
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Ryan Reynolds Has A Perfect Mother's Day Message For Detective Pikachu Fans

Ryan Reynolds Has A Perfect Mother's Day Message For Detective Pikachu Fans

Mother’s Day weekend is here, and so is the highly-anticipated release Detective Pikachu! For those struggling to convince their moms to go out and see the popular (and adorable) video game character over other new releases such as The Hustle, Poms, or Tolkien, you’re in luck! Ryan Reynolds is covering all his bases during the promotion of his latest film, and has released a special message for moms everywhere. Take a look:

This has been a PSA! Ryan Reynolds took to his Instagram to share a very on-brand video concerning his own reputation as a foul-mouthed actor (most certainly from playing Deadpool) and placing concerns to rest for Detective Pikachu. As he cleverly explains, the yellow fluffy detective will not be washing his mouth with soap, because he’s a PG character!

Considering the actor has played one of the only R-rated Marvel superheroes on the big screen, moms may have received mixed messages about Ryan Reynolds’ involvement in the PokĂ©mon franchise meaning he’d be placing an edgier take on this character too. The funny video assures audiences that the movie is a-ok for the entire family! It even features a cute exchange between Reynolds’ Pikachu and Justice Smith’s Tim that screams "heartwarming."

Detective Pikachu seems to prove that Ryan Reynolds is more than capable of using his dry humor to attract a younger audience as well … even if adult audiences have grown accustomed to his f-bombs and such. The movie does have a tricky line to walk between appeasing OG fans who are now adults and introducing kids to the new franchise as well.

Since the actor has been playing Deadpool for the past few years, he has admitted that turning the switch into PG content was a bit of a struggle. He recently told CinemaBlend that there could be an entire R-rated cut of Detective Pikachu with all the improv he got out in the outtakes. He’s also pitched a grittier Pikachu that’d be a remake of Mean Streets or Goodfellas as well.

So while a Ryan Reynolds-voiced R-rated Pikachu could certainly exist, the soft and fluffy handle-with-care PokĂ©mon will be gracing screens this weekend. Per reviews of the film, Reynolds’ comedy holds up in his new voice role, some have even said it’s the best part of the movie amidst criticism of the film’s premise.

Whether mothers hear this message or not, Detective Pikachu is heading into an impressive opening weekend after topping the box office Friday with almost $21 million, becoming the first film to knock Avengers: Endgame to second place. The movie also already broke a record to become the best opening for a video game film.

Detective Pikachu is in theaters now! Line up with your moms this weekend!

Monday, December 30, 2019

First Look At Hagrid In Universal Studios Orlando's Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure

First Look At Hagrid In Universal Studios Orlando's Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure
Hagrid Animated figure at Universal Orlando resort

Fans of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter are in for a treat next month when the newest attraction at Universal Orlando resort, Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure, makes its debut. Recently, the theme park revealed some of the magical creatures and obstacles that guests would be seeing in the Forbidden Forest, but now we have our first look at the most important character in the entire ride, Hagrid himself. Check out the animated figure of the Hogwarts groundskeeper in the video below.

Universal Orlando is calling the new Hagrid figure the most life-like and realistic animated figure of its kind. There's certainly no argument that's it's not a great looking figure. It looks remarkably like Robbie Coltrane, who portrayed Hagrid throughout the Harry Potter film franchise. And it should of course, as Coltrane worked with Universal Studios to help bring the new figure to life.

The designers of the figure went so far as to take a digital scan of Robbie Coltrane's mouth in order to make sure they got the character's teeth right. Coltrane's actual movements as Hagrid were used to program the movements of the figure as well. The figure will also sound like the Hagrid we know, as Coltrane recorded a custom script for the attraction.

Also, the figure is 7'6" tall, which is exactly as tall as Hagrid is in the movies, so everything is properly proportional.

According to Universal Orlando, the animated figure can be found during the portion of the ride that includes a creature never before seen in the Harry Potter movies, the blast-ended skrewt. Hagrid will be trying to contain the creature, which is just one of the magical creatures that will be on display during the new attraction.

Since Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure is a roller coaster, you'll likely by flying by Hagrid at a pretty impressive speed. The coaster is supposed to be moving as fast as 50 miles per hour, so the best look at the incredibly well designed figure might be in the image below. The costume the figure is wearing was even designed by the team that created Hagrid's wardrobe for the movies.

Hagrid is, without question, one of the most popular characters in the Harry Potter franchise. Everybody loves him. As such, designing the new attraction for the Wizarding World of Harry Potter around him made all the sense in the world.

The theme park land has used a lot of talent from the movies before, so it seemed likely that Robbie Coltrane's Hagrid would appear, but this is even better. They could have just included Robbie Coltrane's voice as audio during the queue or on the attraction, but the design on this figure is quite impressive. I'm surprised every day at how far technology has come when it comes to animated characters. Especially when you're trying to make one look exactly like a specific person, that can be tough, but they nailed Coltrane's Hagrid here.

He's got his trusty umbrella, with his wand concealed inside. He's even wearing what look to be dragon-hide gloves, which make sense since he'll be dealing with a blast-ended skrewt.

Fans who want to check out the new Hagrid and ride Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure don't have too much longer to wait. The ride will be open at Universal Orlando Resort on June 13.

Why Captain Marvel Looks So Different In First Avengers: Endgame Footage

Why Captain Marvel Looks So Different In First Avengers: Endgame Footage
Captain Marvel in Avengers: Endgame

Following the release of Captain Marvel, Marvel made the bold choice to not hold the heroine back and feature Brie Larson’s Carol Danvers in the trailer and recent footage for Avengers: Endgame. While it's been exciting to see her interact with the more established Avengers, many couldn’t help but notice that Carol looked a lot different than she did in Captain Marvel, with more makeup and straighter hair. Avengers: Endgame co-director Joe Russo explained why Captain Marvel looks so different, saying:

She did [Avengers: Endgame] before she filmed Captain Marvel, and I think she was experimenting with what the character was. And those were the choices that she and her hair and makeup team had made. And I think as she started to gain a deeper understanding of the character, especially as she approached her own movie. She started to make different choices and as an artist she should be afforded that right to make whatever choice that she wants to make.

Brie Larson’s first time playing Captain Marvel was in Avengers: Endgame, not Captain Marvel, and the way that shooting schedule worked out impacted the way in which she developed her character’s look over time. As Joe Russo said at the Avengers: Endgame press junket, reported by Slashfilm, Brie Larson was still getting into her character in her Endgame scenes, discovering who Carol was and how she wanted to play her.

As Endgame was her first time in the shoes of the character, Brie Larson experimented and made the choices that seemed right to her at the time. Those choices resulted in her wearing more makeup and having a different hairstyle than what we saw in Captain Marvel. The actress’ understanding of Carol Danvers changed the more time she spent with her and that impacted how she wanted her to look.

Therefore, going in to Captain Marvel Brie Larson’s changed how she looked to match her evolved image of the character and that’s why she looks different in the two films. The Russo Brothers set parameters for how the character should look, but Joe Russo made it clear that the actors, including Brie Larson, have ownership over how they do their hair and makeup. So in both Avengers: Endgame and Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers’ hair and makeup were decisions made by Brie Larson and her hair and makeup team.

Apparently some people were up in arms that Carol Danvers appeared done up in Avengers: Endgame, and that such a look didn’t fit with her feminist character. But contrary to the belief that the film was trying to make her prettier, this was ultimately just the result of shooting schedules and an actor taking time to discover what works best for the character and her portrayal.

While this isn’t an in-universe story reason, it does make sense that Carol Danvers would look different. We are used to MCU characters having different looks from film to film, and technically Avengers: Endgame takes place over two decades after Captain Marvel, so naturally she would have changed her look at least a bit.

It will be interesting to see after Avengers: Endgame, whenever we next see Carol Danvers, be it in Captain Marvel 2 or elsewhere, if she reverts back to the Captain Marvel look or finds a happy medium between the two.

See Captain Marvel’s new look when Avengers: Endgame opens in theaters on April 26. Check out our 2019 release schedule to keep track of all the biggest movies coming this year, and for all your movie news, stay tuned to CinemaBlend.

Even Though Zac Efron's Ted Bundy Movie Is Heading To Netflix, It's Getting An R-Rating

Even Though Zac Efron's Ted Bundy Movie Is Heading To Netflix, It's Getting An R-Rating
Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile's "hot" Ted Bundy is Zac Efron

Netflix has had a weird history with rating its original movies, but now we know for certain that one of its big upcoming movies will be Rated R. The movie in question is Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile. Given the serial killer subject matter of the upcoming Netflix flick, an R rating for the Ted Bundy-based flick makes sense.

The MPAA has given Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil, and Vile an R-rating and, as you can probably guess, one of the reasons cited is for “disturbing” content. More specifically, the MPAA says:

Rated R for disturbing/violent content, some sexuality, nudity and language.

While the R rating is not a giant surprise (or at least shouldn’t be given the subject matter), what is interesting is that the film has been rated at all.

We’ve reported previously on Netflix’s inconsistencies with rating its movies. Some flicks in the past have been given TV-MA or similar TV guideline-based ratings while some have been given MPAA ratings. It hasn’t always been consistent regarding whether or not a project has gotten a brief theatrical release, either.

However, just a couple of weeks ago, Netflix joined the MPAA. Hopefully, this means that a larger percentage of movies will actually be getting the types of ratings people in the U.S. are familiar with. I know it probably doesn't seem like a big deal given that Netflix has been letting people know whether or not something is "mature" content, but to me the fact that some projects have been rated more like TV projects while others have been rated like real movies made it clear that Netflix didn't really know what space it was occupying in the business.

By signing on with the MPAA, Netflix has shown that it sees its movies as competing with other movies and not with the stuff that cable and network TV is putting out. It also means the MPAA is now showing more of a willingness to work with Netflix, which has often been at odds with the movie industry at large.

Extremely Wickedy, Shockingly Evil, and Vile has dealt with some press recently for casting Zac Efron as a “hot Ted Bundy,” especially given the serial killer nature of the movie. However, Ted Bundy was notorious for being a good-looking guy while on death row long before Zac Efron was ever cast in the role. Plus, Netflix has already reminded people that if they are really looking for "hot" characters, there are plenty of other options on the streaming service.

It’s certainly a unique choice for Zac Efron at this point in his career to tackle a serial killer period drama. However, he has taken projects with an R rating before, most notoriously with the Rated R version of Baywatch. (Although the movie went on to be panned, the cast defended the move.)

Hopefully, Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil, and Vile won’t suffer the same fate. Netflix, in fact, has had some struggles with producing critically-acclaimed content, although this past year’s Roma from Alfonso Cuaron was a notable exception.

Ultimately, 2019 should be an interesting year for the streaming service, and not just because it has joined the MPAA. You can catch Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil, and Vile sometime soon on Netflix. While we wait for an official date be sure to check out what is coming this month on Netflix.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Should Wesley Snipes' Blade Really Return In The MCU?

Should Wesley Snipes' Blade Really Return In The MCU?
Wesley Snipes Blade

As Marvel's plans for Phase 4 officially remain under lock and key, rumors and speculation are running rampant about the brand's future plans for its current characters and plans for other characters who haven't been seen in a long time. The latest update on the latter alleges that Marvel has plans for a Blade return. This alleged film, which would be R-rated, is said to involve Wesley Snipes in some way.

Now there's a chance Marvel could have other plans for Wesley Snipes, but smart money says that if he's involved, it's probably so he can reprise his role as the title character. It's a bold choice given his inclusion would seemingly mean embracing the character's previous films and giving the world the fourth Blade film after over 15 years. Provided these discussions are currently underway, is bringing Wesley Snipes Blade to the MCU something that should happen?

To start, let's acknowledge that Wesley Snipes is in his mid 50s. Him being Blade now would look a lot different than when he first took on the role. Hell, it'd even look different than when he did Blade Trinity at 41. That's not to say he can't pull it off, but one would imagine if Marvel is seriously considering Snipes for Blade, it's because they aren't planning to have him back for long.

Because, let's face it, if Marvel was thinking about making a new Blade movie, it's a good bet it'd use a younger actor. Mahershala Ali already has a strong show of support from MCU fans, and is still in his early 40s. He's just one of the many popular actors that could take on the character, so it's not absolutely necessary that Wesley Snipes be tapped for this role.

Yet, there has been talk from Snipes and Kevin Feige both over the years, which does make it possible these talks are legitimate. Rumors are still just that, but the fact that Marvel Studios has supposedly shown some interest in bringing back Wesley Snipes to play Blade in the past does instill some confidence that there's a plan at play. If it's being discussed, surely there's an idea of how it would happen, right?

Which, in and of itself, is a strong supporting reason for why Snipes should return as Blade. Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios has had a strong track record to date in the MCU, so there's little reason to doubt they'd just up and drop the ball trying to do Blade with Wesley Snipes. After all, why search for another actor when you have the guy who played him in three films before ready and willing to make a comeback.

Well, there is one really big reason not to, and a lot of it is tied to Wesley Snipes on-set behavior during production on Blade: Trinity. There are multiple accounts of Snipes doing some wild stuff on set, one of which included requesting CGI being used to put him in scenes he didn't feel like doing.

Much wilder alleged stories can be found online, but it seemed clear to multiple people on set that Blade wasn't something Snipes wanted to be a part of anymore. People change, obviously, but it's a valid question whether there are those at Marvel who remember that whole incident and may have issues bringing the actor in and risking more behind-the-scenes drama on a high-budget feature.

One big strength in Snipes favor is that he's aged wonderfully, and it's not crazy to think an enhanced lifespan isn't a real-life super power he's capable of. Additionally, after seeing how Marvel de-aged Kurt Russell and Samuel L. Jackson, it's hard to believe what little work it would take to make Snipes look as close to how he looked the last time audiences saw the Dhampir in action.

Perhaps the question isn't why Marvel would want Wesley Snipes back as Blade, but more of a question as to what that would mean. Bringing Snipes back would presumably make Blade 1-3 canon in the MCU, which adds yet another franchise to marry to a very delicate ecosystem at the moment. Could the MCU weather bringing the first three Blade films into its shared universe without worrying about plot inconsistencies or other issues?

It also bears mention that while the character of Blade has been popular, the franchise thus far has not been a hit with critics. Blade II is seen as the high point, according to critic scores on Rotten Tomatoes, and Blade: Trinity's aggregate score makes X-Men: Apocalypse's score seem solid in comparison. None of the films have been critical successes, but the lowest point of this franchise has been pretty damn bad in the eyes of critics.

Absence can tend to make the heart grow fonder though, although it would be a question of why the Marvel universe has had zero mentions of vampires to this point if Blade has been around this whole time. Granted, that is changing as Sony just went into principal photography on Morbius pretty recently, although it remains to be seen how or if the character will be incorporated into the MCU.

If there was a time to make vampires a part of the MCU, Phase 4 seems like a time to do it. The future of the Asgardians and who will headline adventures related to them is potentially on the bubble if Chris Hemsworth exits, and Marvel has already shown a want to expand its universe more with the introduction of the Skrulls. Vampires would be a viable outlet, and wouldn't take a lot of work to incorporate.

There is one story element that Marvel Studios could be looking into, and it's one that admittedly feels like one that avoids a lot of the potential problems in bringing back Wesley Snipes' Blade. Snipes could be the supporting character in a feature that ultimately paves the way to introduce Fallon Grey, Blade's daughter, as the MCU's resident vampire hunter. It's a convenient way to sweep Blade's past under the rug, and also add more inclusivity to the MCU.

Ultimately the decision is Marvel Studios', and it will ultimately decide whether or not Wesley Snipes and the Blade franchise is worth incorporating into the MCU. Right now people probably have a lot of questions as to why, but many will ultimately trust Kevin Feige and those responsible if bringing the vampire hunter back is the right move.

Right now, all this Blade talk is just a rumor, but CinemaBlend will keep an eye out for updates and any developments especially as Marvel gears up to announce its plans for Phase 4 after Spider-Man: Far From Home. For more on Blade, read up on what recent superhero film director actually pitched an idea for a film not all that long ago.

New Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge Image Reveals How Massive The Land Is

New Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge Image Reveals How Massive The Land Is
The Millennium Falcon at Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge

Disney told us from the very beginning that Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge was going to be the single largest land expansion in the history of Disneyland when it was finally here. However, Disney Parks are already so massive that it's difficult to get an idea of exactly what that means. Just how big is Galaxy's Edge?

While the land doesn't open to the general public (or more specifically, those with reservations) for a little over a week, Galaxy's Edge has been giving sneak peeks to some including press members recently, and it recently held a cast member event in the space. From that event has come one of the few official photos of the new land that has been released, that includes 1400 people surrounding the Millennium Falcon. Check it out.

While there's certainly a lot of people in this photo, the fact is that Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge is so much more than what you see in the picture, that it's going to clearly be able to hold an insane number of people due to its size. The other major E-ticket attraction, Rise of the Resistance, though it won't be open on May 31 with the rest of the land, isn't even visible in this picture. That means there's a lot of space left empty that thousands more people will be able to inhabit.

The picture, posted on Instagram by Disneyland President Josh D'Amaro, also shows just how big the Millennium Falcon actually is. For many, simply standing in the presence of a full sized replica of the iconic ship will be the ultimate Star Wars experience.

One can certainly imagine an aerial photo of Galaxy's Edge looking this packed most of the time if Disneyland actually lets enough people into the new land. Of course, it's not clear at this point exactly how many people will actually be getting to Galaxy's Edge when it opens.

Getting access to Galaxy's Edge for the first three weeks will require a reservation. All of the reservations made available to the general public in that time are already gone. The only way to be able to visit the planet of Batuu now is to book a reservation at a Disneyland Resort hotel, for which rooms are still available even now.

After the first three weeks, access to Galaxy's Edge will be handled through a digital queue system where guests will be notified on their smartphone when they can visit the land. One assumes this process will last until the crowds die down to a level where people will be able to enter and exit at their leisure, although, considering how popular the new land is going to be, it could be quite some time before that happens.

Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge opens at Disneyland May 31 and an identical land will open at Disney's Hollywood Studios in Walt Disney World August 29. A second phase including the second E-ticket attraction, Rise of the Resistance will open at an as yet undisclosed time in both parks later this year.

6 Unanswered Us Questions We Really Want Answered In An Us Sequel

6 Unanswered Us Questions We Really Want Answered In An Us Sequel
Wilson Family Us

Warning! The following contains spoilers for Jordan Peele's latest horror opus. Read at your own risk!

Following Us' blockbuster opening weekend, audiences are still reeling, and Jordan Peele's suspenseful horror thriller has many wanting a second viewing to see all the tiny clues leading up to that big twist. Others, however, have moved past all that, and are curious as to when a second movie is coming that may explain some of the lingering mysteries, and cover what happens after. With that said, here's some of the questions I have that could be addressed if an Us 2 is made.

How Does Tethering Work?

In Us, it's revealed by Red that "The Tethered" were created to be puppets used by the U.S. Government in order to control people. The experiment is regarded a failure, and The Tethered are abandoned underground with nothing to do but mimic their counterparts. They're able to do this without physically seeing what their other selves are doing... but how does that work exactly? How are the Tethered tethered?

A sequel could introduce someone who was familiar with the Tethered project, and could explain the ins and outs of how they work. What drives them to mimic? Why did they need to kill their original selves? What happens when the Tethered become the only version of themselves? Surely there's someone out there with the answers, and if another movie happens, we need to hear their perspective.

How Did The Rest Of The World Respond To The Event?

As Red said, the Tethered are "Americans." The group united, and joined hands across the nation in a statement that ensured they would be seen and recognized. It's a statement that, one would assume, wasn't meant for their above ground doppelgangers considering how many were murdered throughout the film. The rest of the world bore witness to this event, but we have no idea how they responded.

Did the U.N. assemble and grant the Tethered protected status? I'd be more convinced they decided to firebomb the country after seeing what these underground creatures can do. Of course, there's also groups of Americans who may have survived, so will there be rescue efforts to extract those individuals? What if other countries have their own Tethered, but the experiment actually worked over there? There's a lot of potential with this question, and a lot of directions to take it.

Are The Tethered Evil?

Once it's revealed that Adelaide Wilson is actually a member of the Tethered in the story, it presents an interesting question for Us. Adelaide was a seemingly well-adjusted person after a time, but is she the rule or the exception? After all, living below ground warped Red even though she was a normal girl above ground. Are the Tethered truly evil, or are they just a victim of their environments?

Adelaide shows that it's possible for the Tethered to become well-adjusted members of society, but Red shows that living in the tunnels can make just about anyone crazy. Are these Tethered that came up from the tunnels too far gone, or will they eventually create a civilized society within time? A time jump of how things progress would be riveting to see, and it would be fascinating to see in what ways they change and remain the same.

Who Else Survived The Attack?

There were quite a few dead bodies scattered throughout Us, but it's hard to believe the Wilsons were the only family to survive this traumatic experience. After all, helicopters captured the Tethered's statement, so apparently there were some pilots that managed to survive the incident. I suppose it could've been pilots' doppelgangers flying, which could be the case considering their hanging around the Tethered and not flying the hell out of dodge.

Still, there had to be some combat ready families that were able to overpower their doppelgangers and escape without being seen by other Tethered. It would be neat to see how they handled things, and could present an entirely different sequel similar to how 10 Cloverfield Lane was compared to Cloverfield. Ideally this is just the start of Peele's film universe, and another movie reveals a connection between the events of it, Us, and Get Out.

What's With All The Rabbits?

The rabbits are seen at the beginning of Us without context, and then later are seen roaming freely throughout the tunnels. About all we know about these underground rabbits is that they're the Tethered's primary food source, and there's plenty of them to go around. In truth that may be the whole point, as rabbits and their excessive breeding habits somewhat explains how the Tethered always have something to eat underground.

That said, how are these rabbits surviving? Are they also a part of the U.S. government's failed experiment? Surely the goal wasn't to put these rabbits down there so that the Tethered have something to eat, right? There'd have to be a more effective method of feeding that many people that would be cheaper and less horrifying. Perhaps the rabbits were the precursor to the Tethered? We'll probably never know unless there's a sequel.

Can The Tethered Drown?

Remember when Gabe and Abraham fought on the boat? That boat drug Abraham for a very long time, and it's a wonder he didn't die of drowning throughout that whole sequence. Later we see the "Hands Across America" chain, and it looks as though there are members of the Tethered beneath the water joining hands. So, can these "Americans" breathe underwater, and that bit was just left out of the movie?

I'm not sure why it would be important to the plot for the Tethered to be unable to drown, but it definitely makes them 100x creepier. Imagine one just being able to sit underwater with that twisted smile for hours waiting for a chance to strike. This trait, provided it exists, would also open the door to another reason why the Tethered were created, that doesn't necessarily jive with the way Red's been led to understand this government project.

Do you have a question about Us that you'd love to see explored in another film? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and see the film in theaters now. For more on the movie, check out some of the clues that tease the twist ending far ahead of the actual reveal.


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