
Sunday, October 27, 2019

Keanu Reeves Really Tried Not To Imitate Buzz Lightyear For Toy Story 4 Role

Keanu Reeves Really Tried Not To Imitate Buzz Lightyear For Toy Story 4 Role
tom hank's woody and keanu reeve's duke caboom doing a motorcycle stunt jump in toy story 4

We probably said this in 2010 about Toy Story 3, but this time, Toy Story 4 might really mark Buzz Lightyear's last appearance on screen, so we’d hate to see anyone stealing the thunder of the iconic toy voiced by Tim Allen. When Keanu Reeves came on board to play a new character named Duke Caboom on the upcoming film, there was some discussion regarding the similarities of their Pixar personas.

In Toy Story 4, Keanu Reeves plays "Canada’s favorite stuntman," a mustachioed motorcyclist who loves to show off his poses. When Duke Caboom was first pitched, both Tim Allen and Reeves sensed the two characters had some similarities. However, the John Wick actor assured that he had no intention of imitating the space cadet the role. Here’s what he recently told EW:

I wanted to make sure I didn’t do anything that would go into Tim Allen’s space as Buzz Lightyear. That was one thing I was really paying attention to when I was thinking about the character and how he would talk. So I made Duke a little more gravelly but still tried to give him energy and a big personality… I just thought that Duke should love what he does. He’s the greatest stuntman in Canada! I wanted him to be constantly doing poses on the bike while he was talking, to have this great extroverted passion.

The new character actually has a pretty tragic backstory! He’s advertised as an Evil Knievel-esque stuntman but he cannot actually perform what the commercials say he can do. Because of this, Duke Caboom let his kid down and has a fear of failure. In Toy Story 4, it looks like he will have an important role to play as Woody and Bo team up to rescue Forky and get back to Bonnie.

A new trailer for the film heavily features the Keanu Reeves’ Duke Caboom. See it for yourself:

I guess we’ll have to check out the movie if we want to see how Duke’s important motorcycle stunt pans out! The final trailer ahead of the movie’s release next month also features some more footage of the other new characters ,including Forky, who is central to the movie’s plot. Key and Peele’s Ducky and Bunny also deliver some funny moments to look forward in the film as well.

When a franchise such as this one has had many entries, it’s easy for some plot points and characters to start running together a bit, but Buzz Lightyear and Duke Caboom don’t look to be stepping on each others’ toes as far as we can see. Keanu Reeves found it important to give Duke a gruffer voice and inject some sensitivity and heart to him amidst his enthusiasm for motorcycle stunts.

Funny enough, the actor is actually Canadian and rides motorcycles of his own, so perhaps Duke is a bit of a character of himself in some ways.

Pixar recently said Toy Story 4 will be its last sequel for a while, so fans can look forward to more new characters from the story! The movie is expected to make a grand entrance when it opens on June 21, as tracking has its first weekend at as much as $130 million.

Keanu Reeves has just seen success with his latest John Wick film, which dethroned Avengers: Endgame at the box office over the weekend after reigning for almost a month at number one. It has also just been announced that John Wick 4 is in the works.

Are you excited to see Keanu Reeves Toy Story 4 character? Let us know in the comments below!

7 Changes The Sonic The Hedgehog Movie Should Make So He Looks More Like The Video Game Character

7 Changes The Sonic The Hedgehog Movie Should Make So He Looks More Like The Video Game Character
Sonic the Hedgehog

On Tuesday, Paramount unveiled the first official trailer for Sonic the Hedgehog, the long-gestured live-action film adaptation of Sega's beloved video game creation. On social media, it caused a commotion. And the fan response was far from flattering.

Fans have been hesitant about this Sonic movie ever since it was first announced. And the movie's weird first poster — which featured the character hidden in shadows, but sporting a pair of very beefy legs — was received with more trepidation than anticipation. Sure enough, what they got from this trailer wasn't great. And people didn't take kindly to the changes made to Sonic's iconic design.

Video game lovers worldwide revolted at the sight of Movie Sonic, while even casual movie fans were left puzzled by the anthropomorphic blue hedgehog's look and its unfamiliarity. This new Sonic the Hedgehog movie is the culmination of years of fandom and wavering appreciation for the video game series. As a result, this new Sonic design felt personally insulting to their their long-standing fandom, and the fans voiced their distain online loudly.

But in a surprise turn of events, director Jeff Fowler announced publicly to Sonic fans that he would make it up to them by changing the look of Movie Sonic before it debuted in theaters this November. Whether you consider it constructive criticism or damage control, Jeff Fowler is taking the negative word-of-mouth to heart, and Paramount and Sega want to win fans over again. With that, here are seven changes that could (and should) be made to make the animated speedster a little more likable to the fans.

Change Sonic's Eyes

It's often said that the eyes are the window into one's soul. If that's true, then people drew the curtains on Sonic, refusing into glance into his pixelated perspective. In the games, Sonic has one distinctively interloping eye.

While it would be hard to make that look realistic, it does disappoint fans of the long-running video game series to see Sonic with two little beady, well-parted eyes staring back at them. It's one of those things that instantly makes this design wrong to people. If there's one thing that should be changed, it's making the eyes bigger and more reflective of the well-accustomed, well-established character design of the video game persona.

No Human Teeth

It sounds weird to say (or, rather, type out), but Sonic the Hedgehog shouldn't have human-style teeth. One of the main reasons why many people were immediately off-put by the reworked design of Movie Sonic is because every time the character opened his tiny CG-ed mouth, fans bore witness to those strange little choppers.

At best, they were weird. At their worst, they were utterly terrifying. And they instantly turned some viewers away from appreciating this new character design. It's a hard fix, to be sure, but something that's even a little less... life-like would be preferable.

Extend The Head

Simply put: Movie Sonic's head is a little too small. In addition to the number of issues with his face and figure, his noggin could use a size adjustment or two. Of all the things listed so far, Movie Sonic's head size is probably the closest to accurate when it comes to how it looks in the original games and cartoons.

But it's still a smidge too small. Inflate his ego a bit and make his head a few sizes larger. As someone with a small head myself, I realize this might be a bit of a sensitive topic. But if the animators have the means to change it, they should definitely fix it.

Rework The Torso

In some of the games, Sonic the Hedgehog is rather barrel-chested. His stomach sorta rounds out compared to the rest of his features, and it looks like Sonic is a little too thin in this trailer. If they want to make him look a little more in-line with the character's design in the games, Movie Sonic could afford to run to a McDonald's or two to beef up his size.

Right now, he's looking a little too skinny. Side note: this one is up-for-date since Sonic's figure in some games is skinner than others. So, if he remains skinny, it's not the end of the world, but if he wants to look closer to some of the past designs, it might help to beef him up just a touch.

Widen The Hands

While Sonic is often using his feet to jog great distances, one of the character's most distinctive features remains his oversized hands. Often standing out with his distinctive white gloves, his hands are a key feature to his general design. And the weirdly smaller fists that were seen in the trailer don't quite cut it, frankly.

It seems like it would be a pretty minor tweak, from what I can gather, but it'd definitely be beneficial. At the very least, it would certainly help to have a firmer, ahem, grasp of the character. But also, don't get out of hand! Let's move on from my corny jokes.

Fix The Legs

Considering how Sonic is super-runner and all, one of the most crucial elements of Sonic the Hedgehog is his legs. His quads have been a source of controversy from the get-go when it comes to his film personification. As mentioned earlier, his beefy-looking limbs in the poster left many people completely puzzled. And when it came to his look in the trailer, while it wasn't quite as jarring as that first poster reveal, it still wasn't quite right.

In the video games, Sonic's legs are long and thin. In comparison, his legs in this trailer looked nothing like what we're used to seeing from the character. It would definitely help to change the runner's lower half.

Different Shoes

In the video games, Sonic's footwear is pretty solid and compact. They need to be. He's constantly running, after all, and this speed-loving hedgehog needs a pair of kicks that are pretty durable. Particularly during his usual high-energy sprints. In the trailer we saw, however, he appears to be wearing a fairly plain pair of sneakers. Those would not come in handy when he's running at over 700 miles an hour.

In the broad scheme of things, this is a minor nitpick. But if they're changing things, it's worth considering. Sonic shouldn't be running around in subpar shoes. And please, for the love of God, avoid the temptation to give him product placement-friendly footgear in lieu of these tennis shoes. Though, if the film's budget is gonna balloon through these last-minute changes, I understand if you need the extra cash.

Will any of these changes be made? Only time will tell. But one thing was made evident here: the fans were not the least bit happy about Sonic's new look, and the filmmaker responded in kind, promising to fix Sonic the Hedgehog before the film's November 8 release date. We'll have to wait and see if he is true to his word.

The Dead Don’t Die Trailer: Watch Bill Murray Face The Zombie Apocalypse (Again)

The Dead Don’t Die Trailer: Watch Bill Murray Face The Zombie Apocalypse (Again)

A decade ago, Bill Murray lent his talents for a small, but memorable appearance in Zombieland, although unfortunately for the fictionalized version of the Ghostbusters star, things didn’t end well for him. Now Murray is back to face down another zombie apocalypse, only this time he gets to be one of the stars of the show. This summer sees the release of Focus Features’ The Dead Don’t Die, and you can watch the trailer for the Jim Jarmusch-directed and written movie below.

I have to say, even for a zombie comedy, the characters in The Dead Don’t Die are handling the undead invading their small town rather cavalierly. Even after it’s discovered that Centerville (population: 738) is dealing with a zombie epidemic rather than an issue with wild animals, none of the main characters seem that frightened. Bill Murray’s Cliff Robertson and Adam Driver’s Ronald Peterson are particularly unfazed, although that’s probably a good thing since they’re responsible for keeping the peace with Chloe Sevigny’s character. If the police officers are freaking out about the zombies, then what chance do the other townsfolk have of staying safe?

Along with the previously mentioned actors, The Dead Don’t Die’s cast includes Tilda Swinton, Selena Gomez, Austin Butler, Steve Buscemi, Rosie Perez, Calbe Landry Jones, Danny Glover, Sarah Driver, IZA, Carol Kane, Iggy Pop and Tom Waits. Swinton’s character, like the three police officers, also seems to be handling the zombie invasion calmly. Granted, working at a funeral home, she’s used to dead bodies, but when two of the corpses she’s basically decorating open their eyes, she simply inquires if they’re “together.” Even after zombies have overrun Centerville, she’s confident she can defend herself against the undead with a katana in her hands. Look, if there aren’t any police officers around, I have no trouble sticking close to the Scottish swordswoman.

One of the other funny things shown in the trailer for The Dead Don’t Die trailer is that these zombies gravitate towards things that they did when they were alive, like play tennis or drink coffee. In the case of Carol Kane’s zombie, she asks for chardonnay, and I can’t figure out if a zombie on booze will make them more or less dangerous. In any case, while things are dire in Centerville, The Dead Don’t Die will definitely be a more lighthearted entry to the catalog of zombie movies, so here’s hoping those who manage to avoid being bitten by the undead will keep their cool and either defeat their slow-moving adversaries or escape to another town to warn others about this epidemic.

The Dead Don’t Die scares its way into theaters on June 14. If you’re curious about what other movies are coming out later this year, look through our 2019 release schedule.

Us Reviews: What CinemaBlend Thought Of The New Jordan Peele Horror Movie

Us Reviews: What CinemaBlend Thought Of The New Jordan Peele Horror Movie
Lupita Nyong'o in Us

Jordan Peele's first movie was as big a success as any writer/director could have possibly hoped for. It was a massive box office success, it got audiences talking, and it won him an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. That's a tough act to follow, but now Peele is back with his brand new movie. Us hit theaters today and it had a lot to live up to. However, in the opinion of most of us here at CinemaBlend, Peele has another huge winner.

I wrote the official review and there really wasn't enough good that I could say about Us, I gave the movie 4.5 stars out of five. It is a chilling horror movie while being an equally chilling allegory. Much like Get Out, it's a movie that leaves you questioning not only the world around you, but also yourself.

Once again, as in Get Out, Jordan Peele finds the greatest way to scare the hell out of you is to make you take a good hard look at yourself.

Us follows a family of four on vacation in Santa Cruz when their peaceful time together is interrupted by another family of four, a quartet of twisted doppelgangers who have arrived to torture and torment their opposites. The who and the why of it all is the stuff of serious spoilers, but needless to say it's all pretty terrifying.

But there's also so much more to it than that. There's a lot to potentially dissect about Us. While the movie works as a straight forward horror movie if that's all you're looking for, there are many layers to what Jordan Peele has put in front of us. Some are obvious, others less so. This makes it the sort of movie you'll want to run out and talk to people about as soon as you see it. CinemaBlend Managing Director Sean O'Connell recommends that you not only see Us, but you see it with friends...twice...

Us proves that Jordan Peele isn't a one-hit wonder. It also proves that, after only two films, he's already operating on a higher level than most seasoned storytellers. Going more "horror" than the socio-political commentary of Get Out, Us tells a twisted tale of doppelgängers and home invasions, suggesting that the enemies who should scare us the most might just be ourselves. See it with a group, because you're going to want to discuss this with people immediately after you see it... and then go see it again.

Is there anything that can even be said about Jordan Peele that hasn't already been said? The man had already proven himself to be one of the smartest comedians out there, and he shows how closely comedy and horror are truly linked by proving he's the best working today when it comes to horror movies. As the creative force behind, now, two of the best movies of the last two years, We know Jordan Peele is everything he appears to be.

Sr. Movie Contributor Mike Reyes is another who sings the praises of Jordan Peele, but is also sure to give a shout out to the real MVP of Us, star Lupita Nyong'o.

With Us, writer/director Jordan Peele only further cements his position as a storyteller and satirist of the highest order. His story of doppelgangers out for revenge dives deep into some dark waters of paranoia and social commentary, but does so in such a manner that it never forgets to entertain its audience. Furthermore, Lupita N'yongo delivers a masterclass of acting, as her dual role is the centerpiece of a complex film that's only going to get better with age and repeated views.

Jordan Peele's previous directorial effort Get Out, was one of those films that many have a tough time classifying. While most would certainly call it a horror movie, it was one made without some of the elements that many would closely associate with the genre. Us, is a much more straight forward horror movie, as it has monsters and more on-screen violence, but that doesn't mean it's an easier movie to categorize. CinemaBlend's Braden Roberts loved the way Us was able to be more than one thing, and be all of them so well.

Jordan Peele’s Us is a trapeze act that manages to juggle horror, thriller and even comedic elements on an increasingly intense scale. To place a single genre on the film would be wrong as it’s a harmonious amalgam of fear and delight. Not to mention Luipta Nyong’o, whose performance alone is reason enough to get out and see Us in theaters.

Of course, while most of us who saw Us loved it, there is rarely complete agreement when it comes to art, especially here at CinemaBlend. Product Manager Cody Beck just wasn't able to connect with Us in the way that the rest of us were. While he certainly appreciated various elements of the film, he felt those elements just weren't able to come together in a satisfying way.

Us definitely did a beautiful job of telling a story, it was just a story that never fully pulled me in. Peele’s sophomore film was intense and brutal, yet also funny and full of great pop culture references spanning decades and while the story itself was unique and clearly symbolic of real-world issues, it was also just a bit too bizarre for me to fully accept. I still recommend horror fans check it out and I’m still just as eager to see his upcoming reboot of The Twilight Zone.

While the praise might not be universal, it is largely positive. Jordan Peele certainly has another thrilling movie on his hands that is going to get audiences talking. If the box office estimates are any indication, it will also be a huge financial success as well. If we all run out to see it more than once, as many are suggesting is worth doing, that's only going to make it that much more of a success. This is the one everybody is going to be talking about, and it's one you're going to want to ask everybody about after you see it.

Us is in theaters now.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Netflix's Wine Country Trailer Reunites SNL's Funniest Ladies For Day Drinking

Netflix's Wine Country Trailer Reunites SNL's Funniest Ladies For Day Drinking

Whenever you get together with a group of friends for a day of drinking, there are bound to be some laughs. In Netflix’s new original movie Wine Country, those friends just happen to be played by some of the funniest women in showbiz, so the laughs are going to flow even more freely than the alcohol. The trailer for Wine Country reunites Saturday Night Live’s funniest ladies for some day drinking in Amy Poehler’s directorial debut. Take a look:

With a cast like this, you would expect to find a lot of laughs in Wine Country, and fortunately this first trailer provides just that. The basic premise of a group of old friends coming together to celebrate one of their own turning 50 by planning a trip to Napa is ripe with comedic possibility. We quickly see that you don’t have to be in your 20s to be a sloppy and entertaining drunk.

In addition to the physical comedy, which actresses like Maya Rudolph do so well, on display in this trailer, it also has some really funny lines. The bit about the “lavender popping corn” is great and really highlights some of the absurdity and pretentiousness that you might find at a fancy restaurant. With a script from SNL writer Emily Spivey and The Last Man on Earth writer Liz Cackowski, there should be plenty of smart comedy in this movie.

It was also a fun wink (intentional or not) to Parks and Recreation fans to see Amy Poehler’s character in this film, Abby, handing out itineraries for the wine country trip. They were just folders, but you can’t help but think of Amy Poehler’s Leslie Knope, who was a huge fan of planning everything out and micro-managing with massive binders full of information.

While there will clearly be plenty of great humor from this cast, it is evident from this trailer that Wine Country will also have plenty of heart. The drunken falling down, wine-fueled shenanigans and debauchery is only the surface level stuff, and as Tina Fey’s blunt Tammy warns, the alcohol will let out plenty of truthful confessions and that will put a strain on their friendships.

The characters in Wine Country are enjoying a vacation, but they are also dealing with some of the real issues people encounter as they get older and discover how old friendships are both difficult to maintain, but also hugely important. Those emotional beats should help give Wine Country something heartfelt to say in addition to the good laughs.

Amy Poehler has assembled many of her old friends and put together a positively stacked cast of actresses for Wine Country. Joining SNL actresses Ana Gasteyer, Rachel Dratch, Maya Rudolph and Amy Poehler onscreen are two SNL writers that have helped make everyone so funny over the years, Paula Pell and Emily Spivey. Naturally these two writers have some of the trailer’s funniest lines. Plus, former SNL writer and cast member Tina Fey is briefly in the trailer, but looks to have a fun role.

Wine Country arrives on Netflix and in select theaters (Netflix may soon have its own!) on May 10. Check out our 2019 Release Schedule to see all the biggest movies headed to theaters this year, and for all the joys of day drinking with none of the consequences, stay tuned to CinemaBlend.

Oscar Isaac Hints That C-3PO Will Have A Larger Role In Star Wars Episode IX

Oscar Isaac Hints That C-3PO Will Have A Larger Role In Star Wars Episode IX
C-3PO in The Last Jedi

The past few years have been a very exciting time to be a Star Wars fan. Once Disney acquired Lucasfilm, the studio started pumping out new and exciting installments to the galaxy far, far away. 2019 will be no exception, although the stakes for the upcoming release of J.J. Abrams' Episode IX are exceedingly high. Because in addition to ending the current trilogy, the next blockbuster will also wrap up the Skywalker Saga forever.

J.J. Abrams will have to bring nine movies and decades of filmmaking to a satisfying conclusion while also servicing all the beloved characters one last time. Some of the original heroes have been regulated to the background during the current trilogy, including Lando Calrissian, R2-D2, and C-3PO. The latter will be played by Anthony Daniels for his final run as the droid. And Oscar Isaac recently teased that 3PO will have more to do in the new movie, saying:

He was super emotional about it. And hanging up the golden cowl. And I think, really, and I mean this, this time he kept saying like, this is the most fun he had. Cause he has, actually, you know, had so much fun things to do, and we got to work a lot together. And yeah, it was amazing to see that, to see that piece of history close.

Well, this is exciting. While C-3PO has been a tertiary presence in the past few Star Wars movies, it looks like Episode IX will bring the chrome dome back to the forefront, and involved in the film's main narrative. And he'll be sharing some scenes with Poe Dameron in the upcoming sequel.

Oscar Isaac's comments come from his recent appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, where he was publicizing his new Netflix movie Triple Frontier. When chatting with Jimmy Fallon, Isaac spoke to wrapping Episode IX, and what an emotional experience it was for everyone-- especially Anthony Daniels. He's been with the franchise since A New Hope, so his final bow has been decades in the making.

Star Wars fans will be very happy to hear that C-3PO will have a meatier role in Episode IX, as he's been mostly absent from the two most recent additions to the franchise. 3PO is usually seen with the Resistance forces and General Leia, as he worries and gives the good guys plenty of bad news and bad odds for their victory.

C-3PO had arguably a bigger role in The Force Awakens, including the debut of his mysterious red arm. But when Rian Johnson took over for The Last Jedi, 3PO was kept in the background. But now that J.J. Abrams has returned to the director's chair, it looks like he's making up for lost time and putting the droid back in the spotlight.

All will be revealed when Episode IX arrives in theaters on December 20th. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

A Timeline For The Conjuring Universe

A Timeline For The Conjuring Universe
Demian Bichir and Bonnie Aarons in The Nun

We’ve seen many film franchises try to launch cinematic universes in the last decade, but few have been as immensely successful as what has been built with The Conjuring Universe. The ball started rolling in 2013 with the massively successful James Wan film that gave the brand its name, and while there weren’t really initial ambitions to create something bigger, everything changed when John Leonetti’s Annabelle turned into a $250 million global hit one year later. Since then the spooky world has grown and grown, and by the end of 2019 it will have seven titles in canon.

With all that growth can come a little confusion, however, as each new release is set in a different time period and has specific connections to previous stories. It’s in aim of eliminating that confusion that we’ve built this feature. In hopes of helping fans fully grasp the breadth of The Conjuring Universe, we’ve put together this timeline to both linearly illustrate the events we’ve seen so far, and show how the titles link to one another. So without further ado, let’s start at the start by taking a step back in time to the 1950s…

The Nun

Setting: 1952

While there are scenes in other Conjuring Universe titles that take place before it, Corin Hardy’s The Nun is featured first on the timeline because the primary events in the story take place before all of the other narratives in the franchise – specifically taking us back to the year 1952. It was at this time that Father Burke (Demian Bichir) and Sister Irene (Tessa Farmiga) were sent by the Vatican to Romania in hopes of uncovering the details behind the mysterious suicide of a nun. Unfortunately for them, it led to a direct confrontation with the demon known as Valek (Bonnie Aarons), and while they were ultimately able to escape with their lives, the events also saw the horrifically evil entity let loose on the world.

Being set so early on the timeline and taking place in Eastern Europe, The Nun isn’t as directly tied into the events of The Conjuring Universe as many of the other movies, but it does feature some key details. Not only does it show us the origins of the main villain from The Conjuring 2, but it also provides an interesting link to one of the Warrens’ most dangerous cases, as seen in The Conjuring.

Annabelle: Creation

Setting: 1955

As the name of the film implies, David F. Sandberg’s Annabelle: Creation is designed as an origin story for its titular character, literally showing how the seriously creepy porcelain toy came into existence. Technically it all kicks off in 1943, as that was when doll maker Samuel Mullins (Anthony LaPaglia) first designed Annabelle for his daughter (Samara Lee), but the majority of the story takes place in 1955 – which is when Samuel and his wife Esther (Miranda Otto) agreed to take in the children from a shuttered orphanage, as well as their caretaker Sister Charlotte (Stephanie Sigman). It was at this time that the doll not only started to get stronger, but also took its first victims.

This is obviously a table-setter for all of Annabelle’s adventures in The Conjuring Universe so far, showing how she first became possessed and the initial efforts that were taken to contain her power. And while those efforts were successful for a while, it took about 12 years for her special brand of chaos to be one again unleashed upon the world…


Setting: 1967

Despite Annabelle’s very small role in The Conjuring, audiences quickly fell in love with her, and Warner Bros. acted quickly to take advantage of that affection. But with the movie having already established how she ended up in the possession of Ed and Loraine Warren, the first Annabelle spin-off had to find a different story to tell, which is why it wound up being set in 1967. Inspired by the cult murders of the era – specifically the actions of the Manson family – it tells a rather self-contained tale about the terrors that the titular doll can induce, specifically torturing a couple of new parents (Annabelle Wallis and Ward Horton) who wind up with her in their possession.

Despite being the first of its own series, John Leonetti’s Annabelle is arguably best seen as a middle chapter sandwiched between Annabelle: Creation and Annabelle Comes Home. Its connections to the rest of the Conjuring Universe are minimal, but it does fill a key gap in the timeline between Annabelle’s “birth” and her time in the hands of the Warrens.

Annabelle Comes Home

Setting: 1970

Although Gary Dauberman’s Annabelle Comes Home hasn’t actually been released or even screened just yet, we know a lot about the movie’s setting simply because the central premise is very much tied into where it takes place on The Conjuring Universe timeline. Specifically, the story is told on the night that Ed and Loraine Warren (Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga) bring the titular doll back to their house so that it can be contained in their occult museum. With what we already know about the Warrens relationship with Annabelle, this pins it right before the main events of The Conjuring, hence its placement here in this feature.

Taking things a step further, it’s even easier to specifically place Annabelle Comes Home because it’s apparently a story that doesn’t exactly stretch out for weeks/months on end. Instead, the action will be taking place over the course of one night, as young Judy Warren (Mckenna Grace), her babysitter (Madison Iseman), and her babysitter’s friend (Katie Sarife) try and survive the terror that Annabelle is able to unleash while being surrounded by the Warrens’ huge collection of terrifying objects.

The Conjuring

Setting: 1971

Finally we get to the film that started it all – and it’s a pretty easy one to explain timeline-wise. James Wan’s The Conjuring is a straight-forward horror flick when it comes to narrative, as while there are references to events in the past, as well as the aforementioned introduction of Annabelle, most of the movie takes place within a few weeks of the year 1971.

As for its relationship with the rest of The Conjuring Universe, there aren’t many connections to mention that haven’t already been established – though it is worth recognizing that Ed and Loraine Warren aren’t exactly amateurs at the start of this story. As a result, it’s entirely possible that future chapters of this franchise could be set both before and after the events in this movie – it all just depends on the stories that the filmmakers are interested in telling.

The Curse Of La Llorona

Setting: 1973

Because of the period storytelling that The Conjuring Universe employs, most of the titles have been very specific in establishing exactly when it is that each of the stories take place (hence why we’ve been able to tag specific years for each movie). Michael Chaves’ The Curse Of La Llorona is a bit different, though. While we know that it definitely takes place after the events of Annabelle, specifically because of the involvement of Father Perez (Tony Amendola), the upcoming movie recently revealed it's setting to be 1973, which puts it smack dab in the middle of the Conjuring franchise.

It almost makes sense that there would be a bit of vagueness surrounding The Curse Of La Llorona, as it’s also The Conjuring Universe movie with the fewest connections to the rest of the franchise. It’s not a spin-off from any specific title, and with the exception of the presence of Father Perez is doesn’t actually have any other Easter eggs. If you’re watching these films chronologically, you can really watch this one any time after Annabelle and not get confused by how it fits into the grand scheme of things.

The Conjuring 2

Setting: 1977

Because of the inspiration taken from the lives of Ed and Loraine Warren, it may be a minute before we get to see a contemporary movie set in The Conjuring Universe, so right now the last title on the franchise timeline is James Wan’s The Conjuring 2. The film opens in 1976, specifically with the paranormal investigating duo looking into the notorious events in Amityville, New York, but the majority of the narrative takes them to 1977 England where they look into the case of the Enfield Poltergeist.

Much like its direct predecessor, elements of The Conjuring 2 have been expanded through spin-offs, most notably The Nun, and it makes for an interesting viewing experience knowing the background material provided by the other titles. So if you’re planning on doing a chronological run through The Conjuring Universe the next time you decide to revisit the franchise, you may find that certain details come across a bit differently by the time you get to the end of the timeline.

This covers everything that we’ve seen from The Conjuring Universe so far, but there is still a bright future ahead for the demon-filled series, with announced projects like The Conjuring 3, The Nun 2, and The Crooked Man. You can be sure that we here on CinemaBlend will be following them all very closely, so be sure to stay tuned for all the latest details.


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