, Cyborg, and Aquaman, plus the extra brain power of Batman slotted into the team, these six heroes have a good chance of getting the job done amongst themselves.

Though it also helps that the armies of both Wonder Woman and Aquaman would have the numbers to help soften up Thanos and his own forces. Even in that respect, without the powers of the six members of the Justice League put together, the fight is pretty much lost. So with huge military ranks to fight the ground battle, as well as a pretty fantastic team of six heroes with powers and tactics beyond compare, it’s fair to say that the Justice League would have a handle on beating Thanos; especially with The Flash being able to run the time travel play if need be.

Of course, there are all sorts of caveats, variants, and conditions that can be added into the argument in order to change the arguments of how the Justice League would take on Thanos. But as it stands, this is the strategy that I believe would best suit DC’s legendary super team, and their best chance of saving the day. Should you have any notes or factors that you think should be taken into account, changing the playbook of the Justice League being pitted against Thanos, we encourage you, the audience, to comment below.

Should you want to do some additional research to support or refute this case, Avengers: Endgame is currently in theaters, with Justice League being available on home video, in all formats.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Sylvester Stallone Shares Action Footage From The Set Of Rambo V: Last Blood

Sylvester Stallone Shares Action Footage From The Set Of Rambo V: Last Blood

As the final installment of the Rambo series, Rambo V: Last Blood is looking to close out the series strongly. Sylvester Stallone has promised quite a bit when it comes to how John Rambo’s story will finish, and on top of those promises is a bit of behind-the-scenes footage showing Stallone do what he does best. As you’ll see in the video below, that’s being a bad-ass:

Included in this bad-ass starter kit of footage for John Rambo’s swan song is the sharpening of such implement of doom as a knife and a pitchfork, both in Rambo’s rustic workshop he operates on the family farm. Also shown in Rambo V: Last Blood’s teaser reel are some gunfire, Rambo setting up for some action with a bow and arrow and some random shots of setting up moments ready to be captured on film.

Just in case you thought Rambo V: Last Blood was going to be a story of the human condition, trade negotiations and international relations, these clips of lights, camera and plenty of action are here to say that you’re not going to be disappointed by Rambo’s latest mission. Setting out to recover the missing daughter of a good friend, John Rambo is about to unleash this sort of hell on an unsuspecting drug lord. As you’ve seen, the tools he’s got ready to do the job are varied, and he knows how to care for them.

This is only the continuation of the social media campaign that Sylvester Stallone has successfully waged to get folks talking about Rambo V: Last Blood. Courtesy of his favorite social media platform, Instagram, Stallone has not only promised that this new Rambo film will be an action packed ride, but it’ll contain a finale that no one could possibly expect.

Seeing as we’re so close to the aftermath of Avengers: Endgame’s own ending that no one could possibly expect, we’re beginning to wonder if John Rambo is going to be able to survive Rambo V: Last Blood’s big finish. Just as that cultural phenomenon drew to an end with some grand sacrifices, Rambo’s last frame could very well be the troubled Vietnam vet giving his life in the name of the mission.

If there’s a heroic death in the works for John Rambo, Rambo V: Last Blood looks like it’s going to make him earn it by taking down as many villains as possible. And with Sylvester Stallone in fighting shape to make this the fitting end to the Rambo story, it feels like they hype is not only real, but easily sustainable between now and opening night.

Rambo V: Last Blood brings revenge to those who deserve it on September 20. That said, if you’re looking to see what else is coming to theaters in the more recent future, you can check out our 2019 release schedule for further information.

Don't Freak, But The Genie Isn't Always Blue In The New Aladdin Trailer

Don't Freak, But The Genie Isn't Always Blue In The New Aladdin Trailer
Will Smith's Genie in Aladdin

When the first pictures of Will Smith's Genie appeared, people were shocked and even slightly outraged that Will Smith looked like, Will Smith. He wasn't blue, and as all fans of the classic Disney Aladdin know, the Genie was blue. Will Smith told people not to freak out and when the first footage of Genie came with an early teaser, we saw the Genie being blue. And then everybody freaked out again. Now, the first full trailer is here, and get ready for everybody to freak out again, because the Genie is blue, and also not blue.

This morning we got out best look yet at Disney's live-action Aladdin and it may set a lot of people's minds at ease, because it looks pretty good. We got to really see Aladdin, Jasmine and Jafar in action. We heard a couple pieces of some popular songs and everything looks good. Except maybe the Genie depending on your perspective.

When He's Blue

The trailer shows us Aladdin making his way through the Cave of Wonders, finding the magic lamp and then rubbing it to release the Genie. As we saw in the last teaser, when he is released, the Genie looks how you might have expected. He's big and blue and looks like a pumped up Will Smith. If you're not a fan of the CGI job, this trailer isn't going to change your mind.

It's here we also get the first part of an actual musical performance, some of the Will Smith version of "Friend Like Me." Smith will remain blue throughout this section. The last time that we see him in full CGI mode is during the "Making Aladdin a prince" scene. After that, everything changes.

When He's Not Blue

We first see Genie looking more like normal Will Smith earlier in the trailer, during the scene where Al is asking Genie if he can be made into a prince. We also seem him looking that way later, after "Prince Ali" has made his way into the palace. This is actually the last we see of Genie in the trailer, so it's possible we could see him transforming back and forth several times throughout the movie, depending on whether or not anybody is looking.

What seems likely, and has been my theory from the beginning, is that Genie has made himself look human as a disguise. This way he can interact with the other characters of the film without raising suspicion.

It's what the Genie actually did in the animated movie during the "Prince Ali" song. Genie performed it, and looked like a normal person, before disappearing and keeping himself hidden from the other characters. This way, Disney gets their money's worth out of having Will Smith in the movie. He doesn't need to stay off-screen the whole time.

Whichever version of the Genie you prefer, you're going to have to deal with the other version to some degree, but this way it seems everybody should get what they want at least part of the time.

Keira Knightley Says She Only Watches Her Films Once

Keira Knightley Says She Only Watches Her Films Once
Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Swann in Pirates of the Caribbean

We all have favorite actors that we love to see in movies. We'll watch our favorite performances and favorite stories again and again. However, not every actor who makes those movies is quite as excited to watch them as the rest of us. Keira Knightley recently admitted that she doesn't like to watch herself on screen and will usually only watch her films once. According to Knightley...

No, yeah. I dunno, it’s just weird. It’s like hearing your own voice. I dunno and I only see the bad bits. So, I’m like, ‘Oh, why did I do that?’

As somebody who regularly has to transcribe interviews I have done, I know exactly how strange, and largely off-putting, hearing your own voice can be. It seems that for Keira Knightley, the experience is only amplified. She not only has to hear her own voice, but see herself on screen and watch all the decisions that she made, including the ones she wishes she could do over.

Knightley says she only watches her movies once "if that." I would assume that question comes down to whether or not she attends the premiere of her movies. If she makes it, that's probably the only time she ever sees the film in question. If she doesn't for whatever reason, then she probably never bothers to go back and see the final product.

Knightley is far from the only person who avoids watching her own work. Many in Hollywood have talked about how they rarely if ever watch themselves. Putting yourself up on the screen like that makes an actor quite vulnerable. However, it probably doesn't necessity feel that way when you're shooting the movie. As long as you never go back and watch the movie, you don't realize how much of yourself you're putting out there. Honestly, it's far better than if she loved her own movies so much that she watched them a lot. If that happened, we'd have to worry.

Check out Keira Knightley's full comments on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in the clip below.

Of course, one has to wonder if Keira Knightley might start watching more of her movies again over the next several years. She has a three and a half year old daughter, as she told Jimmy Fallon, and one has to assume that as that girl gets older and begins to understand just what it is her mother does, the kid is going to want to watch those films. As she becomes old enough to see them, Knightley might find her movies on in her house whether she likes it or not. Whether or not she likes that. Perhaps by then she'll be more comfortable with them.

New The Hustle Trailer Spoofs Avengers: Endgame

New The Hustle Trailer Spoofs Avengers: Endgame

It’s a tale old as time: a huge cultural event is set to debut in a theater near you, and just as the hype is getting intense beyond belief, a comedy movie uses that hype to make a joke at said event’s expense. The tactic definitely works, and as we’re prepared to see Avengers: Endgame unfurl in theaters this weekend, The Hustle would like to remind everyone that it’s not too far off from that very film in some of its aims. Check out their latest trailer, inspired by Marvel’s would-be blockbuster, below:

This trailer for The Hustle does a pretty good job starting out with a pseudo Avengers: Endgame vibe, as the approach of limited coloring in the face of great evil is present. And while they may not have checked with Thor about the usage of his super group’s name “The Revengers,” it’s still a pretty fun callback to Thor: Ragnarok.

Of course, it’s not long before The Hustle returns to its actual plot involving Anne Hathaway’s posh thief teaching Rebel Wilson’s newbie in training how to con the men of the French Rivera out of their money. It's a task that requires disguises, aliases and the occasional act involving simulated murder by means of a shotgun.

The second remake of the film Bedtime Stories, with Dirty Rotten Scoundrels being the most recent reference for director Chris Addison’s latest version, The Hustle feels somewhat familiar, but new enough to lure people into theaters with its charms. But then again, a little bit of fun subterfuge doesn’t hurt, especially when the result is a quick and breezy gag that’ll make including this trailer with this weekend’s Avengers: Endgame all the easier.

Although we have to admit, after sitting on this trailer long enough in our minds, The Hustle’s marketing gimmick has us thinking about another time a comedy took good natured shots at an approaching cultural monolith. See if you can remember this throwback from almost 20 years ago:

Summer 2019 is going to be a pretty crowded affair, and grabbing all the marketing real estate you can is key. Much like Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me, The Hustle has brought its A-game while spoofing Endgame, and it’ll be up to the audiences watching this trailer to decide whether or not this joke’s good enough to stick around for the punchline.

In the spirit of history, we’d like to remind you that if you’re only seeing one movie this summer, see Avengers: Endgame, which opens this Thursday night. But, if you do see two or more movies, see The Hustle, which will put its money on the box office table on May 10.

Former Bond Girl Halle Berry Has Some Suggestions For Who Should Replace Daniel Craig

Former Bond Girl Halle Berry Has Some Suggestions For Who Should Replace Daniel Craig
Halle Berry in Die Another Day

The next James Bond movie is currently in production and Daniel Craig is on board to play the role one more time, but once the film is over, the world will need a new James Bond. Dozens of names have been thrown around, dating back to before Craig confirmed his return. Everybody has an opinion, and that includes former Bond girl Halle Berry.

The Die Another Day actress was asked on Today who she would like see take on the iconic role after Daniel Craig steps down. She's got a pair of gentlemen she'd like to see, saying...

I’d want to see Hugh Jackman or Idris Elba. I would go for him.

Halle Berry would probably have a lot of support when it came to either of these two names. Idris Elba's name has been rumored as a Bond possibility for quite some time, there were even rumors at various points that he was in talks to take the part, but Elba continuously denied those reports.

As far as Hugh Jackman goes, we know the actor had a shot at auditioning for the role back when it was last available, but turned down auditioning because he was already working on the X-Men franchise and didn't want to get buried in two major film series at once. It's unclear if he would be at all interested now that he's done playing Logan.

If there's one major stumbling block to either of Halle Berry's choices here, it's probably age. Daniel Craig is currently 51 years old. Hugh Jackman is only a year younger than that and Elba is only slightly behind at 46. When Craig was cast he was in his late 30s and one assumes that the plan would be to cast an actor at that age, if not younger, so that they can make several more movies over the next decade or so.

Still, there's no reason James Bond couldn't be an older character. In the same way that some have campaigned to see James Bond change race or gender because, in addition to the benefit of opening up the character to a more diverse cast, it would also open up the stories that could be told, allowing James Bond to age could potentially do the same thing.

Halle Berry is potentially also one of the people interested in seeing James Bond change genders. When she's initially asked who she'd like to see take over the James Bond role, she says "a woman." While she laughs it off at first and claims she was joking, many who have suggested the same thing haven't been joking.

We almost certainly won't hear anything about the future of James Bond until after Bond 25 is released. The studio won't want to suck all the air out of the new film, so even if a replacement is already being considered, and there's no way to know if that's the case, it will likely be at least a year, and probably much longer, before we know who the next James Bond will be.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Now, Chris Hemsworth Has A Different Actor In Mind For James Bond

Now, Chris Hemsworth Has A Different Actor In Mind For James Bond
Idris Elba in Luther

Daniel Craig is hard at work on the next installment in the James Bond franchise, but with every expectation that this will be his last time in the role, the question of who will be the next James Bond hasn't died down at all. Several names have been suggested both before and after Craig confirmed his return. Chris Hemsworth is one of those names, and he's even expressed interest in the role. However, the Thor actor now says that his vote would go to Idris Elba, as the Hobbs & Shaw villain would bring something fresh and new to the long running role. According to Hemsworth...

I think he’d give it a different sort of swagger, too, and each time someone new comes into the role, I think you’ve got to offer up something different.

Chris Hemsworth is far from the only one who thinks Idris Elba would be a good choice for the new James Bond. The actor has been one of the major names bandied about by fans and oddsmakers alike. There have even been rumors that Elba was in talks for the role at one point, though those rumors have always been denied.

Elba has been a popular choice as the next Bond by other celebrities as well. Former Bond Girl Halle Berry has also suggested him. Daniel Craig himself has stated that there's no reason a person of color couldn't take on the role. Even the idea that James Bond could be a woman has been floated and supported by many.

Hemsworth's reasoning to Variety, for why Elba would work, that he would offer something different to the role, makes a lot of sense as well. While there are certainly elements of the James Bond character that have been consistent through time, each new actor has also brought their own particular style to the part.

The discussion of who the next James Bond might be hasn't died down in the slightest even though Daniel Craig is filming a movie right now. While there will almost certainly be a new James Bond for the franchise's 26th film, don't expect to hear even a word about who it might be for another year or more. Any announcement of a new Bond now would only kill the momentum of the movie currently in production. If fans are already looking forward to the next Bond, it will likely kill the box office potential of the new film.

With the normal production cycle of James Bond movies it could actually still be years before a new actor is chosen, which means that the eventual choice might not even be a name that's currently in the conversation. If somebody new pops into the conversation over the next year or so, everybody from Tom Hiddleston to Tom Hardy that have been rumored could be left by the wayside.


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