
Friday, June 21, 2019

Helen Mirren's I Love Netflix But Eff Netflix Quote Went Over Well At CinemaCon

Helen Mirren's I Love Netflix But Eff Netflix Quote Went Over Well At CinemaCon

The relationship between movie theaters and streaming services still hasn’t settled. From some corners, there’s irritation. From others, there’s outright hostility, especially toward streaming giant Netflix. As such, there are few better ways to get a crowd on your side at CinemaCon, a convention for the theater industry, than by taking a shot at Netflix, and that’s exactly what seasoned veteran Helen Mirren did when she took the stage to hype her upcoming movie The Good Liar.

I love Netflix, but fuck Netflix. There’s nothing like sitting in the cinema. The lights go down, that incredible moment of excitement and anticipation and relaxation because you know you are going to be completely entertained for two hours.

CinemaBlend was in the audience at the time, and it’s worth exploring the context a little more, beyond that sexy “I love Netflix, but fuck Netflix” pull quote. Mirren implied to the audience they shouldn’t go make a big deal about what she was about to say, and it should absolutely surprise no one that it took about thirty seconds for the quote to immediately be all over social media. In fact, the only thing that happened faster was the theater owners erupting into mass approval. No doubt some people will make a big deal out of it, but I think the larger message she was implying is actually really important and points toward where this whole streaming vs theatrical battle should go.

Most of us love Netflix, but Netflix is not a replacement for going to the movies. It is a supplement to going to the movies. There is some content that is better watched in your pajamas in a comfortable position, and there is other content that is best watched on a giant screen with aggressive sound and overwhelming visuals. There are some moods that should compel you to grab some friends and head to the theater, and there are some moods that should compel you to stay on your couch. Most of us love Netflix, but at times, we all need to say fuck Netflix and do something else.

Mirren’s film The Good Liar is scheduled for release on November 15th. It co-stars Ian McKellen and is directed by Bill Condon, who wrote Chicago and recently directed the live action Beauty And The Beast. It’s about a couple that begins dating later in life, and while the specifics are being held back, there’s clearly a lot of lying and deceit beneath the surface, some of which is admitted and some of which is not. It looks twisty and intense. Needless to say, I have high hopes. In fact, I can’t wait to watch it in theaters… and then hopefully rewatch it sometime in 2020 on Netflix.

Yes, J.J. Abrams Consulted George Lucas Over The Rise Of Skywalker

Yes, J.J. Abrams Consulted George Lucas Over The Rise Of Skywalker
The Group in The Rise of Skywalker

The Star Wars franchise has been expanding impressively over the last few years, thanks to Disney's acquisition of Lucasfim. It all started with J.J. Abrams' Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which introduced a new class of characters to interact with franchise favorites like Luke, Leia, and Han. Since then, the galaxy has continued to grow through standalone films and the upcoming Mandalorian live-action TV series. But all eyes are on the main franchise, especially since Episode IX will end the Skywalker Saga forever.

J.J Abrams is back in the director's chair for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, and there's a ton of pressure to deliver. In addition to wrapping up the current trilogy, the upcoming blockbuster must also end the narrative George Lucas began back in A New Hope. But the generations of fans should rest easy, because Abrams consulted with Lucas early in the process. As he recently revealed:

There have been a lot of ideas since the beginning, since George first came up with this, of where things could go. We had a meeting with him before we even wrote the script about this. So a lot of what we have taken, is really taken to heart, everything that's come before. While it's been obviously significantly challenging, it's been a greater opportunity than a challenge. I cannot wait for you to see what this movie is.

Well, this is exciting. Because although George Lucas isn't intimately involved in the current trilogy of Star Wars movies, it appears he did have some input regarding The Rise of Skywalker. So perhaps we'll all get the ending the beloved space opera deserves.

J.J. Abrams' comments to MTV News are sure to excite Star Wars fans, especially the OG moviegoers who saw Episodes IV-VI in theaters in the 70s and 80s. While the prequel series left something to be desired, Star Wars is only possible through George Lucas' vision and ambition. The last few movies may not have been what Lucas planned for the sequel trilogy, but at least he was consulted ahead of the franchise's big finale.

Related: Let's Talk About That Death Star Shot In Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker's Trailer

From the first The Rise of Skywalker trailer, it does look like J.J. Abrams is taking a more traditional approach to the sequel. While Rian Johnson subverted fan expectations in The Last Jedi, Abrams will have to provide a satisfying conclusion, and wrap up a ton of narrative threads. That includes taking the group of characters on an adventure together, rather than keeping their plots separate.

As a reminder, you can check out the first trailer for The Rise of Skywalker below.

The gang's all there, including Carrie Fisher's Leia, courtesy of unused footage from the last two movies. The movie's trailer and title were released last week at Star Wars Celebration, and set the internet aflame. While anticipation was already high, Palpatine's laugh in The Rise of Skywalker's trailer proved that J.J. Abrams could potentially go anywhere for Episode IX.

More information should come as the movie draws closer. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is set to arrive on December 20th. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

Sony Has Big Plans For The Spider-Verse

Sony Has Big Plans For The Spider-Verse
Venom creature voiced by Tom Hardy in 2018 film

Sony was seriously thriving in 2018 and they can thank much of their success to the universe home to one friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Between Venom and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, the studio scored $1.2 billion in worldwide box office earnings and an Oscar for Best Animated Feature for the latter.

Sony’s plan to keep the Spider-Verse rolling is the clear cut next move but turns out the studio is playing the long game. Sony Pictures execs Tony Vinciquerra and Mike Hopkins recently told Variety they already have the next seven or eight years laid out regarding what’s coming next for their newly established Spider-Verse on both the big screen but on television as well.

There is already a sequel for Venom in the works and another Spider-Verse spinoff starring anti-hero Morbius is currently being filmed, both assumed to hit theaters in 2020. There have also been talks movies for the Marvel characters Nightwatch, Silk, Silver Sable and Black Cat are being developed by Sony, though they seem to be in early development.

On the animation end, the wildly popular Into the Spider-Verse is already happening, along with a female-fronted spinoff starring Spider-Gwen. Considering all the spider-heroes introduced in the critically-acclaimed movie such as Peni Parker, Spider-Ham and Spider-Man Noir, there are tons of possibilities for the franchise to continue here as well.

With the Disney/Fox merger closing next week, Sony will soon be the only rival studio with rights to Marvel characters. Warner Bros has also started to find its own success with DCEU adaptations, such as Aquaman. Remaining competitive is likely futile considering the impact this deal is likely to have on the media industry as a whole.

In the interview, the executives teased a large volume of content from the Spider-Verse coming our way after the pair of Marvel successes from last year gave them the confidence to pursue this ongoing project. The same will go for plans to adapt characters from the Spider-Verse to a variety of television shows, as Warner Bros has done with Gotham, Netflix with Daredevil, FOX with The Gifted and ABC with Agents of SHIELD.

Luckily for Sony, there are tons of interesting characters, with diverse stories that have graced Spider-Man comics, that doesn’t necessarily need to star the masked web-shooter also known as Peter Parker in order for their stories to work. There’s quite a bit of curiosity for lesser-known characters in the comic book genre among the masses so it just might work. Just look at the recent success of Captain Marvel on screen – her origin wasn’t exactly common knowledge beforehand and the film's crushing it at the box office.

It’s an exciting time to be a Spider-Man fan as Sony makes it a mission to develop more movies and television shows centered around the various characters in the Spider-Verse.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Taron Egerton Says Rocketman Will Make Elton John’s Struggles ‘Magical’

Taron Egerton Says Rocketman Will Make Elton John’s Struggles ‘Magical’
Rocketman Taron Egerton looking upset in full Elton John regalia

The approach to telling the life story of a celebrity like Elton John is always a point of interest when discussing a film like Rocketman. Blame it on that ever blurry line between making a serious portrait of a person’s life, while also keeping things exciting. But if actor Taron Egerton is to be believed, this line won’t be that much of a problem, as Rocketman plans to use something special to marry the two sides of the issue: magical thinking.

This isn’t all that much of a surprise when you watch the trailers to director Dexter Fletcher’s biopic. Depicting moments like Elton John’s various performances at landmark venues like The Troubadour or Dodger Stadium with a sort of puckish edge to them, and with scenes that involve very musical staging and spectacle, Rocketman was always going to have somewhat of a magical quality to it.

But in a recent interview, Taron Egerton discussed more specific details on how the serious happenings in John’s very public past would mesh with these fantastical musical numbers. His remarks on this rather intereting blend were as follows:

Most of what is in the story really happened, but we've been able to embellish and make it all a bit magical. It's a story about someone going to rehab, and you can't really tell that story without visiting some of the darkness that leads someone to go there. It’s essentially a story about someone incredibly special and gifted. There aren't many people who have touched the world in the same way, really.

Despite the involvement of a rather controversial figure, the musical biopic Beyond The Sea is a good example of the sort of approach that Rocketman is looking to achieve. Using the song catalogue of Bobby Darin, that film took his life and times and told them with full song and dance numbers integrated in a way that didn’t step on his personal story.

One aspect that has some moviegoers worried about how Rocketman will take off with critics and audiences is another film that Dexter Fletcher had a hand in directing: the Queen biopic Bohemian Rhapsody. While Fletcher only directed the last third of the Academy Award winning film, the issue of how that particular picture treated the life of Freddie Mercury has film fans wondering if a similar coat of gloss will be layered onto Elton John’s own history.

With a life that included fights with cocaine addiction and bulimia, as well as personal pain involving the loss of friends like Mercury to the AIDS crisis of the 1980s, you can see how Rocketman could have the potential to drop the ball. But considering the care that’s been taken by the director (and Taron Egerton himself) regarding how Elton John’s personal struggles are presented in Rocketman, I have to wonder just how magical things will get. Even with rumors of how John’s love life would be toned down for a PG-13 rating turns out to be merely scuttlebutt, that doesn't say that all other issues on the table will be addressed equally.

Still, everything seems to be in order when compared to what Egerton told USA Today in their coverage on the film’s must-see status during this summer’s movie season. So we're still glad to hear that Rocketman is doing the best it can to avoid being a typical biopic.

Rocketman burns out its fuse in beautiful, full colored life on May 31st.

Charlie’s Angels Director Elizabeth Banks Explains Why She Cast Kristen Stewart

Charlie’s Angels Director Elizabeth Banks Explains Why She Cast Kristen Stewart
Kristen Stewart with gun American ultra

It’s been a few months since director Elizabeth Banks found her leading ladies for the Charlie’s Angels reboot. Kristen Stewart was the biggest name cast, while the movie will be fleshed out by The Athena’s Ella Balisnka and Aladdin’s Naomi Scott. But how did the movie decide on its three leads? If you ask Banks, she knew who she wanted from the get-go.

I’m somebody who believes that 90% of the job is casting. I mean, I’m an actor so of course I believe that [laughs]. But I really do believe that is key. I want to see from Robert Downey Jr. play Tony Stark; I don’t want to see anyone else do it. I want to see Kristen Stewart be a Charlie’s Angel and I didn’t want to see [anyone else do it.]

Speaking at a CinemaCon luncheon with Rocketman director Dexter Fletcher, Booksmart director Olivia Wilde and Avengers: Endgame directors Joe and Anthony Russo, Elizabeth Banks revealed that her acting background has made her particular about who she casts in her movies. In the case of Charlie’s Angels, she saw Kristen Stewart in the role and then worked to pursue her until she said “yes” to the gig.

It’s interesting, because I don’t automatically associate Kristen Stewart with “action heroine” even though she has taken roles in action films before, including Twilight, Snow White and the Huntsman and the upcoming Underwater (a.k.a. the movie Kristen Stewart shaved her head for). But Banks had it in her head that Stewart was/is an Angel and got what she wanted in the end.

In terms of how Ella Balinska and Naomi Scott were cast, Elizabeth Banks also said at CinemaCon that she wanted women Kristen Stewart would bounce off of in incredible ways, noting,

I wanted her to surprise people and be on a journey. I wanted to give her other Angels that were not anything like her so that she could pull energy from and bounce off of and work off of. Because it’s the dynamism in the scenes that makes her really fun.

The director may not have landed 100% of the hopefuls she wanted, however. Early on before Charlie’s Angels went into production, it was reported Lupita Nyong’o was circling the project and that ultimately did not pan out. At the time, Stewart was also mentioned as a hopeful and that casting did end up coming together.

Elizabeth Banks has previously talked about how this time around Charlie’s Angels will go beyond the three badass women at the head of the project, noting:

It's not just three. Women across the entire globe are connected and helping each other.

So, we’ll have to see how the story plays out on the big screen and whether or not K-Stew was the right fit. Ultimately, though, it looks as if Elizabeth Banks ended up exactly with the cast she wanted. We’ve already nabbed a first look at that cast so take a look if you haven't already.

Charlie’s Angels will officially fight its way into theaters on November 1. Take a look at what else is hitting theaters sooner with our full movies schedule.

ReelBlend #60: Sean at SXSW And Our Interview With Captive State's Rupert Wyatt

ReelBlend #60: Sean at SXSW And Our Interview With Captive State's Rupert Wyatt

There are a number of highly anticipated movies coming to theaters in the next few weeks. We know it has felt like a drought – and Captain Marvel might not have been the movie y’all have been waiting for – but the ReelBlend guys are here to get your hopes up. They are teasing the fact that they managed to see both Jordan Peele’s Us and the DC origin story for Shazam! What did they think? Play this week’s episode and find out!

Sean also went to Austin, Texas this week for SXSW 2019. He caught up with a few great movies, but more importantly, met some INCREDIBLE ReelBlend listeners who swung by for a mini Texas meetup!

Jordan Peele’s new movie, Us, opened the fest. Then Kevin caught up with it days later at the movie’s L.A. junket. They won’t spoil it for Jake and Gabe, so they rave about it without giving away details. Jake also sees Shazam!, and interviewed Zachary Levi. Listen to his fun stories.

Speaking of interviews, this week on ReelBlend, the guys speak with Captive State director Rupert Wyatt about his post-apocalyptic, futuristic drama. The film is set during an alien invasion, but it focuses on the human rebellion that chooses to fight back against our new oppressors. It’s a great and informative conversation about Captive State, and filmmaking, in general.

The Blend Game this week was one of the toughest. The guys played #ShotBlend, where they picked their all-time favorite shots of all time. Not scenes. Shots. It’s impossible.

ReelBlend is a weekly podcast that we do on CinemaBlend. You can download the latest episode (and all of our past episodes) for FREE on our iTunes page! Visit. Subscribe. Like and comment. Review! Apple loves when you have star ratings and reviews, so if you listened, and you liked it (or even if you didn't), let us know. We also are on Spotify. And Google Play. And basically everywhere that you download podcasts. So download us.

Meanwhile, follow the guys on Social Media! We have an official Twitter feed for the show, so follow @ReelBlend. In addition, follow the guys at @Sean_OConnell, @JakesTakesand @KevinMcCarthyTV.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Check Out Jumanji 3's Karen Gillan Riding A Camel On Set

Check Out Jumanji 3's Karen Gillan Riding A Camel On Set

Karen Gillan is currently starring as Nebula in Avengers: Endgame, the biggest movie in the world and one where her character plays an important part. But rather than take the rest of the year off, the actress is washing off the blue paint and putting on an outfit completely impractical for jungle adventuring for Jumanji 3. Karen Gillan is currently busy filming the threequel, and for whatever reason, she got to ride a camel on set. Check it out:

A TARDIS may get you there faster and a spaceship might be more fun, but neither has the style of rolling up to set, shades on and riding on the back of a camel. In the first photo on her Instagram, Karen Gillan looks like a real pro, as if riding a camel is something she does every day when going out to eat, going shopping and going to work. This is just another leisurely stroll on the back of a camel to her.

In the second picture, it is clear that Karen Gillan is having a good time interacting with the gentle beast. It’s probably a bit more satisfying to be around an animal you can pet than talking to a nonexistent raccoon with a grumpy attitude.

Ruby Roundhouse’s strengths in Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle were primarily combat-related things like Karate and Dance Fighting, so she must have used her experience points from that adventure to upgrade her character and add Camel Riding to her skill set. Fortunately, camels aren’t venomous because we saw Ruby Roundhouse didn’t do so well with snakes in the last movie.

Assuming that this isn’t just how the studio is transporting actors around set on Jumanji 3, I think we can look forward to seeing some camels in the film. The last movie was set in a purely jungle environment, and although we don’t yet know the exact plot of this one, camels aren’t generally jungle animals. The Rock has teased “blistering desert dunes” so it looks like the game has new levels yet to be explored.

Karen Gillan’s Killer of Men gets at least one new outfit in this movie, and one that looks like it belongs in a colder environment. Jack Black has also teased that Ruby Roundhouse will be getting some major upgrades, beyond the aforementioned camel riding. Whether or not Karen Gillan will get her wish to be playing an old man as the Ruby Roundhouse character remains to be seen.

2017’s Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle was one of the biggest cinematic surprises of recent years, blowing away the skeptics and going on to make almost $1 billion at the worldwide box office. The sequel film from director Jake Kasdan will see Karen Gillan, Dwayne Johnson, Jack Black, Nick Jonas and Kevin Hart joined by Awkwafina, Danny DeVito and Danny Glover.

The as-yet-untitled Jumanji 3 (or Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle 2) opens on December 13. Hopefully a title and a trailer aren’t too far off. Check out our 2019 Release Schedule for this and all the big movies still to come this year.


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