
Monday, February 24, 2020

That Time Charlize Theron Ended Up In The Hospital Filming Long Shot

That Time Charlize Theron Ended Up In The Hospital Filming Long Shot
Charlize Theron in Long Shot

She’s been an evil queen, an imperator in an apocalyptic wasteland, a secret agent, a cyberterrorist and a serial killer, but for her next film, Long Shot, Charlize Theron is playing a role we don’t often see her in: romantic comedy lead. Perhaps Charlize Theron should have stayed in the safe confines of the action genre though, because her rom-com adventure was dangerous enough to land her in the hospital, as she explained:

This is so stupid. We had to do a small little action thing, like a tiny little thing. And this really nice stunt guy wanted to put some kneepads on me. And as I sat down just to put the kneepads on, my hand slipped and my head hit a bench behind me. And I ended up in the ER. It was so stupid, I was like ‘This is so embarrassing.’

Head trauma is no joke, but Charlize Theron is right, smashing your head while putting on kneepads does sound embarrassing. It wasn’t even before doing some super elaborate and daring stunt either; this wasn’t Tom Cruise literally jumping from one building to another. As Charlize Theron told Seth Meyers on Late Night, it was a small, easy bit of action.

To be extra cautious, the stunt guy wanted Charlize Theron to wear kneepads. That overabundance of caution proved to be her downfall as the actress somehow slipped putting on the kneepads and hit her head, no doubt sending the stunt guy and the crew around her into a panic.

Maybe Charlize Theron is just so used to being a badass in movies that wearing something as decidedly un-badass as kneepads had an Achilles’ heel/kryptonite effect on her.

Long Shot isn’t an action film, but as you can see from the trailer, there is some action in it. Of course, given the fall his character Fred Flarsky takes in the trailer, you would think that Seth Rogen would have been the one more likely to get injured, I mean, he's the one that's admittedly high all the time, while Charlize Theron has cut back.

But alas, it was a trip to the emergency room for the Oscar-winner who plays Secretary of State Charlotte Field in the movie. It’s not the kind of role you’d think would be an injury risk, but as an action-film veteran, Charlize Theron also told Seth Meyers “It’s always the ones you least expect.”

The actress elaborated that it’s usually not the action films where she gets injured, but instead the films that don’t look as dangerous, where she isn't expecting it. Another such example is Tully, where she gained 50 pounds and wound up getting a herniated disc in her back due to carrying around the extra weight.

That’s not to say that action films are entirely harmless endeavors either. While training for Atomic Blonde, Charlize Theron cracked her teeth in a brutal fashion that actually wound up requiring surgery. Thankfully, Charlize Theron is fine and her injury on the set of Long Shot seems rather tame by comparison.

Long Shot is now in theaters. Check out our 2019 Release Schedule to see all of this summer’s biggest movies, and for the latest movie news, stay tuned to CinemaBlend.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Upcoming Disney Animated Movies: List Of Titles And Release Dates

Upcoming Disney Animated Movies: List Of Titles And Release Dates
Frozen 2

While Disney's live action films from Marvel and Lucasfilm might be the biggest players at the box office for the company, as Walt Disney said, it was all started by a mouse. Animation is still a big part of what Disney does, and Walt Disney Animation Studios continues to release massive hits one after another.It's like Marvel Studios, just a bit smaller. Whether it's Moana or the recent sequel to Wreck-It Ralph, animated Disney films are still incredibly popular. When put them together with the billion dollar success of films like Zootopia, the last few years have been incredible for Disney.

We can only imagine what they're going to do next. Well, in many cases we have to imagine what they're going to do next because we don't really know, details are still mostly under wraps.. Although, in other cases, we know exactly what they're planning.

Walt Disney Animation Studio, not to be confused with Pixar, has several films announced to be coming over the next few years. Most of them are still being kept secret, but we have a few hints about what might be coming, and then of course, there's the big movie that we know for sure is on the way. Here's all the details we have about what we know is coming, and what seems quite likely, in the future of Disney animation.

Frozen II

The only confirmed title from Walt Disney Animation Studios that we're waiting to see is a sequel to Disney's biggest animated hit, Frozen. In February of 2019 we finally got our first look at the project. The trailer is visually stunning, though it doesn't reveal a great deal about the plot of the movie itself. We see all of our heroes from the first film going on some sort of journey together. It also reveals a pair of brand new characters, though who they are, we still don't know.

Release Date: November 24, 2019

Unknown Lin-Manuel Miranda/Byron Howard Project

Lin-Manuel Miranda, the hardest working man in showbiz, has said that following his work on Moana, Disney Animation chief John Lassiter introduced him to Zootopia co-director Byron Howard so that the two could begin to collaborate on another animated film. As of this writing, Miranda says the two have yet to actually talk, so it's not even clear if there's even an idea they'll be working on or if they'll be starting from scratch. It's also possible that whatever the two work on will never actually see the light of day, but with talent like these two, we're betting that we'll see it eventually.

Release Date: Unknown

Zootopia Sequels

No sequels to Zootopia have ever been officially announced by Disney, but recently, Tom "Tiny" Lister, who had a small role in the original film, claimed that not one, but two sequels were being planned by the studio. It certainly wouldn't be shocking to learn this was true. Considering the the sequel to Wreck-It Ralph was rumored by the cast long before it was officially announced by Disney, it's certainly possible that's happened here as well. The original film made over $1 billion at the global box office and also won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature. That's a combination that practically demands a sequel.

Future Disney Animation Release Dates

November 25, 2020

November 24, 2021

November 23, 2022

Disney and the Thanksgiving weekend have been inseparable for a long time and with Disney's most recent update to its release schedule, it claimed that weekend for the next several years. While Frozen II decided to open a bit earlier, and now comes out the Friday before Thanksgiving, Disney now has the Wednesday before the holiday claimed for 2020 through 2022. No titles have been officially revealed, but the previously mentioned projects that are in some form of development could certainly be on that list.

Previously Released

Ralph Breaks The Internet

After years of rumor an official announcement via Facebook that Ralph Breaks The Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 was on the way finally came. While that news wasn't exactly news, because John C. Reilly had already blabbed, what was news, and surprising news at that, was that Wreck-It Ralph 2 was actually going to be the next feature we saw from Disney following Moana. It took over a release date that was already set aside for another movie, putting it in what we'll call the Zootopia space in 2018. However, it was eventually pushed back into November

Release Date: November 21, 2018

Recently Cancelled Projects

Untitled Planes Sequel

Not every Disney project that gets announced actually makes it to the screen. Every once in a while the DisneyToon studio, which was promarily focused on television and direct-toDVD animation, was given a shot at a theatrical release. Such was the case with two previous Planes movies, which did pretty well all things considered. A third film in the series was announced and scheduled to be released in June of 2019, but in June of 2018 it was announced that DisneyToon studio was being completely closed down, and with it, the film was cancelled.


Originally planned to hit theaters in the Spring of 2018, Gigantic was going to be Disney's take on Jack and the Beanstalk. It kept getting pushed further down the release schedule, falling into the Thanksgiving weekend of 2020 slot eventually. However, in October of 2017, Disney announced that the project simply wasn't working, and had been cancelled. At that point Disney confirmed that another project that had been in the works would be taking that slot, but we still don't know what movie that is.

The future of Disney Animation may be largely secret, but you can be sure that with the success the studio has had in recent years, Disney has every intention of keeping that train moving. With the success of Ralph Breaks the Internet, and the presumed success of Frozen II, it seems likely that more theatrically released sequels to Walt Disney Animation Studios films are quite possible.

When it comes to original concepts, the sky is the limit in animation, so it's basically impossible to guess what could be coming next.

Mark Hamill Had Pitched J.J. Abrams A Luke, Leia, And Han Scene For The Force Awakens

Mark Hamill Had Pitched J.J. Abrams A Luke, Leia, And Han Scene For The Force Awakens
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Carrie Fisher as Leia Organa Harrison Ford as Han Solo

Should Mark Hamill write the next Star Wars trilogy? He's excited for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, and all the speculation it has already spawned, but he has been open with his frustrations with the sequel trilogy -- including that we never got a real Luke/Leia/Han reunion. Turns out, he had an idea that could've at least partially given fans (and himself) that gift before the end of the Skywalker Saga.

Mark Hamill said he pitched his idea to J.J. Abrams when they were making Episode VII, The Force Awakens, as an alternate way for Luke to make a surprise late-in-the-film appearance while still managing to get the OG gang together again.

Everyone talks about the shock of realizing that, on Force Awakens, I don't come in until the last page. A bigger shock to me was them killing Han Solo before Luke could ever see his best friend again. I mean, it might be selfishly motivated, but I said, 'Holy cow, that's a real missed opportunity!' Even having the three of us together, even briefly.

So Mark Hamill told THR what he had previously pitched to The Force Awakens and The Rise of Skywalker director J.J. Abrams:

I pitched [J.J.] Abrams on the idea of, 'You can still have me come in at the very end, but how about this? How about Leia's trying to contact me telepathically, she gets frustrated because there's no answers, so she rushes to the new Death Star. And she almost gets there but she gets stopped by two Stormtroopers and, just before she's abducted, one Stormtrooper turns to the other one, blows him away, pulls off his helmet and says "Hi, sis, I'm here to rescue you."' I said, 'It'll blow the roof off the joint!' I'm still in it at the very end. And I think it's more effective to have people who have more of a history with Han Solo witness his dead, and be unable to stop it -- his wife, the mother of his child, his best friend -- instead of two characters who have known him what, 20 minutes?

Well, you'll get no argument from me. J.J. Abrams has already taken heat for The Force Awakens showing Leia hug Rey after Han's death instead of Han's other BFF Chewbacca. 'Cause it's true, Rey barely knew Han Solo. It would've had more impact to see Luke, Leia, and Chewie's emotional reactions. Abrams has shared regrets about the blocking of that particular scene, since it did come across as "a slight" to Chewie, which was not intended.

So it sounds like Mark Hamill had issues with both The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, since he has also been candid with his frustration on the direction of Luke's storyline in Star Wars: Episode VIII.

Even if Episode IX somehow cobbles a Skywalker reunion together, it's too late for it to have the same kind of impact it could've had in The Force Awakens. Han Solo was killed by his son Ben/Kylo in The Force Awakens, Luke died in The Last Jedi, and Leia actress Carrie Fisher died in real life. Luke is still returning somehow in The Rise of Skywalker -- perhaps the title is a hint there -- and Leia will be shown in previously unused footage. But Star Wars lost its chance to get the original trio back.

Mark Hamill recently posted a photo hugging Harrison Ford, showing his own version of a Luke/Han reunion. He's really laying it on thick, but the frustration is shared by fans. That said, unlike Hamill, we as fans don't know what The Rise of Skywalker has in store in terms of Skywalker family reunions. The teaser trailer already showed Carrie Fisher's Leia in another mid-hug moment, but maybe we can hope for even more from J.J. Abrams, who has learned from his experience on The Force Awakens.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker opens in theaters December 20, as one of the many films to look forward to watching on the big screen in 2019.

Rocketman: Big Differences Between The Movie And Elton John's Real Life

Rocketman: Big Differences Between The Movie And Elton John's Real Life
Rocketman Elton poses for the cameras in front of John Reid

Here’s a fun fact: biopics are generally where the facts go to get twisted into Hollywood gold. Now while that’s something that Rocketman definitely addresses by labeling itself as a “magical” musical fantasy, there’s still some stuff that doesn’t check out when history and cinema are lined up next to one another.

While this doesn’t spoil the fun and whimsy that Rocketman’s 2019 release has been banking on in its critical reviews, there are some interesting truths that make for interesting comparisons when looking at the facts. So if you’re inclined to separate the facts from the fiction, please enjoy our look into Rocketman’s big differences between the movie life and Elton John's real life.

The Origin Of Elton John's Name Is Half Right

In a big Rocketman moment that plays out across two scenes in the film, young Reginald Dwight is inspired to change his name by two different sources: an early bandmate and John Lennon himself. That second half is particularly interesting as according to the film, Elton drew inspiration from a framed photo of The Beatles in Dick James’ office.

That wasn’t exactly the case in real life history though, as “Elton John” came from two different members of Dwight’s early band, Bluesology. While we saw Elton Dean inspire the first half, it was really singer Long John Baldry who gave him the last name of his alter ego, soon to be his actual name starting in 1972. And before you ask, yes, Hercules is his middle name, so Rocketman isn’t telling lies in that respect.

Elton John And Bernie Taupin’s First Song Wasn't "Border Song"

Elton John and Bernie Taupin are one of the greatest singer/songwriter pairs in musical history, full stop. Apparently, their chemistry was pretty much spot-on from the moment they met through that fateful envelope handed to Elton in a crucial scene in Rocketman. However, as the film would lead you to believe that “Border Song” was their first big collaboration, that is not exactly correct.

In truth, it was really the song “Scarecrow” that saw Elton John and Bernie Taupin record their first song together. Funnily enough, by time they had written and recorded that first song, Elton was still going by his given name, Reginald Dwight.

The Pair Also Wrote Songs For Other Artists Before Elton’s First Album

The Elton John and Bernie Taupin relationship is a subject so voluminous that it could practically take up its own film, so it’s not like Rocketman could cram everything into the story. Another couple of interesting tidbits come out when looking at how their relationship worked in actual history, starting with the fact they didn’t skip straight to pumping out Elton John albums.

Before they would go on to release their first single in 1968, Elton John and Bernie Taupin wrote songs for other artists, and even had a song in the Eurovision Song Contest. Though Rocketman kind of touches upon this by mentioning Scottish recording artist Lulu as someone the pair would work with, so it’s not a total omission.

There Were Only Two Albums That Saw Elton John And Bernie Taupin Split Up

While Elton John and Bernie Taupin have technically never had an argument in their 50 years of working together, they did have a break up as depicted in Rocketman. Only, the film would have you believe that it lasted longer than it actually was. While you see Elton John and Bernie Taupin split after a fateful moment on a jet plane, their relationship seems to only have been repaired by Elton’s stay in rehab.

Rocketman’s 2019 version of the story puts that event quite further down the line than history did. In actuality, John and Taupin were only separated for two albums, before they’d start teaming up together again. If you go by how Rocketman tells the tale, the two wouldn’t reunite until 1990, when Elton John finally went to rehab. Keep that piece of information in mind, as it’ll play into other events the film depicts.

Renate Blauel Wasn’t Elton John’s First Engagement

Rocketman shows the short marriage between Elton John and Renate Blauel in even shorter order, as one moment the two are married and in practically the next scene, they break up. Even more interesting is the fact that there was actually almost another marriage that Elton John nearly entered into a long time before those nuptials in 1984.

The 1970s saw Elton John and Linda Woodrow engaged to be married, with the relationship eventually ending by Elton’s choice. While Rocketman shows Elton in a relationship with a landlady, who he ultimately comes out to and breaks up with, that was apparently the substitute for Linda’s story, as well as the fact that Elton John technically wouldn’t come out as a homosexual until after his four-year marriage dissolved. Something that Woodrow herself is a little disappointed in, as she’s gone on record stating she wish she’d played a part in Rocketman’s 2019 narrative.

John Reid Remained Elton John’s Manager For Years After Rocketman's Ending

It’s so easy to want a nice and tidy ending, and Rocketman’s 2019 musical fantasy basically has one. We see Elton John emerge from rehab, with a new song written, his partnership with Bernie Taupin restored, and a new life where he lives in the name of art and love. But there are some details that stick out rather drastically when taking reality into account.

One such detail is that while Elton John made peace with former boyfriend John Reid not exactly being in love with him, the two remained in an artist/manager relationship for quite a long time. In fact, Reid only stopped being Elton John’s manager in 1998, shortly before he retired from management altogether. Yet, if you watch the ending of Rocketman, it feels as if Elton is saying goodbye to him for good before his triumphant closing number.

Elton John Didn’t Miss A Madison Square Garden Gig To Go To Rehab

As the framing device for Elton John’s telling his life story in Rocketman, we see Elton John enter a group therapy session in a bejeweled devil costume and ready to vent. Later in the film, we see Elton John storm out of a show at Madison Square Garden, only to take a cab out to said facility and check himself in.

The truth comes calling once again, as not only did we state that Elton John wouldn’t go to rehab until 1990, it was in Chicago that he would take that big step in his life. Considering you see the World Trade Center in the background as he arrives in rehab, that must have been one hell of a cab ride for the Rocketman protagonist to have taken!

"I’m Still Standing" Happened Before Rocketman’s Finale

Throughout Rocketman, there are a lot of songs played out of historical order. “I Want Love” is one of the most interesting examples of the musical fantasy angle of the film, as while it made its debut on 2004’s “Songs From The West Coast” album, the song pops up in young Reginald Dwight’s family home.

An even bigger switch up in the film is the fact that in Rocketman’s 2019 story, Elton John writes the tune of “I’m Still Standing” after freshly reuniting with lyricist Bernie Taupin. Again, Elton John’s stint in rehab was in 1990, with John and Taupin reuniting 1979 – with more than enough time to spare in order to produce “I’m Still Standing” for its 1983 release.

While these are certainly not all of the differences between Rocketman and Elton John’s life story, they are indeed among the biggest. And even with those changes made to the narrative, the film still works as the musical fantasy it’s labeled as.

If the film hadn’t owned up to its own slightly fictitious nature, then Rocketman’s 2019 tour probably wouldn’t have been as well received. But this is the story that Elton John helped to tell, and since he approves of the film, then as long as it’s codified in the right way, it’s all good. That is exactly the film we’re left to watch and enjoy.

Rocketman is in theaters now, but if you’ve already seen it, you can always take a look at our 2019 release schedule to see what else is rocking in theaters now and in the near future.

Shazam! Just Passed A Box Office Milestone

Shazam! Just Passed A Box Office Milestone
Zachary Levi as Shazam! DC DCEU Warner Bros.

Shazam! was top of the charts for two weeks in a row and just passed the $100 million milestone at the domestic box office.

Shazam! is heading into its third weekend with $104 million on the domestic front and $178 million from the foreign box office for a current total of $282 million worldwide. That's not counting the money it'll pick up this Easter weekend. (Speaking of Easter, don't miss some key Shazam! Easter eggs.)

According to Deadline, Shazam! passed the $100 million mark at the North American market in its 13th day of release.

Are these huge numbers? No, and certainly not for a major superhero movie. But everything about Shazam! has been positive so far, from the critics' reviews (90% on Rotten Tomatoes) to the fan response (A CinemaScore, 88% RT audience score) to the humble and grateful reactions of star Zachary Levi, director David F. Sandberg, and the rest of the cast.

Shazam! had a reported production budget of $100 million, per Box Office Mojo, and that doesn't usually include things like marketing. So Shazam! is just starting to break even and make a profit worldwide.

This weekend, though, Shazam! is expected to take second place to another Warner Bros. movie, The Curse of La Llorona. The Conjuring Universe movie is expected to make around $17 million, with Shazam! following with around $13.5 million. That's just at the domestic box office, and more will be added from foreign markets. Shazam! has already made $40 million in China, the second biggest box office market in the world after us.

Shazam! is technically part of the DC Extended Universe and even originally planned to have an appearance from Superman himself, Henry Cavill. So far, as compared to the previous six DCEU films, Shazam! is squarely at the bottom of that pack. That seems expected -- it was never eyed for massive blockbuster money. Then again, Aquaman was something of a surprise as the first DCEU movie to pass $1 billion, and the highest-grossing DC Comics movie of all time.

At the domestic box office, Shazam!'s current $104 million is just below Justice League's $229 million, and they are far below the current domestic leader, Wonder Woman, who has $412.5 million. Worldwide, Aquaman is the overall champ with a current total of $1.14 billion. Justice League is at the bottom of that pack, other than Shazam! (which is still earning money), with the Zack Snyder/Joss Whedon movie making $657.9 million total.

Shazam! has a long to way to go in its journey, but do you think it has any hopes of beating Justice League at the box office, or will it stay #7 on the list of the seven DCEU movies so far? There's no shame in it. Someone has to be the scrappy underdog.

Besides, there's a long way up from here. Shazam! could potentially lead to several sequels, including Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's Black Adam movie, which he's already plugging a year before filming.

Shazam! is still playing in theaters as one of the many movies worth watching in 2019. Come back to CinemaBlend Easter Sunday afternoon for our full box office report on how Shazam! fared against the many new releases out this week.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Avengers Endgame Box Office: A Strong Opening From Detective Pikachu Isn't Enough

Avengers Endgame Box Office: A Strong Opening From Detective Pikachu Isn't Enough

For the first time since it began its run a few weeks ago, Avengers: Endgame was actually tested at the weekend box office. The latest from the Marvel Cinematic Universe got all it could handle thanks to a strong opening weekend from Detective Pikachu, but in the end, Cap and company are still hanging out on top. They did just enough to keep the first place position though it's hard to imagine anyone involved with the Pokemon Company is too upset about an opening over $50M.

You can check out the full results from this weekend's box office, including those from newcomers Detective Pikachu, The Hustle, Poms and Tolkien below...

This third weekend for Avengers: Endgame is probably a combination of word of mouth and repeat business. Most people who desperately want to see a movie that's heavy on spoilers will find a way to get there the first two weekends. So, the people left can probably be divided into two groups: those who were on the fence about seeing it and got talked into it by the overwhelming positivity and those who enjoyed it so much they felt the need to go back. Anecdotally, we've heard that a lot in our comment section here at CinemaBlend. People keep making comments like, "I noticed X on my second time through" or "I can't wait to see whether my viewpoint on X changes when I see it a second/ third time." So, you can deliver all of that credit to the people involved with the production itself. Disney might have an incredible hype machine to deliver on opening weekend, but that machine isn't delivering these results on the third weekend.

As for Detective Pikachu, $58M is a really solid opening weekend for a movie with an estimated $150M budget. There have been high high hopes for awhile from both the studio and from fans that the film would produce enough of a result to a launch a larger Pokemon-themed cinematic universe. I wouldn't say it's done enough yet, but that possibility is very much in play right now. As such, fans should keep their fingers crossed for a solid second weekend, some strong social media buzz and engagement and eventually good home entertainment sales.

Outside of Detective Pikachu, it's hard to be excited about any of the openings for new films this weekend. The Hustle at least broke eight figures in domestic grosses, but the reviews on it have not been good and it's hard to imagine a scenario in which it put up a good performance next weekend. The same could be said for Poms, though it's 29% score on Rotten Tomatoes makes it look like Toy Story 3 compared to The Hustle which was hammered (including by us) with a miserable 16%.

Things should get very interesting next weekend when John Wick 3 is added to the release schedule. I'd expect a first place finish for the assassin, but as we saw this week, Avengers: Endgame certainly isn't going down without a fight.

Ralph Fiennes Almost Turned Down Playing Voldemort In Harry Potter

Ralph Fiennes Almost Turned Down Playing Voldemort In Harry Potter
Voldemort in the Harry Potter movies

There are certain film villains who are on the upper echelon in terms of being iconic and beloved by moviegoers. Darth Vader is the big bad of space, while Lord Voldemort is a wizard in the Harry Potter franchise who characters fear to even speak of. So when it came to adapting the Dark Lord for the silver screen, Warner Bros. had the difficult task of finding an actor to play the snake-like scourge on the Wizarding World.

Ultimately the great Ralph Fiennes played Lord Voldemort, playing the character for a whopping five Harry Potter movies. Fiennes' performance was layered and super creepy, but it turns out that the Schindler's List actor originally didn't want to take the role of he who must not be named. He recently explained this, and how his family helped him change his mind. As he tells it,

The truth is I was actually ignorant about the films and the books. I was approached by the production. Mike Newell was directing the film that they wanted me to be in… the first time Voldemort was going to appear physically. Out of ignorance I just sort of thought, this isn’t for me… Quite stupidly I resisted, I was hesitant. I think the clincher was that my sister Martha – who has three children who were then probably about 12, 10 and 8 – she said, 'What do you mean? You’ve got to do it!' So then I rewound my thinking.

It looks like we all owe Ralph Fiennes nieces and nephews a big thank you. While he was originally hesitant to join the massive Harry Potter franchise, the younger members of his family were able to convince him otherwise. Because if you can play the villain of the beloved novels and movies, why would you turn it down?

Ralph Fiennes' comments from The Jonathan Ross Show (via Digital Spy) are sure to baffle Harry Potter fans, who have grown to love his performance as Voldemort. Fiennes was completely transformed into the dark wizard, with prosthesis forming his snakelike appearance, while the actor adjusted his voice and posture to fully inhabit Voldemort. As such, it's impossible to think of anyone else playing the adult form of Tom Riddle.

Ralph Fiennes had previously spoke to his trepidation about playing Voldemort. The actor reportedly wasn't a fan of the first two Harry Potter movies, which were directed by Chris Columbus. The franchise took a more adult turn when Fiennes eventually popped up in The Goblet of Fire, which may have been what the actor was hoping for-- especially when playing the most evil Wizard ever.

It should be interesting to see if Voldemort becomes part of the Fantastic Beasts franchise. There are still three more movies on the way, as the timeline gets closer to the one explored in the Harry Potter franchise. Voldemort visited Grindelwald in prison in Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 1, so they've clearly got some type of a relationship. Could Ralph Fiennes end up popping up again as you know who? Fingers crossed.

Ralph Fiennes is currently filming Kingsman: The Great Game, and is expected to reprise his role as M in Bond 25. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.


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