
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

John Wick: Chapter 4 Is Already Happening

John Wick: Chapter 4 Is Already Happening
Keanu Reeves as John Wick in Parabellum

Not only is John Wick skilled at killing people, his movies have also become increasingly better at killing it at the box office. The latest release, John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum, has pulled in over $93 million worldwide so far, and it kicked off Avengers: Endgame as the highest grossing domestic release this past weekend. Well, Lionsgate didn’t waste anytime giving the green light to John Wick: Chapter 4; we can expect it two years from now.

One of the ways John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum has been marketing itself is through texts from The Continental making those who subscribe to those texts feel like their an assassin being updated by the hotel. Well, today the message was sent out that John Wick: Chapter 4 is slated for release on May 21, 2021.

With all the money John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum has pulled in so far, as well as the positive critical reception it has received, it’s hardly shocking that Lionsgate wants to keep the story going. While Keanu Reeves is arguably still best known for the Bill & Ted and Matrix movies, the John Wick franchise is his latest big claim to fame, and the actor has said he’s game to keep playing the character as long as people are still interested in these tales. Now we can look forward to at least one more chapter in this intense, violent saga.

Warning: SPOILERS for John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum are ahead!

Needless to say that John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum put John through all kinds of hell, just like its predecessors, from being hunted down by fellow assassins looking to collect the $14 million on his head to fighting off High Table operatives that invaded Winston’s branch of The Continental. He even cut off his own finger just to show commitment to The Elder, one of the High Table members, although that loyalty didn’t last long. Ultimately, the threequel ended with John in his worst state yet: being shot several times by Winston and falling off the roof of The Continental.

Fortunately for John, he was retrieved by the Tick Tock Man and deposited before The Bowery King, who had been severely injured earlier in Parabellum as punishment for helping John in Chapter 2. Forced underground, Bowery King informed John that he’s “pissed off” about what The High Table did to him and asked if John felt the same way, to which John simply responded, “Yeah.”

There weren’t any plot details accompanying the John Wick: Chapter 4 release date announcement, but we can reasonably assume that the next installment will see John, Bowery King and whatever allies they can scrounge up waging war against The High Table. Whether that conflict will be wrapped up at the end of Chapter 4 or if it will extend into a potential Chapter 5 remains to be seen, but at least fans of this franchise can take comfort knowing this has evolved from a trilogy to a longer film series.

As mentioned earlier, you can look forward to John Wick: Chapter 4 hitting theaters in late May 2021, and stay tuned to CinemaBlend for continuing coverage on its development. In the meantime, you can learn what’s coming to the silver screen this year in our 2019 release schedule.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Jaimie Alexander Reveals Lady Sif's Marvel Undergarments

Jaimie Alexander Reveals Lady Sif's Marvel Undergarments

Jaimie Alexander’s Lady Sif hasn’t been seen on the big screen in the MCU since Thor: The Dark World and as far as we know, she isn’t in this weekend’s Avengers: Endgame. Many fans would probably like to see more of Sif in the MCU. But while we wait for that to happen, Jaimie Alexander is happy to show us, well, more of Lady Sif. Specifically, the actress has revealed the Marvel heroine’s undergarments. Take a look:

Jaimie Alexander clearly had some fun with this tweet, pairing a devil emoji with what could be called a rhetorical question. Yes, I’m pretty sure at least a few people have wondered what is under Lady Sif’s armor. Here we get to see that what is beneath that armor is a tight-fitting all black outfit that looks more like it belongs to Black Widow in Iron Man 2 than an Asgardian warrior.

It definitely makes sense that you’d want something tight, lightweight and easy to move in before loading up with all that armor. Regardless, you remove Lady Sif’s armor, bracelets and greaves and Jaimie Alexander’s character still looks every bit as beautifully badass as she does in her full battle attire. Greaves or not, you definitely don’t want to get kicked with the boots this Goddess of War is wearing.

Sadly, it’s been a while since we’ve seen Jaimie Alexander kicking ass in the MCU in any outfit. After Thor: The Dark World, the actress reprised her role as the character in two episodes of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. but hasn’t been seen since. While it initially seemed like she might get a bigger role in Thor: Ragnarok, the actress couldn’t join the film because of scheduling conflicts with her NBC show Blindspot.

After Avengers: Infinity War it was revealed that Lady Sif, like so many others was snapped out of existence by Thanos. But with the Decimation expected to be reversed in Avengers: Endgame, could she finally make her return?

Blindspot is currently in its fourth season but it has not yet been renewed for a fifth season, nor has it been cancelled. If it is cancelled, that would presumably free Jaimie Alexander up to rejoin the MCU, if there was a place for her character of course. To that end, a few months back, we heard a rumor that Lady Sif could get her own limited series on Disney+.

Disney’s upcoming streaming service is handing out series to plenty of MCU characters and the messaging has been that these series will have real integration with the film universe and influence one another in a big way (unlike Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.).

Given that she is Asgardian, Lady Sif would definitely be one of the more interesting characters a series could follow. She arguably hasn’t gotten her due or been fleshed out enough in the movies yet and a series could remedy that. Even if she doesn’t get her own series perhaps there would be an opportunity for Jaimie Alexander to play the character in Loki’s Disney+ series.

You can see Lady Sif’s fellow Asgardian Thor in Avengers: Endgame, in theaters this weekend. Check out our 2019 Release Schedule to see what’s headed your way this summer and for all your movie news stay tuned to CinemaBlend.

All The Reasons Why Black Widow Absolutely Deserves Her Own Movie

All The Reasons Why Black Widow Absolutely Deserves Her Own Movie
Black Widow in her own solo movie 2020

As development on Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow movie continues to inch forward, some MCU fans may be wondering why it's even a thing. Of the Avengers who still have yet to get their own standalone movie, why is Black Widow at the top of the minds of so many people? She doesn't even have superpowers, and it's not like Avengers: Endgame set the stage for some big feature on her end. There was once a time a solo movie would've been perfect for the character, but has that time passed?

The answer, in short, is absolutely not. There's plenty that's been written on this topic already, but as more details on the Black Widow movie have come to light, it's high time for us to talk about all the reasons Black Widow absolutely deserves her own movie, starting with why the character is so fabulous.

Black Widow Is Lowkey The Greatest Hero In Avengers: Endgame

Avengers: Endgame is jam-packed with big moments for its heroes, which makes it really easy to forget why they all came together in the first place. While Tony was pouting and Cap was attending support groups, Natasha stepped up as the leader of The Avengers and did all she could to continue to keep tabs on all the world's heroes and ensure those left behind were still safe from tyranny.

Plus, let's not forget that her massive sacrifice that gave the Avengers a shot at defeating Thanos and bringing everyone back from the dead. It was all the more noble, considering she forced Clint Barton to live so he could be with his family, and gave her life knowing there's a solid chance she may never know whether or not the mission succeeded or failed.

She Can Hold Her Own Alongside Almost Any Hero

Black Widow is one of the only Avengers who lacks super powers or special gear, and yet she's always in the thick of it with everyone else. She's firing shots, doing cartwheels, and taking down bad guys all with a minimal armor and little fear. She's been the ultimate sidekick to accompany any hero in the MCU, so why can't she take the lead for once?

After all, a Black Widow movie doesn't have to be devoid of other Marvel heroes. Natasha could pair up with just about anyone, and somehow still find a way to make herself useful even amongst the strongest of allies. Personally, I think it would be great to see a Black Widow movie where she and old-school Hulk teamed up on some S.H.I.E.L.D. mission, although given the big gap in Hulk's time on Earth that may not be a realistic dream. But there are plenty of routes to go in.

Black Widow's A Hero, But Also Stone Cold When Necessary

While they typically tend to stray on the side of what's right and protects the innocent, the MCU's superheroes have a bit of grey area when it comes to taking down enemies that threaten the things they love. Like, are we really supposed to believe that when Thor slams down in the middle of those enemies every single one of them was conveniently knocked unconscious and just never got back up?

Let's also remember that Natasha was a straight-up assassin, and while she's not necessarily the high-profile killer she once was, she's more or less shown to have little remorse or second thoughts in bringing down a target if things come down to it. This makes a Black Widow movie a potentially darker affair than it would be for other core members of the Avengers, which makes the prospect of one all the more exciting.

There Are Parts Of Black Widow's Past That Are Still Unexplored

We've seen glimpses of Black Widow's past in Avengers: Age of Ultron, but beyond that, there are huge gaps in her history that are unexplored. We don't know the full story behind her road to S.H.I.E.L.D., what she did when she was apart from The Avengers, and next to nothing about what happened in Budapest. Could a Black Widow movie with Scarlett Johansson front and center provide any of those answers?

It's possible, although there's a rumor floating around Twitter that Sebastian Stan mentioned the upcoming Black Widow movie takes place after Captain America: Civil War. If that's true, it will be an interesting time as the movie showed her to be one of the heroes torn between Tony Stark and Steve Rodgers. A film like this isn't exactly what audiences may be expecting, but arguably better than an origin story where we see her do some horrible things.

There's Still A Chance Black Widow May Return To The MCU

Now, it was said in Avengers: Endgame that Black Widow couldn't come back, but there's no denying the movie also proved that's not the case. After all, Gamora was originally sacrificed for the Soul Stone, but had a past version of herself pulled into the present. It stands to reason the MCU could pull something similar with Black Widow, and have zero impact on the timeline in doing so.

So while the MCU ponders whether or not it will bring back Natasha Romanoff, a Black Widow movie would be a good measuring stick to see how big of a priority it is for fans to see her again. Expanding out her mythology, and perhaps giving her a grounded background to thrive in would give her somewhere to go other than ensemble films if she returns, which may not be as feasible with the MCU geared to go more cosmic.

Fans Still Haven't Seen How Natasha Became Black Widow

Now, it's more than fair to say superhero movie fans are growing increasingly tired of origin movies, but it's certainly worth considering in the case of Natasha Romanoff. Her origin is fairly darker than most other Marvel heroes, which would make the tale of her journey from KGB assassin to S.H.I.E.L.D. operative a bit more interesting than the average origin story in the realm of superhero content.

Now that she's become a vital part of MCU lore, it's time we put some respect on Black Widow's name and honor her with a true standalone movie. Especially since Scarlett Johansson has been the trooper and showed up in most of the Marvel ensemble films in a supporting role. It's about high time she gets to sit in the driver's seat and show MCU fans why she's not to be overlooked.

Related: Scarlett Johansson Might Make More Money For The Black Widow Movie Than We Thought

As far as when the world may get to see Scarlett Johansson star in a Black Widow movie, we're still in the dark, although rumors have stated production is slated to start in June or it's possibly already underway. Stick with CinemaBlend for more updates on that, and for more on the latest in movies, television, and pop culture.

Disney Needs To Make A New Planet Of The Apes Remake, On One Condition

Disney Needs To Make A New Planet Of The Apes Remake, On One Condition
Planet of the Apes characters

With all the excitement surrounding Marvel, Star Wars and Pixar of late, it’s easy to forget that Disney’s collection of franchises recently got bigger thanks to the purchase of 21st Century Fox. Among the studio’s new acquisitions is the Planet of the Apes film series, and during CinemaCon last month, it was one of the Fox franchises that Disney indicated would continue on post-regime change, although there doesn’t appear to be anything in active development right now.

It’s been over 50 years since the first Planet of the Apes movie was released, and thanks to the reboot trilogy than ran from 2011 to 2017, the franchise has had new life breathed into it. I’m game for Disney delivering a new Planet of the Apes movie and would especially be interested in a remake of the original, but on one condition: it needs to be set in the same continuity as the reboot movies.

Most of you are probably saying right now that we’ve been down this remake road before, and it did not go well. That’s true. In 2001, after over a decade in development hell, Fox finally released a Planet of the Apes remake, which Tim Burton directed and starred folks like Mark Wahlberg, Tim Roth, Helena Bonham Carter and Paul Giamatti. It ended on quite the cliffhanger, and it was abundantly clear that just like the original did, Fox intended for this new Planet of the Apes to spawn sequels.

This Planet of the Apes proved to be a financial success, making over $362 million off a $100 million budget, but it was met with mixed-negative critical reception. Tim Burton declared he’d rather “jump out a window” then work on a sequel, and Fox eventually just shut down plans to continue this iteration of the franchise, paving the way for what would become Rise of the Planet of the Apes.

Disney is certainly within its rights to press the reset button start on the entire Planet of the Apes franchise again, but that would be a mistake. The mythology crafted by Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and War for the Planet of the Apes is too rich to toss aside, and it actually makes a more direct Planet of the Apes remake sound a lot more interesting than starting from scratch.

Fox was wise to move away from the traditional Apes canon and instead use the most recent Planet of the Apes trilogy to look back on how Earth’s apes became super-intelligent and how humanity was almost wiped out and how the survivors started losing their intelligence. It was an interesting and more ‘realistic’ look at how an ape uprising would occur.

Now that the groundwork has been laid, and Caesar’s story has ended, we’re free to jump forward several centuries to see how ape society has evolved since Caesar led his followers to their promised land. Naturally it’ll look a lot like what was shown in the original Planet of the Apes movie, but naturally there’s also room to take some creative liberties in order to stand out from what’s come before.

If you’re not interested in retreading original Planet of the Apes territory, that’s fine, because Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and War for the Planet of the Apes work perfectly fine on their own. There’s never a guarantee that origin stories do well, but both critically and commercially, these movies all succeeded, and I’d argue that this Apes trilogy is one of the best movie trilogies of all time.

Of course, there’s also the possibility that Disney would rather have the next Planet of the Apes movie have closer ties to War for the Planet of the Apes, perhaps by following Caesar’s son, Cornelius, as an adult. That would be fine, but in terms in terms of setting and aesthetics, we’ve gotten three movies worth of apes running around on a ‘normal’ Earth. Wouldn’t it be more interesting to instead see how they’re descendants are doing in a civilization that somewhat resembles what humans once lived in?

Think about it: we’re arguably more invested in the apes than ever now that we know their background. We watched over three movies as they rose from common animals to simians with human-level intelligence, and now humans are on their way to becoming as primitive as the apes once were. Now that their ‘origin story’ is out of the way, we can finally move forward and see how the fruits of Caesar’s labor led to the apes flourishing on this new Earth centuries later.

Naturally this paves the way for the original Planet of the Apes story to unfold, albeit with some adjustments to ensure it fits within this reboot continuity properly, such as the newest Cornelius (i.e. the one that Roddy Mcdowell played) being a direct descendant of Caesar. And naturally if Disney delivers a Planet of the Apes remake, that doesn’t have to mark the end of this iteration of the franchise. With all the money that Disney paid for Fox, you can be sure the company’s not going to bring Planet of the Apes back to the big screen for a one-and-done tale.

The key difference, though, for any sequels to follow Disney’s Planet of the Apes remake is that outside of George Taylor coming to the future (Rise of the Planet of the Apes has a news report of the Icarus leaving Earth, and a later newspaper headline reveals the ship was lost), time travel would be incorporated. In the original Planet of the Apes film series, Zira and Cornelius were transported in time to the contemporary United States, and their son, Caesar, ended up the catalyst for the future his parents came from. It was a cyclical timeline!

That doesn’t need to happen in this version of the franchise. The apes became smart through exposure to a viral-based drug, so there’s no reason to go back to this period. Instead, we can focus on more on fleshing out this strange society even more so than the original Planet of the Apes movies did. Rather than eventually nuke the world, which is what happened in Beneath the Planet of the Apes, we can explore a different kind of aftermath from George Taylor’s presence, one that perhaps leads to human and ape relations improving and, over time, Earth returning to something more familiar.

Since Fox will now only be making five to six movies per year under the Disney banner, it remains to be seen when the studio will decide to tackle Planet of the Apes. Whenever that time comes, the studio would be better served piggybacking on what Fox delivered earlier this decade and presenting a Planet of the Apes remake through that lens as opposed to beginning completely anew.

Let us know what you’d like to see next from the Planet of the Apes franchise in the comments below. Stay tuned to CinemaBlend for any updates on what Disney has in store for the Planet of the Apes, and for now, you can learn what movies are hitting theaters later this year in our 2019 release schedule.

Netflix Rom-Com Star Noah Centineo May Play He-Man, And Fans Have Strong Feelings

Netflix Rom-Com Star Noah Centineo May Play He-Man, And Fans Have Strong Feelings
He-Man and Noah Centineo in To All The Boys I've Loved Before

The upcoming Masters of the Universe film may enlist Noah Centineo to play He-Man in the planned Sony and Mattel Films movie. The heartthrob has already charmed Netflix users everywhere with his kind eyes and infectious smile, but what happens when he wields the Power Sword?

Noah Centineo is in talks to portray Prince Adam in an upcoming adaptation of the ‘80s toy icon previously played by Dolph Lundgren, per The Wrap. The character is known for his insanely-ripped physique and blond bob, and he's heir to the throne of Eternia. He-Man is being adapted for the big screen by directors Aaron and Adam Nee, and screenwriters of Iron Man Matt Holloway and Art Marcum.

The project has seen multiple script drafts and directors, and Twilight’s Kellan Lutz was also previously set to play He-Man at one point in time. The 22-year-old breakout To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before actor may now lead the project about the heir to the throne of planet Eternia who often fights off the evil wizard Skeletor and teams up with allies Teela, Man-at-Arms, Orko, and The Sorceress.

Since Noah Centineo doesn’t have the typical He-Man look, fans of the character have taken to Twitter to express their concerns for the Masters of the Universe choice. Check it out:

Looks like Noah Centineo is going to have to hit it pretty hard at the gym if he’s going to win the hearts of these fans, who have expressed the importance that He-Man be jacked in the upcoming adaptation of the character. It is true He-Man is largely known for his muscular body, and if Centineo approaches the character with his current look, he will not come off as believable to fans. Since he’s taking on the role, one would expect he’ll commit to looking the part and there certainly could be a massive transformation for the actor on the way.

Not all the online chatter is negative toward the recent casting news. @GeekVibesNation took to the platform to make a valid point about how while the casting of iconic roles in the past have initially angered fans, it doesn’t alway turn out as bad as they think it well. Take a look:

Good point! While many may have written off Michael Keaton as Batman and Heath Ledger as Joker, they’ve gone on to become iconic portrayals of the comic book roles. Actors are given parts for a reason, and Noah Centineo no doubt went through a cutthroat process before being named a frontrunner for the role. We also have no idea about the direction and vision the studios have for the toy line as of yet.

Mattel Films is following in the footsteps of Hasbro and working on numerous film projects based on their popular toys, such as a Barbie movie starring Margot Robbie. You can see Noah Centineo in his upcoming Netflix rom-com The Perfect Date in April and in the Charlie’s Angels reboot this fall.

Disneyland Is Teasing Big Changes For Spider-Man In Upcoming Attraction

Disneyland Is Teasing Big Changes For Spider-Man In Upcoming Attraction
Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil War

Right now at Disneyland Resort construction is ongoing to transform a corner of Disney California Adventure into a new Marvel superhero themed space. We already knew that one of the new attractions would be focused on your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, and now we have a bit of new information about the upcoming attraction, and it will apparently be used to create an all-new version of the character exclusive to Disney Parks.

Most of the new information we got from the Disney Parks Blog comes in the form of back story. We already knew that each Marvel themed area at the various Disney parks was designed to work like a local Avengers outpost for the education and training of new recruits. This will include, at both Disneyland Resort and Disneyland Paris, the creation of the Worldwide Engineering Brigade (or WEB, because Spider-pun) by Tony Stark. The purpose of WEB is to develop advancements in super powered technology, and the first assignment that WEB has been tasked with is creating new enhancements for Spider-Man's suit.

It's not clear what these new enhancements will be, but if they're truly "new" then we're talking about seeing Spider-Man with powers that we haven't seen him use in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, or potentially even in the comics.

Exactly how this will work is not set out in detail but the idea of the attraction is clearly something interactive where guests will be able to help create these new powers, as such, there may be multiple different new abilities you can give the wall-crawler, perhaps with the idea being that you can go back to the attraction multiple times and create new powers.

Of course, it's also made clear that the goal of the attraction is to let guests engage with the superheroes and the super powers, so get ready to use these new abilities yourself.

In addition to the new attraction, Disney also revealed that a new walk around character for Spider-Man is coming to the parks who will be dressed in an original costume. The new design was created by Marvel Studios' Head of Visual Development Ryan Meinerding.

One of the questions I've had about the new Marvel land from the beginning was in what ways, if any, it would be connected to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The one existing Marvel attraction at Disney California Adventure, Guardians of the Galaxy - Mission: Breakout, uses the cast of the films and the new Ant-Man and the Wasp attraction at Disneyland Hong Kong does the same. However, that doesn't necessarily mean these two parts of Marvel are connected. putting Spider-Man in an entirely originally designed costume in the parks would seem to indicate a separation between the two worlds.

That doesn't mean Tom Holland won't appear in the attraction, we don't know that for sure one way or another, but making the theme park universe it's own thing certainly opens things up and gives the storytellers more options.

This is the exact opposite idea of Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge, where it has been made clear the events that take place within the new land are as much canon as anything that happens in the movies.

In addition to the Spider-Man attraction we know that the new Marvel land will open next year in California with another attraction focused on Doctor Strange. An E-ticket ride focused on the Avengers will follow at some point in the future as apart of a second phase in the land.

Image Courtesy: Disney Parks Blog/Disney

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Marvel’s Shang-Chi Movie Just Took A Big Step Forward

Marvel’s Shang-Chi Movie Just Took A Big Step Forward
Shang-Chi Marvel Comics character

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is ready to continue make history following the thunderous response to its more inclusive titles, Black Panther and Captain Marvel. The studio has just hired Asian-American director Destin Daniel Cretton to helm a film for martial-arts hero Shang-Chi, the first superhero movie lead by an Asian protagonist.

While Marvel’s official future slate hasn't been announced to the public yet in order to focus on the events of Avengers: Endgame and Spider-Man: Far From Home first, the comic series inspired by martial artist Bruce Lee’s pop culture prominence in Enter the Dragon will soon be adapted to the cinematic universe.

The project is certainly starting to shape up as Destin Daniel Cretton is now attached as director, in addition to Chinese-American writer Dave Callaham writing the screenplay, via Deadline. Up next, Marvel will also enlist a primarily Asian cast to the movie as well.

Ironically enough, Destin Daniel Cretton has spent much of his directing career teaming up with Captain Marvel actress Brie Larson in Short Term 12, Glass Castle and for his upcoming drama Just Mercy, which will will have her playing opposite Black Panther’s Michael B. Jordan. Maybe Larson played a part in Marvel’s decision to enlist Cretton for the project. It's food for thought.

Shang-Chi was first announced back in December, when reports said Marvel Studios was fast-tracking the movie with script writer Dave Callaham, who created the Expendables franchise and story for 2014’s Godzilla reboot. The writer also co-wrote the Wonder Woman 1984 script and has signed on to the Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse sequel.

The hero debuted in Marvel Comics in 1973, at a time when martial arts films were at an all-time popularity high. Shang-Chi grows up and is educated in the confines of a compound in China, where he intensely trains in the ways of martial arts to an expert level. His father allows him to go into the outside world under his orders, but Shang-Chi eventually finds out that his father is a centuries-old villain whose various identities include Fu Manchu and The Devil's Doctor. The father and son become sworn enemies.

Following the achievement of Black Panther, the highest-earning movie of 2018, Marvel’s first Best Picture contender and winner of three Academy Awards, the studio has placed a new focus on diversity in the upcoming films. Kevin Feige teased that Black Panther is just the beginning. The recent release of the first female-fronted flick Captain Marvel is another step in that direction and Shang-Chi follows this mission.

This news certainly puts the Shang-Chi movie in the running to be part of Marvel’s Phase Four slate, along with the Black Widow solo film, Black Panther 2, The Eternals, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 and Doctor Strange 2. Until then, you can read up on the comic book character with our Shang-Chi guide.


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