
Sunday, June 30, 2019

Stan Lee Has A Few Marvel Cameos Left

Stan Lee Has A Few Marvel Cameos Left
Stan Lee in Ant-Man and the Wasp

Last November, longtime Marvel Comics heavyweight Stan Lee died at 95, and needless to say it was a heavy blow to the world of comic book media fandom. That said, it didn’t mark the last time we’d see him since months before his passing, Lee filmed/recorded several more of his trademark cameos, including his quick scene in Captain Marvel, which hit theaters this past weekend. Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige has now clarified that there are still a few Lee cameos left to be shown to the masses. When asked if Lee will appear in Spider-Man: Far From Home, Feige responded:

We'll see. We're heading-- We shot a couple of others, so we're coming up on the last of them, yes.

Avengers: Endgame co-director Joe Russo said shortly after Stan Lee died that the comic book icon did shoot something for Endgame, as it was grouped together with various other MCU cameos that Lee shot during a short period. That said, it’s been unclear if Lee shot anything from Spider-Man: Far From Home, and Feige’s comment to ET is cagey in that regard. That said, an Endgame cameo is definitely on the table, and the fact that Feige said “the last of them” indicates that there’s more than just one cameo to look forward to.

Spider-Man: Far From Home filmed from last July to October in England, New York and several other countries. Stan Lee wasn’t able to travel much in his final years, but as with his other recent cameos, presumably it would have been easy enough to get him to a movie set in California where he could shoot something quick for Far From Home. Nothing’s official yet, but I’m guessing that it’s likelier than not that Lee will have some presence in the next live action Spider-Man movie, whether it’s on screen like all his other past MCU contributions or if he was only able to record a vocal cameo, like what he did for last December’s Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, where he played a shopkeeper who interacted with Miles Morales.

Stan Lee already had an extensive cameo resume even before the MCU launched with Iron Man in 2008, but in that particular franchise, he was a regular fixture, with Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 revealing that he was actually the same character who was keeping tabs on things around Earth and other areas of the galaxy on behalf of The Watchers. Sadly, all things must come to an end, and either Avengers: Endgame or Spider-Man: Far From Home will mark his last film appearance. That said, future MCU movies could take a cue from the Marvel Netflix shows and include a picture of Lee in tribute to the man who helped make Marvel the powerhouse company it is today.

Warning: SPOILERS for Captain Marvel are ahead!

Along with being his second or third-to-last MCU cameo, Captain Marvel was also special for Stan Lee because he was basically playing himself. While Carol Danvers was aboard a train searching for a disguised Skrull, she passed by Lee, who was practicing his lines for Mallrats, Kevin Smith’s second movie which, where Lee had a small, but important role. That movie came out in 1995, the same year Captain Marvel was set. Danvers studied Lee for a moment and then gave a smirk when she realized that he was 100% human.

But that wasn’t the only way that Captain Marvel paid tribute to Stan Lee. The Marvel Studios intro also replaced artwork and clips of its various superheroes with Stan Lee’s various cameos in this franchise over the last decade. Kevin Feige explained how shortly after Lee died, he and others at Marvel Studios were figuring out how to honor Lee and whether it should be something that’s part of a movie or released online. They eventually decided on the former, and rather than attach something “depressing at the end,” Feige settled on something “touching and rousing up front,” hence that heartwarming intro. Feige continued.

I know that, not specifically but in general, a celebration is what Stan always wanted as opposed to any sort of mournful event. So, it happened very, very quickly soon after we got the unfortunate news.. We put that together and our visual development department, led by Ryan Meinerding, illustrated all those illustrations of him that you see, before we then go into the clips.

We may only have a few more Stan Lee appearances left, but because of what the man accomplished through his long life, his characters will live on for decades more. Although Stan Lee didn’t have a hand in creating Carol Danvers, writer Roy Thomas and artist Gene Colan have that honor), he did co-create (with Colan) her comics predecessor, Mar-Vell, who was portrayed by Annette Bening in the Captain Marvel movie.

Captain Marvel was the first MCU movie of 2019, but there’s a lot more to look forward to this year. In less than two months, Avengers: Endgame will pick up where Avengers: Infinity War left off, with half of all life in the universe being wiped out by Thanos and his Infinity Stones-powered fingers. Marvel is still keeping tight-lipped about specific plot details, but we can at least look forward to the surviving heroes banding together to defeat Thanos and undo his genocide. Carol Danvers will be part of this group, and the Captain Marvel mid-credits scene showed her arriving at New Avengers base questioning where Nick Fury was, as before turning to dust, the former S.H.I.E..L.D. director summoned her using his spruced-up pager.

Then in July, Spider-Man: Far From Home will kick off Phase 4 with Peter Parker traveling to Europe over summer vacation. Unfortunately, Peter won’t get a break from his superhero lifestyle during this trip, as Nick Fury will recruit him to fight the Elementals alongside Quentin Beck, a.k.a. Mysterio. Since Spider-Man was arguably Lee’s most famous creation, it would be a shame if Far From Home didn’t involve him in some way, so fingers crossed that gets to be his final cameo.

Don’t forget to read CinemaBlend’s review of Captain Marvel, and stay tuned for more updates on the MCU. Avengers: Endgame hits theaters on April 26 and Spider-Man: Far From Home follows on July 5. You can also find out what non-Marvel movies are coming out this year by looking through our 2019 release schedule.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Did Return Of The Jedi Really Redeem Darth Vader?

Did Return Of The Jedi Really Redeem Darth Vader?
Darth Vader Return of the Jedi

As the Skywalker Saga will be drawing to a close with Star Wars: Rise of the Skywalker, now's as good a time as ever to revisit some of the major plot points of the prior films. As the world wonders the meaning of the title, it may be worth revisiting the life of Anakin Skywalker, specifically his final adventure in the saga.

I'm talking, of course, about Return of the Jedi, in which Darth Vader thwarts the Emperor and kills him in order to save Luke's life. He and Luke share a touching moment, and he dies. Luke burns his body down on Endor and Anakin is later seen alongside Obi-Wan and Yoda as a Force ghost. It's a nice scene, but after all the things we've learned about Vader since that scene was originally written, was he really redeemed?

Consider for a moment what happened. Vader killed Emperor Palpatine not because he was disillusioned with the dark side or its plans, but rather to protect his son Luke. It's a cool thing to do, but did saving his son necessarily mean he was suddenly one of the good guys? Are we suddenly supposed to believe his goals for world domination and his anger at the Jedi way instantly went out the window?

Let's not forget that only minutes before, he was trying to bait Luke into turning to the dark side and declaring that he'd turn Leia to the dark side. It's also worth mentioning that Vader was only really paying forward a favor Luke already did in not killing him at the Emperor's request. Had Vader gotten the upper hand in that duel, it doesn't feel like Luke would've gotten off so easy.

Canon supplemental material has only made this plot point more muddy, as its been revealed Darth Vader had harbored aggressive feelings towards Emperor Palpatine for some time. He eventually discovered that he was manipulated into turning on everyone he loved, and that he was not responsible for Padme's death. Obviously knowing that would've made killing Palpatine easier, even if it meant sacrificing his own life to defeat him.

As much as one may want to believe Anakin became a good person again in that sweeping moment, it just doesn't make sense that he would. In a hypothetical situation where Anakin survived, what would've been his next move? Would he have resigned to the punishment for the multitude of crimes he committed against the Republic, or would he fight and continue to shape the world under his ideal vision?

Anakin seems more inclined to continue to try and rule the galaxy. Additionally, he made a very concerted effort to fully eradicate the Jedi even after Order 66, so he probably wouldn't be cool with Luke recruiting more Jedi if they were to be trained under Obi Wan and Yoda's teachings. Given all that we know about Vader, he'd probably go right back into tempting his son into finding a way away form the Jedi, much like Kylo tried with Rey.

And yet, Anakin's place alongside Yoda and Obi-Wan doesn't imply any of that in the slightest. His one act of saving Luke seemingly positioned him as a Jedi worthy of a spot among two of the most prestigious light side users in Star Wars canon. In a world that's so black and white, one would think the universe would recognize that one good act wasn't nearly enough for redemption or negate the scores of misdeeds he carried out over the years.

Those misdeeds go beyond mercilessly hunting the Jedi. There's literally too many to count, but keep in mind he's choked many officers (some to death) simply because they irritated him. Even before Darth Vader, Anakin was very much unable to reconcile his emotions, and his anger led him to do some incredibly over-the top-things. He even went so far as to slaughter younglings which, regardless of his intention to save Padme by serving the emperor, is irredeemable.

The good news is the expanded material still does justice to the ending of Return of the Jedi, regardless of whether Vader is redeemed. After all, Anakin aligned with the Emperor to effectively protect his family, so it makes sense that protecting Luke would ultimately overrule the allegiance he has to Palpatine. It still doesn't explain why Obi-Wan and Yoda were cool with him being around in the Force ghost afterlife, but perhaps stuff like that gets brushed aside in death.

So why is it so important we know Anakin's headspace and whether he was redeemed following Return of the Jedi? Well, with a title like Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker on the horizon and Vader's helmet appearing once again, one has to think that Darth Vader will play into the plot in some way. At least, one can assume that's true for Kylo Ren, who famously told his grandfather he would "finish what he started."

We're all well aware of what Anakin Skywalker started, but now it's a valid question to ask whether he still intended to finish his plan. Anakin may have turned his back on the Empire and being his servant, but that didn't necessarily mean he didn't wish to shape the world in an image. Had things gone right, and had Padme been saved, would things have gone differently?

Remember, these are questions that characters could get an answer to in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. It could be through flashbacks of Luke reconciling with who his father was outside of that one moment, or it could be Hayden Christensen reprising his role as Anakin to appear as a Force ghost to Rey or Kylo Ren. Should a conversation take place, would he push embracing the Dark Side, looking towards the light or maybe present a third option?

This is just one of the things to ponder as the countdown to Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker ticks ever closer day by day. Do you think Return of the Jedi redeemed Anakin and he's forever changed following the event, or was his act a small bright spot overshadowed by all of his past wrongdoings? Let us know by voting in the poll below, and feel free to elaborate in the comments.

Robert Downey Jr. Shares Behind The Scenes Photo Of Avengers: Endgame With Spider-Man

Robert Downey Jr. Shares Behind The Scenes Photo Of Avengers: Endgame With Spider-Man

Among the most heartbreaking deaths in Avengers: Infinity War, and certainly the most meme’d, was Peter Parker's, who didn’t feel so good and faded to dust in Tony Stark’s arms. Given that, we are especially eager to see Peter Parker brought back to life and reunited with his mentor once more in Avengers: Endgame. While we wait for that emotional moment, Robert Downey Jr. has shard a behind the scenes look from the film of himself with Spider-Man. Take a look:

One of the best things about the MCU is the fun pairings of actors and their characters, and although Iron Man and Spider-Man is one of the newer ones, first coming in Captain America: Civil War, it is easily one of the most entertaining. We see their great dynamic here, as Tony Stark is attempting to be his normal snarky self with Robert Downey Jr. sarcastically saying how stoked he is to be in the photo.

But he can’t help but smirk next to his mentee, Tom Holland’s overly enthusiastic Peter Parker, who is genuinely stoked to be standing next to ‘Mr. Stark.’ The upside down internship certificate is a nice touch too. What a fantastic duo these two are and if Robert Downey Jr. leaves the Marvel Cinematic Universe after Avengers: Endgame, more of this pairing will be one of the top things we’ll have to lament.

This picture is a cool behind-the-scenes look at a shot from the most recent Avengers: Endgame trailer where Tony is holding a photo of himself and Peter Parker with the internship certificate. Every hero seems to have one person in particular who was snapped away that most affected them, and with Pepper alive, for Tony, that’s Peter Parker. You can the image of this scene from the teaser below:

This scene reminds us how Tony Stark at times attempted to use Spider-Man and provide some guidance to Peter Parker, while pretending not to care and not being overly affectionate towards the kid. But it’s clear now that Tony Stark does care about Peter Parker very much, and he’s the person he most wants to avenge and bring back. That makes their potential reunion all the more anticipated.

As Tony Stark hashtags in his Instagram post, the reunion of these two characters can heal the internet, which has spent the last year laughing through the pain at poor Peter Parker who didn’t want to go. To do that though, they’ll have to heal the divisions in the team and band together to topple Thanos for good.

Avengers: Endgame closes out The Infinity Saga when it opens on April 26. Check out our 2019 release schedule to keep track of all of this year’s biggest movies.

Letitia Wright Found Out About Shuri’s Infinity War Fate Just Like The Rest Of Us

Letitia Wright Found Out About Shuri’s Infinity War Fate Just Like The Rest Of Us
Shuri in Infinity War

It's a very exciting week for Marvel fans, as Avengers: Endgame is finally arriving in theaters. It's been a long year of waiting since Infinity War hit theaters, and shocked moviegoers by having Thanos win over the good guys. Audiences were left to watch in horror as countless characters faded to dust before our eyes, in a twist ending no one was expecting.

But there were a few characters whose fate was left vague, as they weren't seen being dusted in the Wakandan field. Chief among them is T'Challa's sister Shuri, playing by Letitia Wright. Shuri was confirmed to be dusted when Endgame's character posters hit the internet, leaving fans disappointed about the genius princess. It turns out that Wright found out about Shuri the same way, recently saying:

It was surprising. I saw everybody in the colored photos, you know the colored posters, and then I saw myself in grey. And I was like, 'I just died out of nowhere!' I think the whole of Twitter was pretty upset so I kind of logged off and didn't log back on. So I'm waiting to see how that came together and how that panned out tonight.

Same, Letitia Wright. Same.

Letitia Wright's comments to Marvel Entertainment come from the Avengers: Endgame purple carpet at last night's premiere. And they're likely going to surprise many fans, who thought that the actors at least knew whether they lived or died. But Wright was kept in the dark like everyone else, which just shows how tight security is at Marvel Studios. Especially when it comes to Endgame.

When we last saw Shuri, she was attempting to separate Vision's consciousness from the Mind Stone. She warned it wold be a long process, but the Black Order brought massive forces that eventually put Shuri in the fray. She briefly faced off against Corvus Glaive with her Gauntlets, before he and Vision came to blows and flew out the window. Letitia Wright's character wasn't seen again, and wasn't shown turning to dust alongside the rest of the Avengers and Guardians.

Related: Infinity War Theory Claims Shuri Might Have Saved Vision

The first Avengers: Endgame trailer showed Shuri among the fallen characters, but some fans thought this might be a red herring. The Russo Brothers have already admitted to putting fake footage into trailers, allowing moviegoers to be truly surprised by the film's contents. But once the movie's character posters arrived last month, Shuri's fate was sealed. She was one of the many characters to get a black and white poster, meaning she was dusted as a result of The Decimation

With both Shuri and T'Challa gone, Wakanda is without a ruler. What happened to the technologically advanced society after half the population vanished?

Answers will come when Avengers: Endgame arrives in theaters on April 26th. In the meantime, fill out CinemaBlend's Endgame death pool, and be sure to check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Why Patty Jenkins Is Now Frustrated By Wonder Woman 1984's Release Date Change

Why Patty Jenkins Is Now Frustrated By Wonder Woman 1984's Release Date Change
Wonder Woman 1984 Gal Gadot Diana Prince

Be careful what you wish for! DC's Wonder Woman follow-up, Wonder Woman 1984, was originally set to come out this November 1. That was pushed back to June 5, 2020 -- which is exactly what director Patty Jenkins wanted. Then. Now? She wants her ex back.

I can't wait! I can't believe -- it's so funny, for all the entire time that we were making the movie, I was lobbying. They were wanting to move it up much earlier. And I was like 'You guys, it’s got to be the summer of 2020, like it’s got to be!' And that was what I always wanted. And now, I’ve just screened a version of the film and I’m like 'Oh my God, can we move it back up again?' I’m dying to release this film! But of course it's good and it's fine, but it's frustrating to have to wait.

So Patty Jenkins is now frustrated, but in a good way because she doesn't want to have to wait for the movie to hit theaters. It sounds like this early screening went well, which is great news. If only Wonder Woman could find a way to sneak into the June 2019 schedule.

When the word first came down that Wonder Woman 1984 was pushed back seven months, there was concern that there were production issues or other problems behind-the-scenes. Instead, Wonder Woman herself, Gal Gadot, tweeted excitement that they were able to move the Wonder Woman sequel "back to its rightful home" in June 2020, three years after the June 2017 release of Wonder Woman.

Patty Jenkins also expressed excitement, at the time, about the new June 2020 release. But now that production is in the rear-view mirror she's understandably eager to just get the movie out in front of the audience.

Check out her excitement in the new interview clip:

One of Wonder Woman 1984's producers, Charles Roven, previously explained the film's delay from the vantage point of Warner Bros. and the production schedule:

We always wanted the date that we are on right now. The studio felt that until their slate for the year before came together -- and they had an amazing end of 2018 -- that they needed to have a big what I call aircraft carrier, a ‘tentpole’, in [2019]. We had a very rushed pre-production because Patty also did the TNT show and we had a very rushed post-production schedule in order to make the date that we were on, which was November 1, 2019. We were doing it because the studio said they really needed it, and then at a certain point they came to us and they said, ‘You know what, you guys are right. Let’s go back to the month that you guys released Wonder Woman 1 in, and take the extra time.’

Gal Gadot wrapped her role in Wonder Woman 1984 back at the end of December 2018, gushing over her fantastic experience making the movie. That month, DC got its first billion dollar baby in star Jason Momoa's Aquaman. In April, Gal Gadot congratulated the DCEU's newest recruit, Zachary Levi, on the (more modest, but still) success of Shazam! at the box office.

Wonder Woman 1984 will be set in the 1980s, bringing back not only Gal Gadot as Diana Prince, but also Chris Pine as Steve Trevor, Connie Nielsen as Hippolyta, and Robin Wright as Antiope. Newcomers include Kristen Wiig as Barbara Ann Minerva/Cheetah and Pedro Pascal's as-yet-unnamed mystery character.

Next up for the DCEU is Birds of Prey, which is coming out February 7, 2020. Then Wonder Woman 1984 will arrive on June 5, 2020 ... unless Warner Bros. decides to move the release date. Keep up with the 2019 release dates with our handy guide.

The Spider-Man: Far From Home Trailer Just Revealed A Game-Changing Truth About Mysterio

The Spider-Man: Far From Home Trailer Just Revealed A Game-Changing Truth About Mysterio
Spider-Man: Far From Home Mysterio speaks in the secret lab

Spoilers ahead for Avengers: Endgame.

With Avengers: Endgame in its second weekend of release, the veil on spoilers has dropped and the public can now discuss the finer points of what happened in what might be the biggest movie of all time. In addition to being able to talk out what happened in the past, we’re now being given a chance to discuss the future, as the Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer just dropped a pretty big clue as to what the Marvel Cinematic Universe may tackle next.

As seen in the trailer, Jake Gyllenhaal’s Mysterio is from another dimension, and you can thank Thanos for that little twist of fate. While we're still a little skeptical about whether this is the truth or not, we're going to treat it as if the trailer for Spider-Man: Far From Home is being on the level with us. Which, to be totally honest, is exciting as hell; Mysterio's truth could mean a lot for the Spider-Man franchise, as well as the Marvel Cinematic Universe in general. Let's dive into what we've got so far.

The Truth About Mysterio: He Comes From Another Dimension

During the trailer for Spider-Man: Far From Home, we learn from Nick Fury that while Thanos’ snap with the Infinity Gauntlet in Avengers: Infinity War wiped out half of all life in the galaxy, it also did something worse. It tore a hole in the dimensional fabric of our world, which means that Mysterio has somehow bled over from his Earth into ours. This version of Mysterio, also known as Quentin Beck, seems to be a legitimate superhero with powers that can fight the so called Elementals that are wreaking havoc on our world.

It’s because of his abilities, and knowledge of these creatures, that Nick Fury has drafted Mysterio into the fight. But he also wants Spider-Man to be involved as well, more than likely due to his scientific mind and the fact that a lot of the other Avengers are indisposed at the moment. Not to mention, even Quentin knows that Peter's abilities are useful, lamenting in the trailer that someone like him would be handy to have on his world.

How Other Dimensions Could Affect Spider-Man: Far From Home

So right there, a minor implication can be discussed for Mysterio and his role in Spider-Man: Far From Home. While the world is used to the man with the giant fishbowl on his head being a villainous presence in Spidey’s life, we’ve been told that in this film he’s actually a hero. It looks like we have our explanation for why this twist came about, because in another world Quentin Beck is probably a nicer guy who works on saving the world, and is probably a legitimate spell-caster.

Rather than present Mysterio as the illusionist/special effects master he’s always been known as, it looks as if we’re seeing an alternate version of Mr. Beck that shows him as a legitimate hero/role model for Peter Parker. Even better is the fact that this new wrinkle in the Marvel Cinematic Universe could potentially open the rest of the world up to a new and exciting possibility in Phase 4 and beyond: interdimensional worldbuilding.

How Mysterio's Story Could Affect The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Much like Sony’s last Spider-Man film, Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, the Marvel Cinematic Universe now seems to be playing with the theory of alternate versions of characters we already know and love. Marvel sort of played around with that possibility in Avengers: Endgame, as we now have another Gamora who’s traveled through time into the modern day, and has none of the memories/experiences of the one we lost in Avengers: Infinity War.

Of course now it’s a whole new ballgame with other dimensions coming into play, because as we saw in last year’s big animated hit, new dimensions mean more complications than just removing someone from time. The truths of one universe don’t always map up with those of another. So, not only does this mean that Spider-Man: Far From Home’s Mysterio could totally be a hero, but it also means that the villainous Mysterio might still be active in this particular dimension.

Also, it should be noted that in the traditional Marvel Comics canon, the Fantastic Four have been known to mess around with interdimensional travel. So if you’ve been holding out hope for the first family of Marvel’s return, this just brought your wildest dreams a little closer to reality.

What This Might Mean For Future Spider-Man Movies

Spider-Man has always played around with big scientific concepts that change the world we live in. So Spider-Man: Far From Home would be the perfect place to start laying down the multiverse theory. With all of the cosmic power behind The Decimation, it wouldn’t be surprising at all that the fabric of the cosmos has been torn. And with that event, we could see the mother of all crossovers.

With Sony also working on a Spider-Man multiverse after Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, there’s a possibility that if the studio really wanted to, the world of the animated and the world of live-action could overlap. Meaning -- and I may be fan-boying out here -- we could see Miles Morales team up with yet another Peter Parker, albeit one who is younger and more alive than the ones he’s previously teamed up with.

Is Mysterio Telling The Truth?

Of course, all of these theories are predicated on the “truth” that Mysterio/Quentin Beck is actually telling the truth about being a hero. With that particular character being known as a liar and a flim-flam man, via his special effects prowess and some scientific tomfoolery, there’s always a chance that Mysterio is a bad guy.

But at the very least, if the part about Mysterio coming from another universe holds true, we’re possibly seeing the very turning point in the MCU that could change so much. Which would make the traditional supervillain’s lies a little easier to handle, but wouldn’t make him any less of a monster.

The possibility definitely exists that Quentin Beck is lying through his teeth to Nick Fury, Peter Parker, and everyone that’ll listen in Spider-Man: Far From Home. So while we’ll trust that this new development is the truth for the time being, we’re still very skeptical of just what might be happening underneath the surface.

Which makes it a good time for you, the audience, to re-watch the trailer to Spider-Man: Far From Home, in order to see if you can pick up any further clues about what may or may not be actual, hard won truth:

Spider-Man: Far From Home takes us on a super-powered school trip to Europe on July 2. Meanwhile, Avengers: Endgame is setting up the future of the MCU a little more immediately, as it plays out in theaters now.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Clark Gregg Calls Captain Marvel Trolls ‘Butthurt’

Clark Gregg Calls Captain Marvel Trolls ‘Butthurt’
Coulson's Captain Marvel poster

It's a very exciting time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Phase Three will come to an end next month with Avengers: Endgame, one year after audiences were left mouths agape at the horrifying twist ending of Infinity War. But before that we have Captain Marvel, the 90's set origin story which flew into theaters this weekend, making a ton of money in the process. In addition to introducing Carol Danvers, Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck's Marvel blockbuster included plenty of familiar faces including Nick Fury, Korath, Ronan, and Phil Coulson.

Clark Gregg is back on the silver screen playing a younger Phil Coulson, who is still a rookie at S.H.I.E.L.D.. Ahead of its release, Captain Marvel fell victim to online trolling, including the film's Fandango and Rotten Tomatoes pages. While measures were made to fix this issue, Gregg had some choice words for those trolls and haters. He recently spoke to the trolling situation, saying:

I don’t know if the expression is butthurt about seeing someone else get a hero that looks like them, but that’s because they’ve always had heroes that looked like them.

Just when you thought you'd heard it all, there's Agent Coulson using the expression "butthurt". But Captain Marvel haters do seem to have a certain axe to grind, with the anger directed at Brie Larson specifically, especially from white men who took umbrage with her previous comments about diversity in the press.

Early into the press tour for Captain Marvel, Brie Larson expressed her disappointment that reviewers and film journalists she'd run into were primary white males. While encouraging inclusion in all aspects of the film world, she majorly ticked off certain fans who felt like she was trying to exclude them from the upcoming blockbuster. Those naysayers took to the internet to explain their issues, and Captain Marvel's reviews and scores ahead of its release plummeted.

In his same conversation with Nerdist, Clark Gregg went on to explain how futile the resistance against Captain Marvel and other female-led properties ultimately is, As he describes it,

There are people that get very bent out of shape about the fact that she’s a woman, and that Brie’s a woman, and wants to see women moving into an equal place in humanity to men. It’s sad. It must be sad to be that kind of dinosaur wandering towards the tar pits.

Phil Coulson isn't here for Captain Marvel trolls, and he's making his feelings known. While some actors have been known to curb their language about haters, Clark Gregg went so far as to call the haters butthurt dinosaurs. So yeah, he's not exactly holding back much regarding the naysayers for the newest Marvel blockbuster.

You can see Clark Gregg's conversation about Captain Marvel below, dinosaurs and all.

Clark Gregg has spent a great number of years in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, on both the small and silver screen. As such, he's got a particular level of investment. So when trolling begins, he responded in an honest way.

The backlash for Captain Marvel started back in June of 2018, when Brie Larson was accepting an award at the Crystal + Lucy Awards. While discussing the call for inclusion both in front and behind the camera, Larson discussed how diversity also needed to be reflected in the press. Her original comments read:

[Audiences] are not allowed enough chances to read public discourse on these films by the people that the films were made for. I do not need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work for him about [A] Wrinkle in Time. It wasn’t made for him. I want to know what it meant to women of color, to biracial women, to teen women of color, to teens that are biracial.

While uttered many months ago, Brie Larson's comments citing a 40-year-old white dude ended up being the catalyst for online Captain Marvel hatred. Websites like Rotten Tomatoes and Fandango saw a ton of negative comments about the Marvel blockbuster, weeks before it actually arrived in theaters this past weekend. The trolling specifically cited Larson's speech, with white men claiming to boycott the blockbusters in response.

Brie Larson eventually clarified her comments during the press junket for Captain Marvel. Reelblend co-host Kevin McCarthy discussed the controversy with Larson shortly before the movie arrived in in theaters. The Oscar winner had this to say:

What I’m looking for is to bring more seats up to the table. No one is getting their chair taken away. There’s not less seats at the table, there’s just more seats at the table.

While Brie Larson got the chance to expand her comment, there was still plenty of trolling heading to Captain Marvel in the days before it finally arrived. But that controversy doesn't seem to have negatively affected the blockbuster. Brie Larson's Marvel debut made a whopping $153 million domestically during its opening weekend, with pre-sales among the MCU's biggest. The movie has also made $303,285,175 internationally, so Marvel Studios is really raking in the dough with Captain Marvel.

It should be interesting to see if/when the Captain Marvel the trolling ceases, especially as the title character becomes a bigger presence in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. She's expected to have a meaty role in Avengers: Endgame, as the surviving heroes will need all the help they can get in order to face off against Thanos and hopefully reverse the affects of The Snap. Carol Danvers is the strongest hero in the entire shared universe, so it should be especially exciting if she lays the smack down on Josh Brolin's big purple villain sometime during the upcoming blockbuster.

As for Phil Coulson, it's unclear if he'll get another silver screen appearance. While the character is the focus of the TV series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., the Avengers still believe him to have died at the hands of Loki. But with the future of the MCU after Endgame largely a mystery, it seems anything is possible.

You can see a digitally de-aged Phil Coulson in Captain Marvel, which is in theaters now. Carol Danvers will return to the MCU with Avengers: Endgame on April 26th. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.


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