
Saturday, August 24, 2019

Check Out Jumanji 3’s Main Cast Assembled For Action

Check Out Jumanji 3’s Main Cast Assembled For Action

Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle was a surprise hit when it came out back in 2017. It put up the sort of box office numbers that virtually guarantees a sequel is going to get made. That movie is now in production and co-star Karen Gillan shared a new look at herself along with her three main co-stars. Along with the image comes a bit of rhyming verse that sets an ominous tone for Jumanji 3.

The rhyming verse is a standard part of the Jumanji movies, so it fits perfectly with the picture that brings Karen Gillan, Dwayne Johnson, Jack Black and Kevin Hart together again. In Welcome to the Jungle they played the four video game avatars that were inhabited by four teenagers. While those teens took steps to ensure nobody would play the Jumanji game again, it seems that the effort was in vain.

Of course, one has to wonder exactly what Karen Gillan means by saying "some things aren't as they seem." She's implying that there's something about the team that is not as it seems, though there's nothing about any of them that stands out. They certainly look like the same characters they were last time.

Of course there are a number of reasons things could be slightly different this time around. We know that the same group of kids who controlled the Jumanji avatars will be back in major roles. Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean they'll be the ones playing the game. We could see all new players who would in turn give these four characters entirely new personalities.

Alternatively, and probably more likely, we could see the same four kids switch around who is playing as which avatar. This means that we could see very different performances from these four characters. Each pairing in Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle was about matching each teen with a particular insecurity they had, but by the end of the story, they appeared to have overcome those issues. This may free them up to pick a new character and potentially explore a new story by doing so.

We'll likely have to wait and see, at least until the first trailer, to get an idea of how Jumanji 3, which probably won't be called that, will differentiate itself from the previous film. It may be some time before we see much, however. The movie is only filming now and plans to hit screens in December, which is a remarkably fast turn around for a film of its size. There may not be that much time between getting digital effects completed in post-production, and the film's release, making the window for a trailer a small one.

Still, based on the success of the last movie, marketing is the least of the concerns for the new Jumanji. There's a fan base looking forward to this sequel that will only need to wait until this holiday season.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Ryan Reynolds Knows They Can Make A R-Rated Cut Of Detective Pikachu From His Outtakes

Ryan Reynolds Knows They Can Make A R-Rated Cut Of Detective Pikachu From His Outtakes
Detective pikachu

Ryan Reynolds is best known as the foul-mouthed superhero Deadpool, but now he's in theaters voicing a cute and cuddly little Pokemon who just happens to sound a lot like Deadpool. I certainly half expected little Pikachu to drop an F-bomb randomly in the middle of the new Pokemon movie just because he was voiced by Reynolds, and it turns out that sort of happened.

CinemaBlend had a chance to sit down with Ryan Reynolds and ask him if he thought about how fun it would be to just go ahead and make Detective Pikachu an R-rated movie, and Reynolds let our own Jeff McComb know that he actually recorded a lot of dialogue that would have been unsuitable for the PG-13 version of the film. According to Reynolds...

Have I considered it? Are you kidding me? I think there's one that they could cut. Yeah, not hard R, but there's some stuff in there. Because you just sort of want to be free. Sometimes you have to get it out. You have to say the worst thing that's on your mind just so it goes away and then you can focus on the stuff that can actually be in the movie. So yeah, there's a version out there that will never see the light of day.

One can only imagine just how much fun a foul-mouthed Pikachu would have been. It certainly wouldn't have worked for a lot of people, but the concept just sounds hilarious from the outset. If Reynolds really did let loose with the language on a regular basis as a way of clearing out his head, then there probably is enough content to create an R-rated version of the film.

Unfortunately, Ryan Reynolds wasn't able to give us many examples of exactly the sort of thing that he said when he cut loose. Also, if you're expecting to see an R-rated Blu-ray at some point, probably don't. While Reynolds may have recorded some filthy dialogue, the animators certainly have no plans to turn those into actual scenes. As Reynolds tells us...

There was some very sweary hyphenates. I remember that but otherwise no. They don't even animate that, they're just like 'ok that goes right in that little garbage can shaped icon on the computer and that's it.'

Since voice acting is usually all done before any animation is begun, there's traditionally a lot of freedom given to voice actors to try different things in order to see what works best. Reynolds isn't the first to use that freedom to go blue. You have to believe there are outtakes of Robin Williams and Don Rickles that Disney will never let us hear.

While we'll never be blessed by a swearing Pikachu, the actual Detective Pikachu movie that we got is pretty funny even without the adult language. It's in theaters now. To Hear Ryan Reynods' complete comments to CinemaBlend, including one joke that he didn't think would make it into the movie, but did, check out the video below.

Shazam! Director Points Out A Joker Easter Egg Some Fans Missed

Shazam! Director Points Out A Joker Easter Egg Some Fans Missed

Shazam! just topped the box office for a second week in a row. How many of this weekend's fans were repeat viewers, watching a second or even third time to try and catch all of the Easter eggs? Director David F. Sandberg is doing his part to get even more fans into seats to see the DC movie. When a fan pointed out a key little nugget in the background of a scene, Sandberg shared it as an argument for people to go back and watch Shazam! again:

Since David F. Sandberg seemed fine with this fan sharing a screenshot of his movie, here's a larger shot of the Easter egg in question, visible in the top right corner:

Yes, that ACE Chemicals logo ties to the Gotham storyline, specifically the Joker. According to the DC story, the Joker fell into a vat of chemical solution at ACE and transformed into the villain we know and love to hate today.

The ACE logo was shown during Shazam!'s warehouse scene, when Billy and Freddy tried to figure out the extent of Billy's new powers. Some fans replied to the original tweet saying they missed this particular Easter egg when watching the movie.

Another tie to the DCEU is where the empty warehouse was filmed. According to ScreenRant, they used the Hearn Generating Station outside of Toronto -- the same location used for ACE Chemicals during Suicide Squad.

Since David F. Sandberg pointed out the Easter egg himself, he probably hoped some fans would put the pieces together, even if it took multiple viewings. The director has been sharing little Easter eggs for the past year, long before the movie even opened -- including nods to Man of Steel, and a copy of The Daily Planet in Freddy's room, with a report on Lex Luthor.

As you probably know by now, Shazam! had originally hoped for a cameo from the DCEU's current Superman, Henry Cavill, but scheduling issues got in the way. Shazam! still managed to include a version of its intended scene, in honor of superhero-obsessed Freddy. You might consider the Shazam! director's own cameo in the movie an Easter egg, since it's not at all obvious.

Shazam! is a movie that lends itself to repeat viewing, and also post-viewing research. For example, here's some help deciphering the end credits scene. And don't forget how all of this ties into Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's Black Adam movie, which he said would start filming in about a year. The producers said they will probably move pretty quickly on a sequel to Shazam! and not just because of fan demand.

Shazam! is owning April so far, but don't forget (as if you would) Avengers: Endgame is coming April 26. Keep up with everything headed to the big screen with our 2019 movie release date schedule.

7 Top Dave Franco Movies That Show He's Talented In His Own Right

7 Top Dave Franco Movies That Show He's Talented In His Own Right
Dave Franco in 21 Jump Street

Being primarily known as so-and-so’s sibling can be a tough gig – one that Dave Franco was certainly burdened with a decade ago as his brother James Franco found early fame in his roles in Freaks and Geeks, the Spider-Man trilogy and Pineapple Express. It’s not only that, though, James Franco certainly is no stranger to memorable performances, from chopping off his arm at the end of his Oscar-nominated role in 127 Hours to donning cornrows and platinum teeth in Spring Breakers.

In the past few years, Dave Franco moved out of the shadows, paved his own path as an actor and made a name for himself in the industry. The 33-year-old actor is primarily known for starring in comedies, but has made some interesting career choices and showed off dramatic chops we didn’t know he had. Maybe a little sibling rivalry can do some good? On the surface, it may be easy to compare the brother’s accomplishments, but there are movies that you can check out which really showcase Dave’s talent on the big screen, so be sure not to ignore the films listed below!

21 Jump Street

The younger Franco first made a splash as the “cool” high school kid that buddy cops Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill have a run in with during the undercover mission in 21 Jump Street. He plays the perfect calm, cool and confident heartthrob much of the time, but then hilariously erupts into cry fits when the action of the film really takes hold in the third act of the movie. The role showed that Dave Franco can roll with big comedy stars and complement their humor in it, which isn’t something that the typical high school “pretty boy” types have always been able to bring to a movie like this. Ja feel?

Now You See Me

Now You See Me was a fun ensemble thriller featuring an impressive cast including Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo, Woody Harrelson, Isla Fisher, Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine. So, one might think a newcomer such as Dave Franco would get lost in the crowd and become forgettable in a big film like this. Franco comes to play, though, and helps make his street thief character amongst the team of magicians an intriguing one. He can do impressive card action stunts and even bring you over to his side with sympathy when the mission goes awry and the fate of his character comes in question. Franco complemented the star-studded cast well and stood out in all the right moments.


Dave Franco’s casting in the Seth Rogen (who is often James Franco’s partner in crime) comedy could have been due to some talking up by his brother, but Dave could certainly pull off playing a college student and the role became a great showcase of his “bro comedy” skills. With Zac Efron by his side as his fraternity brother, the duo make for some entertaining adversaries to the young parents (Seth Rogen and Rose Bryne) who live next to them. Efron and Franco spoof the stereotypical frat boys as they party and prank their new neighbors with some pretty funny scenes. And, Franco’s Robert De Niro from Meet the Parents impression during their “De Niro” party? Flawless.


Dave Franco was paired with American Horror Story’s Emma Roberts in a fun thrill ride about two 20-somethings who participate in a vicious real-life game of “truth or dare” that serves as entertainment in the world they live in. The film was an adrenaline rush of a Black Mirror-esque story that showed off Dave Franco as a lead taking on the action, romance and drama of Nerve as his and Roberts’ characters must push the boundaries and break rules in order to survive the game they find themselves in. The two stars made for an entertaining pair to watch as they bring some humor and heartwarming moments to the reality video game flick.

The Disaster Artist

In 2017, Dave Franco finally joined his brother for the Oscar-nominated The Disaster Artist, about the making of Tommy Wiseau’s cult-classic The Room. While James Franco took on the role of director and lead to tell this unbelievable true story, he enlisted Dave to play Wiseau’s other half, Greg Sestero. With some incredible makeup work, the two don’t even look like brothers as they play actor friends trying to make it in Hollywood.

Dave’s realistic portrayal perfectly grounds the film while James blows it out of proportion with his detailed portrayal of the larger-than-life personality of Wiseau. Part of why the movie works is due to the brothers’ natural chemistry with one another and ability to play off each another. Dave has the job of playing a real person just as James does, and gives his most memorable performance to date.

The Little Hours

It’s one thing to star in a comedy, but signing on to an ambitiously raunchy movie about nuns who say “fuck” every other word and roll their eyes at their priest is something else. Dave Franco starred in this peculiar indie comedy gem alongside Aubrey Plaza, Fred Armisen, Nick Offerman, John C. Reilly and Allison Brie, which was a very modern retelling of The Decameron, and it was epic. While the movie is certainly not everyone’s cup of tea and won’t go down in history as the actors’ best works, it shows that Franco isn’t afraid to commit to a weird bit for the fun of it – and, in my opinion, that’s better than always opting for the same, average story.

6 Balloons

Dave Franco has also recently started working with Netflix, first as a guest star on the comedy Easy, and also in the recent drama 6 Balloons alongside Broad City’s Abbi Jacobson. The emotional film has Franco portraying a heroin addict who has relapsed. His sister (Jacobson) attempts to confront and help him with his problem but they run into issues with paying for his health care, his 4-year-old daughter’s presence and a party they are trying to attend. It’s a harrowing watch with a message that certainly shows Franco is more than capable of carrying more dramatic fare.

The actor has certainly come a long way in making a name for himself and showing his own talents in the past decade, first as a scene-stealer in comedies and now as an accomplished lead actor. What will he do next? Well, Dave Franco is set to star in another one of his brother’s directorial projects, Zeroville, later this year and a Michael Bay film called 6 Underground alongside Ryan Reynolds. He is also writing and directing his own horror movie called The Rental starring Alison Brie (his frequent collaborator and wife) and Dan Stevens.

What’s your favorite role from Dave Franco and what would you like to see the actor take on next? Sound off in the comments below!

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Why Dark Phoenix Is Keeping Jessica Chastain’s Character Such A Mystery

Why Dark Phoenix Is Keeping Jessica Chastain’s Character Such A Mystery
Jessica Chastain in Dark Phoenix

The X-Men franchise has been going strong for a decade now, but the franchise looks like it may come to an end with Dark Phoenix. Simon Kinberg's upcoming blockbuster will attempt to tell the iconic comic book story, after The Last Stand failed to impress fans back in 2006. The pressure is very high for Dark Phoenix, especially as it's been delayed a few times already.

Dark Phoenix will pick up on the X-Men a decade after the events of Apocalypse. The story will largely follow Sophie Turner's Jean Grey, who is struggling with a powerful cosmic force inside of her. Helping to guide her through this journey is Jessica Chastain's mysterious character, who was shown as some type of mentor figure during the film's trailers. But the character hasn't even been named yet, and Kinberg recently spoke to CinemaBlend about this decision, saying:

The plan is to keep it mysterious as long as humanly possible. I mean, one of the things I loved growing up watching movies. The most seminal movies for me growing up were the Star Wars films. What I loved about them is I had no idea what was going to happen when I walked into the theater. What we've tried to do -- Hutch [Parker, producer] and I both produced Logan -- part of what we really tried to do with that film and we're trying to do with this is retain some of that mystery, retain some of the experience of going into the cinema not knowing everything about the movie before you see it, and just sort of having it be the sort of experience we had growing up.

It looks like Simon Kinberg's decision to keep Jessica Chastain largely under wraps ahead of Dark Phoenix's release has much to do with the galaxy far, far away. The director/producer wants to keep the secrets of the film secure, and therefore allow moviegoers to get a full theatrical experience in theaters.

Simon Kinberg's comments about Jessica Chastain's mysterious Dark Phoenix role come from CinemaBlend's conversation with the cast and crew at WonderCon. And considering what we know about the film world, his idea makes a great deal of sense. Spoilers have become essentially a curse word with popular franchises, as cinephiles want to be able to experience major releases as filmmakers intended. Studios are known to keep their cards close to the chest, and that's exactly what Kinberg is doing when it comes to Chastain in Dark Phoenix.

You can check out our conversation with the Dark Phoenix cast and crew below, including Simon Kinberg himself.

To this date, there's no official character name or detailed description of Jessica Chastain's Dark Phoenix character. While she's an integral part of the marketing material, she's only known as some shapeshifting alien who will manipulate Jean Grey. And that's all the information we're likely to get until the blnockbuster finally arrives in theaters. At least, if Simon Kinberg is to be believed.

Luckily, there isn't all that much time left before we get some answers. Dark Phoenix will arrive in theaters on June 7th. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

Kumail Nanjiani May Be Joining Marvel’s The Eternals

Kumail Nanjiani May Be Joining Marvel’s The Eternals
Kumail Nanjiani in The Big Sick

The upcoming culmination of the MCU thus far, Avengers: Endgame, is coming in quick, and while release dates following Spider-Man: Far From Home have yet to be announced, Marvel is quietly setting up Phase 4. After it was reported last week that Angelina Jolie was in talks with the studio to star in The Eternals, another actor is now attached – Silicon Valley’s Kumail Nanjiani.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the actor is in negotiations to star in the adventure project based on the Marvel comic book series about near-immortal beings with superpowers ahead of filming, which will start this year. The Eternals is said to be a romance spanning thousands of years and centering on the titular cosmic beings and their monstrous counterparts, the Deviants. It will be directed by Chloe Zhao.

Neither Angelina Jolie or Kumail Nanjiani’s roles have been disclosed yet, but perhaps they will play Sersi and Ikaris, who have been reported to be a part of the film’s main plot. Ikaris is the leader of the Eternals and Sersi is one who isn’t shy about living among humans.

The 41-year-old comedian has already made quite a splash in Hollywood in the past few years after holding multiple supporting roles in comedy films and breaking out as a lead in the Golden Globe-nominated HBO tech company comedy in 2014. He scored Oscar recognition for his 2017 indie rom-com The Big Sick, which he co-wrote with his wife Emily Gordon, based off their own love story.

Kumail Nanjiani most recently starred in the pilot episode of Jordan Peele’s Twilight Zone, titled "The Comedian." He will have a voice role in Men in Black: International and in the upcoming buddy action-comedy Stuber with Guardian of the Galaxy’s Dave Bautista this summer. The actor also has a voice role in The Voyage of Doctor Dolittle, which stars Robert Downey Jr., and he has another rom-com on the way alongside Issa Rae.

If Kumail Nanjiani ends up striking this deal on The Eternals, this will certainly be his highest-profile role yet, not to mention he'd be working with one of the biggest female action stars there is. Marvel has a knack for taking comedy actors such as Nanjiani for their projects. Take how Chris Pratt was propelled into stardom following his lead role in Guardians of the Galaxy – before then he was primarily known for his role as Andy Dwyer in Parks and Recreation.

If the actor is the film’s lead, he’d also be the first Pakistani-American actor to star in a Marvel film and in this scale of an action film ever. Marvel has made it clear that going forward, its focus is on diversity. This can be affirmed by the prominence of Black Panther, Captain Marvel’s new key role in the Avengers, the Shang-Chi movie in the works and recent comments of an openly gay character in a Marvel film, which the studio has been reportedly been seeking for The Eternals.

To see what else Marvel Studios has in store for the next upcoming chapter of the MCU, take a look at our guide to What We Know About Phase 4.

Terminator 6: What We Know So Far About Dark Fate

Terminator 6: What We Know So Far About Dark Fate
Natalia Reyes, Mackenzie Davis, and Linda Hamilton in Terminator 6

The Terminator first said "I'll be back" in 1984. He was right, several times over, but I can't say I expected him to still be back 35 years later. Turns out, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, and franchise co-creator James Cameron are all returning for Terminator 6, also known as Terminator: Dark Fate, a direct sequel to their Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Before getting into the weeds, let's check out the first trailer, which was released mid-May 2019, right after the amazing official poster:

And now here's everything we know so far to get you up-to-speed on the 2019 film Terminator: Dark Fate...

What Is The Terminator 6 Release Date?

Terminator 6 is being directed by Tim Miller (Deadpool) and it's currently scheduled to open in theaters on November 1, 2019. That's a slight change from its previous Nov. 22, 2019 release date. The Wonder Woman sequel was going to open on Nov. 1, but moved to June 2020. At this point, Terminator: Dark Fate is poised to compete against the Charlie's Angels reboot on the first day of November. The following week in November currently holds releases for Sonic the Hedgehog and Midway. Studios love to shift titles around, but that's the lineup for now. (Update: All of those other movies have since moved, while Terminator: Dark Fate is still at Nov. 1. Guess Sarah scared them away?)

What Is The Terminator 6 Rating? 

As the sun now stands, Terminator 6 doesn't have an official rating from the MPAA. However, James Cameron confirmed to Flicks and the City that Terminator: Dark Fate will be Rated R:

I think, tonally, what makes this a direct sequel to T1 and T2 is as much about the tone as it is about the narrative: It’s R rated, it’s grim, it’s gritty, it’s fast, it’s intense, it’s very linear. The whole story takes place in 36 hours. It’s not this kind of grandiose, complex story. It’s just very focused on the characters, it’s very now, it’s very present and it’s just a fast white-knuckle ride.

That makes sense, since it's an extension of the first two movies in the franchise, and they were both Rated R. Two of the next three films in the franchise were rated PG-13, but this film is pretending those movies don't exist. Plus, director Tim Miller came to this fresh from Deadpool, which was also Rated R. He has a streak going.

What Is The Full Title Of Terminator 6?

Terminator 6 is titled Terminator: Dark Fate. 'Cause remember, kids, there's no fate but what we make for ourselves. It sounds like the working title used during filming for a while was Terminator 6: Phoenix. The Terminator Fans uncovered some posts from one of the supporting cast members, and the actor referred to the film as Terminator 6: Phoenix. There was thought, at one point, that that might be the official title. James Cameron finally said, mid-February 2019, that they were calling the film Terminator: Dark Fate. Does that suggest an unhappy ending for this film, or perhaps an alternate dark future after T2? Is that why John Connor doesn't seem to be a main character -- because his fate took a dark turn and now we need a new hero for the future?

What Is The Plot Of Terminator 6?

Paramount has yet to release an official synopsis for Terminator 6. However, James Cameron -- who directed the first two films and produced this one -- told THR the 2019 Terminator film is meant to continue the story from Terminator 1 and Terminator 2:

And we're pretending the other films were a bad dream. Or an alternate timeline, which is permissible in our multi-verse. This was really driven more by [director Tim Miller] than anybody, surprisingly, because I came in pretty agnostic about where we took it. The only thing I insisted on was that we somehow revamp it and reinvent it for the 21st century.

Linda Hamilton's Sarah Connor and Arnold Schwarzenegger's T-800 are returning from the first two films. In February 2019, Cameron revealed that Terminator: Dark Fate will deal with how time and dealing with "these tragic futures" has changed Sarah and show her passing the torch of knowledge for all this imminent doom to new characters. Hamilton and Schwarzenegger will be joined by new stars, including Natalia Reyes as Dani and Mackenzie Davis as Grace. Grace is a super-soldier sent back to protect Dani, who is apparently very important to the future in the way Sarah Connor was in the first two Terminator movies. Both new actresses appeared with Linda Hamilton in the first official cast photo (see above), confirming the lead characters. Gabriel Luna was also cast as a new Terminator.

Sarah Connor - Linda Hamilton

Sarah Connor is back! We met her in The Terminator as the future mother of John Connor (played by Eddie Furlong in T2), eventual leader of the Resistance in the war against Skynet. But she's so much more than that. Sarah began as something of a typical damsel in distress in the 1984 film, but when she returned in 1991's classic T2, soft Sarah transformed into a muscled machine of her own. She became an action hero icon. As an adolescent when T2 came out, Sarah Connor was my hero.

Linda Hamilton was married to her Terminator director, James Cameron, and they share a daughter. He's the one who approached her about returning to this role, as he told THR:

So I called her up, and I said: 'Look, we could rest on our laurels. It's ours to lose, in a sense. We created this thing several decades ago. But, here's what can be really cool. You can come back and show everybody how it's done.' Because in my mind, it hasn't been done a whole lot since the way she did it back in '91. [...] There are certainly plenty of 50-, 60-, 70-something guys out there that just keep cranking along doing action movies and killing bad guys left and right. But there isn't an example of that for women, and I think there should be.

Director Tim Miller added his excitement to see the now 62-year-old Linda Hamilton return to Sarah Connor:

As strong a character as she was, as meaningful as she was to gender and to action stars everywhere, I think it's going to make a huge fucking statement to have her be the really seasoned warrior that she's become.

Linda Hamilton's return as Sarah Connor is already being compared to Jamie Lee Curtis returning for the 2018 Halloween. That Halloween return resulted in a major win at the box office, and we'll have to see if that's the case again for Terminator: Dark Fate.

T-800 - Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger, now 71, is returning to his T-800 role for this film. He shared a reunion photo with Linda Hamilton during filming, showing that his character definitely gets banged up. Last year, James Cameron talked to The Arnold Fans about the T-800, and teased some potentially interesting directions. The site had asked if Cameron had ever considered having Schwarzenegger play a human character serving as the basis for the T-800. Here's Cameron's response:

Yeah, you got to ask yourself, 'Why did they make these characters look and sound like Arnold?' There has to be a reason. So yeah, it has flashed through my mind that there has to have been a prototype. There has to have been a guy who's DNA was harvested from -- that they grew the organic outer layer that they grew the Terminator from...and that presumably was a real person at some point. [...] I've asked myself these questions but it's never been stay tuned! We're talking pretty seriously now about doing some new Terminator films or possibly a trilogy and you'll just have to see what surfaces in those.

It's clear James Cameron was already thinking ahead, not just for Terminator 6, but potentially down the line for more Terminator films after this one.

Dani Ramos - Natalia Reyes

Colombian actress Natalia Reyes will play Dani Ramos, one of the new leading roles. The first photo from Terminator 6 showed Dani next to Sarah Connor and fellow newcomer Grace. Apparently Dani works at "Arius Motors," since that's the logo on her mechanic shirt. TerminatorFans posted a casting notice for this character a while back, with Dani described as an independent woman in her early 20s from Mexico City; she was brought up in a working-class neighborhood, and is more street-smart than book smart. She's a strong believer in family and always manages to find a ray of light even in the darkest circumstances.

There's speculation that Dani may anchor the Terminator franchise from here, if they do end up making more films, with Terminator: Dark Fate giving satisfying (hopefully) closure to Linda Hamilton and Arnold Schwarzenegger in their OG roles. This appears to be Natalia Reyes' first American role, and it's quite a debut!

Grace - Mackenzie Davis

Mackenzie Davis has another new leading role for the Terminator franchise, playing a character named Grace. The first photo from Terminator 6 -- with Sarah Connor, Dani Ramos, and Grace -- showed markings on Grace's body. She's expected to be some kind of soldier/assassin, and it's possible she's from the future, but that's still speculation at this point. Fans will know Mackenzie Davis from AMC's Halt and Catch Fire, and her roles in the films Blade Runner 2049 and The Martian. Black Mirror fans will also remember her from the Emmy-winning episode, "San Junipero."

Mackenzie Davis is one of the more high profile additions to the franchise, and certainly no stranger to sci-fi. She was also reportedly director Tim Miller's "top choice for a while" before her casting was officially announced.

Terminator - Gabriel Luna

Actor Gabriel Luna played Robbie Reyes/Ghost Rider on ABC's Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and now he'll play the new Terminator. A few months ago, original Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger tweeted a photo in the gym, mentoring and "machine training" Luna. So, we know Luna got ripped for the intense role. We also know his Terminator has liquid metal capabilities and can duplicate himself. That's a handy trick.

Dani's brother - Diego Boneta

Singer-actor Diego Boneta has been cast as Dani Ramos' brother. At this point, that's all we know about him, but we already know that Dani is very family oriented, so we should expect her brother to be a key part of the story. Boneta starred in the film Rock of Ages, but is arguably best known for his many TV roles on shows like Scream Queens, 90210, Pretty Little Liars, and Jane The Virgin. He also has the lead role in the TV series Luis Miguel, and several more roles in his native Mexico.

Will John Connor Return In Terminator 6?

There will surely be plenty of supporting characters, but will we see John Connor again? It doesn't sound like Edward Furlong is returning, but a photo was posted that suggests young John Connor may be back in some fashion. The photo, which you can see at Bloody-Disgusting was marked "Edward Furlong's (Jude Collie) and Arnold Schwarzenegger's (Brett Azar) CGI stand-ins in Terminator (2019). Young John Connor and the T-800 are back."

The photo shows both actors flexing together for the camera. Based on this, it sounds like we might get a CGI version of John Connor, as well as some CGI to keep the T-800's body in shape. Bloody Disgusting said Jude Collie is alleged to be playing young John Connor, but since the photo called both Collie and Brett Azar CGI stand-ins, the site speculated that we might see younger Edward Furlong's T2 face used in the film.

Will There Be A Terminator 7?

The Terminator franchise has nothing official on the books other than Terminator 6. But, somehow it always manages to come back. Based on James Cameron's comments, it sounds like this is hoped to be the start of a new trilogy. Then again, we've heard that before. There was hope that Terminator Salvation would be the start of a new trilogy, and hope that Terminator Genisys would start a new trilogy. Obviously, that did not pan out. Here's what James Cameron said in July 2017 about new plans for the future of the franchise:

The question is -- has the franchise run its course or can it be freshened up? Can it still have relevance now where so much of our world is catching up to what was science fiction in the first two films. ... So I am in discussions with David Ellison, who is the current rights holder globally for the Terminator franchise, and the rights in the U.S. market revert to me under U.S. copyright law in a year and a half. So he and I are talking about what we can do. Right now we are leaning toward doing a three-film arc and reinventing it.

Some fans think this next film needs to end the franchise, but the box office will most likely be the deciding vote. We'll see how fans feel once Terminator: Dark Fate is released along with the many other films of 2019.

We still have a while to wait until we can see everything Terminator 6 has in store for us, so be sure to bookmark this guide to stay up to date with all the new info as it becomes available!


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