
Sunday, December 29, 2019

New Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge Image Reveals How Massive The Land Is

New Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge Image Reveals How Massive The Land Is
The Millennium Falcon at Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge

Disney told us from the very beginning that Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge was going to be the single largest land expansion in the history of Disneyland when it was finally here. However, Disney Parks are already so massive that it's difficult to get an idea of exactly what that means. Just how big is Galaxy's Edge?

While the land doesn't open to the general public (or more specifically, those with reservations) for a little over a week, Galaxy's Edge has been giving sneak peeks to some including press members recently, and it recently held a cast member event in the space. From that event has come one of the few official photos of the new land that has been released, that includes 1400 people surrounding the Millennium Falcon. Check it out.

While there's certainly a lot of people in this photo, the fact is that Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge is so much more than what you see in the picture, that it's going to clearly be able to hold an insane number of people due to its size. The other major E-ticket attraction, Rise of the Resistance, though it won't be open on May 31 with the rest of the land, isn't even visible in this picture. That means there's a lot of space left empty that thousands more people will be able to inhabit.

The picture, posted on Instagram by Disneyland President Josh D'Amaro, also shows just how big the Millennium Falcon actually is. For many, simply standing in the presence of a full sized replica of the iconic ship will be the ultimate Star Wars experience.

One can certainly imagine an aerial photo of Galaxy's Edge looking this packed most of the time if Disneyland actually lets enough people into the new land. Of course, it's not clear at this point exactly how many people will actually be getting to Galaxy's Edge when it opens.

Getting access to Galaxy's Edge for the first three weeks will require a reservation. All of the reservations made available to the general public in that time are already gone. The only way to be able to visit the planet of Batuu now is to book a reservation at a Disneyland Resort hotel, for which rooms are still available even now.

After the first three weeks, access to Galaxy's Edge will be handled through a digital queue system where guests will be notified on their smartphone when they can visit the land. One assumes this process will last until the crowds die down to a level where people will be able to enter and exit at their leisure, although, considering how popular the new land is going to be, it could be quite some time before that happens.

Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge opens at Disneyland May 31 and an identical land will open at Disney's Hollywood Studios in Walt Disney World August 29. A second phase including the second E-ticket attraction, Rise of the Resistance will open at an as yet undisclosed time in both parks later this year.

6 Unanswered Us Questions We Really Want Answered In An Us Sequel

6 Unanswered Us Questions We Really Want Answered In An Us Sequel
Wilson Family Us

Warning! The following contains spoilers for Jordan Peele's latest horror opus. Read at your own risk!

Following Us' blockbuster opening weekend, audiences are still reeling, and Jordan Peele's suspenseful horror thriller has many wanting a second viewing to see all the tiny clues leading up to that big twist. Others, however, have moved past all that, and are curious as to when a second movie is coming that may explain some of the lingering mysteries, and cover what happens after. With that said, here's some of the questions I have that could be addressed if an Us 2 is made.

How Does Tethering Work?

In Us, it's revealed by Red that "The Tethered" were created to be puppets used by the U.S. Government in order to control people. The experiment is regarded a failure, and The Tethered are abandoned underground with nothing to do but mimic their counterparts. They're able to do this without physically seeing what their other selves are doing... but how does that work exactly? How are the Tethered tethered?

A sequel could introduce someone who was familiar with the Tethered project, and could explain the ins and outs of how they work. What drives them to mimic? Why did they need to kill their original selves? What happens when the Tethered become the only version of themselves? Surely there's someone out there with the answers, and if another movie happens, we need to hear their perspective.

How Did The Rest Of The World Respond To The Event?

As Red said, the Tethered are "Americans." The group united, and joined hands across the nation in a statement that ensured they would be seen and recognized. It's a statement that, one would assume, wasn't meant for their above ground doppelgangers considering how many were murdered throughout the film. The rest of the world bore witness to this event, but we have no idea how they responded.

Did the U.N. assemble and grant the Tethered protected status? I'd be more convinced they decided to firebomb the country after seeing what these underground creatures can do. Of course, there's also groups of Americans who may have survived, so will there be rescue efforts to extract those individuals? What if other countries have their own Tethered, but the experiment actually worked over there? There's a lot of potential with this question, and a lot of directions to take it.

Are The Tethered Evil?

Once it's revealed that Adelaide Wilson is actually a member of the Tethered in the story, it presents an interesting question for Us. Adelaide was a seemingly well-adjusted person after a time, but is she the rule or the exception? After all, living below ground warped Red even though she was a normal girl above ground. Are the Tethered truly evil, or are they just a victim of their environments?

Adelaide shows that it's possible for the Tethered to become well-adjusted members of society, but Red shows that living in the tunnels can make just about anyone crazy. Are these Tethered that came up from the tunnels too far gone, or will they eventually create a civilized society within time? A time jump of how things progress would be riveting to see, and it would be fascinating to see in what ways they change and remain the same.

Who Else Survived The Attack?

There were quite a few dead bodies scattered throughout Us, but it's hard to believe the Wilsons were the only family to survive this traumatic experience. After all, helicopters captured the Tethered's statement, so apparently there were some pilots that managed to survive the incident. I suppose it could've been pilots' doppelgangers flying, which could be the case considering their hanging around the Tethered and not flying the hell out of dodge.

Still, there had to be some combat ready families that were able to overpower their doppelgangers and escape without being seen by other Tethered. It would be neat to see how they handled things, and could present an entirely different sequel similar to how 10 Cloverfield Lane was compared to Cloverfield. Ideally this is just the start of Peele's film universe, and another movie reveals a connection between the events of it, Us, and Get Out.

What's With All The Rabbits?

The rabbits are seen at the beginning of Us without context, and then later are seen roaming freely throughout the tunnels. About all we know about these underground rabbits is that they're the Tethered's primary food source, and there's plenty of them to go around. In truth that may be the whole point, as rabbits and their excessive breeding habits somewhat explains how the Tethered always have something to eat underground.

That said, how are these rabbits surviving? Are they also a part of the U.S. government's failed experiment? Surely the goal wasn't to put these rabbits down there so that the Tethered have something to eat, right? There'd have to be a more effective method of feeding that many people that would be cheaper and less horrifying. Perhaps the rabbits were the precursor to the Tethered? We'll probably never know unless there's a sequel.

Can The Tethered Drown?

Remember when Gabe and Abraham fought on the boat? That boat drug Abraham for a very long time, and it's a wonder he didn't die of drowning throughout that whole sequence. Later we see the "Hands Across America" chain, and it looks as though there are members of the Tethered beneath the water joining hands. So, can these "Americans" breathe underwater, and that bit was just left out of the movie?

I'm not sure why it would be important to the plot for the Tethered to be unable to drown, but it definitely makes them 100x creepier. Imagine one just being able to sit underwater with that twisted smile for hours waiting for a chance to strike. This trait, provided it exists, would also open the door to another reason why the Tethered were created, that doesn't necessarily jive with the way Red's been led to understand this government project.

Do you have a question about Us that you'd love to see explored in another film? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and see the film in theaters now. For more on the movie, check out some of the clues that tease the twist ending far ahead of the actual reveal.

Next Transformers Movie Aims To Fuse Bumblebee And Michael Bay Movies

Next Transformers Movie Aims To Fuse Bumblebee And Michael Bay Movies
Halliee Stenfeld and Bumblebee

The last Transformers movie, Bumblebee, was unlike anything we'd seen in the franchise before. The story let most of the explosions and destruction go in order to focus on a smaller character story. While the new direction worked for a lot of people, others were left wanting as they'd come to enjoy the massive destruction of the giant robot franchise. It seems that the next movie in the Transformers franchise will look to combine the best of both worlds, giving the story the heart of Bumblebee without sacrificing the epic action sequences of the main franchise. According to director Lorenzo di Bonaventura...

I know the next Transformer, our attempt anyway, is to sort of do a fusion of Bumblebee and the Bay movies…a little more Bayhem. And a little bit more of the character falling in love within the emotional dynamic of the movie. One of the things I want to do—and I hope we pull it off—is, we did it with Bumblebee because he’s so cute and he’s so accessible, but he can’t talk. I think the more human we can make these characters, the more people are going to like them.

The Transformers movies made by Michael Bay tended to be lambasted by critics, all while making billions at the box office.It's easy to be critical, but there was clearly a large crowd that loved the over-the-top explosive action that Michael Bay created in his Transformers movies.

However, for those that were looking for something a bit more grounded and relatable, Kubo and the Two Strings director Travis Knight brought us Bumblebee, a prequel/soft reboot of the Transformers franchise that gave us a bit less action but a lot more character. It did fine at the box office, but didn't quite hit Michael Bay levels of business.

Exactly what the future holds for this franchise is far from clear, but based on Lorenzo di Bonaventura's comments to Collider, regardless of what the plot is or which characters will be highlighted, the plan is to take the character story of Bumblebee and the action of a Michael Bay movie and fuse them together. Give everybody something that they want in a Transformers movie.

There's certainly the possibility for a really successful film if this idea works. If you make the giant robots a bit more relatable so that those looking for a stronger story are engaged, while still putting the massive action set pieces out there, then everybody buys a ticket and the new movie becomes huge. As one of those people who preferred Bumblebee to the standard Transformers films, I have no problem with massive, city destroying, action scenes, as long as they involve characters I'm actually engaged with.

Of course, exactly what's next from the Transformers franchise is anybody's guess. Plans for creating an entire Transformers cinematic universe appear to be on hold and the there is no next movie officially on the release schedule.Although, we can be sure that, one way or another, there absolutely will be another Transformers movie, and it might just be the one everybody has been waiting for.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Zac Efron Says The Greatest Showman Sequel Could Still Happen

Zac Efron Says The Greatest Showman Sequel Could Still Happen
The Greatest Showman 2 Zac Efron screenshot

Zac Efron is currently out and about promoting his Ted Bundy flick Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile, but when it comes to Zafron, a lot of people still have The Greatest Showman tunes on the brain. On the bright side, according to the actor, a sequel to the popular movie could still be in play. He recently said on The Graham Norton Show:

The real answer is 'could be.’ I'm not sure. I'm being completely honest with you, there is talk of something going around but no one is really sure… But I think someone is working on a treatment for something... I know they are, they're working on a treatment for something.

Speaking on a couch with some other big name actors, including Matthew Broderick, Zac Efron explained what he knows about a potential sequel to the 2017 musical. It's honestly amazing that we could be talking about a sequel these days, given where the movie was when it first kicked off in theaters.

Honestly, when The Greatest Showman first premiered, it wasn’t to an auspicious start. The movie routinely was in third or fourth place at the box office in its first few weeks in theaters at the end of 2017, as it competed with the likes of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle and Pitch Perfect 3. Then a funny thing started happening—people kept going to see it.

In fact, the movie remained in the Top 10 domestically through the weekend of March 2-4 in 2018, a weekend in which Black Panther was already out and dominating.

Clearly, there’s an appetite for more tunes set in the world of The Greatest Showman. Benj Pasek and Justin Paul wrote the music for the film, after gaining fame from creating original music for Smash and La La Land.

However, if you’ve seen the musical movie, you should already know that it covers a pretty large span of time in the life of the circus dreamer. We get to see P.T. Barnum’s early failures, his big dreams and his big successes. Toward the end –and spoilers--fictional character Phillip Carlyle (played by Zac Efron) ends up getting involved as a partner and takes over the open-air circus while Barnum takes a step back to spend more time with his family.

It’s hard to tell exactly where a sequel could go with the narrative, but Zac Efron also told Graham Norton that he would be game to work opposite Hugh Jackman and with the music and writing team again, noting though that scheduling could eventually be a problem.

Hugh (Jackman) is working on all sorts of things including a one man show. What’s next? I don’t know but I hope there is a sequel.

I think a lot of people hope there is a sequel. Although in real life, P.T. Barnum’s story wasn’t all about overcoming obstacles, the musical narrative really entranced people. It helps that circus set pieces and costumes are lovely and lively. It also helps that the music is so catchy, leading to group sing-a-long screenings.

It was a good holiday season at the movies the year The Greatest Showman came out, but in particular that movie had staying power because it became a cultural film that people could experience together in groups or with one or two of their friends. In turn, the soundtrack became a success and the music for the movie was everywhere.

Part of this could be because the whole thing was originally conceived as a Broadway musical, and there has been some talk about turning the movie into a stage production, as well. So, theoretically even if a sequel does not end up happening, the movie could branch out into other mediums.

Is The Cast On Board For A Greatest Showman Sequel?

Several other people related to the movie, from director Michael Gracey to Hugh Jackman himself, have expressed optimism about telling more of the story about the famed circus. Jackman previously revealed:

If a genuine opportunity came up where it felt like the right thing to do, then yep, I'd get the top hat back out. It's clear to me and to everyone that people love these characters. I loved this movie, I loved this character and it was one of the great joys of my life.

This was a passion project for all of the people involved. The movie was also seven years in the making, so it's no real surprise that people related to the movie might have enthusiasm toward doing more, whether that be Zac Efron or Hugh Jackman. Some time after Jackman made the above comment, Gracey also confirmed that discussions were underway about producing a script for another movie. Now, Efron has said something similar.

Talk is not the same as forward movement, unfortunately. It’s also probably worth pointing out that The Greatest Showman was a 20th Century Fox movie, so if this project were to move forward, it would have to nab the greenlight from parent company Disney these days. Disney actually recently cut a few Fox movies from its docket, and it's been hard to tell what the company has been championing in terms of projects and franchises from Fox so far.

That said, The Greatest Showman is in a lot of ways like many Disney movies. It’s fun, it’s mostly family-friendly and it has musical components (and dancing, don't forget the dancing). Most importantly, in a world that is chock full of PG-13 movies, The Greatest Showman was a rare PG outing that didn't feel as if it were just for kids. Clearly it's a likable property, but figuring out what a sequel would be about that would make sense given the historical premise could be a real challenge.

We’ll let you know if The Greatest Showman 2 ever gets an official script, but in the meantime take a look at what is hitting theaters in 2019 with our full guide to what's coming up and catch Zac Efron in Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile, which is heading to Netflix starting on May 3.

Now for the real question? Would you like to see more from Zac Efron and company's "greatest show?" Or do you think the movie ended on a final note?

Chinese Film Advocates Aren’t Fond Of Bohemian Rhapsody’s Censorship

Chinese Film Advocates Aren’t Fond Of Bohemian Rhapsody’s Censorship
Rami Malek as Freddie Mercury

Bohemian Rhapsody is undeniably one of the biggest hits of the last year. Bryan Singer's Freddie Mercury biopic may have had some controversy surrounding it, but the musical blockbuster ultimately made a ton of money at the box office, and was an Awards Season favorite. Unfortunately, some controversy continues, especially as the project was brought to China for the first time.

In order for Bohemian Rhapsody to hit theaters for Chinese moviegoers, the movie was edited down, with scenes and dialogue regarding Freddie Mercury's sexuality cut. It's a change that drew criticism online, especially as certain moviegoers already thought the movie didn't focus on Mercury's queerness enough. And now film advocates in China are responding as well.

LGBT advocate and cinephiles Peng Yanzi recently spoke to the Associated Press about the choice to edit down Bohemian Rhapsody, and what it did to the movie. The report was:

The cut scenes really affect the movie. The film talks about how (Mercury) became himself, and his sexuality is an important part of becoming who he was.

Aside from ignoring an important aspect of the subject of Bohemian Rhapsody, it looks like these new edits may have affected the film overall. Freddie Mercury's journey in the biopic was about music and self-discovery. And cutting out his coming out process means that a big aspect of that narrative was absent from Bohemian Rhapsody.

Another Chinese moviegoer and LGBT advocate addressed the changes to Bohemian Rhapsody, and how the editing affected the quality of the overall movie. They said:

This kind of deletion weakens his gay identity. It’s a bit disrespectful to his real experience and makes the character superficial. There is no growth and innermost being of him.

Bohemian Rhapsody might not have been a gay love story, but Freddie Mercury's sexuality is the unspoken elephant in the room for most of the biopic. Still, there are a few extremely poignant scenes that occur later in the film, as Mercury's starpower is on the rise. His relationship with girlfriend Mary Austin was shown slowly dissolving, and eventually Lucy Boynton's character opens the dialogue about his sexuality. That scene is one of many to get the cut for the Chinese release, and it appears the movie is worse for it.

As a reminder, you can check out that scene below.

The above sequence is one of the most powerful and emotional in the entirety of Bohemian Rhapsody. In fact, it's hard to even imagine a version of the film lacking this plot line, and this powerful moment between the two real-life figures.

It should be interesting to see how Bohemian Rhapsody ultimately performs overseas. There's obviously a ton of hype around the project, after taking so many trophies. But will the new edit ruin it? We'll have to see. In the meantime, be sure to check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

American Gods’ Ricky Whittle Has Had Talks About Playing Green Lantern

American Gods’ Ricky Whittle Has Had Talks About Playing Green Lantern
Ricky Whittle as Shadow Moon in American Gods

It’s no secret that Green Lantern’s theatrical debut wasn’t the hit that DC and Warner Bros were hoping for, as the hero’s 2011 movie was met with negative reception and didn’t make a profit. However, the Emerald Knight’s mythology is getting a chance at cinematic redemption with Green Lantern Corps, and in late 2017, Green Lantern writer Michael Green suggested that American Gods star Ricky Whittle would be a good actor to don the power ring next. Since then, Whittle has actually met with certain parties about playing Green Lantern, as he explained:

We know that Green Lantern Corps is coming out. I’ve had conversations, and to be in the conversation is a big honor. That's all I can really ever ask for. Lots of fans have been campaigning for me. If they can get me Green Lantern, too, we are going to have to do something special. I'm going to have to start doing tours in full costume and go and watch with all the fans. But, yeah, I would love to be a part of that world. Hopefully, they do it justice this time.

Remember that just because an actor has had conversations with people working on a movie doesn’t mean that said actor will necessarily obtain the role, but it’s definitely a step up from campaigning to play a character. Ricky Whittle is clearly interested in getting to be Green Lantern, so maybe he sends a better than most of obtaining the role. Of course, he’s currently starring as Shadow Moon on American Gods, but since that’s a premium cable show with less episodes compared to something on broadcast, that would presumably allow more freedom in his schedule to take on Green Lantern Corps (not to mention that there’s no word yet on if the Starz show will get a third season).

Announced back in 2014 as part of the initial slate of DC Extended Universe movies, Green Lantern Corps has been put on the back burner in recent years, but it is definitely still in the works. Geoff Johns, whose run on the Green Lantern comic book spanned nearly a decade and propelled the property to a new level of popularity, is writing the script. As for which Green Lantern he’d portray, Ricky Whittle also mentioned in his interview with Syfy Wire that’d he’d be up for playing John Stewart or Simon Baz, though he noted that bringing John in particular to life would “be the dream.” He continued:

It's a fantastic character, and an important character, if you read the comics in terms of human society and race and different issues that we are engulfed by in at the moment in America. You never know. If Geoff Johns is reading this, I am definitely up for it. I'm a huge fan. What I like is they are taking their time with it. They are not rushing it like with the first one. They are taking their time and doing it right, which is how it should be. It's in good hands with Geoff. Fingers crossed. Whatever he does, I'll be watching it, no matter what.

All we know for sure about Green Lantern Corps so far is that it will involve Hal Jordan and John Stewart teaming up, although back when the script was being written by David Goyer and Justin Rhodes, the project was described as “Lethal Weapon in space.” It’s unclear if that description still applies, but at the very least, Green Lantern Corps could be used to dive deep into the DCEU’s cosmic corners.

Green Lantern Corps was originally set for a 2020 release, but it’s currently undated, with Birds of Prey and Wonder Woman 1984 holding down the DC fort next year. Keep checking back with CinemaBlend for any major updates concerning Green Lantern Corps’ development.

Harrison Ford Has Very Blunt Opinions About The Future Of Indiana Jones

Harrison Ford Has Very Blunt Opinions About The Future Of Indiana Jones
Harrison Ford is Indiana Jones

We live in a remake and reboot culture. Will Smith is playing a genie role made famous by Robin Williams in Aladdin. Robert Pattinson reportedly has been cast as the next Batman, the latest in a long line. And even one of Harrison Ford’s most iconic roles, Han Solo, was played by the younger Alden Ehrenreich in Ron Howard’s Solo: A Star Wars Story. Almost any role can be recast, right? Well, not quite.

Perhaps Harrison Ford is annoyed that Han Solo was played by someone else. Because the veteran screen icon appeared on The TODAY Show this morning and was asked who he would like to see as the next Indiana Jones when he’s ready to hang up the whip and fedora. And Ford honestly answered:

Nobody is going to be Indiana Jones. Don’t you get it? I’m Indiana Jones. When I’m gone, he’s gone. It’s easy!

Ford was being playful, but he was also making it very clear. The role of Indiana Jones will always be his, and none of these young upstarts should be sizing themselves up for the archaeologist’s signature leather jacket any time soon. In fact, as the interview continued, Harrison Ford hilariously added:

This is a hell of a way to tell Chris Pine this. I’m sorry man!

That’s great. Perhaps this was a dig at the fact that Chris Pine did take one of Harrison Ford’s classic roles when he played Jack Ryan in the Tom Clancy story Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit. Or maybe it’s Ford always being asked about which young actor is going to move into his signature roles?

We have heard, over the years, the name Chris Pratt associated with the Indiana Jones role, maybe with him stepping in for a prequel story. However, as the casting of Alden Ehrenreich proved with Solo: A Star Wars Story, Ford leaves VERY big shoes to fill, and very few have the same on-screen charisma and swagger to play the parts that he has created.

If I were an up-and-coming actor, the last thing I’d want to do is try to redo Indiana Jones, a character who is so closely associated with Ford that anyone other than Harrison in the role feels like a crime. So you know what? Don’t do it. Listen to Harrison. When he’s gone, Indy is gone. I think fandom would be OK with that.

Here’s Ford, dropping truth bombs all over the set of The TODAY Show.

Harrison Ford isn’t ready to retire the role of Indiana Jones just yet. Disney has a release date for an untitled Indiana Jones 5 on July 9, 2021. Steven Spielberg is expected to direct, and Ford will be back in the lead. Since Ford is currently 76, we’re going to keep guessing that this will be his last time playing Indy, but we have assumed that in the past, and Ford has proven us wrong, so we shall see.


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