
Friday, March 6, 2020

Wait, Why Did Avengers: Infinity War Let Shuri Die Off Camera?

Wait, Why Did Avengers: Infinity War Let Shuri Die Off Camera?
Black Panther Shuri standing with her gauntlets ready to fire

Every Marvel fan has that one victim of Thanos’s Decimation that they wish had survived. Watching our favorite MCU characters fading away into a cloud of ash was a pretty devastating event, and every time it’s brought up, it feels like a freshly opened wound in our hearts. And just when you thought it was all said and done with the greatest Marvel happening since the collapse of S.H.I.E.L.D., there was a new wrinkle added to the already high toll of emotional damages. As it turns out, Shuri -- sister of King T’Challa and tech guru extraordinaire of Wakanda -- was apparently part of the casualties of that fateful day.

While presumed to be alive at the end of Avengers: Infinity War, the trailers for Avengers: Endgame hit with the implication that one of our favorite Marvel geniuses was dusted off camera. At first, this was dismissed as one of those shots that the folks in charge love to include, so as to throw off fans trying to guess what’s going to happen in the actual film. But by time the posters for Avengers: Endgame hit, Shuri was a confirmed kill with her visage shown in the same black and white quality all the other fallen heroes took in their posters. Which not only has us mad, it has us questioning why in the hell Avengers: Infinity War would let such a huge death happen off screen.

The princess of Wakanda’s actual fate has always been considered up in the air -- even Angela Bassett herself seemed to think that Shuri, as well as her character Ramonda, had survived the ending of Avengers: Infinity War. It’s a conclusion we previously jumped to as well, as the film wasn’t shy about killing off a mass of characters that occupied both the front and center as well as the supporting rung of the series. Seeing everyone from Bucky Barnes to Groot biting the dust, it didn’t feel like they’d leave that important of a character off of the chopping block in the first half of this two part story. If she had done less to effect the outcome of the story, then maybe not including Shuri would have made sense. But, as we saw in her final recorded moments of activity in Avengers: Infinity War, her importance to the overall plot can’t be overstated.

Shuri’s big move in Avengers: Infinity War was all about the potential solution to save Vision from being dependent on the Soul Stone to live. Her last known location was in her lab in Wakanda, as Shuri was scrambling to finish her work, and it was even theorized that she possibly found a way to save Vision in order to resurrect him, sans the Infinity Stone that gave him life. Of course, Corvus Glaive burst into her lab during what looked like some very crucial stages of that process, and the question of whether or not she succeeded was left as open ended as whether she’d survived or not.

And yet, as we saw T’Challa disappear in front of Okoye during Avengers: Infinity War, we didn’t get such a scene with Shuri. Which is rather interesting, considering that not only is Danai Gurira's character a crucial survivor in Avengers: Endgame’s story, she was also the last person we saw with Shuri as they fought off Corvus Glaive in the Wakandan labs. You’d think those two would want to stick together, not only to up the odds of survival, but also to get Shuri over to her brother, so that the three could mount a mutual defense against Thanos and his goons. Even if she still died, it would have been on camera, she would have gone out fighting, and Okoye would be even more galvanized to carry on the good fight in Avengers: Endgame.

So why didn’t they show both children of Wakanda’s royal bloodline dusting away in Avengers: Infinity War? Well, whether they knew it was happening or not, this could have been Marvel’s own way of building in a trap door in case one particular party couldn’t be involved. Just as surprising as Shuri’s death was the announcement that Avengers: Endgame would include Valkyrie in the roster of heroes that survived The Decimation. So if Tessa Thompson’s schedule wouldn’t allow her to participate, then Letitia Wright might have been asked to come back as Shuri to balance the playing field. But as Valkyrie is now officially spared, someone had to take her place on the other side of the MCU wind, and that unlucky soul was Shuri. It may not be the best reason for omitting the character, but it plays by the rules of The Decimation, and feels like a natural fit.

Even with The Decimation requiring half of the Marvel Cinematic Universe be wiped out, wasn’t there another character that could have disappeared, allowing Shuri to remain? It’s useless at this point, as not only is her character expected to make a return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe in Avengers: Endgame, she’ll probably be back for further adventures in the Black Panther franchise, which seems like a shoo-in for a Phase 4 release date.

Obviously, the decision was part of a meticulous plan to end The Infinity Saga, and we’re not arguing with that fact. But even with the comfort that comes when thinking of the obvious return of the fallen from Avengers: Infinity War, it still doesn’t sit well that the proper time and space to grieve that character’s death wasn’t given to the audience members who latched onto and/or identified with Shuri at this stage of the game.

Here’s hoping we get some sort of real answers as to why this decision was made when Avengers: Endgame potentially provides closure on these queries and more on April 26th. If you’re looking to the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, you can take a look at what we have so far in our guide for upcoming Marvel release dates, which will be updated as soon as any new information about Phase 4 comes through.

How Interstellar Turned Christopher Nolan Into An Actual Corn Farmer

How Interstellar Turned Christopher Nolan Into An Actual Corn Farmer
Matthew McConaughey’s corn field in Christopher Nolan's Interstellar

Christopher Nolan is one of the premier filmmakers of the 21st century. Nolan, along with his brother and collaborator, Jonathan, is complex and unique writer of modern masterpieces. As a director, Nolan’s films are visually stunning. Did you know that he also learned how to grow corn too?

It was something you may not have paid much conscious attention to in his 2014 hit Interstellar, but it was a crucial bit of filmmaking with a fascinating story behind it. Read on to learn how this happened.

Christopher Nolan Has Always Taken On Big Challenges As A Filmmaker

Christopher Nolan’s breakout film, 2000’s Memento, was a surprise hit that bent time and followed a nonlinear narrative to tell the story of a man with short-term memory loss searching for his wife’s killer. For a budget of just $9 million, Nolan did amazing things. It established his style as a filmmaker that takes risks to make sure he gets the best possible shots, something that he would take to extremes in Interstellar. It also established his penitent for time-bending stories, like Inception.

In his Dark Knight Trilogy, Christopher Nolan created a completely original world that totally turned the often-told story of Batman on its head. He changed the way the world sees Batman, something that had not been done since Tim Burton’s Batman in 1989, which was also praised for its unique style. It’s not easy to take such a well-known story and create something completely original, but he did that beautifully.

His most recent film, 2017's Dunkirk, was an enormous undertaking in his quest to find a unique approach to the classic World War II film genre. From the thousands of extras on the beaches of France to the incredible dogfighting scenes in the planes above them to the enormous flotilla of every kind of boat imaginable coming to save the day, Dunkirk is a visual masterpiece. It is also a film with very minimal use of computer-generated imagery, the lack of which is something that has become a calling card of sort for Nolan in his films.

But how is he as a farmer? Specifically, a corn farmer? And WHY is he – or why WAS he – a corn farmer? Taking a peak behind the scenes of his 2014 hit Interstellar explains why he grew a huge field of corn, in a place that doesn’t usually support corn, and then sold the corn for an actual profit!

Christopher Nolan's Real Corn Is Better Than CGI Corn In Interstellar

In a film world where CGI is king, Christopher Nolan has become something of a traditionalist. Dunkirk is praised for its old-fashioned approach to filmmaking, using models and miniatures to create the special effects instead of relying on a computer to draw them in. Dunkirk was not the first time Nolan has dismissed the modern approach, nor was it the riskiest. Back in 2014, he and the other producers chose to grow a corn field to serve as the farm for Matthew McConaughey’s character, Joseph Cooper, in Interstellar.

Corn Is Crucial To The Plot Of Interstellar

If you don’t remember why the protagonist of Interstellar, Joseph Cooper, played by Matthew McConaughey was hurdling through a wormhole near Saturn in hopes of finding a new planet for humankind to colonize due to “The Blight.” The Blight was never fully explained, except that it started sometime before McConaughey’s character joined NASA. The blight had wiped out most of the plants on Earth, with corn and okra being the last two viable crops, and okra was on its last legs, according to Christopher Nolan’s script.

Christopher Nolan Was Not The First Filmmaker To Grow Corn

Zack Snyder did it for Man Of Steel, and in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Christopher Nolan revealed that he spoke with Snyder about it:

Luckily, [director] Zack [Snyder] had grown a bunch of corn, so I said, 'How much can you really grow practically?'

Sometimes two directors sharing notes with one another can lead to great things.

Interstellar’s Corn Wasn’t Easy To Grow

In the script for Interstellar, the setting for the farm was written as being surrounded by corn fields with mountains in the distance. There are not a lot of places in the world, apparently, that can have both. So the filmmakers were taking a $100K gamble to grow corn in Western Canada, outside Calgary, where the film was shot. To be honest, it doesn’t seem like THAT big of a risk. Interstellar was a film with a $165 million budget. The craft services were probably more than $100K.

The Corn Wasn’t Supposed To Last

But a risk it was, as they were told the corn would fail by most experts. Christopher Nolan probably didn’t care if it failed in the long run. Obviously for him, the only important thing was how it looked on the screen. It’s always interesting to find out about the seemingly inconsequential details that filmmakers deal with. The producers had to do a lot of research and bring in consultants just to grow one of the most abundant crops on Earth. Would it really have made a difference if the corn was CGI? Or if the mountains in the background were? Well, yeah, it would have.

CGI Would Not Have Looked As Good

This is what separates directors like Christopher Nolan from others. He is willing to go every extra mile to make his vision come true on the screen and when it works, just like Dunkirk, it is glorious. The corn fields in Interstellar are something most movie-goers may not pay that much attention to, consciously, but subconsciously, given the importance of the crop to the plot, this attention to detail and fully immersive process makes for a stunning achievement and adds considerable depth to the film.

To compare, compare the look of the corn in Interstellar with the clearly CGI corn field in another Zack Snyder film, Justice League. That comparison clearly illustrates the difference, and frankly, it is stark. It’s not really a fair comparison, as Christopher Nolan’s looks cleaner, brighter, more authentic, and much better.

The Corn Did Last And It Made Money

According to Nolan in the Hollywood Reporter interview, the corn turned a profit. In his words:

In the end, we got a pretty good crop, and we actually made money on this.

Still, I can’t help but wonder how much money was lost when Cooper tore through the field chasing a drone, crushing thousands of stalks.

So what do you think? Was the huge undertaking worth it or would a CGI corn field had the same visual effect? Be sure to share your thoughts with us in the poll and comments below.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Armie Hammer Hasn’t Been Approached About The Batman, But He’s Down

Armie Hammer Hasn’t Been Approached About The Batman, But He’s Down
Armie Hammer in Call Me By Your Name

The DC live-action universe has had a fascinating tenure in theaters, full of peaks and valleys. As such, Warner Bros. is constantly adjusting their plans, with surprise news often hitting the general public after the fact. Following the poor performance of Justice League, the DCEU is pivoting away from serialized storytelling, with movies like Aquaman and Shazam! focusing on their title character, void of crossovers.

In some ways it feels like the DCEU we knew had ended, although the shared universe seems to have hit its stride in the process. But that puts the plans for the Justice League members in jeopardy, especially Superman, Cyborg, Flash, and Batman. The latter was played by Ben Affleck in three movies, but he's officially hung up his cowl and cape for good. Matt Reeves will have to recast for his developing movie The Batman, with names like Armie Hammer on the top of fan lists. Now Hammer has spoken to these rumors, saying:

Yeah, that’s the problem: I’ve never been approached, but if I was, I would jump at the opportunity. You can only say 'no' or 'yes' to projects you’re offered.

Well, that's certainly exciting. While shutting down rumors that he's been approached to play DC's new Bruce Wayne, Armie Hammer also revealed that he's absolutely interested. So if he gets the call, Hammer would be down to don the iconic suit and use all of Batman's wonderful toys.

Armie Hammer's comments to USA Today are sure to illicit plenty of reactions from comic book fans. Batman is one of the most popular superheroes ever, so there's a ton of pressure associated with the casting of the Dark Knight. There was plenty of backlash when Ben Affleck was first announced in the role, although he ended up proving himself, bringing a jaded and experienced adaptation to the silver screen. Hammer is at the top of fan lists for possible Batman replacements, so his excitement over the potential role is going to get heads spinning.

From what we've heard about Matt Reeves' The Batman, the project is going to star a younger version of Batman, and focus on his detective work in Gotham City. Armie Hammer seems like a solid choice, as Ben Affleck is 14 years his senior. There would certainly be a juxtaposition between the two actors, which might be exactly what Reeves is hoping for.

The latest news about The Batman also reveal that Matt Reeves is reportedly looking for a big name to play his Caped Crusader. Armie Hammer's star power has been steadily growing over the past few years, so he might be the tier of fame that Reeves is hoping for. He got action experience in The Man from U.N.C.L.E., starred in Oscar bait Call Me By Your Name, and even voiced a superhero in Stan Lee's Mighty 7. So it might be the perfect time for Hammer to step into a full on superhero role of his own in live-action.

Armie Hammer has a history with Batman, as he was cast as the role in George Miller's failed Justice League Mortal movie. He's ultimately glad his role didn't come to fruition, but I guess he's still got his eye on the cowl.

Armie Hammer's Hotel Mumbai opens in theaters this weekend. Be sure to check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

Looks Like Thanos Is Getting An Epic Weapon In Avengers: Endgame

Looks Like Thanos Is Getting An Epic Weapon In Avengers: Endgame
Thanos with his sword

It is arguably the most exciting time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe thus far. A decade of filmmaking and 21 blockbusters will come to a head when Avengers: Endgame arrives in theaters this month, ending both Phase Three and the MCU as we know it. Moviegoers are eager to return to the MCU, and see what happened to the galaxy after Thanos wiped out half of all life with the snap of his big purple finger.

The trailers and marketing material has teased a darker and more grim world for the survivors to inhabit in the wake of Thanos' dinger snap (aka The Decimation). But Josh Brolin's signature villain has been largely absent, save for a shot of his armor and his hand walking through a field. Fans are eager to catch up with the Mad Titan, and now merchandise has revealed he'll be getting a badass new weapon in Endgame. Check it out below.

Does anyone else have chills? It looks like Thanos is getting a sword in Avengers: Endgame, which should be a new way to see the Mad Titan in action. And considering that characters like Thor are packing heat, it opens up the possibilities for action in the upcoming sequel.

This new image comes to us from Hot Toys, which are selling a stunning rendering of Thanos in Avengers: Endgame. With the blockbuster just weeks away, its merchandise is set to arrive in theaters. Blockbusters in the MCU make a ton of money through action figures, but toys can sometimes leak information before they hit theaters. That seems to be the case with Thanos' new sword, which will no doubt bring some punishment to the surviving heroes when Endgame finally arrives.

The Endgame trailers show that the surviving heroes are focused on avenging the fallen, whatever it takes. It looks like the upcoming blockbuster will largely focus on those characters, and how they're coping with the apocalyptic event that Thanos caused. This is in stark juxtaposition to Infinity War, which followed Thanos as the protagonist. But while he's noticeably absent from the trailers, Josh Brolin's character should still have a major affect on the events of Endgame.

But it looks like the public won't know much about Thanos' role until Endgame finally arrives in theaters. Marvel Studios is keeping its cards close to the chest to avoid spoilers, and allow moviegoers to have the optimal experience in theaters. In fact, the Russo Brothers are encouraging fans to avoid spoilers and see their blockbuster on its opening weekend in order keep all of its secrets. And that includes Thanos' role and ultimate fate.

According to Gamora, Thanos has only ever wanted one thing: to assemble the Infinity Stones and wipe out half of all life. Now that's he's succeeded, one has to wonder: what's next? How is he holding up in retirement?

Avengers: Infinity War gave the audience a clear look into Thanos' psyche, however monstrous it was. Josh Brolin's layered motion capture performance brought heart and context to the character's quest for mass genocide. While intent on murdering half of all life, the Mad Titan truly believes he's doing a good thing. Because in solving overpopulation with a snap, he's convinced he's saving future generations from a galaxy that can't sustain them.

It's a quest that's misguided, but something Thanos has built his entire belief system on. What's more, he's got firsthand experience, after seeing his home planet of Titan reduced to rubble in the wake of overpopulation. Thanos was willing to do anything to ensure victory, including killing his daughter Gamora in order to acquire the Soul Stone. And since he's succeeded, the question is: what now?

After all, what's the point of changing the galaxy if you have no one to share it with? While he wiped out half of all live, Thanos suffered loss throughout the course of Avengers: Infinity War as well. Every member of his Black Order perished in the blockbuster, all while attempting to serve their master. He's also presumably still grappling with the guilt and mourning over Gamora, who was killed by his own hands.

Gamora's death played a major role in Avengers: Infinity War, with the young Gamora coming to Thanos after he snapped his fingers and caused The Decimation. And when Mantis managed to incapacitate him briefly on Titan, she felt his mourning and agony. Marvel villains aren't typically shown with such conflicted motivations, or having any remorse for their actions. So it should be interesting to see how Thanos has changed since we last saw him.

Of course, most cinephiles assume that the affects of Thanos' snap will be reversed during Endgame, although how it anyone's guess. Common fan theories involve time travel and The Quantum Realm, but what if the Mad Titan simply changed his mind? Could his time in retirement and inevitable new conflict with the surviving heroes make him change his mind? It would be fascinating to see Josh Brolin's signature character do an about face, and it would be a major change in Thanos' personality.

In addition to seeing how Thanos has managed after The Snap, it will also be interesting to see him interact with what's left of Earth's Mightiest Heroes. While Infinity War saw Gamora and Nebula dealing with their trauma and hatred toward Thanos, now all of the characters have the same bone to pick. The entire galaxy is in mourning, so the motivation to take down Thanos is all the more dire. And now the good guys have reinforcements with Captain Marvel and Ant-Man.

According to one hilarious fan theory, Ant-Man and Thanos' purple butt are the way the good guys will eventually win. Even Josh Brolin weighed in on it all. Still, Paul Rudd's character looks like he's going to have a major role in the upcoming blockbuster.

All will be revealed when Avengers: Endgame arrives on April 26th, one year after Infinity War shocked us all. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

What Marvel Should Do With The Fantastic Four And The X-Men, According To Matthew Vaughn

What Marvel Should Do With The Fantastic Four And The X-Men, According To Matthew Vaughn
X-Men and Fantastic Four

Matthew Vaughn’s filmmaking resume is packed with comic book adaptations. He kicked off this part of his career with 2010’s Kick-Ass, and in recent years he’s been the driving force behind the Kingsman film series. But Vaughn also has some experience working in the Marvel realm by directing X-Men: First Class and producing the Fantastic Four reboot.

Thanks to Disney’s purchase of 21st Century Fox, both properties now reside under Marvel Studios and are expected to be incorporated into the Marvel Cinematic Universe at some point. With that in mind, Matthew Vaughn suggested that Marvel bring the Fantastic Four into the MCU as soon as possible, but not to rush featuring the X-Men in this franchise. He explained:

As the man that produced the last terrible Fantastic Four - and I will say that because I said it from day one, but no one listened to me -- I think Fan Four is, for me, it’s the live action version of The Incredibles. It’s probably the most, I think, commercially viable Marvel Comic. Kevin Feige will get ahold of that and probably make a masterpiece. And the X-Men world, I imagine that might get put on ice for a little bit. I think it needs a little bit of breathing room. They made a hell of a lot since First Class, if you think about it. Fan Four would be the thing I'd like to see them do next. Disney and Fan Four and Marvel is a really potent combination.

Matthew Vaughn has a point. Critically speaking, the Fantastic Four movies have never been hits, with the 2015 reboot being almost universally panned and bombing at the box office, which resulted in the sequel being scrapped. The X-Men franchise, on the other hand, has been going steadily since 2000, with next month’s Dark Phoenix wrapping up the main film series and The New Mutants finally arriving next year.

The Fantastic Four haven’t had the opportunity to shine like the X-Men have, so if one must be prioritized over the other, Matthew Vaughn's call of introducing the Fantastic Four first seems reasonable. It’s only a matter of time before the X-Men are brought in too, but considering that the Fox era of X-Men movies is will soon finish, it’s not a bad idea to let that property sit on the proverbial shelf for a bit before reintroducing these characters to the public.

During his appearance on the ReelBlend podcast, Matthew Vaughn also talked about how well making a period piece Fantastic Four movie would work, specifically one set in the 1960s, as Marvel’s First Family and many of the comic book company’s most famous characters were introduced that decade. In Vaughn’s words:

That’s what I did with the X-Men, though. These ideas were born -- sort of the Fan Four and the nuclear family and the dysfunctional family and science -- it's an easier time. I mean, superhero films in the modern world … everything in the modern world, it's harder and harder to do. Because you know, the technology, it's all out there. You know, Iron Man’s suit doesn't seem that far away anymore. It’s sort of odd. The Iron Man suit when Iron Man came out [in the comics] was awesome. That was probably late sixties, early seventies. Iron Man, I don't know when that came out. It's easier because everything was sort of black and white, everything was more bad versus good. You knew what was what was what by then because there were boundaries and clearer horizons. So yeah, I love a period piece. I've just done another period movie [in the Kingsmen prequel]. It's really good fun.

The MCU has dabbled in period pieces with the 1940s-set Captain America: The First Avenger and the 1990s-set Captain Marvel, plus various flashbacks, so it’s not like a 1960-set Fantastic Four movie would be dismissed right out the gate. That being said, obviously whatever creative team is working on such a story would need to find a way to bring Mister Fantastic, Invisible Woman, The Thing and The Human Torch to the present day so they can interact with all the other MCU heroes.

You can listen to Matthew Vaughn’s full ReelBlend appearance below:

As things stand now, there are no official plans for an MCU-set Fantastic Four or X-Men movie, but rest assured, when a concrete announcement about either of the two is made, we here at CinemaBlend will let you know about it. For now, there are plenty of other upcoming MCU movies to look forward to, from Black Widow and The Eternals to Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 and Black Panther 2, as well as the various Disney+ series in development.

Matthew Vaughn’s next directorial effort, Kingsman: The Great Game, will be released on February 14, 2020, but he also produced the Elton John-focused musical Rocketman, which hits theaters tomorrow, May 31.

Game Of Thrones’ Richard Madden May Be Joining Marvel’s The Eternals

Game Of Thrones’ Richard Madden May Be Joining Marvel’s The Eternals
Richard Madden as Robb Stark in Game of Thrones

Two of the biggest pop culture topics of conversation right now are Marvel and Game of Thrones, thanks to the former delivering Avengers: Endgame and the latter airing its final season. Richard Madden was part of Game of Thrones once upon a time as Robb Stark, and now it’s looking like he could lend his talent to Marvel as well via The Eternals.

Richard Madden is currently in talks for a major role in The Eternals. The Wrap, which broke the news, didn’t provide any details about who Madden would play, but THR has heard that he’s being eyed to bring Ikaris to life. Since the Eternals were introduced to the pages of Marvel Comics in 1976, Ikaris has been one of the principal players of that property, so if Madden is cast in that role, he’ll certainly have a lot to do.

The former Game of Thrones star, who more recently starred in The Bodyguard and can be seen in Rocketman later this month, is the fourth actor to be associated with The Eternals. Angelina Jolie has reportedly been confirmed to play Sersei, Train to Busan actor Ma Dong-seok has boarded and Kumail Nanjiani has been in talks to join the cast.

Marvel didn’t comment on Richard Madden being in consideration, nor has it provided any official plot details about The Eternals yet. However, supposedly the movie will follow the love story between Ikaris and Sersei, meaning we’d be seeing Madden and Angelina Jolie getting quite cozy with one another.

Like the other Eternals, Ikaris is long-lived and boasts incredible power. His life force is augmented by cosmic energy, allowing him total control over his physical form, to the point he’s able to regenerate tissue, levitate, shoot cosmic beams and psychically scan minds less evolved then his own, among numerous other abilities. Outside of the comics, Ikaris’ only appearance has been in the video game Marvel Heroes, but if The Eternals is anything like Guardians of the Galaxy, then he and his fellow Eternals will skyrocket in popularity once their movie is out.

Although we’re still in the dark about what The Eternals will specifically be about, earlier this year, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige talked about how the movie could stretch across many millennia, just like the original Jack Kirby stories did. It could also give us more insight into Thanos’ background, and if some, if not most of The Eternals is set in the past, maybe the Mad Titan could even pop in!

Directed by Chloe Zhao, The Eternals doesn’t have an assigned release date yet, so keep checking back with CinemaBlend for that information and more updates on its development. For now, you can look through our Marvel movies guide to learn what else the MCU has coming down the pipeline.

The Marvel Cameos We Never Expected to See in Avengers: Endgame

The Marvel Cameos We Never Expected to See in Avengers: Endgame
Thor: Ragnarok Korg and Miek resting between battles

Warning: Spoilers for Marvel's latest are in play. If you haven’t seen the film yet, use the Time Stone to rewind and see the film before reading this piece. And if you have seen the film, please make sure not to spoil the Endgame for those who haven’t made it out yet.

Amidst all of the madness, time travel, and heroic sacrifice that makes Avengers: Endgame this year's blockbuster to beat, there are a lot of surprising faces that made their way back into frame in the MCU. Much like Red Skull’s return to the fold in Avengers: Infinity War, there are some head-turning cameos that we, quite frankly, never saw coming.

Which is why we’re providing this list of the cameos from Avengers: Endgame so insanely out of left field, they made us smile after pulling a double take. There’s even one that’s so surprising, we had to see the film again to make sure we’d seen what we thought we saw. How surprised were you when you saw the following faces make their appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s latest megahit?

Korg And Miek

It’s not that Thor: Ragnarok’s twin comic reliefs were unwelcomed in Avengers: Endgame, as both Korg and Miek were welcome additions to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But at the same time, we really didn’t expect to see them on Earth, or even in a film for that matter, as their fate weren’t exactly clear after the Asgardian wreck we saw at the beginning of Avengers: Infinity War.

But thankfully, when Thor was revealed to be in New Asgard, acting like Norse Mythology’s answer to The Dude, Korg and Miek (and Valkyrie) were there to help lighten the mood. Though Korg may have been going a little too far calling Thor in to shout down Fortnite user N00bKiller69. That’s what the dabbing emoji is for, Korg.

Alexander Pierce

When you have a villain like Alexander Pierce make such a big impact in the world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, you kind of never expect them to rear their heads again; despite the fact that we really wanted him to. But the fact that said Captain America: The Winter Soldier baddie was played by esteemed actor Robert Redford had us severely convinced that he’d never pop up in future films. And yet, here we are.

During the big time heist at the center of Avengers: Endgame, we’re treated to one mass cluster of cameos as the Battle of New York winds down, and one of them happens to be Pierce who was on hand to recover the Tesseract and Loki’s scepter when it all went down. Add some comedic confusion, and a little bit of bureaucratic dancing, and you’ve got a pretty hilarious return to the screen. Of course, he wasn’t the only dirty S.H.I.E.L.D. operative on hand that day.

Brock Rumlow and the S.H.I.E.L.D. Strike Team

Going back to Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the infamous elevator fight scene is one of the most iconic moments that ever took place in the action-packed world of the MCU. Captain America taking on an enclosed room full of opponents, including Brock Rumlow (aka Crossbones) was pretty damned impressive, and made a mark in such an early phase of the universe’s development.

Which means that when that exact same strike team gets walked in on by Cap during the retrieval of the Tesseract and the scepter in Avengers: Endgame, a lot of people thought a rematch would be in order. And yet, being the good time traveler that he was, Steve Rogers conned that entire group to make the hand off with two words: “Hail Hydra.”

Agent Jasper Sitwell

Naturally, you can’t have a HYDRA reunion from Captain America: The Winter Soldier without including some more of the bureaucratic faces that weren’t named Alexander Pierce in the proceedings. The Battle of New York was a large enough happening that a lot of S.H.I.E.L.D. movers and shakers were present, so obviously seeing someone like Agent Jasper Sitwell popping in to help wasn’t a total surprise.

But at the same time, much like that surprise panning shot of Brock Rumlow getting off the elevator, we didn’t see Jasper’s return to the fold coming. All told, the huge reunion of traitors to S.H.I.E.L.D. made our timeline’s Steve Rogers’ job a lot harder, and made our enjoyment of his actual triumph all the more hysterical. Seriously, getting him to pretend to be HYDRA in front of those guys checked a lot of boxes.


One of the most bittersweet cameos in the Marvel Cinematic Universe was that of Thor’s dearly departed mother, Frigga. Played by Rene Russo in both Thor and Thor: The Dark World, the kindly queen of Asgard was sadly taken during an enemy assault on Asgard in the latter film’s crucial moments. But since those moments were on the list of events to burgle through time, they were slightly altered.

That alteration included a moment where a much bigger Thor spoke with his mother, who clearly saw that not all was well with her son. But on top of that, Frigga knew that the future would hold her death, and warned her son to let it happen as intended. It added an emotional beat for Thor’s story, and gave us a little more time with a character that definitely deserved the screen time.

Jane Foster

Yes, this one seemed pretty much like it happened merely through the magic of digital footage, but we actually saw Jane Foster appear in Avengers: Endgame through the time heist’s segment taking place during the events of Thor: The Dark World. It was still quite a bit of surprise seeing Natalie Portman’s face show up in a Marvel movie again.

While Jane really didn’t do anything or get many lines, we still saw her carrying the essence of the Aether in her, which counted for the Reality Stone in need of heisting. Something Rocket Raccoon did off screen, with an extractor. Seeing as Portman and Marvel aren’t as at odds as they used to be, what with her presence at the Hollywood premiere for Avengers: Endgame, this kind of feels like a proper burying of the hatchet. Not to mention, it’s a key to closing off Thor’s story in the event he doesn’t return to theater screens.

Howard Stark

While Hank Pym’s cameo in Avengers: Endgame wasn’t exactly under the circumstances people predicted it would be, Pym still showed up. And with his return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe fold, it was decided that another very important figure in the world of MCU science show up for some closure: huge industrialist and father of Tony, Howard Stark. During a time travel mission to 1970, Tony Stark and Steve Rogers try to steal the Tessaract out of that point in space time, leaving them both very important pieces in the same objective.

While Tony steals the actual Infinity Stone itself, he runs into his own father, expecting his infant self to be born any day now. After a talk about having kids, and the excitement and terror that follows, Howard says goodbye to the man he thinks is named “Howard Potts,” and starts to ask some serious questions about why that man looks familiar.

Edwin Jarvis

History was made with a very important cameo that was not only a surprise, it was the first time a character specifically created for Marvel’s TV shows came into the cinematic world. Edwin Jarvis, Howard Stark and Peggy Carter’s loyal friend and often co-conspirator, was seen for the first time since Agent Carter went off the air, and he was seen with Howard Stark.

In the record-breaking hit of this past weekend, Jarvis pops up as Howard is about to climb into his car to leave Camp Lehigh, wondering where he’s seen the man he’s been chatting with for several minutes of Avengers: Endgame’s runtime. Jarvis hasn’t a clue, but we already know that Howard was really talking to his own son. So it’s nice to see Edwin, possibly for the last time, doing what he does best: being as helpful as possible.

Howard The Duck

Now here’s a cameo audiences had to look really closely for, as somehow, Howard The Duck joined the battle for good in Avengers: Endgame in a small, but still pretty awesome manner. Basically, while he hasn’t shown up since Guardians of the Galaxy’s end credits stinger, Howard was seen in Endgame’s climactic battle in the third act.

There are specific directions as to where you could find him in the film, but it’s pretty much a given. This basically confirms that everyone we ever wanted to see from the MCU appears in Endgame. The Bingo card is full. Except Darcy. Poor Darcy.

Harley Keener

Quite possibly the deepest cut when it comes to Marvel Cinematic Universe cameos, Tony Stark’s funeral saw a nearly unrecognizable young man standing among the ranks of the mourning. While thoughts may have turned to questioning if some new character was joining the MCU in a sneaky cameo, it was actually a heartbreaking callback.

Harley Keener, the young man Tony befriended and gifted an entire lab to in Iron Man 3, was standing at the lakeside ceremony that saw the dearly departed Avenger honored with a weep worthy sendoff. Whether it be a hint that maybe someone else could take up the mantle of Iron Man in the future, or just someone who Tony happened to touch paying his respects, it snuck up on audiences and is just now nailing in that last bit of heartbreak into the total package.

While Marvel cameos have been a pretty recurring thread through the MCU, these particular appearances made Endgame stand out even more above the films that had preceded it. We may never even see this big of a happening in the history of Marvel Studios again, so it’s even more of a feat to behold while we can.

Avengers: Endgame is in theaters now, making one hell of a racket towards possibly becoming the biggest movie in history. We’ll see if it can go the distance, but we’d like to think that it can be done.


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