
Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How Robert Downey Jr. Really Felt About Tony Stark's Endgame Story

How Robert Downey Jr. Really Felt About Tony Stark's Endgame Story
Tony Stark in Avengers: Endgame

Warning: MAJOR SPOILERS for Avengers: Endgame ahead!

Since 2008’s Iron Man, Robert Downey Jr. has been on a journey with Tony Stark, and in that time the Marvel Cinematic Universe has grown in stature and scope around him. While that growth will continue, it would appear it will now be without Robert Downey Jr. because in Avengers: Endgame, Tony Stark sacrificed himself by using the Infinity Stones to defeat Thanos.

It was a heroic and poetic end for the character, closing out the Infinity Saga and these first 11 years of the MCU by circling around back to its beginning. But how did Robert Downey Jr. feel about it? While speaking about how the film's actors responded to their character’s fates, co-director Anthony Russo addressed just that. He said:

A lot of the actors are not opinionated about what we do. They like the fact that we are sort of in control of these stories and we are driving where they should go and we have a vision for where they should go and they trust in that. I think Downey may have had mixed emotions about thinking about [where Tony Stark ends up in Endgame], but I think at the end of the day, he totally accepted it.

By the sound of it, Robert Downey Jr. wasn’t completely gung-ho about what happens to Tony Stark in Avengers: Endgame. Unlike some of the other actors in the cast who had a more laissez faire attitude towards where their characters went, happy to let the writers and filmmakers decide, it sounds Robert Downey Jr. had his own opinions. Which, if we're being honest, totally fits for the guy who plays Tony Stark.

The Russo Brothers pitched Robert Downey Jr. Tony Stark’s arc in the film to make sure that he was comfortable with it. Although he ultimately accepted it and was cool with what happened, based on what Anthony Russo told THR, the actor had some mixed feelings about where Tony Stark ends up in the film.

It will be interesting to hear from Robert Downey Jr. himself about what he thought of Tony Stark’s fate in Avengers: Endgame and why he felt however he did, but mixed emotions are certainly understandable. The actor has spent over a decade with this character, so he likely had a great deal of investment in Tony Stark and his own ideas about what would happen to him and how his story should end.

This is purely conjecture, but maybe Robert Downey Jr. liked that Tony Stark got a poetic and heroic end, but had hoped that he wouldn’t die at all. So he may have accepted and appreciated the ending on a story level, but still wished that this character that he played for so long and was paid so handsomely for could have survived. Maybe he preferred a purely happy ending where Tony and Pepper lived happily ever after and he got to watch Morgan grow up.

The fact that Robert Downey Jr. had mixed emotions about the end of Tony Stark’s arc reminds me a bit of Mark Hamill’s feelings about Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. While that was a case of Mark Hamill being somewhat vocal in his disagreement with his character’s choices in the film, it was also an instance of an actor who genuinely cared about his character and had opinions and ideas about the way his story should go.

You can see Robert Downey Jr.’s brilliant work as Tony Stark in Avengers: Endgame, in theaters now. If you’re going to see it for a second, third or fifth time, be sure you know what ticket to buy. Also check out our 2019 Release Schedule to see all the biggest movies headed your way this summer.

Shazam!’s Mark Strong Is Still Bummed About The Green Lantern Movie

Shazam!’s Mark Strong Is Still Bummed About The Green Lantern Movie
Mark Strong as Sinestro in Green Lantern

Mark Strong will soon be seen in Shazam! playing the movie's villain, Doctor Sivana. However, this is the actor's second shot at playing a major role in a DC Comics superhero movie. Back in 2011 Strong played the role of Sinestro in the Ryan Reynolds-led Green Lantern. That movie was one of the few recent failures when it comes to superhero movies at the box office. If the movie had been a hit, we would have seen a lot more of Mark Strong in a sequel, but that movie never happened, something Mark Strong is still a bit upset about. According to the actor...

I loved Sinestro because I always thought if we can really manifest that guy, a look for that guy as he is in the comics, that would just be insane. I love the fact that he looked the way he did, and I really enjoyed it, and it was such a shame to me that movie didn't kick in, you know, because I thought that part was great.

When we meet Sinestro in Green Lantern, he's the leader of the Green Lantern Corps when Ryan Reynolds' Hal Jordan finds himself somewhat unwittingly drafted. In the end, Sinestro believes the only way to fight the villain Paralax is with the power of fear, and he has a power ring forged that gives him that power. In the post-credits scene of the movie, we see Sinestro putting on the yellow ring and its power seems to overwhelm him.

If a Green Lantern sequel had happened, we almost certainly would have seen Green Lantern's greatest enemy, Sinestro, take center stage. Clearly that was part of the plan for bringing Mark Strong in to play the role in the first place. You don't cast somebody like him in a simple supporting role.

Mark Strong was certainly on board for the long term plan. It sounds like he still is, as he tells that's still bummed he didn't get a chance to play the part at the level he knew it was capable of.

While Green Lantern was certainly a movie with some issues. Few would lay any of the movies problems at the feel of Mark Strong. He was a perfectly good SInestro and probably would have been a fantastic villain if the sequel had ever actually happened.

It did not, but now Mark Strong will have his second bite at the comic book villain apple in the form of Doctor Sivana. He'll be the force opposing Zachary Levi/Asher Angel as Shazam. The trailers have largely kept our villain under wraps, so we don't really know what to expect, but we can pretty much always count on Mark Strong to bring the energy necessary to be a great comic book supervillain.

As far as the future of Green lantern goes, plans for a new Green Lantern film set within the DC film universe have been announced, but momentum on that project is either moving very slowly, or not at all, as we've heard little to indicate we'll be seeing a new Green Lantern anytime soon.

YouTube Reportedly Changes Algorithm To Combat Captain Marvel Trolls

YouTube Reportedly Changes Algorithm To Combat Captain Marvel Trolls
Brie Larson firing energy blast on a train in Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel may have a serious Skrull problem on the big screen, but here in reality the Captain's big antagonist is a horde of different creatures, internet trolls. The newest Marvel movie was dealing was a large group of internet trolls who began review bombing Captain Marvel before the movie ever actually hit theaters. At the same time it was happening, Rotten Tomatoes made some changes to its site, and now it looks like YouTube might have made a slight tweak to its algorithm to avoid the same problem.

An eagle-eyed fan on Twitter discovered, and it was confirmed by CNET, that if you enter either Captain Marvel on Brie Larson in the search bar of YouTube, the resulting list defaults to the "News" heading rather than just giving you a random list of popular videos. Searching for Brie Larson will give you interviews she has done recently or other more factual based videos. Here's what you get if you search for Larson...

On the other hand, here's what you get if you just do a search for Avengers: Endgame. Notice, there's no news header at the top and the videos that appear are theory and opinion videos rather than interviews about the film.

It certainly appears that a switch got flipped somewhere at YouTube, as the videos are quite different for Captain Marvel related searches. While YouTube hasn't currently commented on the situation, many are wondering if the site made the change to push the trolling and review bombing posts further down the page to make them harder for people to find.

This comes after Rotten Tomatoes made changes to the way the audience score for movies is handled on the site. While RT claims Captain Marvel was not the reason the change was made, the fact is the movie was certainly being hit by a deluge of negative reviews that came before any of those commenting could have seen the film, which showed the movie was clearly a victim of the practice. YouTube would have a hard time claiming this was a Captain Marvel issue, as it's the only movie seemingly effected.

The campaign of negative criticism did not appear to have much impact on Captain Marvel. The movie did massive business over its opening weekend and, while the critical reviews haven't been quite as glowing as previous MCU entries, the majority of people, both critic and general fan, seem to like the movie.

Of course, this decision doesn't simply hurt the trolls. It will also have an impact on Captain Marvel content that isn't trying to be inflammatory, that might actually be complementary. It's all going to get pushed to the bottom, which could be a larger issue for YouTube in general.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Avengers: Endgame Director Would Love To Work On Wolverine

Avengers: Endgame Director Would Love To Work On Wolverine
Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in X-Men: Days of Future Past

Right now, lovers of comic book movies are talking about nothing other than Avengers: Endgame. However, once the dust settles and the Marvel Cinematic Universe moves on to whatever it's going to be in the future, fans will certainly begin to wonder what the future has in store now that a host of new characters are potential fodder for MCU movies. Recently, Avengers: Endgame co-director Anthony Russo was asked which of the newly acquired heroes he would be most interested in telling a story with. Unsurprisingly, he's excited by the idea of Wolverine. According to Russo...

I mean, we've always been huge fans of Wolverine. We certainly haven't been thinking about if and when and how we would ever go there, but just off the top of my head, that's a character we've always been passionate about.

At this point, we have no idea what Marvel Studios has planned for the X-Men or the Fantastic Four, the characters who now have seen their film rights return to Marvel following the purchase of 20th Century Fox by Disney. We don't even know if Marvel even has a plan yet. However, if the Russo Brothers ever decide to make another Marvel movie, it seems the studio might be able to entice them by offering them a chance to tell a Wolverine story.

It's not too surprising to hear Anthony Russo tell Fandango that he and his brother love Wolverine. Who doesn't? The character is by far the most popular of the X-Men from the comics and after spending two decades with Hugh Jackman playing the role on the big screen, the character is that much more well known.

Of course, what the future holds for Wolverine is far from clear. Hugh Jackman has said that he's done with the role, and since his version of the character is dead, that seems pretty definitive. We can be sure we haven't seen the last of the character on screen. He's simply too popular to never see again, but exactly how soon we'll see him remains to be seen.

It's unlikely that we'll be getting these answers soon, Disney reportedly is still trying to decide what to do with Fox's in-development Gambit movie and while it's always possible that the project could move forward, only as an MCU movie, that's probably part of a much larger conversation about the future of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe. At this point, we don't even know what's happening with the characters that we have in the next 12 months. While we know several of the Marvel films that are in development, none of them have release dates. This means we can't really know what the future has in store.

Whenever Wolverine does return to the big screen. marvel could certainly do worse than getting the Russo Brothers involved.

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse’s Honest Trailer Delves Into Multiverse Shenanigans

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse’s Honest Trailer Delves Into Multiverse Shenanigans

It’s becoming increasingly harder nowadays for superhero movies to distinguish themselves as unique offerings, but Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse had no issues doing that last year. From its clever story to its cool animation style, Into the Spider-Verse cemented itself as one of the most critically-acclaimed movies of 2018 and collected numerous accolades, including a Golden Globe and Academy Award. Now that the movie has arrived on home media, the Honest Trailers folks have targeted it next and had some multiversal fun in the process.

Those familiar with the Honest Trailers videos from Screen Junkies will recognize the baritone voice of their regular narrator, the Epic Voice Guy, kicking things off on the Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse trailer. However, because this movie has been so well-received and there’s not as much to nitpick about it, he decides to push some random buttons in his recording booth to pass the time, which leads to Honest Trailers narrators from other dimensions to join him.: Epic Geek Girl, Epic Dungeon Master, Epic Telenovela Woman and Australian Voice Guy. This video could be alternatively called Honest Trailers: Into the Voice-Verse.

As pointed out by the narrators, while the premise Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse might not have sounded like great when it was first announced, it turned out to be an enjoyable story, from watching Miles Morales’ having to learn the ropes of being a superhero in addition to dealing with all his personal life issues, to seeing him interact with so many colorful allies and enemies. It’s a wonder that Into the Spider-Verse managed to effectively balance so much material, but the end result was not just it being a critical and commercial success, but also kicking off a new franchise. Though I think we can all agree that these movies should steer clear of adapting "The Clone Saga." That convoluted storyline that doesn’t need the big screen treatment.

As of right now, two Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse follow-ups are officially on the docket: a sequel which will explore Miles Morales’ and Gwen Stacy’s romantic relationship, and a spinoff which will see Spider-Gwen teaming up with other female Spider-heroes, like Jessica, Drew, a.k.a. the original Spider-Woman, and Cindy Moon, a.k.a. Silk. However, that’s just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, as Sony already has seven-eight years worth of plans for this Spider-franchise, which includes jumping to television. Whether or not this Honest Trailers quintet will reunite to comment on these future projects remains to be seen.

You can watch Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse on Blu-ray, DVD and Digital HD now. Stay tuned to CinemaBlend for more updates on this franchise, and don’t forget to look through our 2019 release schedule to plan your trips to the theater this year accordingly.

Chris Evans Recalls His Big Concern With Playing Captain America

Chris Evans Recalls His Big Concern With Playing Captain America
Chris Evans as Captain America Steve Rogers Avengers: Endgame Marvel MCU

Captain America can seem like vanilla ice cream -- a classic American favorite, but there's no real kick to it. It's sweet, but kinda bland. That was a concern for Chris Evans while considering the Marvel Studios role. He passed on it multiple times, and one of his question marks was how to make this square-jawed goody two-shoes interesting to a modern audience used to being wowed by jokesters and antiheroes?

There's no real darkness to him. How do I make this guy someone you want to watch? I don't get jokes. I'm not Wolverine. I don't have dead parents, like Batman. I'm just, like, 'Hi, I'll walk your dog. I'll help you move.'

Turns out, that was just fine -- at least with Chris Evans in the role and the right team in place to give him better material than dog walking. Not that I wouldn't watch his Cap walking dogs. In fact, where is that film?

Chris Evans told The Hollywood Reporter he hadn't read Captain America's Marvel Comics story before he was cast, and if he had he might've been even more hesitant to accept the role. Evans recently pointed to a scene in Captain America: The Winter Soldier as his favorite; that was directed by the Russo Brothers as their first MCU film -- followed by Captain America: Civil War, Avengers: Infinity War, and April's Avengers: Endgame. Anthony Russo said he and Joe Russo weren't really drawn to the old school Cap stuff either:

To be honest with you, that golden age Captain America never really appealed to us. We gravitated to the comics where people were starting to tear down ideas about what superheroes were. Frank Miller, et cetera. So when we started talking with Marvel about coming on to do [Winter Soldier], we were like, 'This is going to be the movie where we fully bring Captain America into the modern world. He's going to be a different person in this new world.' And Chris just grew with that character beautifully.

Chris Evans' Captain America became a three-dimensional hero -- a very human moral compass with personality and heart. Still a good guy, but not a dull guy.

Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige told THR Chris Evans wasn't on their initial list of Captain America prospects when they started looking for The First Avenger hero in early 2010, because Evans had just played Marvel's Human Torch/Johnny Storm in two Fantastic Four films.

We thought, OK, well, he's that character. Let's keep looking. And as we [continued] not finding people, we went back to the initial lists. And that brought us back to Chris. And I thought, well, Patrick Stewart played Jean-Luc Picard and Charles Xavier. Harrison Ford played Han Solo and Indiana Jones. Who cares?

Fair points. But Chris Evans said it felt like the right thing to do to say no to that job. So he turned down Marvel's nine-film offer. He also turned down a six-film contract. Tony Stark himself, Robert Downey Jr., got involved to call Evans. After a lot of other consultations, Evans finally took the job as Captain America. And then he went to therapy for the first time in his adult life.

The fans are the ones who may need therapy after Avengers: Endgame, if Chris Evans does indeed hang up Cap's shield. He joked to THR that Endgame is over three hours and "my funeral's like an hour." He did, however, say he choked up three times.

We now have less than a month to see what really happens in Avengers: Endgame. The film opens in theaters Friday, April 26. Here's what we know so far about the highly anticipated MCU movie.

How To See Rocketman Weeks Before Its Release

How To See Rocketman Weeks Before Its Release
Taron Egerton as Elton John in Rocketman

The summer movie season, which started in earnest with Avengers: Endgame, is finally upon us and the month of May is stacked with movies. From franchise sequels and franchise starters, to remakes and buzzy indie flicks, there’s plenty you’re going to want to make time for to see in the theater. Luckily, you can see one of the month’s most anticipated titles, Dexter Fletcher’s Rocketman, weeks before its theatrical release date.

The Elton John biopic technically doesn’t release until May 31 opposite Godzilla: King of the Monsters, but Paramount Pictures and online ticketing service Fandango are teaming up to offer advance screenings of the film on May 18. That’s two weeks prior to its U.S. theatrical release date. So if you’ll be spending your weekend with the Titans or you just want to see Rocketman as soon as you can, these advance screenings are a great opportunity.

The advance screenings will be held at 400 theaters nationwide including the big chains like AMC Theatres, Regal, Cinemark, Arclight Cinemas and others. The advance screenings for Rocketman are Fandango exclusives and are available to its VIP Rewards program members. You can get your tickets for these screenings through Fandango now.

In a statement reported by THR, Fandango’s president Paul Yanover referenced the success of the company’s previous Early Access Screenings for films like How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World and Shazam! and how they helped generate buzz for those titles. These advance screenings may already have some buzz to start with considering that the May 18 advance screening date is a mere two days after Rocketman premieres out of competition at the Cannes Film Festival.

Rocketman certainly has the makings of a movie that could make a splash at Cannes and go on to be a crowd-pleaser at the box office. Last year, two other music films, A Star is Born and Bohemian Rhapsody, both racked up critical acclaim and became huge successes financially. And like Bohemian Rhapsody, this film will benefit from a catalog of recognizable songs audiences will want to hear in theaters.

Dexter Fletcher actually finished Bohemian Rhapsody after Bryan Singer was fired, so it will be interesting to see what he can do with another musical icon when the film is his from start to finish. The musical fantasy element is also very intriguing and the fact that Taron Egerton is actually doing all the singing in the film gives it must-see performance potential.

Rocketman follows Elton John’s personal and professional journey in his breakthrough years as he went from the shy Reginald Dwight into the flamboyant musical superstar Elton John. Starring alongside Taron Egerton in the film are Bryce Dallas Howard, Richard Madden and Jamie Bell.

Fandango's advance screenings of Rocketman are on May 18, followed by its theatrical release on May 31. Check out our 2019 Release Schedule to keep track of all of this summer’s biggest movies.


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