
Saturday, December 14, 2019

Sounds Like Die Hard 6 Is Up In The Air After Disney Deal

Sounds Like Die Hard 6 Is Up In The Air After Disney Deal
Bruce Willis in Die Hard

The Disney/Fox deal has left plenty of questions on the table. One question that hasn't come up as often as, say, Will The X-Men Join The MCU? is What Will Happen With Die Hard 6? The movie got as far as a title, McClane, and early news that Bruce Willis would return, along with a new actor playing a younger John McClane.

The first five Die Hard movies were distributed by 20th Century Fox. Now Fox titles are owned by Disney. So when Die Hard 6 producer Lorenzo Di Bonaventura was asked if they had a start date yet for McClane, he added Disney to his answer:

I wish, not yet. I don’t know what’s going to happen there. It’s really up to them because obviously now they’re owned by Disney. My sense is that we won’t know much about it for a while while they debate whatever they’re debating. I don’t know enough about their plans really to have any point of view. They like our script.

"They" like the script -- that's a good sign, even if the specifics of "they" weren't discussed in his chat with /FILM. There's been a lot of talk about the script in the past year. Bruce Willis talked about checking out the script a year ago. Shortly after that, reports came out claiming The Conjuring writers Chad and Carey Hayes were hired to write the next Die Hard script.

In September, Lorenzo Di Bonaventura told Empire the movie's title would be McClane, saying "We want you to get invested in John McClane more than ever before." At the time, he confirmed McClane would bounce back and forth between older present day McClane, played by Bruce Willis, and a younger McClane to be cast in his 20s. The film was previously being eyed as Die Hard: Year One.

In late January, Film Stories UK talked to Lorenzo Di Bonaventura and he told the site McClane was still moving forward with Len Wiseman (Live Free or Die Hard) attached to direct. But as of March 20, 21st Century Fox is part of The Walt Disney Company. There's a lot to sort through in the transition, including layoffs and release date changes.

Hope is not lost for Die Hard 6/McClane, but it just seems to be in limbo, along with many other films. It was already in limbo as the script was developed. Based on Lorenzo Di Bonaventura's latest comments, it sounds like they've landed on a script they like, it's just a matter of who is now in charge of moving the project forward and deciding what stays and what goes. As he hinted, we may not know much about it for a while as The Powers That Be sift through the many Disney/Fox projects in development.

As we wait to see whether Mickey Mouse kills off John McClane or helps get him back on screen soon, keep up with what we do know is coming to theaters this year with our 2019 movie release date schedule.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Jeremy Renner Shares Video Right Before Getting His Avengers: Endgame Mohawk

Jeremy Renner Shares Video Right Before Getting His Avengers: Endgame Mohawk
Hawkeye in Endgame

It's been two long weeks since Avengers: Endgame arrived in theaters, and the fandom is still recovering from the film's myriad twists. The Russo Brothers meticulously crafted the blockbuster, connecting the story to myriad other installments and giving the original Avengers lineup significantly more screen time. This includes Jeremy Renner's Hawkeye, who returned from his Infinity War absence with a fresh new haircut and penchant for murder.

Ahead of Endgame's release, there was a ton of talk about Hawkeye's new mohawk. Play on words aside, Clint Barton's new do has been turned into countless memes, and is already iconic in its own right. Now Jeremy Renner has shared a video from the movie's set, revealing the moments before his mohawk was born. Check it out.

Way to cut out the big ending, Renner. This video shows Hawkeye moments before the new mohawk arrived. If only the actor knew how many jokes would come out of Twitter.

This new video, which comes to us from Jeremy Renner's official Instagram, is a peak behind the curtain of Marvel Studios' top secret process. Since the MCU is such a well-oiled machine at this point, it's easy for the public to forget that the franchise is just full of regular people doing their job. This includes the hair and makeup team, who are tasked with creating each characters' signature look. Cue the Hawkeye fade.

The contents of Avengers: Endgame were kept under wraps until the film's release, with both the studio and Russo Brothers doing everything they could in order to guard the myriad twists. This means the cast must follow strict guidelines, with many actors not given full scripts or the details of scenes before filming. And videos needed to be kept under lock and key for years.

Now that Avengers: Endgame is going into its third weekend in theaters, the cast and crew are finally getting more chatty about the massive blockbuster's contents. Co-directors The Russo Brothers officially lifted the spoiler ban after Endgame's second weekend in theaters, so social media and regular water cooler talk has really stepped up in regards to the myriad plot twists of the 22nd MCU installment.

Related: The Avengers: Endgame Trailer Has Us Obsessing Over Everyone's Hair

With the spoiler ban lifted, cast members from the Marvel Cinematic Universe have been slowly revealing behind the scenes look at Avengers: Endgame. Jeremy Renner wasn't the only Avenger to snap videos from the set, with Chris Pratt posting clips from the film's epic final battle. Plus, we've seen photos from the all-female Marvel lunch, which was apparently thrown by Robert Downey Jr. himself. Overall, it looks like Endgame was a blast to make--despite the sky high anticipation and pressure coming from the fans.

Avengers: Endgame is in theaters now. Be sure to check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

8 Things You Might Have Missed In The Joker Trailer

8 Things You Might Have Missed In The Joker Trailer
Joker Debra Kane looking over Arthur from the other side of the desk

This morning, Warner Bros and DC Comics released their first look at the Todd Phillips directed Joker film, set to be released this October. While the project has always sounded like a very experimental prospect, seeing it in action just made us all the more aware of how exciting this film could be. Not only is it a period piece, but it’s also a version of the Joker we’ve never seen before; a man who we literally get to see crumble before our eyes.

And along the way through the Cliff’s Notes version that the trailer presented us of said downfall, there were some interesting nods and clues that show a very interesting first look at what the world of Joker is going to look and feel like. Some are quick references to history, others are interesting points of interest that have us thinking what they’ll mean in the long run. All are present in the first trailer for Joker, which you can watch below before we start to dive into the deeper details:

Now let’s take a look at some of the little things scattered through Joker’s trailer that caught our eye.

The Bob Kane Tribute

One of the legendary forces behind Batman’s creation, Bob Kane was one of the two men that made the Caped Crusader the man that he is. The same applies for his archnemesis, as The Joker was also one of Kane’s legendary creations. So throughout the Batman universe, it’s been a tradition to include his name among the various easter eggs that can be found through various mediums, and Joker gives up one pretty quickly. At the beginning of the trailer, if you look closely at the ID tag of the social worker that’s speaking with Arthur, you’ll see that her name is Debra Kane, undoubtedly a nod to the man who helped both Gotham’s greatest hero, and its biggest villain, come to living breathing life.

Wayne Hall

What would a movie taking place in Gotham be without having at least one reference to the richest, most visible family that lives in the city? Though judging by what we’ve read on Joker’s plot, as well as its cast of characters, it feels like the Waynes will make more than just cameo appearances in the film. Still, when the name “Wayne Hall” flashed up on the screen, it was something we’d totally have noticed without the gold letters and spotlights. Though judging by what we’ve heard about the incarnation of Thomas Wayne in this film, that was probably the only way to play this whole thing.

Modern Times

During the split second of Wayne Hall’s exterior being shown, it’s revealed that Charlie Chaplin’s classic film Modern Times is playing at the grand opening of that very event space in the fall. This is doubly interesting, first because Joaquin Phoenix’s Arthur has a bit of a Charlie Chaplin-esque look about him when he’s dancing as a sign spinner towards the beginning. So one of his comedic influences is, undoubtedly, The Tramp himself. But even more surprising is the fact that Modern Times was a satire that drew attention to the economic hardship of the Great Depression era worker, which looks like something the Wayne family didn’t take into account when deciding to use it as their self-named hall’s opening event.

Thomas Wayne Gets Political

As if on cue at the thought of his very name, Thomas Wayne appears in the trailer for Joker. First coming in as a voiceover, but then showing his face through actor Brett Cullen, Thomas is afraid for Gotham City. He thinks it's lost its way, and that only a cold blooded coward in a mask could perpetrate the crime he's lamenting in this clip. It very well may be a murder, probably Arthur's first in a possible series. But even scarier is the fact that we've previously assumed that while Thomas isn't the same man he's portrayed to be in previous incarnations, his deadly fate might be just the same. In which case, this sort of taunting might not be wise in hindsight.

A Very Different Arkham

Arkham Asylum is one of those locations that undeniably anchors the Batman series in the consciousness of its fans. Usually depicted as a high tech facility with all the bells and whistles and an extremely gothic flavored decorative style, it’s where all of the baddies that Batman catches tend to go to. Before they break out into the world again, that is. But in Joker’s version of Arkham, it’s not even labeled as an asylum, as it’s known in this world as Arkham State Hospital. And rather than look like somewhere you’d expect The Riddler to be hatching his next, post-escape plan, it looks like the sort of run down mental facility you’d expect from the 1980’s lowest of lows. Gritty realism has found a new way to infiltrate the world of Gotham, and it’s super effective.

The Killing Joke

One of the plot aspects that’s been brought to mind with Joker is the fact that Arthur is trying to be a stand-up comedian during the course of the film. We see several shots of him going to Pogo’s Comedy Club, laughing it up, and eventually taking his own spot on the main stage. Which nails one particular Batman story right on it’s head: The Killing Joke. Part of The Joker’s origins in the Alan Moore penned story involved him being a frustrated wanna-be comedian, in the hopes of going pro and caring for his pregnant wife. While there’s no wife here, there is his mother. And as we see in some flashes of footage, it looks like he might make it to a certain point of stardom as a funnyman. Which leads us to one of the most surprising references in this entire trailer.

The King Of Comedy

Martin Scorsese’s underrated classic The King of Comedy told the story of, get this, a frustrated wanna-be comedian who would do anything to get his moment in the spotlight. That film’s protagonist was played by none other than Robert DeNiro, which was a fact that was not unseen when his casting in Joker was announced to be for the role of a TV host that drives Arthur mad. With Scorsese executive producing this film as well, it feels like Joker is a pseudo remake of that very film, with DeNiro playing a role similar to the one Jerry Lewis played against him in the original. Extra bonus points go towards the production designers for invoking the look of the 80’s era sets that Johnny Carson used during his tenure as the host of The Tonight Show.

Bruce Wayne Behind Bars

Just as I discussed the inclusion of the Wayne family in Joker, there was one pretty big piece of that puzzle dropped into place during a scene where Arthur befriends a little boy. That young lad seen in the trailer just happens to be none other than Bruce Wayne, as played by Dante Pereira-Olson. Separated by a gate with iron bars, Arthur tries to get his young friend to smile, albeit in a creepy, hands on sort of way. How this budding friendship will turn out is yet to be seen, but if our hunch is correct, it’s not going to last for long, if it gets to start at all.

We’ve still got some time between now and Joker’s debut in theaters, and a whole bunch of surprises are probably still waiting to be thrust upon the public at the right time. In fact, I could still be totally wrong about what we think is going to happen in the film. But what's been seen so far is promising, and definitely invoking the right spirit to become a socially subversive take on a classic comic villain. You could even say, it puts a smile right on our faces.

Joker takes the stage in theaters on October 4th. Though laughs aren’t that far off in the box office future, as you’ll see by consulting our 2019 release schedule. That's no joke!

Oscar Isaac Has A Great Response To Those Batman Rumors

Oscar Isaac Has A Great Response To Those Batman Rumors
Oscar Isaac's Last Jedi poster

It's a very exciting time in Oscar Isaac's career. The 40 year-old actor became a household name from his role in the Star Wars franchise, playing smart-mouthed Resistance pilot Poe Dameron. Since then, he's booked a ton of work, appearing in a multitude of movies every year. And with Episode IX ending the current trilogy and Skywalker Saga forever, it should be fascinating to see which projects Isaac signs on for, now that his schedule has opened up a bit.

Fanboy culture obviously has a soft spot for Oscar Isaac, given his role in Star Wars and the ill-fated X-Men: Apocalypse. As such, he's been put on fan lists to possible replace Ben Affleck as the DCEU's Batman. He's not the only name being floated around to play the lead in Matt Reeves' The Batman, and now Isaac has officially responded to the rumors, saying:

No. I have only read it online like everyone else. I haven’t had any conversations about Batman, unfortunately, but I am sure it is going to be great. Matt Reeves is such a great director. Yeah, he can get my number.

While shutting down any possible rumors or reports of talks with Warner Bros., Oscar Isaac did make one thing clear: he'd love to work with Matt Reeves. So perhaps the director could end up giving Isaac the call to play the new Dark Knight after all.

Oscar Isaac's comments come from his interview with Metro, while the actor was on a press tour for his Netflix movie Triple Frontier. Interestingly enough, he's starring in the heist film alongside Ben Affleck himself. So if he ever gets approached to play Batman, he'd be taking on the mantle from a recent friend and colleague. Of course, he clarified that that process hasn't even begun, and there is no truth to rumors about Isaac's involvement in The Batman.

He may have shut down the rumors of his role, but Oscar Isaac's final comment in the statement above is going to get DC fans very excited. He doesn't seem to have ruled out the possibility of playing Batman, expressing his interest in working with Matt Reeves. So the excitement and rumors will likely keep swirling until Reeves finally revealed who is taking the title role in The Batman, now that Ben Affleck is officially out.

Realistically, Oscar Isaac seems like a less likely choice to play Batman, given what we've learned about Matt Reeves' still developing DC project. The Batman will reportedly focus on a younger version of Bruce Wayne, who is more green in his vigilante work. Oscar Isaac is only 6 years younger then 46 year-old Ben Affleck, so that might take him out of the running. Although most Star Wars fans would kill for a chance to see him behind the cowl. After saying goodbye to Poe this coming December, audiences will want another excuse to see him on the big screen.

Even if Oscar Isaac ends up taking the role of Batman, he's going to have some massive shoes to fill. The DC live-action universe had a solid Bruce Wayne with Ben Affleck's iteration, which brought something new to the character, unique from the myriad other adaptations. Skipping an origin story, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice debuted a Batman who was experienced, jaded, and surprisingly violent. He was arguably the best part of an uneven blockbuster, and comic book fans quickly got on board with Batfleck.

Ben Affleck eventually reprised his role in a quick few scenes in Suicide Squad, before taking on a larger role in Justice League. Unfortunately for the filmmaker, those two projects failed to resonate with critics and audiences alike. And after going viral for his Sad Affleck face regarding Dawn of Justice's reviews, Affleck eventually hung up his cowl and cape for good.

Now Matt Reeves has the lofty task of finding an actor to replace Ben Affleck in the DCEU. It's hard to enough to cast the Dark Knight in live-action, but it's especially challenging given the character's tenure in the shared universe. There are bound to be endless comparison to Batfleck, and the new Bruce Wayne will have to try doubly hard to bring something new to the beloved DC hero.

If the reports are to be believed, Matt Reeves will do this by focusing on a younger version of Gotham's Protector. This should be in stark juxtaposition to the last iteration, and there are plenty of moviegoers who would love to see Oscar Isaac step into the suit. Additionally, The Batman will also reportedly focusing on the detective side of the title character's life as a vigilante. This has been sorely missing in the previous iterations, especially considering Bats is known as the World's Greatest Detective.

As for Oscar Isaac's involvement, we probably shouldn't hold our breathe in hopes of him taking on the role of Batman. While he seems like a great candidate due to his star-power and status among the fandom, Matt Reeves' plans for The Batman don't necessarily fit Isaac's talents. But there were rumors that the director was looking for a big name to take on the role. And the Poe Dameron actor is that type of name.

It's also important to note that The Batman has already gone through a ton of changes during its long gestation period. Ben Affleck was originally attached to direct and star in the project, before dropping out of each of those roles on separate occasions. Matt Reeves eventually took over, but it seems like the script and story are still being worked on. So if they manage to bring Oscar Isaac into the fold, the younger Bruce Wayne idea could get the chop. We'll just have to wait and see.

You can catch Oscar Isaac in Triple Frontier streaming not on Netflix, and he will play Poe Dameron one last time in Episode IX on December 20th. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Lily Collins Believes The Ghosts Of Ted Bundy's Victims Visited Her During Filming

Lily Collins Believes The Ghosts Of Ted Bundy's Victims Visited Her During Filming
extremely wicked

If you have been browsing Netflix this weekend, you might have come across Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile about serial killer Ted Bundy. Zac Efron plays Bundy while Lily Collins plays his longtime girlfriend Elizabeth Kloepfer. Stepping into any kind of dramatic role like this must take a toll on the actor, but Collins got an extra boost to play the role after she was visited by what she believes to be the ghosts of the women Ted Bundy killed.

In the film (and also real life), Ted Bundy killed 30 women and girls across seven states in the 1970s. During the majority of this time, the charismatic Bundy had a girlfriend named Elizabeth Kloepfer. Kloepfer couldn't believe that Bundy was guilty and claimed that he was innocent. It's a strong story and an especially powerful one considering the many victims at the hand of Bundy.

There are plenty of instances where survivors or family members of victims give their blessings to have a movie made, but it's really rare for ghosts to give the okay. Lily Collins claims that the spirits of the women Ted Bundy killed visited her late at night, and it began when she started to wake up at 3 a.m. every night.

I would go downstairs and have a cup of tea, trying to figure out why I had woken up again. I started being woken up by flashes of images, like the aftermath of a struggle. ... I discovered that 3 a.m. is the time when the veil between the realms is the thinnest and one can be visited.

Lily Collins goes on to tell the Guardian that she believes she was being contacted by spirits. However, it wasn't a scary experience like out of a Conjuring movie. Collins states that she wasn't frightened at all and that the women were there to show their support.

I didn’t feel scared – I felt supported. I felt like people were saying: 'We’re here listening. We’re here to support. Thank you for telling the story.'

It's not my place to say whether ghosts are real or not, but Lily Collins sure believes it, and it nevertheless sounds like quite the experience for her.

Including Extremely Wicked, 8 films have been made about Ted Bundy. He's been called one of the most ruthless and cold people to ever exist. Netflix's film has gotten mostly mixed reviews, but most critics have called Zac Efron's performance as Bundy a highlight of the movie.

You can check out Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile whenever you like because the film is available for your viewing pleasure right now on Netflix. For all the other films the streaming service has in store for the wonderful month of May, here's our Netflix movie release guide.

What Is Disney Movie Club? Is It Worth It?

What Is Disney Movie Club? Is It Worth It?
Disney Movie Club Logo

Disney has a lot going on at the movies right now. With Avengers: Endgame well on its way to becoming the highest-grossing film of all time, along with Aladdin, The Lion King, Toy Story 4, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Frozen 2, and several more titles expected to make a whole lot moolah along the way, it is no surprise that Disney is finding more and more ways to allow movie-lovers to explore the ever-evolving archive of movies.

With a treasure trove of movies available under Disney's reliable name, there is no shortage of great movies available through Disney. With that in mind, would it be worth securing a membership to Disney Movie Club? Let's take a look at what the service offers.

How Does Disney Movie Club Work?

Through Disney Movie Club, you sign up to join a membership program that allows you to buy Disney movies on both DVD and Blu-ray at a discounted price. The general gist goes like this: Through the service, you get four movies for $1 each, plus free shipping. Sounds pretty sweet, right? From there, you will have two years to buy five more movies at regular price. Every four weeks, you'll be sent a feature Disney movie, which you are allowed to choose or skip according to your preferences.

When you sign up, you get the choice of whether you want to receive Blu-rays or DVDs. DVDs are typically priced around $19.95, while Blu-rays are often $29.95. It should be noted, when you sign up newer releases might not be included as "available" sections. Though they typically become available a few months after their original release date. Once they do become available, the new releases should be counted towards your commitment.

What Does Disney Movie Club Cost?

While there isn't exactly a set price for the Disney Movie Club, you can figure out what you're spending if you do a quick number crunch. As it was mentioned earlier, if you pay for a Blu-ray, that's roughly $30 for a title. Through Disney Movie Club, you're expected to get around nine movies before you can call it quits. So, you're looking to spend about $149.75 (plus taxes, most likely) for the service, at the very least. That's not counting the dollar you'd spend for the initial four-movie bundle you'll get when you start, of course.

What Is Disney Movie Club VIP?

After your commitment and your membership agreement has been fulfilled, you will automatically be enrolled in the Disney Movie Club VIP program. Through the VIP membership, you will be eligible for even more special deals, offers and discounts, including some benefits that are only available through this service. These deals will become known to the costumer in full once they become VIP members. But it should be noted that if you become a VIP member, you will still need to respond to Feature Title offers to accept and decline as you would through the normal membership.

Can You Cancel Disney Movie Club?

Yes. If you want to cancel your Disney Movie Club membership, what you need to do is call a Disney Movie Club cast member at the following number: 1-800-362-4587. From there, you would tell them that you wish to cancel your Disney Movie Club membership. There is a Disney movie cast member who will be able to help you between the hours of 9 AM to 9 PM Monday-through-Friday, Eastern Time.

And it should be noted that you will want to be as clear and concise as possible, to make sure it's known that cancelling your membership is your final decision. Also, be sure to save your confirmation that your membership is cancelled. There should be a letter sent in the mail that confirms that your membership has been terminated.

What Credit Card Payments Are Accepted For Disney Movie Club?

In order to pay for a membership through the phone or online, you must use a credit card. The service accepts all the following credit card companies: Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Card. Other credit card services are not likely to be accepted, though you can check with your local company or with a representative with Disney Movie Club to make sure that's the case.

Should You Get Disney Movie Club?

It's ultimately up-to-you, but if you're a Disney movie lover and you buy most of the studio's movies anyway, it's not a bad deal. If you're someone who only get a Disney title like, say, a Frozen DVD or Avengers: Infinity War on Blu-ray here-and-there, though, it might not be entirely worth your while. Regardless, if you have the disposal income to buy a lot of movies on DVD and Blu-ray, particularly if you pride yourself in your Disney collection and you're always making sure you fill your shelf space with the latest movie titles from the Mouse House, you would probably get a good deal out of this service, truth be told. Look into it.

Nevertheless, if you are a bargain hunter, and you want to get the best deals you can on these movies, you might want to give it a second look. As I mentioned earlier, if you're simply trying to get the best deal on The Lion King DVD or another one-off title, you'll be better off trying to find the movie elsewhere. This is a service that rewards you for spending full value on select titles, staying true to your brand commitment, and buying several titles from the Disney archive. Like we said earlier, it depends on what you want. If you buy a lot of Disney DVDs/Blu-rays, you might be getting a lot of bang for your buck. But if you just want to shop for some good deals on popular movie titles, there are certainly other alternatives.

It should also be noted there are a few Disney titles that appear to be available only through the Disney Movie Club, though it's unclear if that will change once Disney+ allows viewers to watch a number of different titles through the newfound streaming service. In any case, there are definitely advantages and disadvantages to getting Disney Movie Club. Weigh your options based and make the decision that works best for you. To learn more about Disney Movie Club, head here.

Watch Avengers: Endgame's Professor Hulk Introduction In Official Marvel Clip

Watch Avengers: Endgame's Professor Hulk Introduction In Official Marvel Clip

It goes without saying, but Avengers: Endgame SPOILERS are ahead!

For years, we were promised that Thor: Ragnarok, Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame would form a special arc for the Hulk, and now we finally know the end result. In Endgame, rather than seeing the traditional dynamic between Bruce Banner and his monstrous other half, Bruce instead melded his intellect with Hulk’s physique, creating what’s unofficially known as Professor Hulk.

Whether you’ve already seen Avengers: Endgame once or a handful of times, or you haven’t made it to the theater yet and would like a more spoilery glimpse of the movie, Marvel has released the clip that introduces the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Professor Hulk. Check it out!

Although Hulk popped up at the beginning of Avengers: Infinity War last year, after getting pummeled by Thanos, he refused to come back out for the rest of the movie, which directors Joe and Anthony Russo attributed to the Green Goliath getting tired of saving Bruce’ banners ass. We then spent a year wondering what was next for the Hulk, with many fans theorizing that Bruce and Hulk would become one being.

That is indeed what happened, as following Avengers: Endgame’s five-year time jump, one of the things Scott Lang was caught up to speed on after breaking free from the Quantum Realm was how Bruce Banner finally stopped looking at Hulk as a disease and instead viewed him as the cure. Several gamma radiation sessions later, and Bruce has the best of both worlds, with the public now seeing him as a superhero and kids wanting to take selfies with him and definitely not Ant-Man.

It’s also worth noting that this Avengers: Endgame clip doesn’t play out exactly as it does in the actual movie, as it cuts out the part where Scott Lang tells those kids “Take the goddamn phone!” I guess Marvel wants to be careful in case any young'uns are watching this clip.

Although Mark Ruffalo appeared as normal Bruce Banner at the beginning of Avengers: Endgame, for the rest of the movie, Professor Hulk was Bruce’s normal form, with only Ruffalo proper appearing again when The Ancient One knocked Bruce’s astral form out of his body in 2012. However, the Russos have confirmed that the injury Hulk sustained to his arm when snapping Avengers: Infinity War’s dusted individuals back into existence is permanent, so he’ll have diminished strength going forward.

While Mark Ruffalo has at least one movie left on his contract, there’s no word yet on if we’ll see Hulk again in the MCU. Unlike what happened with Iron Man and Captain America, Avengers: Endgame didn’t completely close the book on Hulk’s story, so there’s potential for him to appear in another movie down the line. Nevertheless, the character’s come a long way since he first appeared in The Incredible Hulk, especially considering he never got to star in another solo movie.

If you haven’t already, be sure to read CinemaBlend’s review of Avengers: Endgame and stay tuned for more coverage on the movie. If you’re already looking ahead to the future of the MCU, browse through our comprehensive guide concerning what’s coming up.


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