
Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Unexpected Challenge That Came With Creating The Portals For Avengers: Endgame

The Unexpected Challenge That Came With Creating The Portals For Avengers: Endgame
Okoye, Black Panther and Shuri in Avengers: Endgame

Warning: SPOILERS for Avengers: Endgame are ahead!

We’d already seen magical portals created in the Marvel Cinematic Universe before Avengers: Endgame, but not on this massive a scale. After Hulk brought those who were dusted at the end of Avengers: Infinity War back to life, Doctor Strange and his fellow sorcerers created gigantic portals to transport those MCU heroes and their numerous allies to the battlefield where Iron Man, Thor, Captain America and the others were already engaged with Thanos and his forces.

This portals sequence definitely ranked as one of the most epic moments in Avengers: Endgame, but just as you probably imagined, it was a huge effort to pull off. As Weta Digital visual effects supervisor Matt Aiken told me when I recently interviewed him, the massive size of the portals required he and his team to tackle creating them differently than how that task had been carried out in past movies. Aiken explained:

… Just in terms the technicalities in terms of achieving them, we’ve got portals on a much larger scale than they've ever been seen before. So our simulation team had to find a recipe that would recognizably be… we need to know that this is Doctor Strange’s portals that we're seeing here. They need to feel like the same because they've been seen on a more human scale in the past, but they all had to be optimized because we've got shots of many, many portals. So they would have been prohibitive to generate and render that if we just used the original technique out of the box.

Creating portals is one of those most useful spells a sorcerer can conjure in the MCU, but until Avengers: Endgame, we only saw Doctor Strange and others creating portals big enough to transport one or a couple people. For Endgame, the portals needed to be large enough for armies to walk through with ease. That makes for quite the visual spectacle, but for the VFX crew, it required them to rethink the process of bringing these portals ‘to life’ while still making them feel like what’s been shown before.

But it wasn’t just the size of the portals that posed a challenge in Avengers: Endgame. It was also showing the locations that these individuals were coming from, whether it be somewhere else on Earth or a planet on the other side of the galaxy. Matt Aiken continued:

And then we’ve got the challenge of creating all the worlds that we see inside the portals as well, because these are all these CG environments, there’s no filmed elements inside the portals, and that’s necessary because we need to film those environments with the same camera move that we're filming the ruined Avengers compound on the other side of the portal because everything has to lock together and parallax. And so recreating the fields outside the city in Wakanda, we’re creating New Asgard, we’ve got Kamar-Taj for the sorcerers and Contraxia for the Ravagers. We even got a few shots that where we’re just in deep space, and we've got Ravagers coming out on their sky cycles. And then of course there’s Titan itself, we’ve got that in a few shots as well. That was an opportunity for us to go back to a place that we spent quite a lot of time at last year.

The Marvel characters who were dusted wasted no time banding together once they were brought back to life five years later, and while I’m still curious how they were able to coordinate efforts so quickly, they arrived just in the knick of time from all corners of the universe. It sounds like this sequence wouldn’t have been possible had the Avengers: Endgame team relied on recreating the actual sets of these other MCU locations, but through CG manipulation, it was a much easier, but still ambitious endeavor.

Needless to say that had all those reinforcements not arrived through the magical portals, the heroes we’d been following along with since the beginning of Avengers: Endgame would have been pulverized by Thanos and his minions, who came from 2014 to invade Earth thanks to 2014 Nebula disguising herself as her 2023 self and opening up the Quantum Realm for them. However, even with these extra bodies, the battle didn’t automatically shift in the heroes’ favor.

It wasn’t until Tony Stark swiped the Infinity Stones from 2014 Thanos’ Infinity Gauntlet, put them in his own nanotech Infinity Gauntlet and snapped his fingers that the bad guys were defeated. Sadly, such a move is too much for a normal human to handle, and the man we watched fight evil as Iron Man for over a decade died soon after. Natasha Romanoff, a.k.a. Black Widow, met her demise earlier in Avengers: Endgame, and while he survived to the end of the movie (albeit much older), Steve Rogers’ story also wrapped up, as he passed on the Captain America mantle to Sam Wilson, a.k.a. Falcon.

The MCU isn’t wrapping up anytime soon, but it’ll probably be a long time before we see a battle of this scale again. The portals sequence was a cool way to set up the final leg of Avengers: Endgame’s climax; it’s hard to imagine all those heroes arriving on the scene in a more powerful way. The music, as if often the case with movies, also helped the moment emotionally resonate more.

For those of of you who are looking to experience more proper sorcery in the MCU, you’ll get that in spades whenever Doctor Strange 2 arrives, and perhaps some other movies coming down the pipeline will find a way to incorporate magic. Regardless, at least we know that if there’s ever a need to transport crowds of back-up into a messy conflict, Doctor Strange and his cohorts are on the job.

There’s still plenty of time to re-watch Avengers: Endgame in theaters, and while a Blu-ray/DVD release date hasn’t been announced yet, the movie will premiere on Disney+ December 11. If you’re wondering what’s coming up next in the MCU, head over to our Marvel movies guide for that information. If you’d rather learn what non-Marvel content is on the way later this year, look through our 2019 release schedule.

Dark Phoenix’s Sophie Turner Compares Jean Grey With Sansa Stark

Dark Phoenix’s Sophie Turner Compares Jean Grey With Sansa Stark
Sophie Turner as Jean Grey in X-Men: Dark Phoenix

With the Game of Thrones series finale still fresh on our minds, seeing Sophie Turner move on from Sansa Stark to Jean Grey in less than a month is destined to attract comparisons. Ahead of the next X-Men film’s summer release, Turner has noticed some similarities between her two most-talked-about roles. Check out what she said:

I'm always drawn to strong, independent women and Sansa and Jean are both that. They eventually use all of these terrible things that happened to them and they become incredibly strong women.

That’s right! Over the years on Game of Thrones, fans have quite literally watched Sophie Turner’s Sansa Stark grow up from being a naive “little bird” to a powerful presence in Winterfell who answers to no one and owns her tragic life experiences. Jean Grey emits a somewhat similar energy as a member of the X-Men, who becomes haunted by her new powers and must fight for herself in Dark Phoenix.

However, Sophie Turner explained that Sansa is more self-assured than Jean is in the upcoming flick, who will grapple with her identity and place in the world after being hit by a solar flare and gaining new energy she doesn’t quite know what to do with.

In the HBO interview, Sophie Turner also compared the two franchises’ ability to be grounded in real emotion and human connection, despite being ridden with fantastical elements such as fire-breathing dragons and blue beasts. She also imagined Jean Grey in the world of Game of Thrones with these words:

If the world’s were to collide, I think Jean would probably be a Targaryen. She’s the Phoenix. She rises from the ashes just like Daenerys does at the end of season one. It’s all about fire, baby!

The comparison certainly fits! Emilia Clarke’s Daenerys famously walks through the circle of fire in the beginning of the series and rises with the strength of the Mother of Dragons. Jean Grey will take a similar journey in Dark Phoenix while the team is on a space mission to save some astronauts.

In Dark Phoenix, Jean absorbs a new energy that has her bursting into flames and causing some damage to the X-Men team. When they try to control her, she seems to find herself at a divide between the X-Men and Jessica Chastain’s character.

Also much like Game of Thrones, Dark Phoenix will mark the end of a long-running franchise and may wrap up the stories of characters fans have been following for years. The X-Men movies have been going on for almost 20 years, along with Jean Grey’s storyline, and this movie will presumably close it out now that the Disney/Fox merger has been completed.

Dark Phoenix hits theaters on June 7, alongside The Secret Life of Pets 2, the latter tracking to win the weekend over the superhero flick.

Are you excited to see Sophie Turner reprise her X-Men role in Dark Phoenix? Let us know in the comments below.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Paul Rudd Talks Getting Starstruck Around Captain America

Paul Rudd Talks Getting Starstruck Around Captain America
Paul Rudd as Scott Lang and Chris Evans as Steve Rogers in Captain America: Civil War

Over the weekend the cast of Avengers: Endgame started a press tour mystified by all the secrecy the cast are sworn to until a movie is released. There is a certain bittersweetness to the cast assembling ahead of the release of Avengers: Endgame, because the blockbuster is said to be the culmination of a 22-film journey in the MCU that started with Iron Man.

Over at Jimmy Kimmel Live, Ant-Man’s Paul Rudd was asked about something he could actually answer: a moment that has stood out to him during his time with the MCU thus far and it included quite a bit of love for Captain America. Here’s what he said:

The very first time I filmed with these guys on Civil War it was pretty spectacular because we’d already filmed Ant-Man, but that was a little in a bubble. All of a sudden, I was seeing everybody in their suits and it was very exciting.

After the Ant-Man’s origin was introduced in 2015, the size-shifting superhero was recruited for Team Cap in Captain America: Civil War in a scene that had the Avengers at odds with one another for some exciting match-ups. Looks like Paul Rudd’s first scene among the extended universe when he freaks out over meeting Cap and Scarlet Witch was a lot less acting than one might expect. Rudd continued the memory with these words:

In fact, one time, I was standing opposite Chris Evans and he had to run to use the bathroom or something. He asked the prop guy to hold his shield and walked off. I just said [to the prop guy], ‘Can I try it?’ And I took the shield and it was very exciting. It was not dissimilar to what my character was feeling in the scene.

Once Team Cap, always Team Cap! We can easily imagine the Ant-Man actor doing exactly what he described because his character sounded just as starstruck toward Chris Evans’ iconic role when he stumbled out of a van, shook his hand a bit too long, and felt his broad shoulders. Is there any other acceptable reaction? If you have the chance to hold on to Cap’s shield for a short moment, why not?

Paul Rudd joined original Avengers cast members Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johansson and Chris Hemsworth over at Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Monday night. Check out the longer interview below:

Besides his coming appearance with them in Avengers: Endgame, Ant-Man has only appeared with the Avengers in Civil War in that fun airport battle scene. He sat out during Infinity War (much to some FOMO on his side) and as revealed to Ant-Man and the Wasp, became stuck in the Quantum Realm during the time of the snap.

As the Endgame trailers have teased, Scott Lang somehow makes it out of the Quantum Realm and approaches the Avengers as they try to figure out how to defeat Thanos and reverse his act of genocide. Ant-Man looks to have a more significant role in this upcoming film, whether the Avengers decide to use his Quantum tech to save the world or if one viral theory involving Ant-Man crawling into Thanos’ butt ring true. Answers to these questions aren’t far off, Avengers: Endgame hits theaters on April 26.

Knights Of Ren Confirmed For Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker

Knights Of Ren Confirmed For Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker
The Knights of Ren from Star Wars; The Force Awakens

In Star Wars: The Force Awakens we were introduced to a collection of apparently villainous characters called the Knights of Ren. We witnessed them standing in the rain outside of Luke Skywalker's burning Jedi temple, and then, they were gone. We've never seen or heard a word about them since Rey's flashback in the first film of the new trilogy, but now a new report confirms that the Knights of Ren will return in for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

Rumors had been swirling that the Knights would be back for the final film of the trilogy, and the characters were even spottted in a supposedly leaked poster image, but a new Vanity Fair article confirms the Knights will play a part, and even shows the characters off. The Knights of Ren are described as wearing mismatched armor with oversized arsenals of weapons. Whereas the rest of the First Order looks sleek and ordered, the Knights of Ren are put together in a much more haphazard fashion.

The article also confirms that the one good shot that we received of Kylo Ren in the Rise of Skywalker teaser trailer shows him taking down one of the Knights of Ren.

Of course, the fact that Kylo Ren is attacking the Knights of Ren in this shot creates more questions than answers. Is this a flashback? Is the reason we have't seen the Knights of Ren before because they're all dead? Does this mean Ben Solo is going to turn to the light side after all and attack those that he was previously aligned with? Does this mean the Knights of Ren have turned to the light and Kylo Ren is fighting them for that reason?

While it is now confirmed that the Knights of Ren will appear in the new film, no details are being given regarding how they're being used, so your guess is as good as mine. Where have they been all this time and why are they back now? We'll find out in December I guess. One rumor has indicated the Knights have been busy elsewhere over the course of the previous two films.

A great deal will have changed for Kylo Ren when Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker starts. He will, one assumes, have been ruling over the First Order alone for the year that has passed since The Last Jedi. How this has changed him and his relationship with these characters, is certainly an interesting question.

In Star Wars: The Last Jedi Luke Skywalker says that when Ben Solo left after destroying the temple he took some of the students with him. Whether or not these people are the Knights of Ren we don't specifically know, though it seems likely.

Since the Knights of Ren have never been anything more than a name and an image before, we have really no idea what to expect from them in the new film. Even the books and and other Star Wars material that has been released in the last few years has remained remarkably quiet on the Knights of Ren. They may not end up being anybody particularly special or they could end up becoming some of the most popular new characters of the new trilogy. We'll find out December 20.

Rian Johnson Reveals When He’ll Start Working On His Star Wars Trilogy

Rian Johnson Reveals When He’ll Start Working On His Star Wars Trilogy
Oscar Isaac in The Last Jedi

The past few years have been very exciting for Star Wars fans. After Disney acquired the rights to the property from Lucasfilm, the generations of moviegoers have been brought a variety of new and exciting content from the galaxy far, far away. This includes both main installments and standalone films, and the beloved space opera isn't slowing down anytime soon.

All eyes are currently on how J.J Abrams will wrap up the Skywalker Saga forever with Episode IX, there are also two sets of movies being developed. One of which is a trilogy by The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson, and now we've got an idea regarding when he'll get to work. Johnson recently presented his upcoming movie Knives Out at CinemaCon, and revealed he'd be going back to the galaxy after that film is released.

This update comes to us from Twitter, and will no doubt excite the generations of Star Wars fans who are eager for information about the franchise after Episode IX. J.J Abrams' still untitled movie will arrive this holiday season, but Disney hasn't shared its future plans with the public. It's currently unclear if any more standalone films are on the way, or when Rian Johnson's trilogy might first arrive in theaters.

The Star Wars franchise has been pumping out new releases every year, so any gaps in time before new content is going to feel excruciating to moviegoers. But Rian Johnson will craft three separate movies, which proves that Lucasfilm was happy with his work on The Last Jedi. So while the project may have subverted fan expectations and received some hate from moviegoers, Johnson is being given even more freedom to put his stamp on the galaxy far far away.

Of course, Rian Johnson isn't the only filmmaker curating new movies for the Star Wars franchise. Game of Thrones creators D.B. Weiss and David Benioff are also developing their own Star Wars flicks, although it's unclear exactly how many we should expect. But considering the work the duo has done in Westeros, it's an exciting development. We're days away from Season 8's premiere, with the upcoming series finale presumably freeing up Weiss and Benioff's schedule to focus on The Force.

It should be fascinating to see what Rian Johnson does with his trilogy of movies, especially considering how many shocking moments were in The Last Jedi. Johnson made liberal changes to the canon with his blockbuster, which is why some fans took umbrage with the risks he took. He made the franchise hero into a jaded recluse, finally gave Leia force abilities, and purposefully cut down various fan theories. By killing Snoke and revealing Rey's parentage, he freed up Episode IX to go into new and exciting places, so it feels like anything could happen with his upcoming movies.

First Rian Johnson will focus on Knives Out, which will arrive in theaters on November 27th. Episode IX will follow shortly thereafter, debuting on December 20th. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release to plan your next trip to the movies.

Spider-Man's Tobey Maguire Isn't Ruling Out Another Superhero Role In The Future

Spider-Man's Tobey Maguire Isn't Ruling Out Another Superhero Role In The Future
Peter Parker discovering his powers in Spider-Man

Alongside Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine, the first icon of the new millennium’s superhero age was Tobey Maguire, who played Peter Parker in Sam Raimi’s three Spider-Man films. The actor hung up his webshooters after the financially successful but critically divisive Spider-Man 3 in 2007, and he hasn’t been in another superhero film since. That doesn’t mean he’s ruling out another superhero role in the future though; speaking about the possibility Tobey Maguire said:

I just don't really have an 'I would or wouldn't do' mind-set. I'll just do whatever … whatever it is that comes that I feel called to, that may or may not fit in any kind of box.

Tobey Maguire definitely isn’t closing the door on the idea that he could one day return to the realm of superhero movies. His years as Spider-Man and multiple films haven’t caused him to swear off working in the genre entirely, but he isn’t itching to get back in a pair of superhero tights either. Therefore what he told The Hollywood Reporter isn’t a definitive answer about whether we’ll see him in a superhero role in the future, but it leaves the door open.

Based on his comments, Tobey Maguire seems to take a very zen approach to the roles that he takes, never saying never. He doesn’t want to box himself in by saying he absolutely would do X or wouldn’t do Y, because every situation is different. If something comes along that he is drawn to, he’ll take it and not be governed by any sort of rules he’s made for himself.

That seems to apply to superhero movies as well. If a new superhero role comes along and Tobey Maguire is called to it, he may very well add another chapter to his comic book movie legacy. We’ll just have to wait and see if such an opportunity presents itself and how Tobey Maguire responds to it. There is certainly no shortage of superhero films on the horizon with potential roles for the OG Peter Parker.

I think a lot of fans would love to see Tobey Maguire return to the superhero world in some fashion, even if it's something as small as a cameo. Fans even created a petition for Tobey Maguire to cameo as a pizza delivery guy in Spider-Man: Far From Home. And new Spider-Man Tom Holland has advocated for Tobey Maguire to play Uncle Ben.

One film that is practically demanding a Tobey Maguire cameo is Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 2. The directors of the first film didn’t want to confuse audiences by bringing in Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield to voice Spider-Men, but now that the first film was successful, as in Best Animated Feature successful, there may be more of an opportunity to remedy that in the sequel.

If Tobey Maguire does one day return to the world of superhero movies, he would be in good company. Actors like Chris Evans, Michael B. Jordan, Ben Affleck and Ryan Reynolds all played multiple different superheroes on the big screen. After years away, even former Batman Michael Keaton returned as the villainous Vulture in Spider-Man: Homecoming. Personally, I would love to see Tobey Maguire make the jump from hero to villain in a future superhero movie.

You can see the new Peter Parker Tom Holland in Spider-Man: Far From Home, in theaters on July 5. Check out our 2019 release schedule to keep track of all the biggest movies headed to theaters this year and let us know in the comments what comic book character you would like to see Tobey Maguire play in a future film.

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Russo Brothers Don't Think Iron Man Was Wrong About Ultron

The Russo Brothers Don't Think Iron Man Was Wrong About Ultron
Ultron in Age of Ultron

Spoilers ahead for Avengers: Endgame.

Avengers: Endgame has been in theaters for three weekends, still maintaining the top spot at the box office over new releases like Detective Pikachu. The Russo Brothers did the impossible with the blockbuster, surpassing even Infinity War in regards to scope and character-driven story. Endgame was intimately connected to the previous 21 movies in the MCU, and that includes Phase Two's finale Avengers: Age of Ultron.

When Iron Man and Nebula were rescued by Captain Marvel and towed back to Earth in Endgame, Tony had an altercation with Steve Rogers. Exhausted and starving, he maintained he was right all along regarding the measures needed to properly protect the planet. Now The Russo Brothers have come to Tony's defense in regards to his Age of Ultron actions, with Joe Russo saying:

He was not wrong that there was a great threat coming, and they needed to build a suit of armor around the world, and at what point do civil liberties trump—no pun intended—do civil liberties come before the government’s ability to protect its citizens? I think what’s interesting is that to some extent, they had to go through this. There was a sense of destiny to this. They had to go through it to win it. And in a way both he and Cap were right.

Captain America and Iron Man's relationship started becoming strained during Avengers: Age of Ultron, as they had idealogical differences to the morality of superheroics. Ultron's inception came as a result of Tony's singular focus on protecting the planet, although Earth could have used it when Thanos and his forcea came knocking in Infinity War.

Of course, Joe Russo's comments to Slate also point out that Captain America has his own valid points in the argument. Both heroes had the best of intentions, but were ultimately unable to come together and find viable compromises. That powder keg eventually exploded in Captain America: Civil War, and it broke up the Avengers in the process.

Related: How Spider-Man: Far From Home Can Wrap Up Marvel's Phase Three

Ultron may have ended up turning against his creators and the planet, but the thought behind his creation was a big picture idea. Tony and Bruce Banner wanted to provide a more comprehensive protection of the planet, with Iron Man knowing that the Battle of New York was no fluke. Unfortunately, Ultron had other plans-- although Vision was also born in the process.

But Thanos was only able to be defeated because the surviving heroes were able to work together. Despite Tony's initial reaction to arriving home, he was able to bury the hatchet with Steve Rogers, and they made the time heist happen together. The duo also faced off against Thanos during the epic final battle, and Cap even witnessed Iron Man's final breath.

Avengers: Endgame is in theaters now. Be sure to check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.


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